Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 190 Ji Laomo: Investigation requires evidence, anti-terrorism requires lists, counter-insurg

After hearing what Ji Lao Mo said, Zhang Bei knelt down directly to Ji Lao Mo.

As the most recognized detective in the capital, Ji Changsheng had never seen such a novel way of investigating crimes.

Who should be the murderer is okay, but should there be such a thing as a murderer?

Zhang Bei couldn't say enough: "Young Master worthy of being the young master of the Demon Sect."

Ji Changsheng corrected: "It's the Tiansheng Sect."

Zhang Bei was stubborn and didn't want to change his title.

This is unethical.

Fortunately, this is when the plasticity gap becomes apparent.

Mao Yi pulled Zhang Bei's sleeve and said to Ji Changsheng: "Young Master Ji, we still have to deal with the aftermath of the Shi family's side. Even if we really want to retaliate deliberately, we should say that it is from the Shi family's side. Found clues.”

Ji Changsheng glanced at Mao Yi appreciatively: "Mr. Mao is not bad. He deserves to be beaten by life. Captain Zhang is still well protected by the Zhang family. He only knows how to do things, not be a person, not an official, let alone We will investigate the case.”

Zhang Bei defended herself: "I left the Zhang family when I was fifteen years old. I served in the army for five years, in the Criminal Department for five years, and finally joined the Secret Law Pavilion. Later, I was promoted to the deputy captain of the Secret Law Team because of my outstanding performance. Master Ji , I, Zhang Bei, have come to this day all thanks to my own efforts."

Ji Changsheng laughed out loud: "The Shi family has come to this day, and they also say that they relied entirely on their own efforts and have nothing to do with Shilang Ding. Captain Zhang, you and the Shi family have a lot in common."

"I'm different from them."

"It's essentially the same, but you don't understand it."

Ji Changsheng patted Zhang Bei on the shoulder and sighed softly: "If you had awakened earlier, Hongye might have become the princess long ago. Study hard. Commander Guan, let's go, let's go meet the Shi family."

Ji Changsheng walked into the fire scene first.

Zhang Beifeng clenched his fists and his whole body was shaking with anger: "Sister Mao, why is he like this?"

Mao Yi and Tan Yin looked at each other. Mao Yi coughed lightly and tried to persuade her with careful tone: "Beibei, in fact, what Young Master Ji said is not completely unreasonable."

Zhang Bei was angry: "Sister Mao, do you also think that I relied on the Zhang family to get to where I am today?"

Maui shrugged.

Tan Yin told Zhang Bei a statistic that stunned Zhang Bei: "Beibei, the special team you joined when you joined the army had a total of twenty people, and only seven survived. After you joined the Criminal Department, there were fifty-three people in the same period as you. You are the youngest and the fastest promoted. The Secret Law Pavilion selects people from the Ministry of Justice. It is customary to never select young people under the age of thirty, but you broke the rule. The day before you participated in the selection of the vice captain of the Secret Law Team, and One of the three people you competed with has been transferred, one wife has an extra two million in her account, and another one has negotiated a contract with the army to join the army in three years."

Having said this, Tan Yin smiled at Zhang Bei: "I know you have a strong self-esteem, so I don't mention this in front of you on weekdays. Beibei, it's very difficult for second-generation people like us who come from rich and powerful families to talk about self-struggle. It's easy to make people sick. We can tolerate you, but Young Master Ji will not tolerate you. Let's mature as soon as possible. Your ability may only account for less than half of the reason why you can reach this day. Just like I can stand beside Young Master Ji today. In front of the Lord, it's all because of my surname Tan. If your surname is not Zhang and my surname is Tan, do you really think Young Master Ji will pay attention to us?"

Tan Yin shook his head: "If it weren't for our surnames, we wouldn't even have a chance to talk to a big shot like Young Master Ji. Do as he says and don't have too many opinions. Beibei, he is a member of the Tiansheng Sect. Young Master, a truly self-made genius of our generation."

Zhang Beiru was struck by lightning.

There was too much information coming at once, and she couldn't digest it.

Not everyone has Ji Changsheng's digestion ability.

But no one cared.

Ji Laomo picks out his subordinates, focusing on helping anyone he can, and if he can't reach the wall, just get away.

Ji Changsheng believes that players like Cao Ziming, Ren Suqiong, Wen Renjiayu, and Sui Tinghuai are very malleable and can be trained intensively.

