Sheng Yuchen is full of strength. He is just a few centimeters away from mu Chuqing. The muscles on his face are beating. He grabs mu Chuqing from Gu Yi'an's body.

"Is it just Gu Yi'an in your eyes? Did you see me? See that? Ah

Mu Chuqing was Sheng Yuchen low roar shock closed his eyes, he grabbed the collar Le breathing some difficulties.

"I Of course I don't want to see you again! "

"Mu! Chu! Sunny

Sheng Yuchen's strength in the hand is tight again a few minutes, the name of Mu Chuqing is called out with clenching teeth.

Gu Yian covered his stomach and struggled from the ground, "Sheng Yuchen, do you want to strangle her?"

Sheng Yuchen eyes flash, looking at mu Chuqing has begun to make a purple face, suddenly loosen the hand that holds mu Chuqing collar.

The air came into her mouth and nose and made her bend over and cough.

Sheng Yuchen retreated two steps, touched the back of the sofa, and finally sat down on the ground. He pulled his shirt collar, which had been in disorder since he entered the door, and reached out to pick up his hair.

"Sometimes I feel like she's dead, so my heart will die completely. As long as she still lives in this world, no matter where she breathes in the world, I still have to think about it! "

Sheng Yuchen raised his head with a faint red in his eyes. He looked at mu Chuqing and laughed at himself.

"Where do you say you are? More beautiful than you, better than you We get along with less than two years, I said love you, you do not believe, even I do not believe! I have known Chang Chu since I was 13 years old. However, at the banquet that day, I saw Chang Chu under the pressure of Zhang Dafa. I am so glad that the woman under that person is not you! "

"Mu Chuqing, you are right. I am a madman!"

Although the light in the living room is bright, Sheng Yuchen is leaning against the shadow of the sofa. He looks up and looks decadent and pale that Gu Yian and mu Chuqing have never seen before.

Gu Yi'an reached out to wipe the blood on his mouth and put on Sheng Yuchen's shirt from mu Chuqing's hand.

"I always take Chuqing as my sister, and Chuqing has never given me any fantasy. Tonight Yu Chen, I remind you again, not the eye sees, must be true


Sheng Yuchen didn't speak. He looked at Gu Yi'an coldly, with a sneering smile on his face.

Gu Yian takes back his eyes. He knows Sheng Yuchen doesn't believe it.

"Tonight, your mother came here. Downstairs, she poured a whole basin of dog blood directly towards Chuqing. I helped Chuqing block it a little bit. It was bloody..."

Sheng Yuchen tightly twisted his eyebrows, staring at Gu Yi'an, as if listening to what he said, it was simply listening to the Arabian Nights.

Gu Yian sighed, "don't believe it? Go back and ask your mother! She may not be home yet... "

Sheng Yuchen stands up from the ground, takes out the mobile phone with half faith and dials the home phone.

The housekeeper answered, "where's my mom?" Sheng Yuchen cut the topic straight.

"Madame went to the city in the evening and hasn't come back! Young master, come back quickly. Miss Chang runs to Sheng's house every day. As you know, the lady can't stand Miss Chang's crying. You said it's been several days. The master can't even go out of the study now. Don't suffocate people any more... "

"I see!"

Sheng Yuchen hangs up the phone, Gu Yian wears clothes and looks at him.

"Yuchen, your life is really terrible! Think about who is going to destroy you , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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