"No, I mean it!"


Mu Chuqing easily feels Sheng Yuchen pinches her wrist son again tight a few minutes.

"Let go of her!"

Xu Jun and out of voice, reached out to hold the arm of Mu Chuqing tightly held by Sheng Yuchen.

Looking at the hand between Xu Jun and mu Chuqing's waist, Sheng Yuchen's black eyes squint.

"Mu Chuqing, look up at me!"

“……” Mu Chuqing did not raise his head, but moved his hands held by two men silently.

Looking at mu Chuqing's stubborn appearance, Sheng Yuchen nodded and gave a cold smile:

"Mu Chuqing, I said, let you be good! How many times do I have to say it? In your life, you can only belong to me. You can only stay by my side! "

"But I don't love you!"

"So what! As long as I want, it can only be mine! If you don't love me, you will stay by my side until you fall in love with me again. If you can't do it for one day, it will be a month! Not for a month, then a year! If one year doesn't work, then ten years, ten years, that's a lifetime! Mu Chuqing, even if you are dead, you have to lie by my side! "

Sheng Yuchen's tone is more and more heavy, which seems to be in the domineering stand her life!

"Sheng Yuchen Mu Chuqing suddenly roared, looked up at him, the whole face pale, but with a thick ruthless.

"Since you don't believe me, I'll say it again. No matter it's a day, a month, a year, or a lifetime, I'll never fall in love with you again! Now I, a quarter of an hour! no I don't want to be around you for a second! I don't love you

Sheng Yuchen's black eyes suddenly sink, looking at Mu Chu Qing, Jun Jun's face appears a kind of smile similar to evil.

Deep black eyes slightly lift, eyes light in Xu Jun and face stay for a second, smile deeper.

And mu Chuqing is shocked by Sheng Yuchen's sight that is almost floating on Xu Jun's face.

Sheng Yuchen continued to look at her, "is it not me that I love? So love him? At the beginning, you should understand what will happen if you fall in love with other men! I can't bear to take you, but someone has to pay for it

Mu Chuqing sighed for a long time, his face was pale to the extreme, and he had to bear more pressure, which did not matter.

“…… Sheng Yuchen, since I am standing here now, I have made the worst plan! If you want to deal with Xu's family, Li's family will not stand idly by. Even if he is ruined, he will fight against Shengshi to the end! "

Sheng Yuchen's eyebrow heart suddenly tight wrinkles up, in his this kind of state, this subtle movement, already proved that at the moment he, after all, was still affected by her words.

Mu Chuqing's lips slightly hook hook, continue to say: "Sheng Yuchen, this world is not a person you can cover the sky with one hand after all!"

Sheng Yuchen tightly pursed her thin lips, and her deep black eyes quietly looked at mu Chuqing for a while. Mu Chuqing stubbornly raised her head to meet his eyes, and her cold face was firm.

Silence, silence

Two people seem to be doing a seesaw battle in the invisible. Whoever weakens first will lose.

Suddenly, the eyebrow of Sheng Yuchen picks, suddenly again smile.

He shook his head helplessly, his face full of sympathy.

"At first, why don't you understand? I don't need to cover the sky with one hand. As long as I can cover the sky above your head, it's enough... "

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