Lanzhujun's performance was okay at first, but his response to the major change was obviously unsatisfactory, and his ranking among Ji Changsheng plummeted.

Zhang Bei now seems to be inferior to Lan Zhujun.

It is understandable that young people have self-esteem, but they do not know the blessings in the midst of blessings and regard all the conveniences brought by their family background as their own efforts. This is a bit unclear about their self-positioning.

If you can figure it out early, there is still value in cultivating it. Otherwise, Ji Laomo said, isn’t it enough that he has the skills to catch the God?

As long as I kill enough people, there will always be a real murderer among them.

Guan Dingrong said: "Young Master Ji, the Shi family were all taken to the backyard by the brothers. The fire only burned the house in front and no one was burned, but..."

"But what?"

"But they should have seen that the brothers have taken action. If we hand them over, what we have done will be easily exposed. But we cannot kill people and silence them. After the Shi family became one of the top 500 sects in Yingguo, the relationships within the family are also intricate, and there are many Rich and noble families all have marriage alliances. Young Master Ji, these people are actually very difficult to deal with."

Guan Dingrong put forward his opinion tactfully.

Setting a fire is fun for a while, but crematorium afterwards.

He didn't even know how to end it.

Ji Changsheng said calmly: "So follow me and learn hard. As the four of you are Hongye's most important confidants, no wonder she gave up her inheritance rights. If I were Hongye, I wouldn't dare to fight for the throne when I see the four of you."

Too inexperienced.

Guan Dingrong smiled bitterly: "Young Master Ji, you may have gone too smoothly in Qi State and Sheng State. Our Ying State is different from Qi State and Sheng State. Our Ying State adheres to the rule of law."

Ji Changsheng gave Guan Dingrong a strange look, and then laughed out loud.

"Young Master Ji, why are you laughing?"

"It's okay. We talk about the rule of law, right? Then use the law to deal with the Shi family. Is it difficult?"

It's not difficult at all.

Ji Changsheng taught step by step.

"Who is the head of the Shi family?"

"I'm Shi Yonghong."

Guan Dingrong whispered beside Ji Changsheng: "Mrs. Ding is his biological sister."

Ji Changsheng nodded: "Do you know what you committed?"

Shi Yonghong looked at the fire that was still burning in front of him, but strangely it only burned the Shi family's house and did not spread at all. This kind of precise strike operation still attacked a top 500-level family in the capital of Yingguo. It made him look very pale.

Looking back from the front yard, Shi Yonghong glanced at Ji Changsheng who was looking at him with a smile, and thought of Ji Changsheng's identity - the young leader of the Demon Sect.

One day later, Fairy Linglong ascended to heaven, and the Demon Sect became the largest sect in the world.

So Shi Yonghong gritted his teeth and knelt directly on the ground: "Young Master Ji, it is clear that the Shi family has indeed committed crimes, bribery and bribery. I am willing to be a tainted witness and report that Ding Shiqi colluded with the Shi family to suppress other sects. Convey benefits to each other.”

Zhang Bei, who had just arrived at the scene, was stunned again.

Does this admit it?

Yes, that's admitted.

Shi Yonghong admitted defeat.

Being able to bring the Shi family to the top 500 level of the Ying Kingdom, Shi Yonghong still showed one aspect of his extraordinary ability.

"I will go to the Criminal Department to surrender later. I only hope that Young Master Ji can show his respect. Our Shi family has absolutely nothing to do with His Majesty's assassination."

Shi Yonghong can recognize all business matters.

Shi Yonghong did not dare to be involved in a major treason case such as the assassination of the emperor.

Ji Changsheng laughed again: "The head of the Shi family is a smart man, I admire him very much."

Shi Yonghong felt relieved.

"So Minister Ding committed suicide out of fear of crime. It seems that he colluded with your Shi family?"

Shi Yonghong gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, the things my brother-in-law and our Shi family have done are enough to keep my brother-in-law in prison for forty years. He is old and doesn't want to be jailed again, so he chose to commit suicide out of fear of crime."

Ji Changsheng tilted his head and looked at Zhang Bei: "Can this statement be made to the Sentence Department?"

Zhang Bei: "...If the head of the Shi family is willing to testify, and if evidence is found that the Shi family and Ding Shilang are conveying benefits, then there are both witnesses and material evidence, the evidence chain is complete, and the case can be concluded even with zero confession, no problem."

