Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 474: Comprehensive crushing, rivers of blood [3,700 monthly tickets for additional updates]

Hearing Ji Changsheng's words, the Bull Demon King's heart skipped a beat: "Oh no, the inner demon tribulation is not over yet."

In an instant, the Bull Demon King broke out in a cold sweat.

Originally, he thought that he had smashed all the gods and Buddhas with one stick and successfully promoted to the Daluo realm.

Now it seems that Da Luo's Heart Demon Tribulation is indeed Da Luo's Heart Demon Tribulation, which unknowingly blinded his perception and made him pretend to think that he had succeeded.

Then another sudden blow gave him a blow to the head.

Looking around, the battle in front of him was grander than the scene he had just experienced during the inner demon tribulation.

Most of the gods and Buddhas in the inner demon tribulation cannot be brought to the stage.

The real master of C is still the Great Sage of Ping Zhang, followed by at most the Third Prince Nezha.

After his strength is infinitely close to Da Luo, he is actually slightly better than the Great Sage Ping Zhang and the Third Prince Nezha.

Therefore, during the inner demon tribulation, the Bull Demon King felt despair, but finally he was killed.

But is a fully upgraded version of the previous one.

Emperor Changsheng took the lead personally.

Heavenly soldiers and generals stretch as far as the eye can see.

Murderous intent surges secretly, and there are countless strong men lurking.

Even his three brothers have fallen under the butcher's knife of Emperor Changsheng.

He must escape from such a siege and interception before he can successfully be promoted to the Great Luo Realm.

The Bull Demon King had to sigh once again: The Da Luo realm is really too difficult.

How did those former Da Luo strong men survive the inner demon tribulation?

However, the Bull Demon King then looked at his own camp, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt heroic.

Yes, although the enemy camp has been infinitely strengthened, our own camp has also become stronger.

He still has a chance.

Thinking of this, the Bull Demon King cheered up again.

"It's just ridiculous that the inner demon wants to mess with my mind."

Ji Changsheng: "?"

He was so beaten by the Bull Demon King that he lost his ability.

Not only Ji Changsheng, but all the gods, Buddhas, immortals, demons and ghosts in the sky were stunned by the Bull Demon King's words.

"What is the Bull Demon King talking about?"

"He doesn't think he's still going through the inner demon tribulation, does he?"

"It should be."

"Why don't you look very smart?"

"I don't blame the Bull Demon King. I still can't believe that Emperor Changsheng killed two saints' mounts in a row. This is something unprecedented."

Ji Changsheng finally reacted after hearing the comments from people around him.

Then happy.

"Luo Hu, is promotion to the Great Luo Heart Demon Tribulation also an illusion?"

Ji Changsheng had also survived the inner demon tribulation before. It was indeed an illusion, but that illusion had no lethality for him.

Ji Changsheng has not survived the internal demon tribulation he faced when he was promoted to Daluo, and he still doesn't know what it is.

Luo Hu appeared, shrouded in a black mist, hiding his head and tail. In other words, the Demon Ancestor had no form at all.

His voice remained calm: "Unlike the previous inner demon illusion, to be promoted to Da Luo's inner demon illusion, you must complete the corresponding tasks in the illusion, otherwise the promotion will fail."

Ji Changsheng suddenly understood.

When he was going through the inner demon tribulation before, he succeeded in directly breaking through the illusion.

Being promoted to Daluo's Heart Demon Tribulation should be equivalent to playing a game. Although I know it's a game world, I have to defeat all the monsters to complete the level.

"What is the Great Luo Heart Demon Tribulation of the Bull Demon King?" Ji Changsheng asked.

Luo Hu said: "In the illusion of inner demons, we defeated the scripture-seeking team headed by the Great Sage Ping Zhang, defeated the gods and Buddhas who came to help, and successfully protected the foundation of the Flame Mountain."

Ji Changsheng nodded slowly: "Is this mission a waste of time?"

If you want to keep the Bull Demon King's Flame Mountain legacy, you can't just defeat the scripture-seeking team headed by the Great Sage.

The Great Sage of Ping Zhang was just Ji Changsheng's charlatan, and the Bull Demon King was now facing the real test.

Luo Hu said in a deep voice: "The emperor said that the Bull Demon King should be promoted to Da Luo successfully, so I did not adjust the difficulty level for the Bull Demon King to the highest level."

He has certain authority, but once it is opened, he can no longer interfere.

It's like the national football coach has received money and can let the players who gave the money play, but whether he wins or loses depends on the player's own level.

The national football coach may think that he can't win even if he plays in Vietnam?

Hey, don't say it, really don't say it.

Of course, the Bull Demon King is still much better than the national football team.

In the "Vietnamese Demon Tribulation" specially selected for him by Luo Hu, he successfully defeated it.

But this also has disadvantages.

They had just won against Vietnam and were at the peak of their confidence, but they met the Brazilian team in the next game.

The conversation between Ji Changsheng and Luo Hu was not hidden from the Bull Demon King.

However, the Bull Demon King completely scoffed at their words.

