"I don't have to say much about it. The Chang family is not as good as the old days. You can make a price! Just don't let us lose too much, we are willing to accept anything! "

Mu Chuqing looked at Xu Jun and one eye with a smile. Xu Jun and his eyes crossed a fine light.

"Mirage" is only the initial investment of tens of billions. How can chang now take out tens of billions to make up for the loss? What do you want Chang's shares to do? "


Mu Chuqing pursed her mouth and held back a smile. She pinched Xu Jun and her thighs secretly.

"All the people present are sensible people. I'd rather lose some of them than take the shares of Chang's family. It's just a matter of gratitude and resentment. As you all know, I don't have to hide. "

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Several shareholders on the opposite side of the road.

"It's just that, now that Chang's eyes are about to go bankrupt, it's really meaningless that I want this share!"


This is indeed a serious truth, several shareholders are in despair.

"However, since several people have come all the way to the United States, I think we still need to give you a thin noodles!"

The eyes of the people brightened again.

"I can only offer one sixth of the original price now!"



"I don't want to deal with you too much. This is the highest price I've offered. If you promise to change the price in the contract, you and I will sign all of them together. In this way, you will not lose too much, or you will lose nothing. Think about it yourself. "



At this time, the dishes came one after another. Mu Chuqing picked up a knife and fork and began to eat like nobody else.

Several big men looked at each other and finally got up and left the table.

"What are you going to do?"

Xu Jun and side head look at her, a face of curiosity.

Mu Chuqing put down his knife and fork and sighed heavily.

"I hope they don't drag on too long!"

Xu Jun and Tiao Mei, "why? What's next? "

"When you come to Las Vegas, how can you not go to Las Vegas to play?"

Xu Jun and his eyes flashed with excitement, "I didn't expect you were OK with this mouth!"


Mu Chuqing smiles and starts to eat again.

Xu Jun and grin, a face of disdain, stretched out a slender finger to push the ham in her mouth to Mu Chuqing's bulging mouth.

"Can you control yourself? You've been eating all the way today, and still can eat so much today!"

Mu Chuqing clapped open his hand and chewed his mouth twice.

"I can eat, but it's not the first day you know. What's wrong with eating? It's a blessing to be able to eat!"

Xu Jun and disgusted nostrils are big, silently cut the beef in his plate and put it in front of Mu Chuqing.

"Eat it

That tone, as if talking to his daughter.

Mu Chuqing glared at him, but saw that Xu Jun was leaning on his chin, his eyes squinting and smiling, and the attractive hook in the corner of his eyes was more attractive.

This monster!

Dead fox!

Mu Chuqing chewed the things in his mouth and held a fork at Xu Jun and the face of that demon.

"If you seduce people like this again, be careful that I will prick your face!"

Xu Jun and his smile were even more tempting. He reached out and took his little hand holding the fork into his hand. He slowly approached mu Chuqing, poked mu Chuqing's bulging cheek with his other hand, and slowly said, "so, are you going to be seduced by me?"

His voice is not light or heavy, just stuck in a very ambiguous area, warm breathing spray on mu Chuqing's face, let mu Chuqing's face which has been white for 26 years once again extraordinary red.

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