Shi Yonghong hurriedly said: "I am willing to testify and provide evidence. I just hope that Young Master Ji can show his respect. Our Shi family really has nothing to do with His Majesty's assassination."

"What about today's fire?"

Shi Yonghong said decisively: "I released it myself. I feel guilty and destroyed the evidence."

This time it was Guan Dingrong's turn to be stunned.

The fire was clearly set by him.

Why do you feel that as soon as Young Master Ji comes, the style of the entire Ying Kingdom will change instantly?

Facts have proved that the person who knows you best is not necessarily one of your own, but may be your enemy or a bad person.

Ji Changsheng continued to ask: "The Shi family's property has decreased so much, so what can we say?"

Shi Yonghong said: "I have transferred out and am willing to be severely punished by the law."

"No, you should say that you dedicated it to the eldest prince." Ji Changsheng pointed out.

Shi Yonghong was almost frightened to death.

Zhang Bei and the others' legs instantly became weak.

Only Ji Changsheng patiently pointed out: "Behind you is Minister Ding, and behind Minister Ding is the eldest prince. Of course, the Shi family has nothing to do with His Majesty's assassination, but it may not matter to Minister Ding, and the eldest prince has a direct and powerful connection."

Shi Yonghong cried: "Young Master Ji, the level of our Shi family is not enough. We cannot reach the level of the eldest prince."

Ji Changsheng shook his head and said: "Wrong, Master Shi, I thought you were a smart person. I don't care what your Shi family has done. What I care about is what I need your Shi family to do. Do you understand what I mean?" "

Shi Yonghong burst into tears: "Young Master Ji, if I bite out the eldest prince, the Shi family will be completely destroyed."

Ji Changsheng's smile was full of compassion: "But if you are the first to stand up and report the eldest prince as a witness, you will be guilty and meritorious. Princess Hongye can use this to save the Shi family's fortune. If you want to be ranked fifth in the Yingguo as before, The top 100 is dead, but I can give you the Shi family a chance to make a comeback. If not, with my influence in Qi and Sheng, I can send you Shi family abroad. I've seen the Shi family's crimes, mainly Financial problems, and the main problem lies with Ding Shilang. You are just his black glove. Ding Shilang will die, and you will die too, but your children, I can guarantee that they will survive. Those innocent people in the Shi family Those who do not will be implicated in the law. Master Shi, please think about it carefully."

Shi Yonghong didn't dare to think about it for more than a minute. He didn't dare to bet on Ji Changsheng's patience.

"Young Master Ji, do you keep your word?"

"Of course, you can ask around. I, Mr. Ji, stick to my words and stick to my word."

"Okay, I believe Young Master Ji."

The main thing is that it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it.

Ji Changsheng didn't give him a chance to choose.

"I am willing to be a tainted witness and prove that the eldest prince and Ding Shiqi have collusion of interests."

Ji Changsheng laughed: "Congratulations, Head of the Shi family, you have found a way out for your Shi family. Commander Guan, send a message to the Ministry of Justice and ask them to come and get the person."

Guan Dingrong's legs were trembling as he sent a message to the Ministry of Punishment.


After all, Yingguo’s national conditions are different.

Guan Dingrong followed Ying Hongye. He had met Ying III, the Queen, and the three princes, but none of them were as arrogant as Ji Changsheng.

Seeing Guan Dingrong's appearance, Ji Changsheng shook his head helplessly again.

"How serious it is will scare you. Although the national conditions of Yingguo and other countries are different, it's just a matter of going through a few more procedures. Shi Yonghong is smarter than you."

"But by doing this you are subduing yourself."

It was Zhang Bei who spoke.

Ji Changsheng asked, "Did I hit someone?"

Zhang Bei: "...Aren't you afraid that Shi Yonghong will retract his confession after he goes to the Ministry of Punishment?"

Ji Changsheng smiled: "Captain Zhang, when will you think outside the framework of investigating the case? What confessions, evidence, witnesses... these are not important at all, they are used to fool the people above and below. You I can provide you with as much as you want. Without Shi Yonghong, I can still find Zhang Yonghong and Guan Yonghong, is it difficult? "

Zhang Bei: "..."

It's hard.

She didn't dare to do it anyway.