"The eldest brother is in Tushita Palace. Even if there is an immeasurable disaster, there will be no danger. The second brother is in Biyou Palace, protected by Lingbao Tianzun. Even if the disaster is to become a god, he will still be safe. You want to use this to mess with me. The mind is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world. Ruyi may be in danger, but what about Ruyi?"

The Bull Demon King looked for True Immortal Ruyi in his own camp, but did not find him.

Therefore, he judged that among the three bull heads, the bull head of Ruyi Zhenxian was real.

Fortunately, this was just a fantasy of inner demons, and he was not too sad. Instead, he laughed loudly and said: "Ping Zhang and I are brothers, and my brothers are like brothers. If you want to cook, you will be rich, so you are lucky to share a piece of the pie with me."

The Bull Demon King said this to the Great Sage, and he intended to show his arrogance.

But after he finished speaking, he found that everyone in the inner demon world was staring at him with strange eyes.

Ji Changsheng complained: "Old Niu, please don't touch porcelain. I don't have the mentality to get a share of the pie. But since you have asked for it, I will graciously grant your wish."

After speaking, Ji Changsheng said to Kang Shishen: "Master Kang, give a table to the Bull Demon King."


Then Master Kang quickly made a table full of cows and used his magic power to push it to the Cow Demon King.

Seeing the all-beef banquet presented by Master Kang, Ji Changsheng was a little embarrassed: "Will you kill me if you put more beef in it?"

Ji Changsheng felt that one cow would be enough to prepare a 10,000-table all-cow banquet.

But according to Kang Shishen's method, it is estimated that even 100 million tables will not be used up.

Ji Changsheng was worried that the Bull Demon King wouldn't be able to taste the taste of his brother.

It's really diluted a bit too much.

The old food god Kang blushed and defended: "The little god was afraid of poverty when he was a child, so he immediately made a new table for the Bull Demon King."

With Ji Changsheng's advice, Kang Shishen quickly made another whole beef feast, since the ingredients were all ready-made.

The Bull Demon King is also a hero, and the atmosphere has been heightened to this extent. Of course he will not give in, and laughs loudly again: "Eternal Emperor, you want to mess with my mood, let's see how I can break it."

After saying this, the Bull Demon King swallowed a piece of beef.

Tender and delicious, the mouth is filled with a strong aroma of meat, which instantly arouses the taste buds of the Bull Demon King.

After all, it is produced by the God of Cookery and uses the best beef ingredients.

The Bull Demon King immediately cheered: "Okay, the food at the God of Cookery's house is indeed worthy of its reputation."

The gods and Buddhas all over the sky continued to stare at the Bull Demon King with strange expressions.

The Bull Demon King ignored their looks and continued eating a piece of beef.

Then something started to feel wrong.

"Why does it look so much like Kui beef? No, it's impossible. It must be the inner demon's fantasy."

The Bull Demon King subconsciously took another bite.

Then he looked up suddenly.

"Ji Changsheng, did you really kill my eldest and second brother?"

The Bull Demon King, whose eyes were about to burst and filled with murderous intent, asked the third prince Nezha, who was secretly observing, to complain: "Father, is there mad cow disease in this beef? Or is it the contagious kind?"

Li Tianwang: "...No, it was the Bull Demon King who discovered the truth and his Taoist heart collapsed."

Yes, the Bull Demon King burst into tears afterwards.

Even the inner demon fantasy can't simulate the taste of Kui beef so perfectly.

The most important thing is that when the Bull Demon King eats his brother's meat, the brothers' unanimous feelings cannot be faked.

The Bull Demon King finally realized the truth.

Then he went crazy.

Looking at the crazy-looking Bull Demon King, Ji Changsheng actually felt nothing.

What he lamented was another guy:

"Haotian's gold content continues to rise."

He used this trick to deal with the Bull Demon King, and it could directly break the Bull Demon King's Taoist Heart.

But if it were used against Haotian, Ji Changsheng was worried about directly helping Haotian become a saint.

The Bull Demon King is already the first demon king after becoming a god. He is a peerless demon who has been promoted to Daluo in less than ten thousand years. He is not an outstanding demon.

But obviously compared with Haotian, Haotian is still countless times more difficult to deal with.

Ji Changsheng believed that Haotian could really get a share of the pie, while the Bull Demon King was just talking.

Hearing Ji Changsheng's emotion, Luo Hu nodded secretly in his heart.

He placed a bet on the Bull Demon King.

But he also saw at this time that the Bull Demon King's endurance was not that good.

Or is the Jade Emperor more worth looking forward to?

Fortunately, he and the Jade Emperor are also allies.

"How dare you? How dare you kill the saint's mount."

The Bull Demon King is still angry.

And full of disbelief.

Just like when Kui Niu and Qing Niu Jing died.

No one had ever done this before.

Ji Changsheng helped them open their eyes.

In response to the Bull Demon King's anger, Ji Changsheng gave a friendly reminder: "Not only your eldest and second brother, your fourth brother is also dead."

Bull Demon King: "..."

Li Changxi suddenly appeared next to Ji Changsheng and declared her presence with one sentence: "Junior brother, you are so kind. You didn't forget to remind the Bull Demon King that he has a fourth brother."

