Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 43 Another evolutionary system in the mortal world

The next day, early morning.

When the guardians of the Li family and the Ying family arrived, they found that the elder of the scriptures had left the Qingfeng Inn.

Li Daoyan and Ying Hongye came to visit Ji Changsheng and asked him about his future plans.

Ji Changsheng did not hide anything: "I want to go to Shengguo to kill someone first."

"Sheng Guo?"

Li Daoyan and Ying Hongye looked at each other.

Ying Hongye smiled: "Changsheng, have you also received a mission to go to Shengguo?"


Ji Changsheng thought to himself that I did receive a mission, but it was a mission from the Holy Maiden of Hehuan.

Probably not the same as you.

But I'm afraid we all reach the same end by different paths.


Ying Hongye explained: "Someone reported our Xuandu Guanshengguo office, and Li Daoyan and I took the task to find out the truth."

Li Daoyan put it more bluntly: "The person in charge of the Xuandu Guanshengguo Office is the Bai family."

Ji Changsheng understood.

The person whom the Holy Maiden of Acacia asked him to kill was in Shengguo.

The tasks that Ying Hongye and Li Daoyan took on were also in Shengguo.

Thinking of the relationship between Li Changxi and the Saint of Hehuan.

My descendants go to work for my friends.

Let your friends’ descendants take care of themselves.

Everything complies with regulations, nothing wrong at all!

"What's going on at the Xuandu Guanshengguo office?" Ji Changsheng asked.

If they are sure that everyone is an enemy, then they have to be careful.

Since ancient times, it has always been our own people who kill our own people the most ruthlessly.

Ying Hongye said: "Xuandu Temple has offices all over the world, and they are usually guarded by outer disciples. The main purpose is to act chivalrously, accumulate merit, earn resources, and also help the temple find talented disciples. "

Ji Changsheng nodded.

This is the normal operating mode of a fairy gate.

Even if you really become an immortal, you still need resources. Whenever there is a need for disciples to pass on, there is a need to compete for talented disciples.

Xuandu Guan has the smallest number of people among all the major immortal sects.

But there is still a huge network.

"The Xuanduguan office in Shengguo has turned in fewer and fewer spiritual stones in recent years, but more and more people have complained and reported. We inner disciples have the responsibility of self-examination and self-correction. Li Daoyan and I Each time we went down the mountain, we were given the task of leading the Shengguo Xuanduguan Office to bring order to the chaos. After completing these tasks, we can redeem merit points after returning to the mountain, and we can also accumulate merit ourselves."

Ying Hongye's explanation didn't hit the mark, so Ji Changsheng simply asked the core question directly: "Is the Bai family very powerful in Shengguo? What is the extent of the invasion of Xuanduguan Office?"

Ying Hongye said: "If nothing else, it's the Bai family's back garden."

Ji Changsheng raised his eyebrows.

In this case, we need to take a long-term approach.

Li Changxi once said that the Bai family at the foot of the mountain is not on the same level as the Bai family at the mountain.

Ninety-nine percent of the Bai family in Xuandu Temple are trash, living as parasites in Xuandu Temple.

Those Bai family members who are truly capable choose to build their own businesses at the foot of the mountain.

Naturally, one must be extra careful when dealing with this group of people.

"Is the Xuandu Guan Shengguo Office the Bai family's back garden, or is Shengguo the Bai family's back garden?" Ji Changsheng asked again.

Ying Hongye said: "The entire Sheng Kingdom is the back garden of the Bai family, but you don't need to take it too seriously. The strength of these secular countries is just that. Once your strength in the Golden Core stage of Changsheng reaches that level, you should be able to walk sideways. "

Li Daoyan nodded: "Except for Yingguo, these countries today are indeed not worth mentioning."


Ji Changsheng looked at Ying Hongye.

Ying Hongye said: "It is indeed me who is Ying, but everything has passed, and the current Ying country is actually not much stronger than Sheng country."

Li Daoyan said: "It is still much stronger, but Yingguo is indeed not as strong as it used to be. Chang Shengqian doesn't know something. The current Shengguo was just the Shengzhou of Yingguo."

Ji Changsheng really didn't know about this.

"The Li family is a cultivation family and has conflicts with the Bai family in terms of resources and interests. I probably already know about it. What is going on with the Ying family and the Ying country? I really don't know yet. Can you tell me in detail about the Ying family and the Bai family? Family grudges?"

Ji Changsheng looked at Ying Hongye.

Ying Hongye spared no effort in dealing with the Bai family and provided more help to Ji Changsheng than her cheap nephew.

However, Ji Changsheng has not had time to figure out the reason until now.

There is no way, he is too busy.

Either he is killing someone, or he is on the way to kill someone.

It's just now that I have a little free time.

Ying Hongye didn't hide it either.

"It's not a secret among high-level people, but it's normal that you don't know about Changsheng, because that period of history was jointly sealed by the sects of good and evil, and you may not be able to find out the real history even if you go to the Sutra Pavilion to look for it. "

When Ying Hongye said this, her tone turned to self-deprecation: "It's as if everyone now thinks that the Ying family is just a cultivation family, and the Ying country is just an ordinary small country. Few people still remember that there was once a country that unified the whole world, with a sword pointing at it. The Immortal Sect in the World has almost completed the great cause of the Human Emperor and created the Immortal Dynasty in the World.”