"Young Master Ji, let me remind you that the Ministry of Punishment is the territory of Ding Shilang, and Shi Yonghong must be familiar with it. After he goes to the Ministry of Punishment, he is likely to collude with others and may be killed. The reason why he is willing to surrender is because he must be with It is related to the Ministry of Punishment, so he should be sure to give a lighter sentence." Zhang Bei reminded.

Ji Changsheng nodded: "I guessed it, otherwise Shi Yonghong wouldn't have been able to kneel down so cleanly. Ding Shilang is the second-largest figure in the Ministry of Punishment. Of course the Shi family is sure to deal with it, but I don't care."

Shi Yonghong's whole body trembled again.

Ji Changsheng smiled and put away the video of Shi Yonghong testifying against the eldest prince, and then said to Shi Yonghong: "Master Shi, for me, your historical mission has been completed. As for your subsequent fate, I actually don't care. . If you want to survive, just work harder. Don’t worry, I will remember my promise to the Shi family."

"Thank you, Master Ji."

Ji Changsheng accepted it calmly: "Although I burned your home, robbed your spiritual stones, killed your backstage, and asked you to frame you, you should really thank me. Master Shi, you are a reasonable person people."

There are not many people who can see his pure and kind nature now.

The four teammates on our side probably haven't seen it clearly yet.

"Let's go and investigate the next suspect."

The Shi family's spiritual stone has been obtained and the confession has been obtained. The Shi family has completed their historical mission.

Ji Changsheng rushed to the next destination without stopping.

Zhang Bei's scalp went numb and he blurted out: "Young Master Ji, you don't want to investigate His Highness, do you?"


Mao Yi also knelt down: "Young Master Ji, think twice. It is difficult for His Majesty to have anything to do with His Majesty's assassination. As we all know, His Majesty has left His Majesty idle. Even if something happens to His Majesty, His Majesty has no chance of succeeding to the throne. Therefore, Your Majesty is the third one." The least suspected among the princes. If we investigate him first, it will be difficult to convince the public. Young Master Ji, why are you targeting His Highness?"

Ji Changsheng told the truth: "It's not that I'm targeting the eldest prince, it's that you, Princess Hongye, don't like him."

Before leaving Xuandu Temple, Ji Changsheng had two lists in his hand.

One was given to him by the patron, and the other was given to him by Ying Hongye.

In fact, Ding Shilang and the Shi family were not on these two lists. Whether it was Ding Shilang or the Shi family, their positions were too small, and neither the temple owner nor Ying Hongye took them seriously.

However, the spiritual stone Ji Changsheng copied from the Shi family told him that the murderer was not wrong!

Ying Hongye is the princess of the Ying Kingdom, and the master of the temple is the leader of the world's number one immortal sect. It is normal for them to have high vision, and they can only see tigers in their eyes.

But flies also need to be swatted.

When Ji Qingtian comes, he will wipe out all the moths.

The Shi family was empty, and Ji Changsheng's attention shifted to the two lists.

Putting aside the list provided by the visitor, the eldest prince ranked first in the list Hongye gave him.

Then of course he wants to get the eldest prince.

If you dare to mess with my concubine, who will die if you don't?

At this time, Ji Changsheng naturally understood the reason why Ying Hongye wanted to mess with the eldest prince.

The eldest prince was left idle, and Ying Hongye was the instigator.

This feud is too big.

If this dear elder brother is not beaten to death with a stick, Ying Hongye himself will be in danger.

Upon hearing that it was their own princess, the expressions of the four of them softened slightly.

Tan Yin blames himself: "It is our Tan family's fault that the princess and His Highness forged a big feud. But young master, you must think twice. It is indeed difficult to have anything to do with His Majesty's assassination. If something happens to His Majesty, his situation It is the worst thing. After all, His Majesty is his father, and the other Highnesses are his younger brothers. No matter how displeased His Majesty is, His Majesty will not do anything to his own son. It would be hard to say that if it were the other Highnesses, So no one will think that His Highness did it."

Ji Changsheng corrected him: "Your idea is wrong. His Highness may have taken advantage of your idea to carry out this rebellion specifically to frame the Second and Third Highnesses."

Tan Yin: "..."

"Besides, it is an indisputable fact that His Highness and the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce are close, right?"

Tan Yin nodded.

"That's right. Supporting the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce is suspected of being a demon sect. Raising a fox girl means that the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons is not clear about it. Such an idle prince takes money from the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce and from Ten Thousand Demons. The country borrowed troops from the other side, and then a rebellion broke out within the Ying country."

