Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 267 Luo Hu: I admit that Tianpeng did collude with me. He was the one who seduced me first.

Ji Du couldn't understand what Ji Changsheng was talking about.

But she just felt a sublimation from her soul for no reason.

"Only by never forgetting your original intention can you achieve success. Emperor, you are so literate."

Ji Changsheng said modestly: "You're welcome, please tell Demon Ancestor that I keep my word. After this incident, I promised Demon Ancestor that the matter of allowing the Inner Demon Clan to successfully gain a foothold in Heaven will be put on the agenda."

"It's easy to say. If the emperor has other instructions, you can call me at any time."

Empress Nuwa's eyes became confused again.

She wanted to get a good kid.

But why do you feel that this big boy you just acquired doesn’t need any training at all?

The efficiency and means of doing things are too scary.

"Chang Sheng, why are you still in contact with your inner demon?"

Empress Nuwa didn’t know this at all.

"When I first met you, you didn't know Luo Hu, right?"

As long as she knows him, she must have been able to tell it last time.

Ji Changsheng told the truth: "Mom, you have a sharp eye. I had never seen Luo Hu at that time."

"Isn't it just one day?" Nuwa Empress didn't understand: "How come you hooked up with Luo Hu? He actually sent people to help you."

Ji Changsheng blinked and did not immediately answer his mother's words, but suddenly said: "I forgot, Luo Hu is still mom's old friend."

Luo Hu, Hongjun, and Nuwa were all innate gods and demons. They had the same qualifications as Pangu and successfully escaped from Pangu's axe.

It's just that Nuwa obviously doesn't have any ambitions, so she can just be a quiet stay-at-home girl. Therefore, whether it is Emperor Wa of the Four Emperors of the Monster Clan or Empress Nuwa of the Six Saints of Heaven, they are basically too lazy to compete with others for power.

But Luo Hu and Hongjun were both greedy and wanted to be the masters of the universe opened by Pangu.

Hongjun succeeded and became the representative of Tiandao.

Luo Hu failed and became the leader of the evil spirits outside the territory. Everyone found him and killed him.

But for Empress Nuwa, Luo Hu is certainly not a demon ancestor.

Just an old friend.

"Mom, I met Luo Hu when I was going through the inner demon tribulation."

Empress Nuwa still didn’t understand: “Can the inner demon tribulation still trap you?”

With his arrogant methods, isn't it easy to catch the inner demon calamity?

She was right.

"Of course I can't trap the child in the inner demon tribulation, but when I went through the inner demon tribulation, I felt that the inner demon clan was really useless and useless at all, so I wanted to take the inner demons for my own use, and then called Luo Hu out and He had a chat. Rahu was impressed by my charisma and decided to cooperate with me."

Empress Nuwa: "..."

Know every word.

You can understand them together.

But it just felt so outrageous that he opened the door to outrageousness - it was so outrageous.

"Take your inner demons for your own use... Changsheng, you have so many ideas."

Empress Nuwa has no such awareness at all.

She had never heard of anyone else having this awareness.

Ji Changsheng said modestly: "Mom, I also had the attitude of giving it a try, but I didn't expect it to work. Luo Hu is quite easy to talk to."

It’s hard to comment on Nuwa Empress.

She knew very well whether Luo Hu could speak well or not.

His name is "Demon Ancestor".

But in front of his eldest son, Luo Hu seems to be really easy to talk to.

Empress Nuwa could only say: "It seems I have found a treasure."

When she first appointed Ji Changsheng as a good boy, she really didn't expect that this good boy was so capable.

"Luo Hu is the ancestor of all evil spirits. He is not an ordinary Da Luo. You should not take it lightly. You must also be careful about this trick. She is not simple."

"It's not that simple." Ji Changsheng nodded and said, "I have already laid out the plan, and I'm just waiting for Tianpeng to step in. But in fact, I didn't accuse him unjustly at all. I just finished him off right away."

Ziwei and Haotian definitely don't believe it. Marshal Tianpeng really teased Chang'e.

Ji Changsheng originally planned to frame this matter.

But as the special correspondent of the inner demon appointed by Luo Hu, Ji Du showed her abilities to Ji Changsheng.

It also refreshed Ji Changsheng's impression of the inner demon clan.

It seems that there are still strong people in the inner demon clan, but the few inner demons he encountered during the last inner demon tribulation were too inferior.

"I was surprised that Tianpeng was so easily confused by Jidu."

Empress Nuwa was not surprised.

"Chang Sheng, with your character and methods, not many inner demons can pose a threat to you. You only need to pay attention to three inner demons."


