Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 238 Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal

"Master, do you know how to use thunder?"

You Siyi was surprised: "Why have you never heard of it before?"

Ji Changsheng said calmly: "I used to practice swords, and now I will practice thunder."

In fact, he majored in Demon Sword, Sea of ​​Blood, White Bones, Ten Thousand Soul Banners...but those were not important.

If my wife practices swordsmanship, I will practice swordsmanship.

I will repair thunder in my previous life.

The main focus is to adapt to local conditions.

Since the Antarctic Immortal Emperor controls the Thunder Department, of course he must also practice Thunder Techniques.

"Saintess, how many people from the Acacia sect do you estimate will participate in the rebellion?"

Ji Changsheng asked You Siyi casually while silently using a small amount of merit to improve the progress of the thunder method, without feeling nervous at all.

You Siyi looked at Ji Changsheng who was surrounded by thunder and lightning. He didn't feel nervous, but only felt the hearts of his master and master.

"I don't know, it depends on who is the real culprit behind the scenes. If it's just a rebellion by Headmaster Lan's cronies, the scale won't be too big. If there is a higher-level real culprit behind it, such as Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, it's hard to say. Master, should we inform Master’s cronies in time to prevent them from going astray?”

Before Ji Changsheng could answer, her transmission talisman rang.

You Siyi clicked on it and saw the message Li Huanyan sent her.

It seems that "scheduled delivery" is also set up.

"Siyi, the fact that I have become the disciple of the Holy Mother Yuanjun is not allowed to be spread inside the door. I want all those with evil intentions to jump out. Immortality requires merit and prestige with heads, and you also need to kill people to establish prestige. Old man in the door If there are too many, you will not be able to sit still and teach, so you must not be kind to women."

You Siyi: "..."

She and Ji Changsheng looked at each other, then looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Master, are you afraid that my master is so ruthless?"

Ji Changsheng smiled: "Generally speaking, others are afraid of me."

"Master is taking the initiative to trick people."

"Acacia witch should be capable of such a feat."

Ji Changsheng was not surprised.

Of his three wives, Yu Linglong should be considered the lawful justice camp, Li Changxi belongs to the psychotic camp, and Li Huanyan is obviously the lawful evil camp.

Therefore, Yu Linglong never paid attention to Li Huanyan. She and Li Huanyan were not the same people.

But Ji Changsheng was broad-minded and open-minded, and did not dislike Bao's cruelty.

"Master, I'm thinking of someone. Do you want to make some preparations in advance?"

"No need, I've already prepared it."

Ji Changsheng knew who You Siyi was talking about.

But the people You Siyi could think of, he and Li Huanyan had already thought of them.

Ordinary people do things, smart people do things, and masters do things.

Li Huanyan is a master, she just plays the game.

Ji Changsheng is not any of them.

He's breaking things.

No matter who set it up, Ji Changsheng didn't care.

He only cares about the results he wants.

As for whose layout will be destroyed in the process, he doesn't care about how many battles of wisdom and century-old plans are hidden in the game.

However, few people in the game have the awareness and means to break the game like Ji Changsheng.

Most people don't even realize they are in the game.

They thought they saw a new hope.

Qi State.

Wen Renjiayu looked at Mr. Lanzhu who was sitting opposite him indifferently, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Are you mentally disturbed by the praise of these patients in Qi? Are you betraying the young master? Do you really think that you, the goddess Lan Xin, have much weight in front of the young master?"

Hearing Mr. Lanzhu say that he would betray Ji Changsheng, Wen Jiayu only found it funny.

Lord Lanzhu actually wanted to drag her into betrayal. Wen Jiayu couldn't stop laughing. She felt that Lord Lanzhu was insulting her intelligence.

Do you think I'm a fool?

Of course, sarcasm is sarcasm, and Wen Renjiayu also understood that Mr. Lanzhu must have the confidence to choose to betray.

"Tell me, who is supporting you?"

"Xue Yin'e."

"Xue Yin'e, the master of the Goddess Palace?"