At this point, Ji Changsheng's face turned pale: "Unless this person is removed, the Ying Kingdom will never have peace. All gentlemen, please accompany me to suppress the rebellion."

All the gentlemen knelt down.

This will eliminate rebellion.

What about the promised investigation?

"Young Master Ji, you must think twice. The few of us... are really not capable of suppressing the rebellion." Guan Dingrong persuaded Ji Changsheng from a different angle: "The security force of His Highness's residence is stronger than that of the Princess's residence. And it is precisely because His Highness and Princess have been together before. The Tongtian Chamber of Commerce is too close, so there are people in the Secret Law Pavilion keeping an eye on the eldest prince."

Zhang Bei nodded and said: "Yes, there are people from the Secret Law Pavilion in His Highness's residence. We at the Secret Law Pavilion have been working on the information about the eldest prince every day. It can be basically confirmed that His Majesty's assassination has nothing to do with His Highness. Ji Young Master, if you want to blame this matter on His Highness, you won’t be able to pass the level of the Secret Law Pavilion.”

"The Secret Law Pavilion? Could it be a place where demons from the Demon Cult are hidden?" Ji Changsheng was a little confused: "Who is the surname of the master of the pavilion? Tell me."

Zhang Bei's scalp felt numb again.

As the vice-captain of the Secret Magic Team, her awe for the Secret Magic Pavilion comes from the bottom of her heart.

But from what Ji Changsheng said, the Secret Law Pavilion was like a dish that could be thrown away at any time.

She had never heard this tone from her grandfather, Marshal Zhang.

"Because the Secret Law Pavilion did not find out about His Majesty's assassination in advance, the Pavilion Master has been banned from the mansion and thinks about his mistakes behind closed doors." Zhang Bei said.

Ji Changsheng clapped his hands vigorously: "Then the truth is about to come out?"

Zhang Bei looked at Ji Changsheng confused.

Ji Changsheng sorted out the truth about Ying III's assassination for her: "The eldest prince colluded with the master of the Secret Law Pavilion to assassinate His Majesty. The eldest prince was responsible for taking action, and the master of the Secret Law Pavilion was responsible for covering up for him, so the Secret Law Pavilion has been kept in the dark. Here, you people in the Secret Law Pavilion will think that the eldest prince has no suspicion, but all this is a conspiracy they had planned long ago. The eldest prince used the help of the master of the secret law pavilion to clear the suspicion, and the master of the secret law pavilion supported the eldest prince to ascend the throne. God. They worked together and colluded with the Assassin League. The evidence is conclusive and the truth is out."

Zhang Bei is stupid.

"How can the Pavilion Master help His Highness ascend to the throne of God?"

"It's too simple. Just frame the assassination of His Majesty on His Highness the Second and His Highness the Third. These two thieves really want to be punished. The matter is urgent. Don't talk nonsense. Let's go to the eldest prince's mansion first. We're late. , maybe he has destroyed the evidence."

Zhang Bei: "..."

There is no evidence, so how can it be destroyed.

Although the nonsense Ji Changsheng made up was indeed logically feasible, she didn't believe a word of it.

Obviously Ji Changsheng was the one who made it up.

"Young Master Ji, the eldest prince will not cooperate with our investigation, and we do not have enough reasons to investigate a prince's mansion. Now the eyes of the entire capital are staring at you. If you attack the eldest prince without any reason, people will definitely make trouble. When people are in danger, their Second and Third Highnesses, including the Queen, will not stand idly by."

Mao Yi hesitated for a moment, then continued to remind in a low voice: "Even the Queen may come forward to stop you. Young Master Ji, don't forget that the four highnesses are brothers and sisters of the same mother. Even if His Majesty wakes up, If I know that you took action against the eldest prince without any reason, I will definitely not be happy."

Ji Changsheng only heard one important point in Mao Yi's words - there was not enough reason.

"What if we have enough reasons to investigate the eldest prince?"

"It's impossible. The eldest prince is indeed involved in other aspects, but he is very clean in the case of His Majesty's assassination. If we can't produce strong evidence, the eldest prince will definitely resist with force, which will definitely shock the entire capital."

Zhang Bei looked at Ji Changsheng and said seriously: "Young Master Ji, I know that you are a young prodigy and very powerful. But in the capital city of Ying Kingdom, unless Fairy Linglong comes in person, even if the Tribulation Realm monks come, they will not be able to change the world. . We can’t defeat His Highness at all, but we will make ourselves disgraced.”