"Yes, Luohu, Boxun and Jidu, these are the three great Luo realm beings of the inner demon clan. But they are said to be three, but in fact they can also be said to be one. The sum of Luohu, Boxun and Jidu is In the past, 90% of the demon ancestor Luo Hu was only torn apart by the teacher's unnatural means, and it is basically impossible to restore it, and Luo Hu has been half disabled since then."

Ji Changsheng was shocked.

This was the first time he heard of this secret.

"Is this still possible? Why did Daozu split Rahu into three pieces?"

Empress Nuwa guessed: "She probably wanted to imitate the Three Pure Ones and see if she could split Luo Hu into a special existence like the Three Pure Ones. But it failed in the end, but Luo Hu who was divided into three also completely lost his respect for the teacher. The threat. There is still some leaked demonic energy, which should still be in the hands of the teacher."

Ji Changsheng understood.

I had known for a long time that Daozu was a ruthless person, but I didn't expect that he was also an experimental maniac, and he directly used Demon Zu Luohu as a guinea pig.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being the Taoist ancestor.

This generous act is worthy of His position.

Fortunately, I have always been loyal to my master.

"The Taoism of Western religions pays more attention to the cultivation of mind, so it is more resistant to inner demons. The Doumu lineage has not made much achievements in this aspect, and Tianpeng is not a strong Daluo person. Jidu is a Daluo realm The inner demon can quickly attack Tianpeng. It can only be said that Tianpeng's character is very average compared to his strength, and there are many such strong people."

Strength is comprehensive.

Some strong people are strong in swordsmanship, some are strong in spells, some are strong in magic weapons, and some are strong in reincarnation skills.

It doesn’t completely mean that their character is also very strong.

Strength and character, including IQ, are not completely proportional, and Jie Jiao's disciples are a very clear example.

So does the canopy.

"Even if his defense is broken once by a trick, unless the canopy can be broken and then stood up, he will be useless in the future, at least in terms of women's sex, and he will be easily seduced by women." Objective analysis by Empress Nuwa Said: "Chang Sheng, he should not be a threat to you anymore."

Ji Changsheng thought thoughtfully: "Mom, if you look at it this way, I'll have to be careful and plot against me."

Empress Nuwa shook her head and said: "That's not necessary. I asked you to be careful about her. I asked you to be careful not to do anything to your men. She can't confuse you."

"Why?" Ji Changsheng was modest and cautious: "I have just ascended, and my strength is still far from the Da Luo realm."

Nuwa Empress explained: "The inner demons target those strong people who restrain their desires, letting them explode in silent desire and eventually sink. You are different, you do not restrain your desires, you dominate your desires. Compared with you, the inner demons , A small witch can make a big witch, and only you can defeat them."

Ji Changsheng felt a little bad and quickly defended: "Mom, I'm actually a good boy. Don't misunderstand me. Maybe it's because Luohu sealed me as a standing deputy demon ancestor, which caused me to be infected with a little bit of demonic energy. , it’s all Rahu’s fault.”

Empress Nuwa didn't take it seriously: "Luohu is also an old friend of mine, and I understand his ways. Being able to control desire is not a bad thing, it is better than being controlled by desire like Tianpeng. But Luohu is still the teacher's opponent on the surface. , colluding with evil heretics is also against the rules of heaven. You dare to cooperate with Luo Hu before you ascend, are you really not afraid that the teacher will cause you trouble?"

Ji Changsheng said seriously: "If Taoist had wanted to kill Luo Hu, Luo Hu would have died long ago. Since he doesn't care at all, it means that Luo Hu is still useful. As for the law of heaven... the emperor of heaven is responsible for interpreting and deleting the law of heaven."

He is the most pure, filial, benevolent, and good Antarctic Immortal Emperor. He doesn't care about violating the laws of heaven.

"Mom, you continue to watch the show, and I will continue to beat your legs. The show is not over yet."

Cao Ziming tried his best to control his anxiety and followed the Great God Qingluan that Junior Brother Ji said he had come to Lingxiao Palace step by step.

This was something he had never imagined.

Following Junior Brother Ji, it was really different every day, and he had no time to adapt to the changes in his mentality.

This directly led to the fact that although Cao Ziming was trying to build himself up mentally, he still couldn't help but look around, and even inadvertently raised his head to look directly at the legendary God Haotian.

As a mortal who has just ascended, this behavior is seriously disrespectful.

Haotian noticed Cao Ziming's gaffe, but he still didn't understand what happened, so he chose to stay put.

But the rolling curtain general of His Highness Lingxiao who served Luan Yu spoke up for his master and reprimanded this mortal: "Your Majesty, please look left and right, how do you behave and kneel down."

He didn't intentionally bully Cao Ziming.