Onlookers: "..."

Yes, Lord Taiyin Star has also come to an end.

Although the Bull Demon King can be said to have a large number of monsters at this time, the combined force of the Immortal Emperor and the Taiyin Star Lord is still very powerful.

Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi looked at each other.

Li Changxi couldn't hide the smile on her face.

After casually setting up an illusion that the outside world could not see through, Li Changxi flicked her fingers and released a projection.

During the projection, King Yuqing was poisoned in Chaoyin Cave in Mount Luojia, Putuo, South China Sea.

And three of the "Seven Immortals who attended" the leader of the Tongtian Sect, the Lingya Immortal, the Qiu Shou Immortal and the Golden Light Immortal gathered together to make a fuss in the South China Sea and laughed wildly at the True King Yuqing:

"Antarctica, you also have today."

"When you castrated us, you didn't expect that it would fall into our hands."

"You cut off our eggs, and we'll let you have one too. This is called the cycle of cause and effect, retribution."

When Ji Changsheng saw this picture, he immediately sprayed it.

"Senior sister, does this have nothing to do with you?"

Ji Changsheng was very sure that King Yuanshi would be furious after this matter was exposed.

Li Changxi said: "Of course it's none of my business, I'm just watching the fun. I finally know why Jie Jiao died so miserably during the Great Tribulation of the Gods. They are really a group of audacious monsters who dare to do anything."

Ji Changsheng said something: "They have restrained themselves. If this were to happen during the Great Tribulation of the Gods, the person these goblins want to kill should be the King of Yuanshi."

Don't think that Jie Jiao's disciples dare not. During the Great Tribulation of the Gods, not just one or two of Jie Jiao's subordinates took action against the Yuanshi Heavenly King and Taiqing Sage.

This was a disciple of Jiejiao after being severely beaten. Knowing that he could not defeat the Yuanshi Heavenly King, he first tried to find a way from the Yuqing True King.

Moreover, he also learned how to divert misfortunes to the east, and brought the True Immortal Ruyi with him.

"King Yuqing castrated them all before?"

Ji Changsheng really didn't know about this.

Li Changxi nodded.

Ji Changsheng laughed out loud: "The disciples of Jiejiao really can't bear it. Tongtian released these guys because he really did not forget to eat but not to fight."

During the Great Tribulation of the Gods, if these disciples hadn't been holding him back, Master Tongtian wouldn't have been so miserable.

Sanqing himself, as Pangu's biological son, had his own luck in Pangu's universe.

As long as you don't work hard to die, you can basically win.

For example, Taiqing Saint, he only had to do nothing and almost became the second biggest winner after Daozu Hongjun.

As for the other two of the Three Purities, they do many things and make many mistakes.

Leader Tongtian has done the most.

Plus those monsters from Jiejiao.

Pangu's own son's luck could not be controlled.

It can be seen how defiant the disciples of Jie Jiao really are.

Drawing lessons from the past, this time the Tongtian Cult Leader actually released the Jie Cult disciples who had been captured before.

Returning to the golden age of Jie Jiao is a foolish dream.

This will only have one result:

Yesterday reappears!

But this is a good thing for Ji Changsheng.

After all, these are the merits of walking.

If you don’t whitewash it, don’t wash it.

"Junior brother, please continue watching."

The VCR still has content.

After feeding the unconscious King Jade Qing the "Mother River Water", the three of them directly began to secretly plot:

"The old thief from Yuanshi likes to use the big to bully the small. We can't let him know that we did this."

"Senior Brother Duobao said that the secret of heaven has been messed up, and the old thief from Yuanshi can't be blamed on us."

"The person who did it was Immortal Ruyi, and the water in the Zimu River was also brought by Immortal Ruyi. Even if Yuanshi wanted to investigate, he asked him to find the head of the Bull Demon King."

"This time, True Immortal Ruyi did a pretty good job. If the Bull Demon King can succeed in being promoted to Daluo, we will introduce True Immortal Ruyi to join us and serve the Seven Immortals. Chang'er just happened to be dead."

"If Guanyin fails to protect her, she will definitely be held accountable by the narrow-minded Yuanshi thief, who will exact revenge on us."

"This time the teacher comes out again, Senior Brother Duobao ascends the mountain and shouts. With our help, we will surely be able to restore our glory as soon as possible."

In the minds of Jie Jiao and others, the era when Ten Thousand Immortals came to court was indeed a golden age.

Unfortunately, they couldn't see the situation clearly.

No one will let them return to that golden age except themselves.

The best destination for a dead overlord is to die forever.

Li Changxi put away the projector and said to Ji Changsheng: "The one who responded was the Jinguang Immortal, the one who did the trick was the Qiu Shou Immortal, the one who framed it was the Lingya Immortal, but the one who provided the mother river water was indeed the True Immortal Ruyi. If the evidence is conclusive, just look at it. It’s time to hand over the evidence to King Yuanshi.”

"Wait a minute and kill the Bull Demon King first."

It is very possible that the Yuanshi Heavenly King was so angry that he directly destroyed all the Bull Demon Kings.

