Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 20 Starting a Group (Additional update for the leader of “First Resignation”)

Ji Changsheng, the instigator, was revealed to the viewer, and the Bai family was naturally shocked and angry.

Before they came to investigate, they all thought that Ji Changsheng had done this.

However, the leader of Kunyue's Luanmai lineage is the neutral camp of Xuandu Temple. He has always been impartial and has no enmity with the Bai family.

He will not suddenly favor the viewer.

Could it be...that Bai Guanlin really directed and acted himself?

Fairy Linglong gave Bai Guanlin some unknown trump cards, but Bai Guanlin was clever and deceived all of them?

The Bai family also began to doubt.

Because Bai Guanlin, a second-generation immortal and the youngest son of the best man in the world, is really possible to make such a stupid operation, but in fact it is lawless.

But once Bai Guanlin is actually directing and acting, the Bai family will lose both his wife and troops this time.

Jiang Boqing, as the general of the Bai family who was pushed into the battle this time, was unwilling to accept this reality.

He struggled hard and said: "Master Luanmai, can you let me take a look?"

Lord Luanmai glanced at Jiang Boqing and said dissatisfiedly: "Are you doubting my eyesight? Or are you doubting my fairness?"

"I don't dare." Jiang Boqing said hurriedly: "It's just that the matter is serious and I have to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"That's fine."

Lord Luan Meridian nodded, but did not hand the note to Jiang Boxing. Instead, he directly manifested it in mid-air, and then used his magic power to activate the extraordinary qualities of the agarwood paper and the ink.

After a while, the hall was filled with fragrance, which made people feel relaxed and happy. They even felt that their souls were clear and their state of mind was somewhat improved - this is the wonderful function of agarwood paper.

At the same time, dragons and phoenixes are carved on the pillars of the main hall.

Accompanied by the fragrance of the ink, the giant dragon carved on the pillar with its fangs and claws even struggled to stretch out a dragon claw.

Facts speak louder than words.

"It's indeed agarwood paper and ink."

"Agarwood paper is a special product of the Bai family, and there is no way for outsiders to buy and sell it. Dianhua ink is a treasure of Danqing Pavilion. The guys from the Confucian sect are independent of themselves and don't have much contact with us. They only gave it to me for the sake of Senior Sister Linglong. Some of the Bai family."

"I'm afraid Ji Changsheng doesn't even know the existence of these two things, let alone use them to set up a trap."

"The temple master is right. His methods are poor and his thoughts are deceitful. It's a pity."

"Bai Guanlin...sigh, he knows people, faces but not heart."

"She is good at everything except her descendants."

"It was a waste of my time for half the night, and it was directed and acted by a kid who doesn't know the world. It's really boring."

Everyone's face looked unhappy.

Including the Bai family.

This time, the Bai family originally wanted to investigate.

They think that they are the right side and will definitely have the upper hand, and even force the viewer to make concessions to obtain benefits beyond expectations.

They never expected that they would be kept in the dark by their own people.

Yes, they now believe that Ji Changsheng is innocent.

Bai Guanlin did everything himself.

The host was very cooperative.

Bai Guanlin's character... is not too tough.

So when all the evidence pointed to Bai Guanlin, everyone subconsciously believed it.

Only Ji Changsheng and the viewer knew how wronged Bai Guanlin was.

But they will definitely not avenge Bai Guanlin.

Instead, they only add insult to injury.

Ji Changsheng stood up and said indignantly: "The truth has become clear. I ask the Master to uphold justice and uphold justice for this disciple."

The spectator hesitated.

Then he spoke after careful consideration: "Chang Sheng, I know I have wronged you this time, but Bai Guanlin has a different identity after all."

The implication of the viewer is that we can slander him and wrongly accuse him, which can be interpreted as sharpening his character.

But don't go too far.

It's a pity that Ji Changsheng beat the drowned dog: "There is a saying in the secular world - when the emperor breaks the law, he is guilty of the same crime as the common people. Even if Bai Guanlin has a noble status, can he regard the sect's laws as nothing? The disciple is not convinced."

Viewer: "..."

Others also looked at Ji Changsheng in shock.

Good guy.

This guy is so fierce.

Sure enough, she has the style of Li Changxi.

Li Changxi also feels that her junior brother Yingguo is similar to me.

