Her skin is fair, but because of this, the dark circles around her eyes are particularly conspicuous.

painted brown eye shadow, painted the same color eyebrow, black eyeliner, underneath the bottom of the eye and painted silkworm instead of puffy bags.

The effect is more beautiful than usual.

Looking left and right in the mirror, he turned to look for clothes with satisfaction.

Mu Chuqing specially vacates a room, two transparent wardrobes with enough wall, and a shoe cabinet.

She stood outside the door and looked around at the closets on both sides. She held her chin in her hand and thought for a few seconds. Finally, she went to the shoe cabinet and selected shoes, milk white ribbon sandals, and finally a set of black fashion.

The black 7-point wide leg pants, the same color and quality of the 7-point sleeve top, a black belt around the waist to wrap the slender waist, the collar part is the shining silver collar.

In an instant, mu Chuqing's whole person becomes valiant and smart.

Finally, she stood in front of the mirror, smiling at the mirror with satisfaction, picked up her bag and went downstairs, ready to drive to the company.

However, as soon as she got out of the elevator and walked through the hall on the first floor of the apartment, she saw a smiling, evil looking man looking at her.

Mu Chuqing didn't want to think about it. She turned around and went back.

Xu Jun and nature are not vegetarians. Where would you give her this opportunity.

He stepped forward quickly and took mu Chuqing's arm in time and pulled her into his arms.

"Good morning

In the face of Xu Jun and full of banter, mu Chuqing glared at him and pushed him away.

"Good morning

She returned politely, bypassing Xu JUNHE and heading outside.

Xu JUNHE followed her, and when she was about to walk to her own car, Xu JUNHE held her.

"I'll take you to work!"

Mu Chuqing was stunned for a moment, then he reacted, took back his hand and kept away from him for two steps. He refused faintly: "don't bother, I have a car myself!"

Xu JUNHE is an eyebrow, beautiful peach blossom eyes in Mu Chuqing that dazzling red Ferrari car a light glance, casually said:

"do you want your car directly scrapped, or do you want to get on my car?"


Mu Chuqing glared at him angrily and did not act.

Xu Jun and picky eyebrows, shrugged, with the car key in his hand to open the trunk of his car, directly took out a small jack and went directly to Mu Chuqing's car.

"Ah! Xu Jun and! "

Mu Chuqing is in a hurry. If she swings her arm down, her car is a trouble in China!

It's no different from scrapping!

Xu Jun and timely stop, carrying the jack to her in front of, proud way: "get in the car!"


Mu Chuqing bit his teeth and turned angrily to open the door of Xu JUNHE.

Xu JUNHE put the jack back into the trunk and walked into the driver's seat with ease and pleasure.

"Why don't you fasten your seat belt?"

“……” Mu Chuqing pursed her lips in embarrassment and raised her right hand to touch the seat belt.

Xu Junyu's figure suddenly pressed up without warning. Mu Chuqing was surprised. The whole body subconsciously realized that she was close to her, and the safety belt in her hand also "bang" out of her hand.

Xu Jun and mouth with a trace of ruffian smile, reach out to touch the safety belt, sliding over mu Chuqing's upper body.

"I can do it myself!"

Mu Chuqing reacted and said angrily.

"Click" and the seat belt jammed successfully. "I want to help you fasten it!"

When he spoke, he deliberately approached mu Chuqing, and the warm breath was sprayed on her ears, some hot.

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