Although the results were good, Ji Changsheng would not be able to become famous.

The Immortal Emperor needs to establish his authority.

There will always be only peace created.

He had just ascended before, and his footing was not yet stable, so he needed to make plans. Now that he has basically secured his position as Emperor of Heaven, it is time for other creatures to learn to fear him.

"Qiu Shou Immortal and the others haven't discovered that True Immortal Ruyi has been replaced by me, so they think that True Immortal Ruyi is not dead yet."

As soon as Li Changxi finished speaking, the Qiu Shou Immortal from the Bajiao Cave below arrived belatedly.

He began to comfort the Bull Demon King who had just fallen into a state of rage: "Don't worry, Ox King. Brother Kui Niu was indeed killed by Emperor Changsheng, but Immortal Ruyi is safe and sound."

Then Qiu Shouxian and the others stepped aside, and True Immortal Ruyi stood up from behind.

The Bull Demon King was overjoyed.

Although Ruyi Zhenxian is the least effective among the four brothers, he is still a brother who has broken bones and connected tendons.

The Bull Demon King immediately wanted to hug True Immortal Ruyi.

But didn't hold it.

"Pfft" sound.

A knife was stabbed into the belly of the Bull Demon King.

The whole place fell silent for a moment.

The Bull Demon King looked at "True Immortal Ruyi" in disbelief.

Qiu Shouxian and the three of them almost had their eyes popping out.

"Ruyi Zhenxian" sighed: "Junior brother has always wanted to kill you head-on, but you, old cow, have too many flaws. With such a good opportunity in front of me, I really can't help but stab you. .”

Li Changxi swore to God that she had no intention of sneaking up on the Bull Demon King.

Her target was originally Qiu Shouxian and the other three.

Since I have basically fallen out with Jie Jiao, of course I will kill as many as I can.

But the Bull Demon King is determined to seek death.

Exposing such a big empty door.

She could only test Da Luo's defense power by the way.


"Li Changxi?"

"It's Lord Taiyin Star."

The Bull Demon King roared angrily and took action directly.

But only a ball of air was hit.

At the same time, the figure of "True Immortal Ruyi" split into three and quietly came behind Qiushou Immortal, Lingya Immortal and Jinguang Immortal.

The dim moonlight in his hand turned into a sharp blade, and he waved it gently.

There were three screams in the audience.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the Qiu Shou Immortal, the Spirit Tooth Immortal and the Golden Light Immortal, who were once unparalleled before the Great Tribulation of the Gods, fell into the hands of Li Changxi.

Li Changxi threw it casually in front of Kang Shishen.

"Xiao Kang, cut off one of their legs and reward the soldiers with beef."

After a moment of silence from the Emperor Changsheng's side, the whole audience cheered.

"Xingjun is invincible."

"Yao Guang Luo Huan is the best in the world."

"Xingjun is number one in the world."

Li Changxi raised her hand to stop everyone's cheers.

Then he said to Ji Changsheng: "Junior brother, don't look at me like that. I'm not that strong. It's these demons and immortals who are too weak."

Ji Changsheng looked at Qiu Shouxian and the three of them, and indeed found that their auras were not strong enough and were completely unworthy of their former reputation.

Qiu Shouxian also looked at Li Changxi with eyes wide open.

"If we hadn't been beaten back to our original shape by Antarctica and tortured by Manjushri and Samantabhadra for so many years, you would never be our opponent."

Ji Changsheng suddenly understood.

After the Great Tribulation of the Gods, everyone is still making progress, but these guys who have become captives and controlled have no freedom, and of course they can't make progress.

Therefore, the strength of these Jiejiao disciples not only did not become stronger, but actually became weaker.

Ji Changsheng originally did not think that Jie Jiao's disciples would be a threat.

Now it seems that they are even more useless than imagined.

This is normal.

When Jiejiao Wanxian came to the court and had the advantage, he didn't win. Now that they have been delisted, do you expect these guys to make a difference?

Lingya Fairy was very angry: "There are no heroes to make Zhuzi famous. If you want to kill or behead him, please do as you please."

Jin Guangxian sneered: "Teacher took action. They don't dare to kill us. At most, they dare to take off one of our legs. They seem arrogant, but in fact they are cowardly."

Li Changxi was able to kill them just now, but she only asked Kang Shishen to cut off one of their legs. This gave Jin Guangxian the illusion that Li Changxi did not dare to kill them.

In fact, it was Li Changxi who planned to leave them to King Yuanshi.

After all, once King Yuqing becomes pregnant afterwards, King Yuanshi will always have somewhere to vent his anger.

However, upon hearing Jin Guangxian's provocation, Li Changxi immediately raised her eyebrows and with a wave of her hand, Jin Guangxian's body was instantly separated.

A headless golden retriever appeared in mid-air, demon blood filled the sky, and the golden fairy refused to rest in peace.

Qiushou Fairy and Lingya Fairy were both frightened.

Li Changxi sneered and said: "My junior brother has killed Tongtian's mount, so what is a disciple? Come on, continue talking."