Since her junior brother did not want to settle the matter, she no longer kept a low profile and spoke to help her junior brother: "Who is Bai Guanlin? His identity is nothing in front of my junior brother. My junior brother is the reincarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. How dare Bai Guanlin slander my junior brother? , the following offenders shall be punished with death.”

The viewer rubbed his head.

Zhong Hua sighed.

Master Luanmai raised his head and looked at the sky.

Jiang Boqing cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, Li Changxi is sick again."

You can't argue with a mentally ill person.

What's more, Fairy Linglong especially admires this psychopath.

There is really nothing they can do against Li Changxi.

"I heard that someone wants to deal with Lin'er?"

Suddenly, Bai Guanlin walked in supporting an old lady.

No one stopped me during the whole process.

When the viewer saw this silver-haired old lady, his pupils shrank violently and he stood up from his seat immediately.

"Old lady, why are you here?"

The old lady was being supported by Bai Guanlin. She was out of breath as she spoke, but her tone was very rude: "Someone wants to kill my Qilin son of the Bai family. If the old lady doesn't come over and take a look, the Bai family will really die unjustly."

This time it was the viewer's turn to have cold sweat on his forehead: "Old madam, what did you say?"

Ji Changsheng narrowed his eyes and quietly approached Li Changxi.

Li Changxi's voice also reached Ji Changsheng's ears: "Junior brother, be careful, this is an old immortal from the Bai family. Her identity is a bit special."

No need for Li Changxi to say, Ji Changsheng also saw it.

The identity of this old woman is definitely not ordinary and special.

It seems to have little magic power, and may drive away at any time.

But... since she appeared, the viewer has become very nervous.

Not only the viewer, but everyone became very nervous.

And except for Li Changxi, everyone stood up immediately to greet the old woman.

"She accidentally saved my mother's life, and the prosperity of the Bai family came from this."

Ji Changsheng understood, stabilized his mind, and prepared to adapt to changes.

At this time, the old woman said something that made Ji Changsheng overjoyed:

"The father-in-law said the public is right, and the mother-in-law said the mother-in-law was right. You said it was me, the Bai family, who framed me, and the Bai family said it was you who killed people and silenced them. Since no one admits it, let's test the merits. The merits of Xuandu Guan are the first, and killing is the best. Many Xuandu Guan disciples will definitely show their merits and virtues."

The old woman looked at Ji Changsheng.

Bai Guanlin also looked over with malicious eyes: "Ji Changsheng, you are dead, your true colors will be revealed soon!"

Ji Changsheng blinked.

He is certainly not afraid of testing merit.

When Ji Changsheng went to the fantasy world to gain merit, he was on guard against this move.

Even if he can't quibble and the temple owner and Li Changxi can't protect him, he will directly show his merits and find the Xuanhuang Merit Tower for protection.

The owner of the temple - Li Changxi - Xuanhuang Gongde Pagoda, the trinity, only Ji Changsheng dared to do a big job.

Otherwise, he would not have gone on such a killing spree in Xuandu Temple.

It seemed like a risk, but in fact Ji Changsheng certainly thought that he would be safe.

The progress of things now was completely within his expectation.

But Ji Changsheng refused to get off the donkey, but was very angry. He acted well and could not let the Bai family see that he was confident now.

Ji Changsheng ignored Bai Guanlin, looked directly at the old woman, and asked in a deep voice: "Are you teaching the temple master how to do things?"

Everyone: "..."

I know that Ji Changsheng is fierce.

But they really didn't expect that he could be so fierce in front of the old lady of the Bai family.

"I thought Xuandu Temple has the final say of the temple owner. Does your Excellency have any position in Xuandu Temple? What qualifications do you have to teach the temple owner to do things?"

Ji Changsheng didn't care what others thought.

All he knew was that he was loyal to the viewer.

The enemy of the viewer is my enemy, Ji Changsheng.

The viewer smiled bitterly: "Changsheng, this is the old lady of the Bai family."

Ji Changsheng understood in his heart.

That is similar to the role of Jia Mu in "A Dream of Red Mansions".

In the family, he seems to have the highest status and seniority, and he always sticks to his word.

However, there are no eggs.

In the end, the Jia family cried with thousands of reds, and all the beautiful women cried together, and the vast white land was so clean.

Ji Changsheng was neither humble nor arrogant. He didn't even give face to the temple owner and asked directly: "What does the old lady of the Bai family have to do with our Xuandu Temple? No one has answered my question yet. Does she have any position in Xuandu Temple?" What qualifications do you have to teach the viewer how to do things?”

