Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 188 Ji Kuainan’s personal experience: In the world of martial arts, only quickness is unbrea

Ji Changsheng stayed at Xuandu Temple for half an hour this time.

This is very inconsistent with Ji Changsheng's efficiency.

But everyone expressed understanding.

After all, Ji Laomo has returned home in glory, and Ji Laomo really has old friends in Xuandu Temple.

Ji Changsheng talked at length with his dear senior sister Taiyin Xingjun for half an hour before boarding the teleportation formation heading to the Ying Kingdom.

In the teleportation array, Ying Hongye asked Ji Changsheng curiously: "What did you talk about with Master Li Pulse?"

Ji Changsheng recalled his conversation with Li Changxi.

Li Changxi told him something very important:

"Junior brother, if you encounter trouble when you go to Yingguo this time, you can seek help from Prime Minister Li."

"Li Xiang?"

"Yes, he is the current Prime Minister of the Ying Kingdom."

"Is he related to Senior Sister?"

"Among the celebrities named Li in the world, except for Li Qinglian, they are all from the Li family."

Ji Changsheng was speechless.

Your old Li family is too awesome.

Is there a comrade named Erfeng?

If the Ying Kingdom is destroyed, I am very optimistic about him building a Tang Dynasty.

"Senior sister, so you, the Li family, are betting from all sides, and they all hold high positions."

There is Li Changxi in Xuandu Temple.

The Hehuan sect has Li Huanyan.

There is also Prime Minister Li in Yingguo.

There are people named Li everywhere.

They all hold high positions.

The Li family is really lucky.

Li Changxi nodded, thoughtfully: "Junior brother, when you say that, I wonder if it's me?"


Ji Changsheng can't be punished by Li Changxi.

Li Changxi explained: "As the Taiyin Star King, I temporarily act in the name of the Li family. The Li family can taint my luck, one person can achieve enlightenment, and chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven. This logic is very reasonable."

Ji Changsheng: "..."

He often feels out of tune with Li Changxi because he is too thin-skinned.

It's so shameless.

However, Li Changxi's tone was too serious, which made Ji Changsheng unconsciously follow Li Changxi's logic to think about this matter, and then nodded subconsciously: "It is indeed possible."

"It seems that my junior brother and I have the same view." Li Changxi nodded with satisfaction: "With me in the Li family, it's like smoke rising from the ancestral graves. The combined wealth of the family should be half of mine."

Ji Changsheng said seriously: "Sister, what are you saying? All the Li family's property should belong to you."

Li Changxi smiled brightly: "No, no, junior brother, we still have to be more modest as human beings."

Ji Changsheng continued seriously: "That's why I just said that all the property of the Li family should belong to you, senior sister. If we are to be honest, then the Li family should owe you, senior sister, at least tens of billions of high-grade spiritual stones."

Li Changxi was already smiling: "Junior brother, if you can speak, speak more."

"Senior sister, next time the Li family chooses the head of the family, I will definitely vote for you."

Li Changxi sounded very pity: "You don't have the right to vote."

Ji Changsheng said casually: "Senior sister, doesn't your husband-in-law have the right to vote?"

Li Changxi shook her head: "No, only the Li family can vote."

"Then I will visit some Li family members. I am very good at persuading others."

Li Changxi was moved for a moment.

But in the end he shook his head: "Forget it, by the time the head of the Li family changes, we will have already ascended. Junior brother, I discovered something recently."

"What's up?"

"I discovered the truth about this world - it's not an illusion."

Ji Changsheng said in his heart that you have discovered it.

I never doubted it from day one.

"But this world is not an illusion, nor is it a normal world. Junior brother, this is Da Luo's simulated world."


Ji Changsheng was interested this time.

"Sister, please continue."

"The entire universe was initially barren. It was Pangu who created the world and created the Great Desolate Immortal World. There was only one Great Desolate Immortal World, which was the origin of the entire universe. The subsequent small worlds, as well as the so-called heavens and worlds, were all Daluo-level giants. One that can be created by oneself. Everyone wants to be the second Pangu, but no one has done it. So far, no world can surpass the level of the Great Desolate Immortal World, but various small worlds have explored many wrong paths for the Great Desolate Immortal World. ——Although these wrong paths are still repeated in the ancient world."

Ji Changsheng, while digesting the information brought to him by Li Changxi, echoed: "This is normal. The only lesson humans learn from history is that they never learn any lessons, and history will keep repeating itself."