The Qiu Shou Fairy and the Spirit Tooth Fairy gritted their teeth.

They think Li Changxi is crazy.

It just so happened that from the information they got, Li Changxi was indeed a madman.

They all dare to provoke Yuanshi Tianwang, but they really don't dare to provoke the madman who kills monsters without blinking an eye.

Li Changxi took action boldly and calmed the entire audience.

All the immortals, demons, gods and ghosts looked at Taiyin Star Lord with awe in their eyes.

Emperor Changsheng killed the saint's mount, and Lord Taiyin killed the saint's disciples.

This pair is really brave.

No wonder they came together.

Only Ji Changsheng looked at Jin Maoyan's headless body with a strange look in his eyes.

"Senior sister, why didn't you kill Jin Guangxian?"

Yes, not killed.

What the outside world sees is an illusion.

In fact, Li Changxi only cut off one of Jin Maoxian's legs, but she gave the outside world the illusion that she had beheaded Jin Guangxian.

Outsiders can't see clearly, but Ji Changsheng's accomplishments in "Yao Guang Luo Huan" are second only to Li Changxi's, but they can still tell.

Li Changxi explained through a voice transmission: "Let the King of Yuanshi vent his anger first. If the King of Yuanshi doesn't kill me, I will kill him afterwards. Anyway, no one can see through my illusion except you, junior brother."

After a pause, Li Changxi said proudly: "People say there is something wrong with my brain, but in fact, among the smart people, only you, my junior brother, can keep up with my wisdom."

Ji Changsheng gave Li Changxi a thumbs up.

Needless to say, although Li Changxi's brain circuit is abnormal, she never does stupid things.

He looks bold, but his IQ has never dropped.

This whole set of operations was so smooth that Ji Changsheng could never keep up with Li Changxi's efficiency.

After Li Changxi appeared in everyone's eyes, she shocked all the demons in the Bull Demon King's camp.

They looked at each other in disbelief, watching the food god Kang cooking across from them using rare bull demons, golden-haired dogs, six-tusked white elephants, and green lions. The "delicious food" he made was so fragrant that it made them excited.

The Emperor Changsheng even waved his hand, and led by the gods from the God of Cookery Palace and Shenxiao Yuqing Palace, all the heavenly soldiers and generals participating in this battle were allowed to taste this peerless delicacy.

"The Emperor of Heaven has no shortage of hungry soldiers."

"Brothers are taking risks to fight, and I don't have anything good to entertain you, so I will prepare a table of delicious food for you first."

"There will be huge rewards after the war, and the ingredients are all ready-made."

Ji Changsheng pointed to the ingredients opposite.

The gods and Buddhas all over the sky looked at the opposite camp with fierce looks in their eyes, and their bloodthirsty eyes were filled with anticipation.

At this time, the trustees who had been arranged by Ji Dang also spoke one after another:

"After eating Kui beef, I feel full of strength."

" brother who was rejected by his wife actually regained his strength today."

"Me too. I met a ghost cultivator who harvested yang and replenished yin before, which caused me to be sluggish. Now I can feel it again."

"Brothers, don't make a fuss. This is the power of the bull demon. It's normal to have this kind of effect."

"Saint meat is actually even rarer, but we don't dare to covet it, but bull demons can have it."

When an animal is endowed with aphrodisiac powers, male creatures will be more interested in the animal.

The beef of Kui Niu, Qing Niu and Ruyi Zhenxian, a buffalo, really possesses the power of aphrodisiac under the careful blending of Hehuan Sect.

Of course, the acacia pie is just an add-on.

What really gives Ten Thousand Tables of Beef a special effect comes from Huoyundong Yandi’s Baicao Dan and Xuanyuan Huangdi’s special medicinal diet.

Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs and was the most powerful medical expert in the human race.

Xuanyuan Huangdi's imperial daughter Sanqian is the best expert in aphrodisiac among the human race.

Ji Changsheng sent Luo Qingling, who was probably the most innocent person among Ji's party, to the Fire Cloud Cave to seek medicine.

In the name of dealing with the Bull Demon King.

Ji Changsheng is the Emperor of Heaven who was born in the human race.

What the Bull Demon King wants to do is to restore the glorious demon emperor of the demon clan.

The envoy Ji Changsheng sent to Huoyun Cave was still a kind-hearted medical fairy named Luo Qingling who brought fragments of the Hetu Luoshu with her. It is very likely that she has some kind of blood relationship with Huoyun Cave.

Under this situation, Ji Changsheng successfully obtained the support of Emperors Yan and Huang.

Due to the ban imposed by the Tongtian Cult Leader, they could not take action publicly, but they could help Ji Changsheng in private.

Most of the strong men of the demon race support the Bull Demon King, and most of the strong men of the human race support the Immortal Emperor. This is very reasonable.

Facts have proved that in today's era, the human race does have the upper hand.

The all-out war has not yet begun, but Ji Changsheng's side has already taken an overwhelming advantage in terms of momentum.

The enemy's boss and his whole family have become food on the table of our own camp.

It’s hard for people who support the Immortal Emperor to lack confidence.

