"Ian, I..."

"Young lady, the master wants to see you."

Mu Chuqing a Zheng, turned to see Sheng Lin is respectfully standing on her side, smiling at her.

Mu Chuqing's eyebrows wrinkled. She could not understand why she had just made so much noise at the party. Sheng Lin could still stand in front of her with a smile and be so respectful and humble.

"What can I do for you?" There was a trace of coldness and vigilance in her voice, and he was not sure whether the person in front of him was smiling. Sheng Lin looked up at her with a smile.


Mu Chuqing's eyes flashed and he felt funny. How could Sheng Zhengyu's mind be guessed by others.

"Let's go!"

Anyway, it is Sheng Zhengyu who invited her here today. Yu Qing needs to greet Yu Li. She needs to apologize for what she did tonight.

"Early clear..."

Gu Yi'an looks down at her with a worried face. Mu Chuqing gives him a reassuring smile, "it doesn't matter!"

"I'll wait for you..."

Mu Chuqing nodded quietly, following Sheng Lin's back to Sheng Zhengyu's study.

Sheng Lin opens the door and lets mu Chuqing go in.

Sheng Lin brought the door up from the door, and no one came in.

A root carving wooden table was placed in the window of the study. Sheng Zhengyu was sitting there, boiling tea.

Seeing her come in, he looked up at Xiangmu Chuqing and looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

Mu Chuqing sighs, only three years, the speed of this person's aging seems to be faster.

"Sit down!" A low voice and a magnetic sound don't seem to change much.

Mu Chuqing looks at her, raises her feet and sits opposite Sheng Zhengyu.

Sheng Zhengyu then put a mouthful of purple sand tea cup to her side, which was very fragrant.

Mu Chuqing looked down, picked it up and drank it.

She knew that there was something particular about drinking tea, but she didn't understand it, and she would not be able to teach her skills in front of Sheng Zhengyu.

All she knew was that it was right to drink.

"How does it taste?"

Mu Chuqing nodded, "the entrance is astringent, the tongue is bitter, and the taste is delicious."


Sheng Zhengyu smiles.

"I'm sorry for what happened at the party."

Mu Chuqing watched him cook tea, eyes slowly blinking.

"I don't care. You don't have to be sorry. I understand!"


Mu Chuqing put his hands on both sides of the chair and made a gesture to get up. However, Sheng Zhengyu sighed.

"I always can't teach Yuchen to drink tea..."

Mu Chuqing moved and watched Sheng Zhengyu put the teacup in front of him.

"I hope he won't let you down in the end. I think there is nothing in the world that he can't learn. He is your son. How clever he is, I think you know better than anyone else!"

Mu Chuqing wants to end this dialogue. She is not as smart as Sheng Yuchen, and she can't keep up with Sheng Zhengyu.

She does not feel, Sheng Yu Chen can do what won't do, can have any relation with her again.

"Chuqing, smart people make mistakes, and the most stupid mistakes are often made by the smartest people. A man can cover the sky with one hand, but he will always fall to pieces because of a mistake... "

Mu Chuqing is a little surprised, Sheng Zhengyu's meaning, you seem to have some sipping to understand.

Maybe the idea really seems to be too much of a narcissist.

"Don't worry about this. Smart people will always find ways to make up for their small mistakes..."

"There is no size difference in errors. If you are wrong, you are wrong!"

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