Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 963: That person must be you too (14)

Everyone thought she was just a three-year-old child, but she didn't expect some things. Not only did she understand it, she even understood it better than others.

So, what was she thinking when she heard everyone decide to eliminate her mother from this world?

Then, how did she persuade herself to accept this proposal slowly.

The right wing thought, this may all be for the boss.

What is she still thinking about?

Are there really only these?

The right wing does not understand.

How deep can the heart of a six-year-old child be?

"It's the left wing."

The right wing did not reserve. Since she knew everything, he had no need to hide it.

"Leftwing... Uncle..."



Doudou did not speak any more, but looked thoughtful.

The right wing took Doudou to the destination, Shang Mubai's home.

Here is a group of villas, the villa style is European style, white fences, green grass, white houses.

The right wing helped Doudou open the car door and handed her the snack box in his hand.

"I am waiting for you in the car."


Doudou smiled sweetly towards the right wing, and entered the yard carrying the snack box, climbed the steps and pressed the doorbell.

The door opened soon.

The one who opened the door was a typical beautiful oriental woman with gentle eyebrows and a tall figure. When she saw Doudou, her eyes were bent into the shape of the moon.

"Midsummer is here!"

"Hello, Aunt Huo, trouble Aunt Huo."

"Don't bother, come in!" Huo Si smiled and turned his body sideways, let Doudou enter the door, and looked up at the right wing outside the fence.

The right wing nodded politely towards her, Huo Si smiled and nodded, then turned around and entered the room.

After entering the house, Doudou put the cake on the table and saw a woman sitting on the sofa in the house.

Without saying a word, just sitting, with a smile on his brows, as if he had seen through the person from the inside out.

"Hello Auntie."

"Hello there!"

Huo Si came from behind and touched Doudou's head.

"This is Aunt Duan, just ask if you have any questions."

Huo Si is especially fond of this little girl, Bingxue is smart, and sensible and well-behaved.

Doudou smiled and was dragged by Horth to sit down on the sofa.

"Aunt Huo, where is Mu Bai?"

"Upstairs. Do you want him to come down?"

Doudou shook his head, "It's okay, I'll go up to him in a while."

The servant brought Doudou a glass of juice, Doudou thanked him, and turned to look at Aunt Duan.

"What do you want to ask?" Duan Nian asked with a smile, the smile on his face didn't have the gentle smile that was unique to the child.

But a faint smile as always.

A six-year-old child thought of using his hair for a paternity test, and soon afterwards he asked a psychiatrist.

All this is still hidden from the family, from the famous Sheng Yuchen.

Obviously all of this was the idea of ​​the little nanny in front of him.

Although she is a six-year-old child, she can't be regarded as six-year-old.

Doudou looked up at her, Wu Hei eyes making no secret of the wisdom.

"I remember everyone but forget one person, what is this?"

Doudou is straight to the point.

Duan Nian grinned and said two words lightly.


Doudou pursed her lips and glanced at Duan Nian.

"I know this. Could you please be more specific?"

Duan Nian smiled and nodded.

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