Normal people would kneel down when they arrive at the Lingxiao Palace.

However, Cao Zi remembered clearly that Junior Brother Ji's message to him did not include the one about kneeling to Haotian.

Moreover, both Junior Brother Ji and Danqing Pavilion’s teachings only told him:

A man should stand upright, standing, no need to kneel!

Therefore, Cao Ziming's awe-inspiring righteousness circulated in his body, his body was straight, his eyes were sharp, and he looked at the general of the roller blind without fear.

"I am the senior brother of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. Who are you?"

The roller blind general was confused.

Brother, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor?

Why doesn't he recognize it?

Cao Ziming didn't pay much attention to the rolling curtain general.

After the reprimand, he still stood obediently behind Master Qingluan.

But Qingluan laughed out loud: "As expected, it's Xiao Changsheng's person. You continue, the stage is yours. I'm just here to pass on a message, and help Xiao Changsheng protect you by the way. It's no big deal."

Ji Changsheng came to Wa Palace, which saved her a lot of things, and maybe she wouldn't have to use her brain anymore.

Qingluan is now a happy group.

Qingluan angrily agreed to this small favor that Ji Changsheng asked for.

Hearing what the Great God Qingluan said, Cao Ziming was not polite. He bowed to Qingluan respectfully, and then bowed his hands to Haotian and said: "Your Majesty, on the order of the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, I came to listen to your Majesty's speech to Marshal Tianpeng. The trial for molesting Fairy Chang'e. The Immortal Emperor is now serving the Nuwa Empress in the Wa Palace and cannot get away from it, so he asked me to come here to witness."

Haotian said with a smile: "It turns out that he is the special envoy of the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng. Come, give a seat to Miss Qingluan and the envoy."

Haotian figured it out:

This matter was obviously Ji Changsheng's initiative to tear apart Emperor Ziwei. It had nothing to do with him. He would help whoever offered the most benefits.

If neither party will benefit from it, then handle it fairly.

Whether Ji Changsheng suffered a loss or Emperor Ziwei lost his beloved general, it was not a bad thing for him.

So Haotian has completely adjusted his mentality to have fun.

Cao Ziming thanked Haotian, but then asked: "I wonder what your Majesty is going to do with Marshal Tianpeng?"

Haotian kicked the ball out: "Marshal Tianpeng is the chief general of Emperor Ziwei. How to deal with Marshal Tianpeng depends on Emperor Ziwei's wishes."

Cao Ziming looked at Emperor Ziwei.

Emperor Ziwei said coldly: "This matter has been investigated clearly. It is a misunderstanding. Both Tianpeng and Fairy Chang'e were secretly framed. When Tianpeng wakes up, he will apologize to Fairy Chang'e. As for the behind-the-scenes of this matter It will take time to investigate the real culprit."

Cao Ziming frowned: "Star Lord is so partial and perverts the law, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

Emperor Ziwei said coldly: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Cao Ziming nodded calmly.

"Star Lord, the way of heaven is clear. There are saints at the top of your hand. You are going too far in confusing right and wrong. Marshal Tianpeng was drunk and molested Fairy Chang'e. The evidence is conclusive. How could it be a misunderstanding?"

"Where's the evidence?"

Cao Ziming smiled: "Fairy, the evidence should be in your hands, right?"

Fairy Chang'e nodded, and then looked at Master Xuandu.

Just now Archmage Xuandu told her to shut up, but she didn't take it out.

Li Changxi had prepared it for her.

Archmage Xuandu's forehead ached with pain.

Being able to throw Marshal Tianpeng in front of Haotian's Lingxiao Palace, he had already done Ji Changsheng a great favor.

But Ji Changsheng seemed to be trying to kill him by grabbing his wool.

But Ji Changsheng still had his early investment.

If you give up now, all the initial investment will be in vain.

But if you continue to pursue the investment, you will offend Doumu Yuanjun and the two heavenly emperors.

Of course the Xuandu Archmage and the Taiqing lineage are not afraid.

However, he was not afraid of returning. Three more Da Luo realm opponents appeared out of thin air, which made Master Xuandu feel uncomfortable.

In his heart, he was torn apart by Ji Huangmao who dared to kidnap his "daughter". Master Xuandu finally said helplessly: "Now that we have the evidence, let us show it to your Majesty for inspection. Your Majesty's discerning eyes are like a torch, and you can naturally discern everything clearly." .”

So Fairy Chang'e took out the "VCR" on the spot.

In "VCR", the ugly behavior of Marshal Tianpeng and Ling Zhimun are undoubtedly revealed. There is a video and the truth.

Haotian and Ziwei are both Daluo Heavenly Emperors, so their eyesight is naturally first-class.