And it is difficult for the demon kings behind the Bull Demon King not to retreat.

The Bull Demon King knew that this was a moment of life and death for him.

He sensed death again.

Taking a deep breath, the injury on the Bull Demon King's abdomen improved rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then he jumped out, pointed a stick in the air, and challenged: "Emperor Changsheng, do you dare to fight me alone? "

Although he failed to guard against Li Changxi's knife just now, it did not cause any fundamental harm to him.

He is now a de facto strong man in Da Luo. Although he has not fully adapted, it is completely different from before.

The current Bull Demon King is very strong. Even if it is weakened by Li Changxi by 10%, he is still much stronger than before.

Although he is at a disadvantage now, compared to the Immortal Emperor who has not yet overcome the Great Tribulation, the Bull Demon King is full of confidence, so he takes the initiative to invite the battle.

As long as he can defeat the Immortal Emperor in full public view, the current predicament will be solved.

This is a calculation that everyone can see.

All eyes turned to Emperor Changsheng to see how he would choose.

If Ji Changsheng refuses, it will not affect the development of the subsequent battle. But if Ji Changsheng agrees, the outcome of this battle will depend on the final outcome.

After all, once something happens to the coach, the morale of the military will inevitably be shaken.

Ji Changsheng looked at the unruly Bull Demon King below and said in a calm and indifferent voice: "Old Niu, if you want to reunite with your brothers, I will naturally satisfy you. But fighting alone is a waste of time. Let's go together. Niu The demon king is left to me, and none of the other demon kings are left behind."


Ji Changsheng didn't talk nonsense, and he didn't bargain with the Bull Demon King.

After his words fell, the heavenly soldiers and generals in mid-air immediately formed a military formation.

According to legend, the elites of Heaven who were supposed to be invincible finally exerted a power that made the demons fearful and returned to their rightful place.

"The generals will obey orders and form formations."

"All actions are directed by Feng Hou."

"Queen Feng, you're done."

King Li Tianwang of Tota made a big salute to the woman beside him.

And temporarily handed over his military talisman to this mysterious woman.

The woman took a step forward.

Countless hidden demons and veteran strong men all shrank their pupils after seeing this mysterious woman.

"It's Fenghou."

"Fenghou, the prime minister under Xuanyuan Huangdi, the most important figure in Emperor Xuanyuan's career, helped Xuanyuan defeat Chi You, and later retired to the Fire Cloud Cave with Emperor Xuanyuan."

"Damn it, Huo Yun Cave really took action."

"Don't be afraid. Feng Hou has accepted a disciple before, and wants to help Ji Han change his destiny against the will of heaven. He will also fall into the Wuzhangyuan. Don't be frightened by her name."

"It's just Feng Hou, not Xuanyuan Huangdi. If she dares to take action, she will be killed."

Feng Hou held the military talisman and nodded to the Changsheng Emperor.

"Back then, Wolong failed to continue Ji Han's legacy and was buried in front of the Great Luo Gate. The Great Luo disaster is more difficult than fighting for the Human Emperor. My disciple failed to succeed in his great cause. I hope the emperor will not let a mere bull monster overturn the world."

Ji Changsheng solemnly said: "Don't worry, Fenghou, the Bull Demon King will only be your meal this time."

After all, he is from the human race, and this is not the first time he has cooperated with Huoyundong.

It's just that it wasn't a formal cooperation before, it was just that everyone had a tacit understanding with each other.

Fenghou was the prime minister of Huangdi Xuanyuan. She once accepted a talented apprentice and sent him out to try to continue the Jihan Dynasty left by Haotian and continue Jihan's great career as human emperor.

But the apprentice she took in did not become emperor himself. Instead, like Feng Hou, he only became prime minister.

Fenghou's lineage did not pursue the imperial career, but found another way, trying to hold the sky with one hand and find an alternative Daluo path.

It is a pity that Feng Hou met Xuanyuan Huangdi, who was astonishingly talented and talented. Although she helped Xuanyuan Huangdi achieve the great cause of the Human Emperor, it was mostly because Xuanyuan Huangdi himself was stronger, and Fenghou's role was not enough to promote her to Daluo.

The disciple she carefully cultivated was more lucky than her and met a less amazing and talented master. But the disciples she carefully trained were also less fortunate than her, because the situation was destined to be more difficult.

That was the Great Luo Jie of Fenghou's lineage.

Feng Hou did not succeed that year.

And her apprentice also failed. After exhausting everything, I finally ran out of gas and was unable to save anything.

It is difficult to climb to the blue sky.

Especially when encountering the Great Luo Tribulation without releasing water.

Failure is the norm.

"Before my disciple died, he took the "Fenghou Eight Formations of War Art" that I created and made it a step further. The emperor, the demons other than the Bull Demon King, please leave them to me for the time being."

After Fenghou finished speaking, countless heavenly soldiers and generals immediately fell into their respective formations.

The Heavenly Formation is the first to bear the brunt: The Heavenly Formation is sixteen, square on the outside and round on the inside. The four are Feng Yang, which resembles the sky, is the master of the formation, and is the leader of the soldiers. Make good use of the three armies, and their shape will not be biased.