Wen Renjiayu was not particularly surprised.

But there were still some surprises.

"Isn't she Madam... Madam's confidant?"

Wenrenjiayu had already received the news from her ancestor Wenren Liehuo. The ancestor told her that she had done a good job and opened a road to the sky for the Wenren family, and encouraged her to follow the young master and work hard.

Even without his ancestors, Wen Renjiayu had already made up his mind to follow Ji Changsheng.

People who have never been in contact with Ji Laomo don't understand the horror of Ji Laomo.

So I heard that Jiayu didn’t understand Mr. Lanzhu.

After all, you have been hanging out with the young master for two days.

Don’t you know how much of a beast the young master is?

Lord Lanzhu had his own reasons: "Li Huanyan has ascended, Yu Linglong has also ascended, and Master Yu is unconscious. In the post-Yu Linglong era, Xuandu Temple retreated, and all the heroes came together. Ji Changsheng was already alone, and his good days were over. ”

Hearing this, Jiayu smiled: "Nuwa, the empress has just made her holy appearance."

"Nuwa Empress will not always be a saint." Lan Zhujun said in a deep voice: "As Nuwa Empress, Ji Changsheng cannot reach high. Junior Sister Wenren, I know that you are under Ji Changsheng's control, I can set you free .”

Wen Renjiayu was finally moved.

"Have you released the restriction imposed by the young master?"

Ji Changsheng used the "Devil's Desire Sutra" in several of his original authentic transmissions to the Tiansheng Sect.

From body to soul, there was no room for betrayal.

Of course, there is no absolutely invincible method.

In this world where gods and Buddhas can manifest themselves, once a mechanical deity occurs, this prohibition is likely to become invalid.

Li Huanyan has never encountered this kind of problem because Li Huanyan has never offended any gods or Buddhas.

But Ji Changsheng is the master who jumps back and forth between saints.

He had just lost the face of Saint Zhunti in the public eye and claimed to be the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. It was perfectly normal for gods and Buddhas to manifest their saints and perform mechanical deifications.

When Ji Changsheng did this, he expected such a day.

Wen Renjiayu also thought of this.

"Besides Xue Yin'e, the master of the Goddess Palace, there must be real gods and Buddhas behind you. Who is it?"

"Dingguang Happy Buddha and Randen Ancient Buddha."

Lord Lanzhu looked at Wen Renjiayu's eyes, and there was inexplicable confusion in his voice: "Junior Sister Wenren, with the support of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, and Li Huanyan is no longer here, the Hehuan Sect will definitely be able to return to my hands. As long as you stand here On my side, the Tiansheng Sect belongs to the Wenren family."

Wen Renjiayu's heart didn't flutter for a second.

She still looked at Mr. Lanzhu as if she were looking at a fool.

"Dingguang Huanxi Buddha and Randen Ancient Buddha just lost to the young master's camp. I am now on the side of the winner. Mr. Lanzhu, why do I follow you to rebel against the young master?"

"Freedom, I will not control Junior Sister Wenren. As long as Junior Sister Wenren is willing to join forces with me, I can immediately free Junior Sister Wenren from Ji Laomo's control."

Wen Renjiayu chuckled: "Freedom? Mr. Lanzhu, there is something wrong with your brain. You talk about freedom with me, a true disciple of the Holy Religion. How many spirit stones is freedom worth? After working with the young master for two days, I am now a god." . What I want is to become stronger, what’s the use of being free?”

Lord Lanzhu was angry: "Are you willing to be Mo Ji's slave?"

Wen Renjiayu raised his hand: "First, although the young master can make us slaves, he does not really make us slaves. By working with the young master, we have greater power and higher freedom than before. .

"Second, if you take refuge in Dingguang Huanxi Buddha and Randen Ancient Buddha, you are not a slave. They are both out of your control of life and death. What is the essential difference?

"Third, Mr. Lanzhu, you have killed your whole family, but I have not. If you want to die, don't drag me with you. The young master has been good enough to you. If it weren't for the young master, Li Huanyan would have killed you long ago. You should be grateful .”