The viewer felt secretly happy and decisively shut up.

Of course, he is also annoyed by people like Old Taijun Bai who rely on their old age to show off their old age.

Who wants to have an old antique on their head?

The viewer does not suffer from masochism.

But he can't start a group directly.

But Ji Changsheng helped him start a group, so of course he just stood by and watched.

If the temple master does not speak, the close relatives of the temple master will not speak.

They were not Ji Changsheng, nor were they so fierce that they actively provoked Mrs. Bai.

But Li Changxi was the boss of the second team, so she smiled and said: "She does not have any position in Xuandu Temple, but she is the old lady of the Bai family, so of course she is qualified to teach the temple master how to do things."

Ji Changsheng sneered: "Xuandu Temple is the number one immortal sect, and it is also the place with the most spiritual energy in the entire world. I remember that I learned the sect rules in the outer sect. Non-Xuandu Temple disciples are not allowed to set foot in Xuandu Temple unless approved by the leader. Duguan Mountain Gate, any trespassers will die. Temple Master, may I ask if this old lady Bai appears in our Xuandu Temple, have you approved it?"

The viewer coughed slightly and said truthfully: "No."

Ji Changsheng said loudly: "The disciple asks the Discipline Hall to enforce the law impartially and execute this old woman to correct the sect's rules."

The law enforcement elder of the Discipline Hall coughed loudly.

It is really a happy thing to have a strong general in your own camp.

But it's really too strong.

He couldn't take it.

Don't talk about him, the viewer can't even catch him.

The temple owner explained: "Don't talk nonsense in Changsheng. The Bai family has made great contributions to Xuandu Temple. Mrs. Bai is highly virtuous and respected, and Fairy Linglong also respects her very much. You must not be rude."

Ji Changsheng asked in reply: "The sect rules that disciples learn are that outsiders must obtain the consent of the current temple master before they can stay in Xuandu Temple. Is the temple master hinting that Fairy Linglong will abdicate and not give up her power?"

The viewer was "lividly furious": "You are so impudent, Senior Sister Linglong is so upright and upright, how can she care about fame and fortune. Considering that you are still young, I will not hold you responsible for making assumptions about Senior Sister Linglong for the time being. If you do it next time, you will be severely punished."

Ji Changsheng was not afraid of power and was unyielding, and asked again: "In that case, didn't this old lady violate the rules of our Xuandu temple? The master of the temple is so harsh to his disciples, but he is so weak to outsiders. The disciples are not convinced. .”

Li Changxi added the knife: "Junior brother, it's useless if you don't accept it. Who told you that you are from a poor commoner background, and Mrs. Bai is the ancestor of the Bai family. It is normal for the master to bully the weak and fear the strong, and treat them differently. You have to learn to accept it. Learn to be grateful, because you don’t have a rich and powerful father."

The host's face was gloomy, and he seemed to be very angry at Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi's accusations, but due to the rules of the sect, there was nothing he could do against Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi.

But except for Bai Guanlin, everyone present is a thousand-year-old fox.

Everyone can see that Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi are helping the viewers start a group when they sing together.

They are in a group.


The viewer was silent for a moment, not bothering to pretend anymore.

Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi have helped him prepare the ground for this. If he doesn't seize the opportunity to drive Old Mrs. Bai down the mountain, then there will be no such shop after this village.

As an old silver coin like Guanzhu, his ability to seize opportunities is top-notch.

Therefore, the viewer smiled bitterly at Old Taijun Bai and said: "Old Taijun, look at this... Well, although Chang Xi and Chang Sheng are both my juniors, they are talking about the rules of the sect, and I can't deal with them without reason. You’re seeing a joke.”

The gloomy look on the viewer's face is fake.

Mrs. Bai's face is really ugly.

However, she took a deep breath, tried to calm herself down, and said in a deep voice: "Linglong has just stepped down, and she left the tea. It is true that human nature is cold and warm, and the world is hot and cold, and I have understood it."

Ji Changsheng retorted directly: "Old man, don't rely on me and show off your old age. Fairy Linglong is willing to let you stay because of her kindness. The master of the temple wants you to come down the mountain because of your duty. You are already old, why don't you put it aside? Facts aside, it’s really shameful to play moral kidnapping.”

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