Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 252 Crossing the closed loop, the King of Reincarnation [Additional update for the

Ji Changsheng once said when he was suppressing the Acacia rebellion for Zijia Bao: Loyalty is either absolute or absolutely disloyal.

So he won't make this mistake.

In the past years intercepted by Daozu, he worked loyally for Daozu and tested Sanqing's trump cards.

Back to reality, in Xuandu Temple, this is the uncle's territory, so of course he is loyal to work for the uncle.

If you take other people's investment, you must return it to the investor.

Ji Zhongcheng has always had a 100% professional ethics.

Whatever the uncle needs, I will provide it to him.

So he immediately knelt in front of his uncle's portrait.

All due respect.


Investors did not see his piety.

Neither the uncle nor the Great Master Xuandu gave an immediate response.

At this time, Li Changxi, Guanzhu and Yu Laomo finally followed.

Under the leadership of the temple master, they also came to the highest level of the Xuanhuang Merit Tower.

Looking at Ji Changsheng kneeling in front of the portrait, the three of them looked at each other, and then they all knelt on the ground neatly.

The viewer sensed it, and then said: "A saint has never shown himself to be a saint. The great mage should be busy now. It will probably take a while before he can go online. We can count the harvest first."

Yu Laomo breathed a sigh of relief.

"I received the Xingtian inheritance and needed to continuously improve my skills in battle. Later, the ancestral witches went to Sanqing and sent the great witches to find the Second Saint of the West. I was well protected, so I didn't absorb too much. Xingtian’s inheritance is about twice as strong as before.”

Having said this, Yu Laomo's face still showed uncontrollable joy: "Fortunately, all the injuries are healed, and my current strength can ascend to the prehistoric fairyland at any time, and it should be no less than Yu Linglong before her ascension. "

Viewer: "...Master Yu, please wake up."

Ji Changsheng also complained: "The sky has cleared up, the rain has stopped, Xiaoyu, you think you can do it again. If you triple your strength, you can be the opponent of Fairy Linglong. Do you look down on the vision of Master Xuandu? Or do you look down on it?" Do you look down on Taiyi Fuchen’s level?”

My wife is clearly more than three versions ahead of you.

Xiao Yu's previous strength was probably about the same as that of the Corpse Demon, and he might even be a bit stronger, capable of attracting the attention of Da Luo at the level of the Four Spirit Holy Beasts.

However, in human religion, it is more important to recruit disciples than to be rich.

As of now, they only have four core direct descendants, and Ji Changsheng and Guanzhu are still considered peripheral members of the human sect.

The gold content of jade exquisite is very high.

And even before he experienced the heaven-defying fortune given by Daozu, he was already valued by others.

Yu Laomo was a little sober after being splashed with two basins of cold water.

"What you said makes sense, but I have received the Xingtian inheritance. As long as I practice hard, I will definitely surpass Yu Linglong in the future."

Yu Laomo is full of confidence.

The viewer was speechless.

Ji Changsheng shook his head helplessly.

"Xiao Yu, after you ascend, I will introduce you to my third uncle. You must have something in common."

They are all so ordinary, yet so confident.

The dominance of the Sanqing Dynasty was achieved by stepping on the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Yu Linglong became a disciple of Taiqing.

What you get is Xingtian inheritance.

Does Xing Tian himself know how awesome he is?

Of course, it's hard to say.

The IQ of the Wu Clan is too uncertain. The smart ones are extremely smart, and the reckless ones are extremely reckless.

Judging from the fact that Xing Tian and Haotian fought for the Emperor of Heaven and even had their heads chopped off but still kept charging, Xing Tian should also be of the Mang type.

He and Xiao Yu were probably the bastards looking at Mung Bean - their eyes met.

Yu Laomo did not hear Ji Changsheng's contempt, but nodded in agreement: "I really want to ascend as soon as possible. After Yu Linglong ascends, there will be no enemy of me in the world. If I stay here, I will have no chance to improve my strength. , we can only go to the ancient immortal world to find stronger opponents to sharpen ourselves."

Xiaoyu was full of fighting spirit.

Ji Changsheng stopped talking to Xiao Yu and silently released his Golden Lotus of Merit, which shocked both the viewer and Li Changxi.

"Changsheng, how come you have accumulated so much merit?"

Does merit cost no money?

Ji Changsheng said he really didn't want to.