When he was at Blue Star, he had repeatedly verified the authenticity of this law. The problems that occur in contemporary times, whether in ancient times or abroad, have happened countless times before, but they are still happening. Even though science and technology continue to advance, mistakes are still repeated mistakes, and there is almost no evolution of human nature.

No matter how high the level in the prehistoric fairy world is, as long as they are intelligent creatures and they still have their own selfish desires, they are unlikely to be exceptions.

Ji Changsheng uses himself to save others. He is now in the Void Refining Realm, but compared to ordinary people, he just has a higher vision. He doesn't like ordinary women who can poop, but he still likes fairies. He despises mortal power, but he still yearns for the power of heaven.

There is no essential difference, it's just that the strength has become stronger and the ambition has become greater.

The god is nothing more than the plus version of him.

"There are two types of worlds created by Da Luo. One is created and then released, only to make up for Da Luo's three thousand avenues. The other is used for simulation to verify whether the path he wants to take is correct. I I suspect our world is the latter.”

Ji Changsheng looked at Li Changxi with strange eyes.

The meditator only comes into contact with these things after becoming a meditator.

Did Li Changxi guess it herself?

Or is the memory really revived?

Senior Sister is becoming more and more like Lord Taiyin Star.

Ji Changsheng told himself that it didn't matter whether it was true or false. Just like his Antarctic Immortal Emperor, as long as the genuine ones don't come out to crack down on counterfeits, then they are genuine.

So Ji Changsheng took the initiative and said: "Senior sister, your judgment coincides with mine, and I have also guessed a thing or two about the power that created this world."

After a pause, Ji Changsheng met Li Changxi's curious eyes and said two names: "It's either Master Taiqing or the Great Master Xuandu."

Li Changxi was moved, pondered for half a minute, and then nodded slowly.

"It makes sense. The Xuanhuang Merit Tower is a bit too invincible in this world."

As the most acquired treasure of merit and virtue, the first defensive treasure in the prehistoric fairy world, it is innately invincible. It has walked back and forth in the Zhuxian Sword Formation without any damage. This kind of treasure is a bug in the prehistoric fairy world. level. It has never been broken, even in the face of saint-level attacks, even in the face of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

The Xuanhuang Merit Pagoda is the projection of the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

As long as the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth remains there, it can continue to be projected.

It's useless to break the Xuanhuang Merit Tower. You have to break the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth from the ancient immortal world. But this is something that even a saint cannot do, at least Lingbao Tianzun with the Four Swords of Killing Immortals cannot do it.

So this means that Xuandu Guan will always be invincible in this world.

It also means that Huangquan Sect is really dead, ahem.

Obviously this is a bug, more like a permission given by the administrator to himself.

Looking at the entire prehistoric immortal world, there are only two great people with this management authority: Saint Taiqing and Master Xuandu.

"Senior sister, I have a guess. Maybe Mr. Taiqing or Master Xuandu want the real emperor cultivated in the world we are in now to be Emperor Ying. They really hope that Emperor Ying can break out of the siege and reach the prehistoric immortal world. . In that case, Emperor Ying will become a candidate for the next human emperor in the prehistoric immortal world."

Li Changxi was moved again: "Yes, junior brother, you are worthy of being the reincarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. Just saying this ties everything together. Changes have occurred in the ancient world of immortality, and the war between human and emperor has resumed. This time, it is rare that the Taiqing lineage personally ended up. This shows that The Taiqing lineage is selecting real heroes from all over the world to compete for the Human Emperor. With the appearance of the Yinghuang, he is definitely among the candidates. Therefore, the previous battle between the Yinghuang and the Immortal Sect was a simulation of the future Human Emperor's conquest of the sky. Yes , that must be the case.”

In Li Changxi's logical line, everything is connected.

But it also means one thing:

"The Emperor Ying failed."

Ji Changsheng nodded: "Yes, Yinghuang failed. Unfortunately, he did not pass the test of candidates. In the battle between human and emperor in the ancient immortal world, he has been the first to be eliminated."

Speaking of this, Ji Changsheng spoke in a weird tone: "Fairy Linglong seems to have robbed all of Emperor Ying's luck... The stage set up for Emperor Ying finally turned into Fairy Linglong being invincible and suppressing the whole world. If this is Ying Huang, The emperor did it, I think Master Taiqing will be happier."