"Third Prince, you enter the Heaven Overturning Formation."

Nezha was fully armed and instantly jumped into the sky-covering formation, thinking he was a serious soldier.

Ground formations: Twelve ground formations. They are square in shape, with clouds dominating the four corners. It is difficult to attack the enemy. Its body is unpredictable, its uses are endless, and it cannot be independent. It is matched with Yang.

"King Li Tian, ​​thank you for your work."

Let's play, let's make trouble, don't make fun of Li Tianwang.

What's more, King Li Tian didn't know when he had recovered his thirty-three-day golden relic, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

Feng Yang Formation: The wind has no formal shape. It attaches to the sky and changes into a snake. Its meaning gradually becomes mysterious. The wind can stir up things and surround them. The snakes can surround them and the three armies are afraid.

This formation was personally hosted by Feng Hou, a professional counterpart.

Cloud hanging array: Clouds attach to the ground. They are invisible at first and turn into flying birds. Their shapes are finally completed. The birds can stand out and the clouds can be obscured. They are ever-changing and have the sound of golden leather.

Quietly, an array leader appeared in the Yunchui array.

If the group of demons could observe carefully, they would even find that the Yun Chui Formation from top to bottom was actually not hosted by heavenly soldiers or generals.

But the cavalry from the Tang Dynasty.

When the Bull Demon King announced that he would compete for the Demon Emperor.

All the powerful human beings under Da Luo have enough reasons to stand with Ji Changsheng unconditionally and support Emperor Changsheng.

What's more, the Tang Emperor wanted to expand the territory of the Tang Dynasty to Xiniu Hezhou.

The biggest reason why he supports Master Sanzong's search for scriptures in the west is that he hopes Master Sanzong can serve as a guide and help the Tang Dynasty's cavalry explore the path.

Before this battle, Ji Changsheng had promised the Tang Emperor that after the war, the Tang flag could be planted on top of Cuiyun Mountain.

Therefore, Datang sent its most elite troops to form the Cow Slaughter Alliance.

The clouds formed.

Dragon Flying Formation: The heaven and earth rush back, and the dragon transforms into it, with claws, feet, back and chest. The potential is unpredictable, the movement is infinite, the formation is impressive, and the name is dragon.

A dragon roared in the sky.

The dragon demon king who absorbed the essence and blood of the ancestral dragon descended from the sky.

He has no psychological pressure to attack the demon clan.

Because he has already been highly bound to the interests of the Changsheng Emperor.

Moreover, Ji Changsheng has also promised that after this battle, he will immediately start to protect him and help him advance to Daluo.

The Jiao Demon King is willing to be the master of a formation.

Tiger Wing Formation: The heaven and earth rush forward, turning into tiger wings, and the tiger is about to fight, amplifying its power. When Huaiyin used it, it became Wuji. The gathering at Gaixia was unpredictable by Duke Lu.

The leader of this formation is the son of the White Tiger God.

He almost became Mrs. Bones’ husband-in-law.

When Emperor Changsheng's reputation grew and Madam White Bones offended Saint Zhunti, Lord White Tiger, who almost accepted Madam White Bones as his daughter-in-law, was very worried.

At this time, the Dragon Demon King visited the White Tiger God.

Then the son of the white tiger came.

Are the demons the same race?

What a joke.

The Four Spirit Holy Beasts never regard themselves as monsters, they are the royal family.

What are bull demons, horse demons and the like? They are just cows and horses.

The Demon King promised enough benefits.

The Immortal Emperor killed two mounts in a row, showing sufficient deterrence.

Therefore, the White Tiger Divine Lord and the White Tiger's son made their choice easily.

Bird Soaring Formation: When a bird of prey is about to fight, it must fly first. The momentum is approaching the sky, and the birds are hiding. When judged, there will be slander. If one man attacks, the three armies will not be able to do anything.

Xiao Yu bravely shouldered the heavy responsibility and abandoned the Styx inheritance, showing the responsibility of the successor of Xingtian.

Although among the major formation leaders, his strength ranking is relatively behind. But Xingtian is the god of war, Xingtian inherits, and is born for fighting. The more he fights, the stronger he becomes.

Snake and Pan Formation: The wind is a snake and pan, attached to the sky and formed, surrounded by potential energy, and capable of bending and extending. Among the four wonders, it is adjacent to the tiger, and then it becomes a regular mountain, trapped head and tail.

Under the command of Emperor Zhenwu, Snake will take over.

Snake General is the family general of Emperor Zhenwu.

There was a conflict between the Changsheng Emperor and the Bull Demon King, and Emperor Zhenwu stood unconditionally on the side of the Changsheng Emperor, even though he was nominally a member of the Jade Emperor and the Yuanshi Heavenly King.

Emperor Zhenwu also had enough reasons to support Emperor Changsheng:

When he was promoted to Daluo, Zhenwu owed Emperor Changsheng a huge debt of gratitude for his enlightenment.

Now is the time to pay off.