Mr. Lanzhu broke his guard: "Wen Jiayu, you are unreasonable. Ji Laomo humiliated you and me like this, but you are willing to do it. You deserve to be a slave girl for the rest of your life. Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me."

She doesn't understand.

Not only Wen Renjiayu, but also Sui Tinghuai and Ren Suqiong all rejected her solicitation.

These three people actually expressed their loyalty to Ji Lao Mo and would rather lose their freedom than join her in resisting Ji Lao Mo.

Needless to say, Luo Qingling and the new emperor of Qi State.

Even if he is controlled by her, he will still be killed or cut into pieces as he pleases. It is absolutely impossible to betray the young master.

"Do it."

Lord Lanzhu is ready to kill someone.

But no success.

In the capital of Qi State, starting from Luo Qingling's slender neck, a transparent aura rose up.

The scope quickly expanded to the entire Qijing City.

This transparent air mask doesn't hurt.

But it isolates all inhuman creatures and inhuman atmosphere.

Mr. Lanzhu is a human being.

But at this moment, she carried an inhuman aura.

Because Dingguang was happy with the Buddha, he was originally one of the seven immortals who accompanied the leader of the Tongtian Sect of Jiejiao, the Changer Dingguang Immortal. The body of Long-eared Dingguangxian is a long-eared rabbit.

Mr. Lanzhu was so evil at this time that he was naturally isolated.

Mr. Lanzhu was suddenly pushed out of the sky above Qijing City, and his expression suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

A statue of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha carried by Mr. Lanzhu quickly shone brightly. The projection of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha walked out of the statue and looked at the Qijing City ahead. After a moment, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was moved: "It is the most precious treasure of humanity, protecting all races and isolating all human beings." All inhuman creatures and inhuman auras, how can a small country in the lower realm have such a humane treasure?"

In Qijing City.

Tan Xiao, Ying Hongye's best friend, was helping Luo Qingling Wen Renjiayu and the others untie themselves.

Luo Qingling was still in shock, looking at the tortoise shell she was wearing in surprise, and said in shock: "How can the tortoise shell have such magical powers?"

Tan Xiao said calmly: "Miss Luo, you have to understand that what you are wearing is a fragment of the supreme treasure of humanity. The supreme treasure of humanity protects the human race from harm. Most of the heritage of the Ying Kingdom comes from this. But everyone who went on a killing spree in the capital of Ying Kingdom yesterday If it’s not Young Master Ji, the country of Ying won’t be so turbulent.”

The Ying Kingdom is the only country in the world that dares to challenge the major immortal sects. It is not at a disadvantage when facing the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, so it naturally has its trump card.

Normally, it should never be cleared quickly.

Even if you put Yixian in the Ying Kingdom, Ying III may not lose.

However, Ji Laomo is a pure-blood human race.

He held Yu Linglong in his hand again.

So I killed him directly...

Ji Changsheng didn't even realize the value of just clearing the Yingguo dungeon.

"Hongye is now in charge of Yingguo and has obtained the authority to these humane treasures. You and Hongye's mother also wear fragments of the Hetu, so Qi is safe. Of course, I didn't tell you these things beforehand. Don't blame me, Ji Changsheng specially told me."

Tan Xiao decisively sold Mo Ji.

"You didn't betray, I think Young Master Ji must be very pleased. I'm not surprised about Qing Ling, she has always been simple-minded. Young Master Ji is good to her, so she will not betray. Your Majesty, everything comes from the Young Master, you can control it It’s normal to live there. I’m not surprised that Sister Ren is on good terms with Young Master Ji. But I really didn’t expect that Sister Wenren and Senior Brother Sui could reject Lord Lanzhu.”

Wen Renjiayu and Sui Tinghuai looked at each other, both a little scared.

If they had not rejected Mr. Lanzhu, they would definitely be dead.

Wen Renjiayu shook his head: "It seems that the young master has been mentally prepared for Mr. Lanzhu's betrayal, and that's right. This is in line with the young master's methods."