Li Changxi also nodded slowly, agreeing with Ji Changsheng's point of view: "My mother is the best in the world, which only shows that the upper limit of orthodox cultivation is immeasurable, but the end of this road is heaven, which will not be of much help to the Taiqing lineage. Taiqing The lineage basically did not end up in the Great Tribulation of the Gods, so it was not assigned authority in the end. This time, the Taiqing lineage used the human religion as the foundation to support the rise of the Human Emperor, obviously hoping that the human way would replace the heaven that now represents the heaven. What the Taiqing lineage needs is a human emperor who can suppress everything forcefully, not an immortal who follows the orthodox path of cultivation. However, my mother is extremely talented, so there is no way. On the big stage of troubled times, only the most capable people can kill Come out. Mother cannot hide her clumsiness in the dispute between the great avenues. Moreover, Emperor Ying cannot even suppress it in this simulated world we live in. After going to the prehistoric immortal world, he will be even less able to fight against the heaven."

Ji Changsheng agreed.

There are many examples of this in history.

The bravery of Yu is unparalleled throughout the ages. After winning every battle, everyone thought his destiny was his, but a bad old man named Liu got the last laugh.

On the big stage of troubled times, your own incredible strength is of no use. You have to suppress everyone of your contemporaries.

Yinghuang is very strong.

But in the end, it was Yu Linglong who emerged as the invincible suppressor of an era.

The results are more convincing than the process.

There must be many candidates for the Human Emperor, and it is impossible for the Taiqing lineage to place their hopes only on Yinghuang.

Give you a fair chance to compete. If you win, you will be on a bigger stage. If you lose, you will accept your fate.


"I'm afraid the Ying Kingdom has given up on our world." Li Changxi looked at Ji Changsheng.

Ji Changsheng nodded: "There are hundreds of millions of talents in the human race, and there are endless worlds. In the end, only the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors emerged. If the Taiqing lineage wants to support the Human Emperor again, they will definitely benchmark against the previous Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and the standards will only be higher, not lower. In addition, at this time Master Taiqing has been making frequent changes, and I am more inclined to think that the Human Emperor is already in place, at least the top candidates are already in place."

"Junior brother, do you want to compete for the Human Emperor?" Li Changxi's topic jumped quickly: "If the Taiqing lineage succeeds in the end, the new Human Emperor will compete with the current Haotian, and his status will be higher than your former Antarctic Immortal Emperor. Higher, do you want to fight? If you want to fight, I will help you."

Ji Changsheng shook his head decisively: "Not interested."

"Why?" Li Changxi looked at Ji Changsheng curiously.

Based on her understanding of her junior brother, Ji Changsheng does not seem like such a person without ambition.

Ji Changsheng is indeed not.

"Senior sister, I'm not sick. There is a simple road in front of me, why should I fight for the chance of a narrow escape? As long as I ascend smoothly, the team of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor and the family fortune of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain will be mine. "

He would only fight for the Human Emperor if he was stupid.

Only when you have no choice will you try your best.

He is a second generation saint, so of course he will inherit it.

"And to be honest, I'm not very optimistic about Humanity's plan."


"When I held the power of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, I used countless small worlds to deduce the future."

Ji Changsheng thought of the "Journey to the West" he had read, the myths, legends, and historical changes he had read.

According to the information revealed by the viewer and Li Changxi, he judged that these were most likely the Antarctic Immortal Emperor's deductions about the future.

Of course it's not necessarily accurate, but it's very useful for reference.

In "Journey to the West", heaven is still heaven.

Lingshan is still Lingshan.

Mortals are still mortals.

Compared with the prehistoric fairy world during the Great Tribulation of the Gods, the structure has naturally changed greatly, but it is obvious that the heaven is still there, so the defeat of the sky cannot be considered a complete success.

Perhaps the results of the deductions between Taiqing Saint and Xuandu Master are different.

However, Ji Changsheng still wants to take a safer path: "My Dear Father, Yuanshi Tianwang"!

If nothing goes wrong with the candidate for the new Human Emperor, based on the intelligence gathered from all aspects, he should be the First Emperor. But what version of this Emperor is, only God knows.

Ji Changsheng could only be sure that he was definitely not the ordinary person's version of the First Emperor recorded in the history books he had studied.

"According to my deduction, the new emperor will definitely be able to do great things, but in the end it is very likely that he will fail and the government will die."