"It should be the reason why I gathered all the tribes before the showdown with the Lich tribe. In addition, I helped my uncle refine the golden elixir and saved many people."

Li Changxi asked strangely: "Then why didn't you have any merit at that time?"

Ji Changsheng pointed to his golden lotus of merit: "Obviously, all the merits I got were humane merits, not heavenly merits. I guess that when we went back, the humane merits had not yet taken shape. At that time, the human race was still very inconspicuous. There is no qualification to provide merits to the powerful people who help the human race. If nothing else, the concept of humane merits should be designed by Daozu, uncle or my mother. As soon as the concept of humane merits came out, the human race had the bargaining chip to take over. "

Merit is a good thing.

And the Almighty wants them all too.

It’s just that it turns out that there are only heavenly merits, and you have to be related to Pangu to share them.

Therefore, all the original merits of heaven were divided up by Pangu's remnants. Sanqing, Twelve Ancestral Witches, Emperor Juntaiyi, including Taiyin Xingjun and Ancestor Minghe, these were all the big ones who divided up the merits of heaven.

It is also because of this that many Pangu survivors were born powerful, and they were able to get everything they asked for in the prehistoric fairy world, and they were protected by heaven - after all, they were their biological sons and were from the same generation.

But Pangu eventually fell.

The successor Hongjun certainly does not want the influence of his predecessor to continue to expand.

Therefore, He needs another merit system to replace the merits of heaven.

And Empress Nuwa, who was born as a congenital god and demon, definitely doesn't like the merits of heaven either.

Because she can't get it.

She has nothing essentially to do with Pangu.

Therefore, she also hopes that there will be another merit system to replace the merits of heaven.

There is no need for the uncle, he is also a Pangu survivor, and he is still the best among them. His innate merits are among the best among the Pangu survivors, but the uncle is a saint who keeps pace with the times.

He knew how to adapt to the version, and he took the initiative to establish a human religion.

In this case, Taozu, Nuwa, and Taiqing Saint, who established the Human Religion, all have sufficient reasons to introduce a version of human merits and gradually replace the merits of heaven.

It's even very possible that these three reached a tacit understanding and came up with it together.

"At the time of the Lich's decisive battle, humane merit has not been created yet, so even if I help the human race, it will be of no avail. But now is normal time and space, and the things I have done in the past have already had humane merit. This shows one thing - —I really saved many people in the past, so I have the Golden Lotus of Merit."

Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi looked at each other, and Li Changxi's eyes lit up: "In other words, we went back to the past this time and changed history?"

Ji Changsheng corrected his senior sister: "To be precise, we wrote the real history."

After all, the temple owner is also of the Taiqing lineage, so he can still accept these things.

After he cleared his mind, his scalp suddenly went numb.

"Chang Sheng, if you say that, wouldn't you have offended all three masters?"

The master's face turned pale: "That's the one you took refuge in."

Ji Changsheng was calm and composed: "Master, don't panic, it's not a big problem."

Viewer: "..."

Not big?

Why does he feel that he has broken the truth?

The two armies are at war. You were originally the core of the next generation trained by our side, but you suddenly rebelled.

Can the coach accept it?

Ji Changsheng thinks he can.

"You have to believe in the magnanimity of the great master and the great uncle. They will definitely be able to understand my good intentions and feel my loyalty to them." Ji Changsheng said in a very respectful tone: "Master, don't look down on the uncle and the great sorcerer. They are so narrow-minded, and their pattern is far beyond your imagination."

The viewer felt that Ji Changsheng was deceiving himself.

But at this time, Master Xuandu responded.

"Stay here forever, let the others go out."

The viewer, Yu Laomo and Li Changxi looked at Ji Changsheng at the same time.

Ji Changsheng said casually: "Go out, Xuandu and I will have a chat. Old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Eight Views Palace.

The corners of Xuandu Archmage's eyes twitched fiercely.

Then his sleeve was pulled by Yu Linglong beside him.

It's just that Yu Linglong's current state is a little strange.

His eyes were blood red, and the demonic aura was everywhere. Although he still maintained his clarity, the evil aura coming from his body was frightening.

With the current strength of Master Xuandu, it is a bit uncertain.

Fortunately, there is a big boss on top of him.

"Linglong, come to me."

A kind voice came from the depths of the Eight Views Palace.

Yu Linglong looked at Master Xuandu.

Archmage Xuandu nodded.

"Go ahead, you are so good, only the teacher can help you suppress it. Linglong, don't make it so big next time, learn from Ji Changsheng, you won't be able to stop it."

