The night was deep.

Fucheng a maternity hospital, cold operating room, eye is a pale.

On the operating table, there was a slender woman with a beautiful and delicate face, but she was extremely pale at the moment. Her long golden hair soaked in sweat adhered to her white neck, and her breath was light and weak.

She closed her eyes quietly, frowning painfully into a knot.

Standing on the side of the doctor regretfully shook his head, and finally picked up the cold light of the scalpel to the woman has already blood dripping under the body.

"Now we are going to clear the palace!"

The doctor said in a low voice, the woman's eyelashes on the operating table trembled, and the corners of her eyes finally left a string of hot and humid tears.

Her children

No more

Pale slender hand gradually grasps under the tight white bed sheet, tightly closed the eye.

When the woman was pushed out of the operating room, a man dressed in a white shirt, but covered with blood, rushed forward. His gentle and elegant eyebrows were in pain and worried.

He asked anxiously, "doctor, how is she?"

The middle-aged doctor took a look at him and said without compensation: "the child has not been saved. Adults need to rest!"

The man's face was filled with happiness and thankfully thanks to the doctor.

Women wake up in two hours, just the man surprised to see her, warm voice with excited tremor, "Chu Qing, you wake up!"

The woman called Chu Qing blinked weakly, which was a response.

Then he looked around the room and said nothing at last.

Her quiet eyes looked at the pale ceiling, her eyes gradually covered with a thin layer of mist.

Silence brings sadness to the whole ward. The man sits at the head of the bed and looks at her quietly.

After a long time, Chuqing turned her head, and her pale lips opened and closed slightly. The man leaned slightly and listened.

"What about him?"

The man's expression is slightly Zheng, the smooth forehead blue veins protrude, the masseter muscles on both sides are tight.

The corner of the woman's mouth slightly hook, showing a bitter smile.

It was foolish of her to ask such silly questions.

She shook her head and reached for the man's sleeve! Don't tell him about me. It's unnecessary. "

"Sheng Yuchen..."

Gu Yian suddenly stood up from the bedside, always warm as water face became ferocious incomparable.

He stood on the edge of the bed, trying to endure something. He was very nervous and shaking. Finally, he opened the door and rushed out.


Mu Chuqing's cold eyes were already in despair. She slowly closed her eyes, gently put her hand on her stomach and took a long breath.

Some of the things left in my heart finally disappeared at this moment.


Mu Chuqing was discharged from hospital two weeks ago and returned to her home for self-cultivation. She has not seen him for more than a month.

Xishanju is her "home".

Luxurious and luxurious, gorgeous European style, accurate to even the lines of every place are exquisite to make people sigh, expensive and exquisite furniture, magnificent design, here is like a Western Palace.

However, it is hard to find the romance that belongs to the West.

Spring rain is pouring down the window. The cold wind is beating on the window with the rain. The symbolic luxurious purple curtain is blown up by the wind coming in from the window seam. The exquisite dark red rose pattern appears some demon charm at night.

The villa is dark. Mu Chuqing looks out of the window with a messy long golden hair, a small face as big as a bloody palm with a smile and a document in his hand.

Late at night, the front lights flashed out of the window, tight. Then there was a sound of the door slamming shut

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