Li Changxi was not surprised by the result of Ji Changsheng's judgment, because this was a highly probable event.

"If the Taiqing lineage dares to end, they must have someone to rely on, but it's really hard to see the trump card of the Taiqing saint at the moment." Li Changxi shook her head and said: "Forget it, since you, junior brother, won't get involved, I won't get involved either, Ying. What kind of regulations do you have on the other side of the country?"

"Of course we want to find out the truth behind the assassination of Ying III."

"Find out the truth?"

Li Changxi didn't believe Ji Changsheng's words.

After all, she still knows something about her junior brother.

"Junior brother, are you sure you care about the truth?"

Ji Changsheng coughed slightly and explained: "Of course I care about the truth, but the truth must be decided by me and my senior sister."

Li Changxi nodded with satisfaction: "I don't know why Jue Sword Immortal is so crazy, but he actually ordered me to go to Yingguo to investigate this matter. It's really unlucky. With your help, junior brother, I will be much more relaxed."

Ji Changsheng's heart moved and he sold the temple master directly: "Senior sister, the temple master hinted to me that you are the Absolute Sword Immortal."

Li Changxi blinked: "One time when I was pretending to be Jue Sword Immortal to rob, I met the owner of the temple. He was an old silver coin who was disguised and wanted to trick someone, so he bumped into me."

Ji Changsheng said directly: "Senior sister, are you pretending to be the Supreme Sword Immortal to rob?"

"Don't worry, what I grabbed is the spirit stone from the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce." Li Changxi said proudly: "Putting aside the facts, I have at least 50% of the credit for Jue Sword Immortal's current reputation. Junior Brother, you said Jue Sword Immortal should be Shouldn’t we be grateful?”

Ji Changsheng nodded vigorously: "Yes, absolutely should."

Let’s be honest, Jue Sword Immortal is indeed a public vest. This is normal. Jue Jianxian hides his head and tail, which is too convenient for others to disguise himself, especially those who are masters of swordsmanship and illusion.

"I suspect that Jue Sword Immortal wants to repay kindness with hatred." Li Changxi said.

Ji Changsheng said decisively: "That Jue Sword Immortal is too ignorant. If he really wants to harm Senior Sister, I will do it for Senior Sister."

Although Ji Changsheng seriously doubted that the real Sword Immortal was probably his wife's vest.

But in front of Li Changxi, he must support Li Changxi.

Li Changxi was very satisfied with Ji Changsheng's attitude.

"Junior brother, you go to Yingguo first. I will cooperate with you secretly as a gold medal assassin of the Assassin League."

Ji Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, senior sister is here, you and I can work together, and the Ying Kingdom can be defeated in one day."

Mainly because the eldest wife only has one day left.

Ji Changsheng must improve his efficiency.

What can be done in one day must not be put off until the next day. Otherwise, Yu Laomo's life and death are uncertain, Li Huanyan is integrating the Hehuan sect, Li Changxi has not completely transformed into a thigh, the viewer has no hope at all, and Ji Laomo is very insecure.

It was useless for Ji Changsheng to tell Ying Hongye about the contents of his secret conversation with Li Changxi, so he simply said: "Senior sister and I haven't seen each other for a long time, and we talked about old friendship."

Ying Hongye: "...It hasn't been long, I just saw him yesterday."

Ji Changsheng: "This is not important. It's a pity that Fairy Linglong didn't see me this time."

My wife is shy.

It's definitely not annoying me.

Ji Changsheng was very confident about this.

"Let's not talk about them anymore, Hongye, have you sent back the news that you are returning to the country?"


"That's good, let's see how many people will be at the airport... and greet them outside the teleportation array."

A quarter of an hour later.

Ji Changsheng saw Li Xiang.

I saw the current military marshal of the Ying Kingdom.

I saw the person in charge of the Three Laws Division.

But it doesn’t matter who you see.

Not seeing who matters.

Ji Changsheng glanced around and whispered: "The Queen, the First Prince, the Second Prince, and the Third Prince have not come to pick you up."

Ying Hongye's expression did not change.

After getting the life-extending golden elixir from Xuanduguan, she had completely regained her composure.

After all, he has received the orthodox elite education of Ying Kingdom’s royal family in the past twenty years. Calmness is the most basic quality for Ying Hongye.

