I never thought that one day I would be forgotten by you.

Swallow up the sour throat, slowly stand up, a pair of water eyes slightly raised, looked at the tall, handsome and calm man in front of him, frowned, nodded.

Sheng Yuchen's hand shrinks slightly when seeing Mu Chu Qing's eyes which are rendered by sadness.

"Take good care of it! Mr. Sheng. "

Mu Chuqing slowly opened his mouth and handed his hand to the generous and powerful palm.

As soon as he touched the temperature of his hand, mu Chuqing's tears almost fell from her eyes. She bit her lips tightly and forced her tears back.

Her hand has just been placed in the palm of Sheng Yuchen's hand. Almost instantly, her hand is held by Sheng Yuchen's hand

After a moment, Sheng Yuchen then let go again.

Then he nodded to the other members of the group who had risen from their seats, and then strode towards the door.

Mu Chuqing turns around and slowly looks at Sheng Yuchen's slender and upright back more and more far away

"Fine stewardess, let's go too!"

She is a young girl with a fresh face.

When she came, she had mu Chuqing's windbreaker in her hand.

Mu Chuqing looks back, takes over the clothes and smiles.

Thank you

"Ah, flatterer!"

Chen Ya suddenly spat low, which makes her white face suddenly red.

Mu Chuqing put on her clothes, patted her on the shoulder and said softly:

"let's go!"

“…… Well, good

A fist hit the cotton, but it was even more acrimonious. Chen Ya held her chest in both hands and stamped her feet in the same place. She was the only one left in the compartment. She bit her teeth, picked up the handbag on her seat and went out with her.

When mu Chuqing and Enron go out, they just see Sheng Yuchen's back on the car. The right wing closes the door, quickly runs to the seat and starts the car.

The night wind in early spring is still cold and piercing.

Mu Chuqing sets up the collar of the windbreaker, but she stares at the window where Sheng Yuchen is located. Her dark eyes are hidden in the dark night, and mu Chuqing's eyes are full of strong reluctance and attachment.

It was the first time she met him after returning to Fucheng for more than two months.

It's really hard to meet him.

Besides, the reason why she was afraid of seeing him was needless to say.

But what she was more afraid of was to see him

Heart suddenly shrunk for a while, the line of sight is still following the black Rolls Royce carrying Sheng Yuchen from her eyes.

Even the car, have been replaced by such a calm atmosphere ah!

It seems that he has really changed a lot.

Taking back her eyes, mu Chuqing stepped down the steps and walked slowly towards the door of the club.

The light outside the Jinhua club is playing on one side of her body, rendering the outline of her face a little more virtual. Her tall figure is originally thin, but now it is pulled by the light to be more slender and slender.

"What's the matter, boss?" Asked the right wing carefully.

Sheng Yuchen took back his sight from the window. His deep and steady eyes were dark. He looked down at his empty right hand at the moment.

The touch of the woman's hand seemed to be still there, and the warmth of her hand seemed to be still there, but he felt that his whole hand was burning at the moment.

That woman

Who is it?

The brow heart slightly frowned, he slowly curled up the palm of his hand, raised his eyes again, looked straight ahead, the eyes have recovered the coldness and coldness of the full eyes.

"It's OK!"

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