Ji Changsheng is a good guy at heart.

"Disrespectful, disrespectful. It sounds like the Ying family was even more generous than Xuandu Guan back then?" Ji Changsheng said.

Li Daoyan said fairly: "Leaving aside the Xuanhuang Gongde Pagoda and the Linglong Fairy, the Ying family was really more powerful than Xuandu Temple back then. At that time, Emperor Ying unified the world, and then used the power of one country to force the entire cultivation world, trying to conquer the good and the evil. The Taoist capital was brought under the rule of the Yingguo court, allowing practitioners to serve the people of the world."

Ji Changsheng was in awe.

"A great ambition."

Li Daoyan nodded, and then said: "So Yinghuang died miserably!"

Ji Changsheng: "..."

Doesn't seem strange at all.

If practitioners are willing to serve ordinary people, then they are really in trouble.

"Ying Huang is going against nature. In a world where cultivation is possible, standing on the side of ordinary people and making enemies of cultivators has no possibility of success." Ji Changsheng said: "Powerful immortal cultivators can It is unrealistic to talk about sacrifice and dedication in this world where everyone is the enemy."

Ying Hongye shook his head and said, "We almost succeeded back then."

Ji Changsheng was shocked: "How did it succeed? How can ordinary people compete with immortal cultivators?"

Ying Hongye said: "Of course there is another evolutionary system. Although ordinary people are trapped in spiritual roots, talents and resources and cannot practice, human wisdom is infinite. A scholar with no power can still use wisdom to create threats The weapon of a cultivator."

Ji Changsheng opened his mouth, then closed it decisively.

Okay, that makes sense.

This world has been inherited for so many years, and its historical civilization is much older than Blue Star.

Blue Star can develop technology.

There's no reason why people in this world can't do it.

When he was studying the transmission notes at Xuandu Temple before, he discovered that the technology content of the transmission notes was higher than that of Blue Star's WeChat.

"Back then, our ancestors unified the world and made great aspirations. He hoped that everyone in the world would be like a dragon. Practitioners would no longer be superior and everyone would enjoy equal rights. Under his strong promotion, countless heroes in the world of mortals have become Gathering in the Kingdom of Ying, they understood the magic of immortality, analyzed it, and then created it. In just a few decades, ordinary people in the world of Ying could fly to the sky and escape like practitioners with the help of tools. The weapons they created even Let those powerful practitioners tremble."

Ji Changsheng digested the information silently.

This is probably technology VS cultivation.

If you really think about it, it's not surprising at all that Blue Star's nuclear weapons killed some great masters in the world of immortality, Ji Changsheng, in his previous life.

But if the fight continues, unless the strength of the technological side develops to an extremely high level and allows ordinary people's bodies to transform, it will still be difficult to compete with the immortal cultivators.

There is no way, ordinary people's bodies are too fragile.

Not to mention contending with immortal cultivators, an ordinary disease can make ordinary people helpless.

Immortal cultivators have too many methods to deal with ordinary people, and there is no need to confront them head on.

Ying Guo deserves respect, but the outcome is doomed in Ji Changsheng's opinion.

Seemingly seeing through Ji Changsheng's thoughts, Ying Hongye's next words stunned Ji Changsheng: "Back then, there were many great practitioners who were close friends of our ancestors. They were on the side of our ancestors, and they did not hesitate to abandon them for this. The sect."

Ji Changsheng: "...Awesome!"

This personality charm is too powerful.

"If we get the support of some powerful people, then there is a real possibility of success." Ji Changsheng calmly analyzed: "Once the immortal dynasty is established on earth, Emperor Ying can lead these practitioners and the people of the world to achieve a win-win situation. Human dynasties can continue to evolve into divine dynasties and immortal dynasties, and even the ultimate goal can be to ascend as a whole and create a great cause that can catch up with the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Yinghuang is a man of great courage."

"Yes, our ancestor is an amazing person. Even those who are enemies of our ancestor will not deny this."

When Ying Hongye talked about her ancestors, her tone was one of heartfelt admiration.

"How did Emperor Ying fail back then?" Ji Changsheng asked.

Ying Hongye said nothing.

Li Daoyan clarified Ji Changsheng's confusion: "There was a traitor within the Ying Kingdom. On the eve of the battle between the Ying Kingdom and the nine major sects, half of the Ying Kingdom's weapons arsenal was paralyzed."

Ji Changsheng: "...Let me guess, is this traitor's surname Bai?"

Ying Hongye sneered and said, "It should be said that the Bai family couldn't bear the loss of life in the world, so they took the initiative to bear the infamy for the sake of love, justice, and world peace. The Bai family is the great contributor to the elimination of war, haha."

Ji Changsheng finally understood why Ying Hongye spared no effort in dealing with the Bai family.

This kind of hatred between the country and the family, he would not stop fighting until death.

Ji Changsheng originally thought that the Bai family's fortune depended on Fairy Linglong.

