"First of all, this slap is for me! You set me up in the police station last time

Some of the prison's inmates were beaten by the fence, and some of them were beaten by the iron!

Su Nuan's temper was already fried, and was often Chu's dead duck's mouth was hard, and her stubborn temperament was even more angry, and she shivered all over.

At the thought of this disgusting woman who went to the same university with herself, made the same friend, and squeezed three people into the same bed, they hated each other to the extent of taking out their hearts and lungs.

As a result, she turned over her face and refused to recognize a man. On the surface, she was innocent and innocent. She said all the good things, but she did all the bad things behind her. When she thought that she had framed Chu Qing three times and four times before, and now Chu Qing has finally come back, she is still stubborn. What's more, she even framed Chuqing to be unkind and unjust at the auction yesterday, and was misunderstood as a man Woman!

Such a cheap to the world can not find a second person of the bitch, incredibly unlucky urge appeared at her side, Su Nuan more want more gas, even the lack of oxygen to "buzz" sound, chest anger like a prairie fire filled her.

She has always been a doer, and can't do anything to convince people by virtue!

Meet this kind of slut, beat her to find teeth all over the ground is the right way.

Chang Chu has not yet responded, su'an, who has a bad temper, is followed by the second slap!

PA --

"the second slap is for Chuqing! I'll beat you up

PA --

"the third slap is for Chuqing! It's ungrateful to beat you! "

PA --

"the fourth slap is still for Chuqing! It's shameless to beat you! "

PA --

"the fifth slap is for Chuqing! It's shameless to beat you

PA --

"the sixth slap is for Chuqing! Hit you water sex Yang Hua

PA --

"the seventh slap is for Chuqing! Beat you crazy

PA --

"the first slap is for Chuqing! It's heartless to beat you

PA --

"the ninth slap is for the child of Chuqing who was killed by you! It's cruel and cruel to beat you

"The tenth slap is for Or fight for Chu Qing and kill you, a bitch

PA --

"the 11th slap is still for Chuqing, bitches --"

PA --

"the 12th slap is for Chuqing --"

PA --

"the 13th slap --"

PA --

PA --

PA --

the more, Su Nuan couldn't find the right line, so he gave up and looked for reasons, and kept on acting.

Chang Chu has been knocked unconscious by Su Nuan's slap. Her face can't see its original appearance at the moment. The corners of her mouth have been cracked by Su Nuan's slap, gurgling and bleeding, but she has no strength to fight back!

In the silent dungeon, Su Nuan's continuous and violent applause never stopped. The loud and clear voice echoed in the dungeon.

Several bodyguards in the dungeon also couldn't help but look at each other, and they all involuntarily fought a cold war.

Sure enough, in this world, only women can't be provoked!

It's more ferocious than men!

The loud clapping sound is unceasing, but the strength is much smaller than just now!

Xu Jun and sitting on the sofa behind him, Jun Lang's face with a smile like a devil, watching the scene in front of him.

Some things, he can't do, have to women!

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