Ji Changsheng silently took out his wife's jade sword.

Zhang Bei was stunned instantly.

Yu Linglong didn't come, but her sword came.

Then it will definitely be no problem to win the next eldest prince.

"Captain Zhang, show me the eldest prince's information and I'll see if I've arrested the wrong person."

Mao Yi smiled, but the laughter was very sarcastic: "Young master Ji, there is no need to worry about this. The eldest prince tortures several witches to death every year. If Her Royal Highness hadn't saved me from the fire and water, I should have fallen into the eldest prince's hands by now. In his hands, he was tortured to death.”

Ji Changsheng silently added a tag to the eldest prince.

"Isn't Yingguo ruling the country according to law?"

Mao Yi continued to sneer: "His Highness is still smart and does not do anything to ordinary human women, at least not to them openly. He seems to only love human-monster hybrids, or simply monsters incarnate. The laws of the Ying Kingdom protect the people of the Ying Kingdom, like us. Such smuggled creatures, or monsters, are not protected by the laws of the Ying Kingdom."

Ji Changsheng nodded and asked, "Do you have any other questions?"


It was Tan Yin who spoke this time.

"The eldest prince can share 30% of all the business done by the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce in Yingguo. This is the reason why His Majesty is really furious." Tan Yin said bluntly: "If you just bully us, Tan Jia, to be honest, Your Majesty will not take it to heart at all. Go up. It’s because the eldest prince and the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce are too close, and the connection is too deep. The Tongtian Chamber of Commerce does a lot of business in Yingguo and even promotes it under the name of His Highness, which offends His Majesty."

Ji Changsheng's face also darkened: "Zhang Bei, is this true?"

"Yes, but His Highness has not asked about the specific business of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. He only shares a share." Zhang Bei added: "Those things that really violate the laws of the Ying Kingdom are all done by the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. According to the investigation of our Secret Law Pavilion , the eldest prince doesn’t know about it.”

Ji Changsheng sneered and said, "That's just as damnable. Give me the evidence. I'll take a look on the way."

Ji Changsheng didn't think these people were wronging the eldest prince.

But after all, he is a righteous person. If he wants to kill someone, he must do it with peace of mind and clear evidence.

The attention paid to the eldest prince in the Secret Law Pavilion was beyond Ji Changsheng's imagination, and he quickly obtained the eldest prince's files in the Secret Law Pavilion.

As Zhang Bei and Tan Yin said, the eldest prince only takes the share and does not participate in specific affairs. Of course, those dirty things don't matter either.

But this was enough for Ji Changsheng.

Black gloves be damned.

The person supporting the black glove deserves to die as well.

The laws of the Ying Kingdom are just the most basic bottom line for being a human being.

Ji Qingtian's bottom line is far above the laws of Yingguo.

It violated his bottom line. No matter who he is, the eldest prince or the second prince, can he still be as awesome as the second generation saint?

"Now that the evidence is available, the next step is to suppress the rebellion." Ji Changsheng concluded.

Zhang Bei: "...Young Master Ji, all the senior officials of the Ying Kingdom know about these evidences, and they can't do anything to His Highness. The most they can do is make him sit on the bench. If you use these evidences to go to His Highness for questioning, he will definitely not do it." Take it seriously. Of course, you have nothing to fear with the Exquisite Immortal Sword, but this will not solve the fundamental problem. It will only alert the enemy and let the real murderer go free."

Ji Changsheng waved his hand and said firmly: "The real murderer cannot escape justice. I can only kill more people and never miss anyone."

Ji Lao Mo has absolute confidence in this.

Zhang Bei was speechless.

"As for these evidences not making it difficult to take action against His Highness, it's simple. Then find a suitable reason to take action against His Highness."

"What's the reason?" Tan Yin said with a bitter smile: "His Highness may seem reckless, but in fact he is a smart man. He knows very well what can be touched and what cannot be touched. Being so close to the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce and the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, His Highness He was able to escape unscathed because he did not leave any evidence that he had actually violated the law."

"That's because he's never met me before."

Ying Hongye knew Ji Changsheng back then, but now the eldest prince is probably dead.

It's too late to meet.

Fortunately, it can still be made up for.

Ji Changsheng was concerned about his concubine's affairs.

"The evidence is coming soon."