Yu Linglong nodded obediently.

Humbly admit your mistakes.

As for whether to change it or not, that depends on the situation.

"Teacher, the Taiyin Illusion Realm is actually connected, and you can actually get the creation of the fallen Da Luo in the past. Did you know about this before?"

Master Xuandu shook his head.

"You have never been to Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion before?" Yu Linglong asked strangely.

Xuandu Master said faintly: "Of course I have been there, but before you enter the Taiyin Illusion, neither I nor the True King can enter the Taiyin Illusion. The True King said before that this is the back-up left by Taiyin himself. Now look Come on, the true king has also been deceived.”

Edited based on personality.

This time, they were not even qualified to participate in the exam.

After a while.

The top floor of Xuanhuang Merit Tower.

A clear light appeared on the portrait of the Archmage. Then, the Archmage's eyes moved, and his entire spiritual mind went to the lower realm.

"Ji Changsheng, you are so brave."

Ji Changsheng blinked.

"Why did the Archmage say this?"

"Your Taiyin Fantasy and his team helped me see through the clouds and see the sun, and I understood a lot of things."

Although Xuandu Archmage did take action during the Lich decisive battle, he was not strong enough to participate in a decisive battle of that level, so of course he could not see the full picture of the incident.

But this time he saw much more clearly.

"After the Lich Catastrophe, Third Master's uncle grew increasingly powerful. During the God's Catastrophe and the civil war between the Three Purities, Third Master's Uncle repeatedly misjudged his own strength. Ji Changsheng, you are all responsible for this."

Ji Changsheng remained calm and composed.

Not only was he not panicking, he was also a little strange.

"Old friend, how do you know what happened back then? You were very weak back then and were not qualified to participate in such high-end games."

This time Daozu decrypted it to allow himself to get more information.

Master Xuandu did not go with him.

How could he see clearly?

Archmage Xuandu couldn't complain about Ji Changsheng's title, so he answered Ji Changsheng's question first: "In Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion, there is a lunar illusion, which is almost exactly the same as the Moon Palace in Xuandu Temple in the lower realm. It is said that before the decisive battle between the lich and the lich, Taiyin Star Lord saved the life of the True King, so he specially built the Taiyin Illusion to help Taiyin return from reincarnation as soon as possible."

Ji Changsheng raised his eyebrows.

Before the decisive battle between the Liches, "Taiyin Star Lord" Li Changxi did save the life of "Antarctic Immortal Emperor" Ji Changsheng.

Nothing wrong.

Later they met in "reincarnation".

Nothing wrong with it either.

Now that both are back in place, everything makes sense.

Yes, that's the truth.

"I found out before that Li Changxi received part of the inheritance from Taiyin Star Lord, so I asked Xiaoyu to take care of it... You two are mentally ill and can climb up the ladder too well."

Master Xuandu certainly would not doubt his previous judgment.

But now Li Changxi has begun to assume the role of Taiyin Star King.

Ji Changsheng also began to establish himself as the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

He can only update his ideas.

The previous judgment was correct.

It's just that there is a more powerful force that changes everything from the source.

Ji Changsheng was still a little strange: "What is the purpose of that lunar illusion?"

"It's a small reincarnation of the Daluo Daoguo evolution, but it's not just reincarnation. Didn't you suddenly go back to the past through the illusion of Taiyin before?"

Ji Changsheng was shocked: "How do you know? You went back too? Impossible, he doesn't have this strength."

Xuan Du just used a divine outfit to lay down Zhunti.

Daozu may be able to forcefully kill Da Luo of this strength, but he absolutely cannot manipulate it at will.

"It's Xiaoyu."

"Wife? Did she go too?" Ji Changsheng's eyes lit up: "Who did she choose? Why didn't I recognize her?"

Archmage Xuandu's tone was a little strange: "Ask her yourself, you must have never met her. Xiaoyu has become too courageous after getting to know you."

Ji Changsheng follows the good deeds. Give up thinking. I am going to ask my wife in person after I ascend.

Putting the question behind him, Ji Changsheng said solemnly: "Now that you know some inside information, old friend, you should understand that I am very filial to my father and my third uncle, and everything I do is for our Sanqing." Think about the group.”

Master Xuandu sighed with emotion: "How did you develop such a thick skin? Teach me."