Now it seems that he still underestimates the Bai family.

Continue to be vigilant.

Ji Changsheng became concerned about the Bai family's family background: "Did the Bai family have a high status in Yingguo back then?"

"Very high. At that time, Mr. Bai was the prime minister of the Ying Kingdom. He was nominally the third person in the court of the Ying Kingdom. In addition, Mr. Bai has a good son."

When talking about this good son, both Ying Hongye and Li Daoyan looked unnatural for a moment.

After all, that is Fairy Linglong’s husband.

Once things involve Fairy Linglong, things will get complicated.

So Ying Hongye said directly: "The Bai family sold Ying Guo to the Bai family at a good price, which laid the foundation for the Bai family's prosperity later. Back then... forget it, let's not mention it. In short, the Ying family and the Bai family are not We live together."

It's not that Ying Hongye doesn't want to mention it, but she doesn't dare to mention it.

Traitors are shamed by everyone.

Moreover, although the Ying Kingdom failed, it was only dismembered and not completely destroyed.

The remaining forces in the Ying Kingdom are eager to crush the Bai family to ashes.

However, the major immortal sects do not allow heroes to end well.

Finally, all parties reached a consensus:

The Bai family became Fairy Linglong's betrothal gift.

"The liquidation will only be late, not absent." Ying Hongye sneered: "Fairy Linglong is about to ascend, and the Bai family has failed in their attempt to seize the master of Xuandu Temple. Now, it is time for the Bai family to pay the price for what they have done."

Ji Changsheng nodded: "Hongye, don't worry, the Bai family is our common enemy. Whenever you can use me, don't be polite."

The main thing is that I definitely have something useful for you, the Ying family.

You're not welcome, so I have the nerve to be polite.

Ying Hongye nodded to Ji Changsheng: "Li Daoyan and I are both disciples of Xuandu Temple. We have many restrictions on our actions. In some aspects, we may really need your help, Changsheng."

Li Daoyan reminded: "Changsheng has not been expelled from the Guanli yet. He is still a disciple of Xuandu Guan in name, so he can't go too far."

Ji Changsheng took action and focused on a resolute and decisive approach.

However, a large sect like Xuanduguan focuses on following a process, and would rather not do it than make mistakes.

The person Ji Changsheng killed in public yesterday naturally violated the sect's rules.

But the process of the Discipline Hall has not been completed yet.

Mainly because the law enforcement elders of the Discipline Hall haven't figured out what to do yet.

If he strictly abides by the sect rules, Ji Changsheng will have to be arrested and even punished.

If it is found out that the female disciple and Bai Zonghui deserve to be killed, even though Ji Changsheng violated the sect's rules first, his behavior is merciful, and he will be fined with three drinks of wine, and there is no need to be kicked out of the monastery at all.

So much has happened from yesterday to today.

The law enforcement elders need to get accurate instructions from the temple master before making the final decision.

But Ji Changsheng didn't care about this at all.

He had already understood what the viewer meant.

So Ji Changsheng waved his hand and said casually: "It doesn't matter. Senior sister specially told me not to care about the rules and regulations. She will protect me no matter what I do."

Li Daoyan: "...Auntie is mighty."

"Indeed, senior sister is very powerful." Ji Changsheng said.

Ying Hongyexin said you are more powerful.

Li Changxi had a strong reason for killing her husband to become a Taoist priest.

You killed Bai Guanlin and framed him directly.

If you really want to talk about it, you are more powerful than Li Changxi.

Following such a fierce man, Ying Hongye feels very safe.

"By the way, Changsheng, who are you going to kill in Shengguo?" Ying Hongye asked.

Ji Changsheng said: "Sheng Taiping."

Ying Hongye and Li Daoyan were stunned.

"Sheng Taiping?"

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this person?" Ji Changsheng asked warily.

Li Daoyan slapped his thigh: "Our main goal in going to Shengguo this time is also Sheng Taiping. Someone reported that Sheng Taiping and Xuanduguan's office in Shengguo were working together to harm casual cultivators and ordinary people."

Ji Changsheng; "..."

Madam, you are also very good at cooperating with the viewer.

after one day.

The capital of the prosperous country.

Li Daoyan suddenly pulled Ji Changsheng's sleeve.

"Chang Sheng, do you think the man in front of you looks like Sheng Taiping?"

Ji Changsheng looked over intently.

Then the tiger's body shook.

It was indeed Sheng Taiping.

But that didn't shock him.

What shocked him was that Sheng Taiping was hugging a graceful woman and smiling happily.

Ji Changsheng was shocked.


Being a concubine for Yu Laomo is a job, but raising a concubine by yourself is a life?

Yu Laomo, congratulations, you will be crowned king!

This chapter explains the reasons why the Ying family and the Bai family are enemies, and also improves the world background setting, so that you don’t have to act out when you see some words similar to modern dialects in the future. In addition, I personally have always felt that in a world where the civilization of cultivating immortals is very developed, if the people at the bottom live in an ancient feudal farming society, then the resources produced under this system cannot actually support the cultivators of immortality. Of course, this is just one family’s opinion and is for reference only.

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