As soon as Ji Changsheng finished speaking, three thousand sword energy fell from the sky and instantly enveloped their imperial team.

Every sword energy contained a deep-seated murderous intent.

As the commander of the guards of the Princess Mansion, Guan Dingrong was the first to react and his eyes were about to burst: "The enemy is attacking! Protect Young Master Ji."

The guards didn't react as quickly as he did.

In fact, it would be useless even if his reaction was faster than his.

Because the assassin is in the Mahayana realm.

In the blink of an eye, everyone in the imperial team was injured, but their lives were not in danger.

The most seriously injured person was Ji Changsheng.

The assassin's real target is also Ji Changsheng.

"Young Master of Tiansheng Sect?"

A cold voice sounded in the air.

"Someone offered you a billion high-grade spiritual stones to buy your life. Die in my hands. Rest in peace."

The Mahayana monks are in full momentum.

Hundreds of afterimages surrounded the imperial team.

Her identity was instantly recognized.

"Golden Assassin."

"It's an afterimage."

"Phantoms, the signature skill of the Assassin's League's eight gold medal assassins."

"Damn it, Master Ji, be careful."

Ji Changsheng smiled at the "afterimage".

Then he waved the jade sword in his hand.

After seeing the jade sword and the seven-colored sword energy that the jade sword subsequently wielded, "Afterimage" screamed strangely, turned around and ran away.

But the speed has slowed down significantly.

Ji Changsheng shook his neck and asked proactively, "Are you okay?"


"Thank you, Master Ji, for your concern."

"How could Afterimage assassinate Young Master Ji?"

Ji Changsheng guessed: "We probably found the real culprit, so the real culprit wanted to pay someone to kill someone."

Zhang Bei discovered that the "afterimage" was escaping in the direction of the eldest prince's mansion. The corners of his eyes twitched hard and he finally realized what he was doing.

"Young Master Ji, you..."

Ji Changsheng directly interrupted the not-so-smart woman, and his angry voice spread throughout the capital: "Ji arrived in the capital for the first time, and as soon as he found some clues, he dispatched the Assassin League's gold medal assassin to assassinate Ji. What a great gift. .Assassinating the imperial envoy is the same as treason, and the crime cannot be punished. Everyone, follow me to put down the rebellion."

After saying that, Ji Changsheng went straight after the "afterimage".

"'Afterimage' was seriously injured and she couldn't run away."

Zhang Bei: "..."

It's hard to describe the turmoil in her heart at this time.

She seemed to see the truth clearly, but she couldn't figure out many things. The most unclear thing was - was this "afterimage" acting in conjunction with Ji Changsheng?

If so, Ji Changsheng's relationship with the Assassin's League simply made her think about it with horror.

If not, then this thing is too coincidental.

She believed that the entire capital's top management should be shocked by now.

This is indeed the case.

The afterimage of one of the eight gold medal assassins of the Assassin League appeared and assassinated Ji Changsheng. This incident was so big that all the senior officials immediately raised the alarm.

"Are you sure it's really an afterimage?"

"It's unmistakable. The Mahayana aura, numerous afterimages, and even the gold medal fell to the ground. It's impossible for anyone to impersonate."

"The residual image assassinated Ji Changsheng...did Ji Changsheng really find out the clues?"

"The data does show that Ji Changsheng's action efficiency is very high, but is it this high?"

"The real culprit behind the scenes also reacted quickly and decisively. He directly killed Ji Changsheng, and his attack was at the level of a gold medal assassin."

"If Ji Changsheng hadn't been holding Fairy Linglong's jade sword, he would have been found in our capital today."

"Assassinating an imperial envoy is a serious crime. The residual image was struck by the Linglong Immortal Sword and was seriously injured. It is very likely that it will fall into the hands of Ji Changsheng. No, I have to go and see for myself."

Many big guys are a little bit restless.

The assassination of the emperor is already scary.

As a result, the emperor on the front foot had just been assassinated, and the imperial envoy investigating the matter on the back foot was also assassinated.

And this time it is confirmed that he is the gold medal assassin of the Assassin League.

This made the entire Yingguo feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Many people are guessing what Ji Changsheng found out.

The eldest prince was also guessing.

The difference is that he is very sorry.

"I heard that Ji Changsheng is Hong Ye's favorite consort. What a pity. Why didn't Remnant kill him this time?" The eldest prince looked up to the sky and sighed: "It would be very satisfying if Hong Ye's sweetheart died at the hands of Remnant. .”