Ji Changsheng said sincerely: "Old friend, don't be humble, you were not a good person in the past. As a descendant of the second generation of Pangu, the first and second generation of saints in the prehistoric times, I was born with a lot and did not need to work hard, so my mind has not improved. If I hadn't met you as a friend, I might just be an ordinary dude like the other eight brothers, and I wouldn't have achieved what I have now. You are my teacher."

Master Xuandu said seriously: "I am so virtuous and capable that I can teach a beast like you."

He is indeed not a good person.

But he really didn't dare to call Nuwa Empress.

I dare not call Yuanshi Tianwang daddy.

Ruthless people are also different from ruthless people.

Xuandu felt that Ji Changsheng was much crueler than him.

"Ji Changsheng, I'm not joking with you, I want to tell you something very serious."

"you say."

"King Yu Qingzhen has not completely fallen yet!"

For the first time, Ji Changsheng's eyes changed.

"What do you mean by not completely falling?"

"The one who takes action to kill the true king is the one."

Ji Changsheng was not surprised that he could make True King Yuqing disappear out of thin air for no reason, and he could also make King Yuanshi suppress his anger, and there was only one person in the universe.

This is not difficult to guess.

Da Luo in the prehistoric immortal world can almost guess the truth, but there are some things where it is useless to know the truth.

Smokers also know that smoking is harmful to health.

The gap between knowing and doing is huge.

"But Da Luo is not so easy to kill. The True King still has a chance to make a comeback, and he cannot take action easily. Otherwise, if the second uncle cannot bear it anymore, he will immediately engage in the final battle. At this stage, everyone has not done well. Prepare. And at this time, you showed up."

At this point, Master Xuandu began to smile bitterly: "I was also involved and played a key part in it."

"What about you?"

"Of course, I borrowed the Book of Painted Skin of the Yin Corpse from Empress Houtu."

Master Xuandu looked up to the sky and sighed: "Ji Changsheng, if you continue to practice the "Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra", it means that you will accept the authority, status and everything of King Yuqing. When you Daluo becomes enlightened, that is When King Jade Qing completely falls."

Ji Changsheng digested this information silently.

I have a new understanding of the power of Daozu.

At the beginning, Daozu obviously did not interfere in the game between Xuandu, Ran Deng and even Zhunti.

The Book of Painted Skin of the Yin Corpse is not Taozu's backhand, it is Houtu Empress's trump card.

But Daozu is too strong.

When he saw the opportunity, he decisively turned the effect into the cause and took advantage of the situation. Based on the established facts, he affected the present both from the source and from the future.

There is nothing wrong with Master Xuandu's calculation.

He is just not as strong as Dao Zu.

And the "Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra" - the upper limit of this skill is too strong.

"Empress Houtu is the key."

Ji Changsheng realized the important point.

Archmage Xuandu nodded: "Of the twelve ancestral witches, the third uncle killed six and the second uncle killed two. Only the teacher did not take the initiative to attack the ancestral witches. The ancestral witches who surrounded and killed the teacher blew themselves up. So. , Empress Houtu can cooperate with the Taiqing lineage, but she is happy to see the misfortune of the second and third uncles... She very much hopes that you will replace the True King Yuqing. When I was planning to mention it, Empress Houtu was also plotting against me. To seek the true king, seek the second uncle."

The Great Master Xuandu used the Book of Painted Skin of the Yin Corpse to defeat Sage Zhunti.

Then Tu Niangniang quietly pulled the trigger of revenge by borrowing the "Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra" from Master Xuandu.

"The ancestor of space, Wu Di Jiang, and the ancestor of time, Wu Zhu Jiuyin, died at the hands of the second master uncle, and the inherited essence and blood fell into the hands of Empress Houtu. The "Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra" is the story of Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin The fusion of the inheritance of the two ancestral witches completely erases each other's existence from time and space."

Archmage Xuandu said in awe: "Uncle Second Master killed the two ancestral wizards of time and space, and then Empress Tu used the inheritance of the two ancestral wizards of time and space to kill the eldest son of Second Master Uncle countless years later. This is reincarnation. ! Changsheng, your time travel is the work of Empress Houtu!"

Houtu - the king of reincarnation!

I said that I made a complete outline before starting the book, but some readers didn’t believe it. I have already set the story to this chapter when I wrote the first chapter. Please take your time and read it. Don’t worry, the plot is not even halfway through yet. First, establish the strong character of the big boss, and then slowly invest in upgrading.

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