Mu Chuqing looks at Sheng Yuchen's line of sight, suddenly thinks of what general, suddenly reaches out to cover neck.

She had forgotten that she had just been pressed in a luxury suite by a strange man, wiped and bit.

No wonder many people looked at her strangely when she was just shopping.

Sheng Yuchen because of Mu Chuqing this move, in the heart that damned anger how can't go down.

She was with another man

Sheng Yuchen's eyes flashed. He had never thought about this problem before, but when he saw the traces of other men left on her, he still

The thought that only he could see her another gesture was seen by other men, and that she would have the same intimate relationship with other men, his heart was about to explode!

He can't stand it, he won't!

"Who did it? Gu Yian? "

Mu Chuqing's hand over her neck is stiff, and her eyebrows are tightly wrinkled. She looks up at him, and her beautiful eyes are also stained with a bit of anger.

"You should know better than me what kind of man is Ian. Don't insult him casually."

Sheng Yuchen's brow is wrinkling more tightly, if not Gu to an, that is other men?

"Yes! It's really insulting to say that Gu Yi'an did it, and pity that he fell in love with you, a woman of water, sex, Yang, flower, drink and accompany men. What else have you never done before? "

Mu Chuqing was nearly fainted by Sheng Yuchen's words. She was pale with a face and helped the cart sliding to her side. The whole body was trembling.

After a long time, she came back to her mind a little. Although her face was pale, it was cold. She looked at Sheng Yuchen coldly, reached out another hand, and broke off Sheng Yuchen's fingers one by one, and then threw them aside heavily.

"Mr. Sheng, don't worry. Even if I accompany men all over the world, I won't pollute your eyes. I have nothing to do with you!"

Mu Chuqing finish saying, head also do not return toward the supermarket safety exit to run.

The grim looking man stood there, watching her disappear in his sight coldly.

Mu Chuqing ran out of the supermarket in one breath. In addition to her carry on bag, she didn't bring out the things she picked in the supermarket.

In the night of the city, it is always gloomy. There are no stars and no moon. There are only colorful neon lights flashing, catering to the noise of the city.

Her body is a little soft, the throat of sour choked, and her brain is also painful, she closed her eyes and looked up to swallow that sour, but almost let tears flow out.

It's hopeless. It's hopeless!

Three years, three years! She was so vulnerable to him!

Mu Chuqing moved to the foot of the overpass step by step, holding the railing, but she had no strength any more. She slowly slid down the railing to the steps of the overpass.

All day, she drank only one can of milk. The wine she drank in the evening was afraid that she would give out several double layers of bile and gastric juice in the end.

I was in a good mood to go shopping, but I didn't want to meet the last person in her life.

What's more, he still knows how to embarrass her, how to make her sad and sad!

She can't fight him!

Heart like dark iron, love is thinner than paper!

Mu Chuqing finally sighed. Seeing the light of the fast food restaurant on the first floor of the supermarket, she got up and walked towards it.

Only, dozens of meters away, she did not arrive in the end.

A wave of dizziness swept over her. She tried to stabilize her body, but after shaking for a few times, she fell on the ground , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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