Although she had already guessed that when she returned home this time, her relatives might kill each other... But as disciples of the royal family, they had been psychologically prepared for such a thing since they were young.

After all, there are already too many examples in history books. Anyone who has read the book knows how fragile the royal family relationship is.

Ying Hongye ignored the fact that her mother and three brothers did not show up. She first saluted the ministers of the Ying Kingdom, and then introduced each other to the ministers of the Ying Kingdom and Ji Changsheng.

After three minutes of greetings, Ying Hongye started to get into the mood: "Xiang Li, my father said that I would have full authority to handle his assassination case?"

"Yes." Li Xiang answered decisively: "At that time, all the civil and military personnel of the court were present, and the Queen and the three royal highnesses were also at the side. Your Majesty made it clear that the princess will investigate the matter, and no one can stop it."

"Okay, then I will start the investigation now. Do you have any objections?"

Everyone was a little unresponsive.

Li Xiang also subconsciously said: "Your Highness, it's getting late now, why don't we check again tomorrow?"

It's indeed too late.

At this time, the sun has set, Yingguo's nightlife has begun, and all major offices have finished get off work.

But after all, Ying Hongye has been working with Ji Changsheng for a long time...well, it hasn't been long, but he is still impressed and manages his time quickly: "My father was assassinated, and I have trouble sleeping and eating. I just want to catch the real culprit as soon as possible." . If you, sir, have any opinions, please reserve your opinions and wait until my father wakes up before suing me."

Ying Hongye has said this, who dares to object?

Li Xiang objectively stated: "Your Highness, all the government offices have been released at this time. If you start the investigation now, I am afraid it will be difficult to deploy personnel."

Ying Hongye said directly: "I have my own arrangements. Changsheng, this is my seal."

Ying Hongye took out a gold seal with a black bird totem flying in flight.

"I will go to the palace to visit my father. You take my seal and go to my mansion to organize the people. I have already sent them a message and they are all waiting at my mansion. Before I come back, you start investigating my people. I will listen to your arrangements."

The ministers were all shocked.

When Ying Hongye came back this time, he seemed to be even more decisive in killing than before.

Completely prepared.

Someone objected: "Young Master Ji is a demon... It seems inappropriate for the Young Master of the Tiansheng Sect to let him investigate the assassination of His Majesty."

Ying Hongye looked at the man: "Shilang Ding of the Ministry of Punishment?"

Ding Shiqi took the initiative to salute: "Your Highness, Ding is not questioning His Highness, he just feels that His Highness's arrangements are not appropriate."

Ying Hongye said indifferently: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"I don't dare, it's just..."

Ying Hongye interrupted him directly: "Chang Sheng, the first one to investigate Ding Shiqi. I suspect that he is related to the assassination of my father."

Ji Changsheng raised his hand, caught Ding Shiqi in his hand and suppressed him directly, then smiled and said to the ministers of the Ying Kingdom: "You may not know me well yet, let me introduce myself. Ji was once the first detective of Xuandu Temple. Now he is the number one detective of the Tiansheng Sect. I promise you that I will never wrongly accuse a good person, and I will never let a bad person go. And I swear in the name of Leader Yu that Hongye and I will never go to Yingguo this time. We will not use the opportunity of investigating the case to create a big prison. Our purpose is simple - to find out the truth, nothing more."

Ji Changsheng made his first appearance, first with troops and then with courtesy, but all the ministers of the Ying Kingdom remained silent in the end.

Obviously, Ding Shiqi was the chicken that Ying Hongye used to kill chickens to scare monkeys.

And there is a high probability that there is someone behind Ding Shiqi.

You only need to see how Ji Changsheng and Ying Hongye treated Ding Shiqi in the end to judge what kind of regulations Ji Changsheng and Ying Hongye followed in this investigation.

They also need time to adapt to and evaluate Ji Changsheng's style.

And Ji Changsheng also quickly made them understand one thing: the only martial arts in the world that can't be broken is fast!

More than 6,000 words come first, and there will be more at 8pm. Please continue to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets. Thanks to Meng 0 Jue Lian for the reward of 100,000 starting coins, to Yuan Qi Ziheng for the reward of 3,000 starting coins, to Jiulang Shen for the reward of 2,100 starting coins, to Jian Lu Linshen for the reward of 1,500 starting coins, and to Don't make trouble. Received rewards from children, bird KP, and book friends 20230521134926422

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