They were a little confused after watching "VCR."

Haotian was surprised and said: "It's actually true. There are no traces of forgery."

Ziwei was even more shocked than Haotian.

Is the canopy eating the courage of a bear's heart or a leopard's courage?

Dare to touch the woman protected by Archmage Xuandu?


Something must be wrong.

Emperor Ziwei is Emperor Ziwei after all, and Emperor Daluo's observation ability allowed him to quickly discover that Tianpeng's eyes in "VCR" were not normal.

"It's the inner demon."

"The canopy is controlled by inner demons."

"This is the work of inner demons."

Ziwei made an accurate judgment.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, Cao Ziming's voice continued: "Speaking of inner demons, Your Majesty, as the senior brother and special envoy of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, I will report to Emperor Ziwei that Marshal Tianpeng, the leader of the four northern marshals, colluded with Demon Ancestor Luohu. Those who attempt to cause trouble in heaven should be punished."

Haotian and Emperor Ziwei were confused again.

Especially Haotian.

He looked at Cao Ziming, who was talking righteously and eloquently, feeling a little dazed.

Did I, the Emperor of Heaven, do it for too long?

Are today’s young people already so aggressive?

You must know that it was he who told Ziwei about the collusion between Ji Changsheng and Luo Hu.

And his source of information was Tiandao. As the leader of the Six Imperial Guards, Haotian, Tiandao opened the back door for him.

Although this kind of thing cannot be discussed on the table, the information Haotian obtained is definitely true.

As a result, Ji Changsheng's people actually criticized him, saying that it was Marshal Tianpeng who was colluding with Luo Hu.

Emperor Ziwei laughed angrily.

"This is simply unreasonable. How can Tianpeng collude with Luo Hu? Ji Changsheng is used to misbehaving in the lower world. Do you think that heaven can also allow him to confuse right and wrong?"

Cao Ziming was nervous for a moment.

Although this kind of thing has been done before, this is heaven after all.

But he immediately put his nervousness behind him.

Junior Brother Ji said that the advancement of immortality is too fast, which makes the world think that society is progressing, but in fact it is not.

Heavenly Court is of course superior to Shengguo.

But the high level is mana.

Compared with the human race in the lower world, how advanced can the divine immortals and Buddhas be at the soul level and moral level?

They are just people who are countless times more powerful.

Therefore, Cao Ziming firmly presented his ironclad evidence: "Catch the thief and the stolen goods, and the adulterer and the couple. Emperor Changsheng has always taught us that we must rely on evidence in everything. I was deeply guided by Emperor Changsheng, so naturally I dare not speak blindly. Marshal Tianpeng and the devil The evidence of Zu Luohu's collusion is buried under the second tree in Marshal Tianpeng's mansion. If you don't believe it, just go and verify it on the spot."


Qingluan takes the lead.

Haotian glanced at Master Xuandu and Emperor Ziwei, flicked his sleeves, and the scene switched to Marshal Tianpeng's mansion.

After a while.

Everyone looked at Emperor Ziwei.

Emperor Ziwei looked at the irrefutable proof that the canopy under the second tree was possessed by demons, and laughed angrily: "Such a despicable frame-up is so ridiculous that it would make the world laugh. Who would believe it?"


A light cough penetrated endless time and space and sounded in everyone's ears.

Demon Ancestor Luohu, who once competed with Dao Ancestor, came to the mansion of Marshal Tianpeng with his spiritual thoughts.

"I admit that Tianpeng did collude with me, but it was Tianpeng who took the initiative to cooperate with me. He wants to be the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, so he asks me to help him. Ziwei, there is no need to explain. When I act, there is no need to ask others explain?"

Cao Ziming bowed his head to the ground and said: "With all the witnesses and material evidence, the matter is clear. Please handle it impartially, Your Majesty."

Qingluan finally started talking about the business: "By the decree of the empress, Ji Changsheng's Heavenly Emperor is titled as the Most Pure, Most Filial, Most Benevolent and Most Good Antarctic Immortal Emperor! The Queen Mother of Haotian will organize a peach banquet to celebrate the return of the Immortal Emperor. The time is set on March 3 The Queen of Heaven, the Empress will attend in person!”

Three consecutive hits with flowing clouds and flowing water.

At this moment, the heavens were silent.

Two updates of 13,000+ have been delivered, please continue to subscribe and ask for monthly tickets. Thanks to the dreamy 0 Juelian Baiyin... I just finished the extra update of the alliance leader, and I haven't relaxed yet. I feel pain and happiness at the same time. Thanks to Yolo_Echo for the reward of 600 starting coins, and thanks to Mi MiMi for the reward of 500 starting coins.

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