"Sister Wenren, why don't you agree to Mr. Lanzhu?"

"I have made the reason very clear to Mr. Lanzhu just now. When she fights with the young master...she really has no idea."

Wen Renjiayu has been defeated by Ji Laomo.

She didn't understand at all why Mr. Lanzhu had the idea of ​​competing with Ji Lao Mo.

"Senior Brother Sui, what do you think?"

Sui Tinghuai said calmly: "Young Master is in charge of the Holy Religion, with clear rewards and punishments, clear goals, and clear ideas. From guiding ideas to specific implementation, every step is prepared. Under the Young Master's control, the Holy Religion's atmosphere is one of Qing, it can be seen with the naked eye that the future of the holy religion is smooth. Working with the young master, I can see the future, see the room for improvement, and get better treatment than before. Where is Lanzhu Jun? What does she have? A Dingguang who is willing to show his holiness. Happy Buddha?"

At this point, Sui Tinghuai's tone also began to mock: "Without a world view and methodology, she can't even compete with the young master in terms of background. From ability to brainpower, she has no upper hand in anything. She wants to die, but I don't Please accompany me."

"Aren't you afraid that Mr. Lanzhu will really kill you?" Tan Xiao asked curiously.

It didn't surprise her to choose Ji Changsheng between Lan Zhujun and Ji Changsheng. Anyone in their right mind would choose Ji Changsheng.

But Ji Changsheng is far away, and the threat of Lord Lanzhu is right in front of him.

Sui Tinghuai glanced at Wen Renjiayu and said indifferently: "I don't know what Senior Sister Wenren is thinking, but I know that falling into the hands of Lord Lanzhu will mean death at most. But if you betray the young master, death may not be the end."

Wen Renjiayu said directly: "When Mr. Lanzhu made any changes, I already sent a message to the young master. I don't believe that Mr. Lanzhu can kill me under the protection of the young master. I have read the young master's information many times. He doesn’t cheat his own people.”

Sui Tinghuai felt that he had met a competitor.

But not bad.

"Senior Sister Wenren, I'm ashamed that Lord Lanzhu came to win over me first, so I reported to the young master first."

Wen Renjiayu smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, Junior Brother Sui. You don't have to compete with me for favor. Just give up. I've already won the gender category, so don't make yourself uncomfortable."

Wenrenjiayu planned to change his name to Wenrendashi.

Since the young master likes it, this is not a problem.

Sui Tinghuai: "..."

Can men now only work hard for their careers?

Shivering and cold.

At this time, Ji Changsheng, who was in the Hehuan sect, was also a little angry.

"The Tiansheng Sect really can't catch fish... They won't give me a chance to earn merit."

This is true at the top.

The younger generation is still like this.

He was disappointed.

If Ji Laomo sees that their loyalty is not absolute, he will dare to kill them directly.

No matter what.

The gold content of the holy elite is really too high.

He is worthy of being an elite who has developed into the largest sect of the Demon Cult under his wife's eyes.

After all, Mr. Lanzhu is still an exchange student of the Hehuan sect and cannot reach the level of the Holy Cult elite.

"Holy girl, you Hehuan sect must be more powerful."

Ji Changsheng looked at You Siyi: "I am just one step away from being promoted to the Mahayana realm. I can't count on the Holy Sect. It all depends on you, the Hehuan Sect."

You Siyi smiled bitterly while listening to the rebellion outside: "Master, don't worry, I have received the exact news that Xue Yin'e, the master of the Goddess Palace, has rebelled. However, she was loyal to the master before, so she must have been deceived by Lord Lanzhu. Can the master leave her a place?" A way out?"

Ji Changsheng waved his hand, and his tone was unquestionable: "Loyalty is not absolute, but it is absolutely disloyal."

Just pointed at her and helped me with Mahayana.

These guys from the Holy Cult are so loyal that it irritates people.

Amitabha, Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, Mother, please protect the disciples of the Hehuan Sect from being like the holy sect with so many talents.

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