Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 499: I said, don't force me! (25)

"Doesn't I really need to invite someone for my birthday?"

"No need to!"


A touch of disappointment slipped across Mu Chuqing's face, but she didn't say anything, just turned her head to the side.

If he chooses to leave on his birthday, will the chances of success be greater?

Will you be drunk on your birthday?

She is alone, can she get him drunk?

She did not dare to underestimate Sheng Yuchen, she must make the most accurate calculation.

Back to the villa, Sheng Yuchen held Doudou the whole time until he got off the car.

Mu Chuqing followed behind him with a bag and walked in. A servant greeted him. Sheng Yuchen put Doudou on the ground, Doudou happily ran into the living room and told the servants about the fun of going to the amusement park today.

The originally quiet villa was instantly filled with Doudou’s tender voice, while Sheng Yuchen put on home shoes, Mu Chuqing also bent over to put on them, and then the two went into the living room together, watching Doudou happily among the servants. Jumping around, twittering.

It's just like the simplest ordinary family.

Seeing that everyone came back together, the chef came out and asked, "Mr. Madam, have you eaten yet?"

Sheng Yuchen shook his head, "Prepare dinner!"


The cook went into the bedroom happily, Mu Chuqing took the bag in her hand and took the elevator directly upstairs.

Returning to her room, Mu Chuqing quickly took out her mobile phone from her bag, turned on the charger and charged it up, then stuffed her bag into the deepest part of the closet.

Then he pulled out the loose home clothes and put them on, and then he took a deep breath.

Sitting on the bed, Mu Chuqing thought about the plan in her heart. She had to think of a perfect method for all kinds of mistakes, how could she fool the past.

She can only succeed, not fail.

Once it fails, Sheng Yuchen will see her more urgently.

Her face gradually became hard to look like, she knew that leaving on his birthday was the safest way, but as long as she was alone, it seemed really not easy to leave the villa with Doudou.

Realizing that he had been upstairs for a long time, Mu Chuqing stood up, frowned and went downstairs.

In the living room, Pleasant Goat is shown on TV, Doudou is still going through the experience with the servants.

When the servants saw Mu Chuqing coming down, they said hello.

Mu Chuqing nodded and looked around.

"What about him?"

Although there was no name and surname, the servant still knew it, but she didn't understand what Mu Chuqing called her husband!

"Mr. is in the study, maybe he is changing the dressing!"

The servant replied respectfully, and Mu Chuqing frowned, "I'll go take a look!"

"it is good!"


Doudou's toy room is on the far right, and the study is on the far left.

It may be that a window was opened in the study. When Mu Chuqing opened the door, the curtain on the transparent French window suddenly fluttered twice. The glass window in the dark night was like a mirror.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Mu Chuqing could see that Sheng Yuchen was already dressed, sitting on the mahogany desk, Jun Jun’s face was rigorous, his dark eyes calmly facing the computer, as if he was talking with someone. The tone seemed to be talking about business, and he had accumulated a thick stack of documents in his hand.

He turned his back to her, so on the floor-to-ceiling window, his face just reflected in her eyes.

The man at work is too attractive, and Mu Chuqing’s eyes are sometimes taken back from the glass window to Sheng Yuchen's body, and he can faintly see half of his Junjun face.

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