"Your Highness, be careful what you say, walls have ears." A close confidant reminded him.

The eldest prince waved his hand casually: "It is precisely because the walls have ears, so there is no need to cover up. The Secret Law Pavilion has arranged people around me who know my innocence best. This kind of thing must have nothing to do with me, so it doesn't matter if I say a few more words. . If I knew which hero hired Afterimage, I would definitely have a drink with him."

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, who is that?"

The eldest prince looked up and saw dozens of afterimages.

He blinked and then wiped his eyes again, when the afterimage was already in front of him.

Afterimage's angry accusations made the eldest prince's brain begin to shut down.

"Why is there no Ji Changsheng carrying an exquisite sword in the information you gave me?"

"Do you want me to die on purpose?"

"Sooner or later, the Assassin League will come to settle this debt with you."

The afterimage's voice fell and flew away again.

But Afterimage's angry accusations had spread throughout the entire mansion, and then to the entire capital.

The eldest prince himself was confused.

The cronies in the eldest prince's residence, including the undercover agents of the Secret Law Pavilion, also stopped thinking at this time.

They had been watching the eldest prince all day long, but they didn't notice that he had contacted the Assassin's League.

what is happening?

Before they could react, Ji Changsheng had already arrived here with the exquisite sword.

Ji Qingtian was very angry.

"Your Majesty, you are so brave. The one who assassinated His Majesty was in front, and the imperial envoy was behind. In the five hundred years of the Ying Kingdom, there has probably never been a 'hero' like you."

The eldest prince was shocked: "I didn't, it's not me."

"The evidence is conclusive, but you still dare to deny it. Afterimage even admitted it."

Ji Changsheng raised Fairy Linglong's jade sword.

The eldest prince felt the crisis of life and death, and he said loudly: "This is a frame-up, Ji Changsheng, you can't kill me."

The commotion here was too loud, and Ji Changsheng's actions tonight had always attracted people's attention, so when Ji Changsheng arrived at the eldest prince's mansion, the bosses finally couldn't sit still.

"Young master Ji will keep people under his sword."

Li Xiang rushed out quickly.

"This matter still needs long-term consideration."

Marshal Zhang also quickly walked out of the darkness.

"Young Master Ji, our Secret Law Pavilion will take over this matter. Within three days, we will find out the real culprit and give you a satisfactory explanation."

The deputy master of the Secret Law Pavilion wiped the cold sweat from his head and appeared in front of Ji Changsheng.

The emperor has been assassinated, and the master of the Secret Law Pavilion has been banned.

Now that the imperial envoy has been assassinated again, the deputy master feels that the Secret Law Pavilion is really in trouble.

"Young Master Ji, calm down. The Queen Mother heard that you were assassinated by the residual image. She was very frightened and furious. She has sent the best doctor to the Princess's Mansion. Young Master Ji, why not move to the Princess' Mansion and treat your injuries first."

The queen's personal female officer also appeared at the right time, keeping her posture extremely low.

Seeing so many people standing up to protect themselves, the eldest prince breathed a sigh of relief and regained the composure of the royal family of the Ying Kingdom.

"Ji Changsheng, this matter is clearly framed. Our Yingguo investigation requires evidence. If you broke into my mansion for no reason, I will not pursue it with you."

Ji Changsheng looked around indifferently and said in a deep voice: "Of course you need evidence when investigating a case, but is the assassination of an imperial envoy a case?"

Without waiting for anyone else to answer, Ji Changsheng gave an unequivocal answer: "The gold medal assassin of the Assassin League assassinated the imperial envoy in the capital. This is an act of terror and blatant rebellion. Evidence is needed to investigate the case, and a list is needed to counter-terrorism. To counter insurgency, Just the coordinates.”

Ji Changsheng pointed his sword at the eldest prince and said in a deep voice: "Your mansion is the last coordinate where the afterimage disappears."

The eldest prince felt very ridiculous, so he really laughed out loud: "So what? I haven't done anything I haven't done. I'm just standing here. If you have the guts, kill me."

Ji Changsheng follows the good deeds.

The eldest prince's head fell to the ground.

People around were stunned.

Ji Changsheng's voice made everyone feel cold: "It is necessary to remind everyone that His Majesty's assassination was not a homicide, but a conspiracy!"

He is very good at investigating crimes.

Even better at counterinsurgency!

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