At today's meeting, mu Chuqing was informed that there would be a dinner party with the bidder tonight.

At that time, she frowned and looked suspiciously at Minister Gao of the planning department, and finally nodded her head.

So several people in the conference room once again made the final adjustment and arrangement of the bidding plan, and finally handed it to Mu Chuqing, who was almost sleepy in the chair.

Mu Chuqing had almost no image in the eyes of these employees. She took the final bid, stood up, waved and took the lead out of the meeting room.

Minister Gao snorted coldly, stood up and walked out of the meeting room for the second time.

Su Nuan followed him and slipped to Mu Chuqing.

"Well, what's the matter with you? What an important case is this? What's your attitude? "

Rao is Su Nuan, who is closest to Mu Chuqing, and finally can't help it.

Mu Chuqing stood still and watched Minister Gao walk past her with a sneer. Then she turned her head and blinked at su'an.

"Don't I have faith in you?"


"Well, absolutely no problem!"

Mu Chuqing gives Su Nuan a reassuring smile, pats her on the shoulder and turns to go.

However, Su Nuan stopped him, "Chuqing, you can be careful about the dinner tonight. My mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day, and you can call me whenever there is a situation No, you have to tell Dean Ian about it

Mu Chuqing's expression was stiff, "warm, in the future, you don't want to tell Ian about my affairs. He has helped me many times, and I don't want to owe him any more..."

"What, you..."

Su Nuan felt puzzled at first, and then seemed to react to something. He fixed his eyes on mu Chuqing.

"Why? It's so nice to learn from Yi'an! "

Mu Chuqing pursed her lips and said, "I know, but I can only treat him as a brother. I can't give him the rest!"

Su warm face a sink, "you still can't forget Sheng Yu Chen?"

Mu Chuqing was silent for a second No, I just don't think it's Fair for Ian. I'm... "

"Don't make any more excuses. I know you too well. I know what you are thinking. No one can do anything about feelings. I don't care about you. If you can't give Mr. an anything, it's an account to let him die in advance! "

"Warm, sorry..."

"Don't tell me I'm sorry. You don't have anything to say to me. If you want to say something, go and tell the schoolmaster."

Su Nuan takes the folder and strides away. Mu Chuqing looks at the back of her leaving, but in her heart is a burst of boredom. She can't find an outlet to vent her pain.

Mu Chuqing stayed in the office all afternoon and didn't eat lunch.

In the evening, Jinhua club is the highest level entertainment club in Fucheng. In the middle of the hall, there is a very luxurious chandelier. The bead curtains hang down from the top, which is gorgeous and beautiful. Around the huge hall, there are several pots of green plants and several abstract oil paintings hanging on the wall. Mu Chuqing just gives a brief glance and goes to the front desk to ask her The private room location, then took the elevator upstairs.

The bid inviting party is also Party A. to put it bluntly, in addition to two staff members from the Construction Committee and a few from the land administration bureau, the rest are from Longteng construction.

When mu Chuqing opened the private room, most of them had gone, including Mr. Wang whom she had met before.

"Yo, Mr. Mu is here. Sit here!"

Wang Zong seems to forget all the things that day, watching mu Chuqing come in, busy greeting mu Chuqing.

Mu Chuqing walked over with a smile, shook hands with Mr. Wang and several other leaders, and sat beside Mr. Wang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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