The eight formations are completed, with the four realms of Qiankun and Xungen as the main formation of heaven and earth, as the main soldiers. The northwest part is the dry land, and the dry part is the sky formation. The one in the southwest is the earth of Kun, and Kun is the earth formation. The southeastern land is Xunju, and Xunzhi is Fengzhen. The land in the northeast is Genju, and Gen is the mountain. The clouds coming out of the mountains and rivers are the cloud formation, and the four strange formations of dragon, tiger, bird, and snake are made of water, fire, gold, and wood, which are used as surprise weapons.


What is the difference between a well-disciplined army and a disorganized army?

It took one minute for Fenghou to respond to the powerful men in the world with the overwhelming demon blood and the endless wails of dead souls.

Facts have proved that the heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven were just fixing matches in the past.

When they started to get serious, hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals were killed, the color of the world changed, and the demons shed blood, making the Bull Demon King and the newly promoted Da Luo tremble with fear and doubt the existence of demons.

"Are the heavenly soldiers in heaven so powerful?"

The Bull Demon King couldn't believe his eyes.

Although he knew that the Great Sage Ping Zhang was cheating by defeating one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, he always felt that even if he did not fake the match, with the strength of Ping Zhang Great Sage, it would not be a big problem to defeat one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers.

Now he has changed his mind.

Simply sweeping away hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers is really not a big pressure for them.

But when a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals form a military formation, even the powerful Da Luo will find it difficult to confront them head-on.

He doesn't have the courage now.

Fortunately, his opponent was only the Immortal Emperor.

"Ji Changsheng, let you plan in every possible way, as long as you die in my hands, it will still be nothing."

The Bull Demon King looked up to the sky and roared again, showing his true form as a white bull. Then he pushed the golden mountain and knocked down the jade pillar, and bumped into Ji Changsheng.

"Don't hide if you can." The Bull Demon King roared.

He is known as the powerful Bull Demon King.

As long as Ji Changsheng didn't hide, he was absolutely sure to end the battle quickly.

Ji Changsheng said sincerely that I am not stupid.

He, a true king, would go head-to-head with the powerful Da Luo, unless there was something wrong with his brain.

However, Ji Changsheng said: "It's good to come."

In the eyes of the powerful outsiders, the Emperor of Immortality did not dodge or evade. He directly raised his hand and unleashed Yuan Tujian's Ten Thousand Zhang Sword Qi. The Ten Thousand Zhang Sword Qi eventually turned into a sea of ​​blood, and he had a head-on collision with the Bull Demon King.

Don't fall behind.

The Bull Demon King roared angrily.

The Emperor Changsheng was able to handle the situation with ease, and seemed to have quite a bit of strength left in fighting against the newly promoted Da Luo in the realm of the True King.

The world was in an uproar.

Yuxu Palace.

King Yuanshi, who was also watching the battle at this time, laughed dumbly: "It's an illusion. This guy Ji Changsheng... really wants to save face, as well as dignity."

What ordinary strong men saw was that Ji Changsheng and the Bull Demon King were fighting head-on and not losing.

What he saw was that Ji Changsheng used Yaoguangluohuan to deceive the outside world's perception, giving the outside world the illusion that he could confront the Bull Demon King head-on.

In fact, he is flying the Bull Demon King's kite.

The Bull Demon King was so angry that he roared again and again.

What the Bull Demon King really roared was: "Ji Changsheng, what kind of hero is he who can only dodge?"

What the outside world hears is: "What an immortal emperor, I didn't expect you to have the power of Da Luo as a true king. If I, Lao Niu, were in the same realm, I would be willing to be inferior."

Hearing this, King Yuanshi burst out laughing again: "The Bull Demon King will definitely lose."

If Ji Changsheng is stubborn and insists on confronting the Bull Demon King, today's battle will still be a bit suspenseful.

There is no more suspense now.

The only thing that needs to be considered is what method Ji Changsheng will take to kill the Bull Demon King in the end.

However, King Yuanshi didn't care much about this.

They were just two juniors, and it was none of his business whether they lived or died.

Yuanshi Tianwang no longer paid attention to the battlefield.

The moment King Yuanshi turned his attention away, a sudden change occurred.

Ji Changsheng's blood turned into a sword and cut off his head. This sword has at least 30% of the style of the Styx Cult Master. If the Bull Demon King is attacked, even the body of Da Luo will be seriously injured.

But a flash of determination flashed in the Bull Demon King's eyes, and he gave up resistance completely, allowing Ji Changsheng to kill him with a sword.

But just for a moment, he popped out again, spitting out black air, and his eyes were shining with golden light. Although his aura had dropped a bit, he had already reached Ji Changsheng's side and struck a blow to the head, leaving Ji Changsheng with no way to hide. He bled and died on the spot.

The Bull Demon King looked up to the sky and laughed.

He could withstand Ji Changsheng's fatal blow, but Ji Changsheng could not withstand his fatal blow.

Just when the Bull Demon King opened his mouth to laugh, a ghost fire instantly entered his body.

At the same time, Ji Changsheng resurrected from the original place.

Although his face was pale, he was indeed resurrected on the spot.

The Bull Demon King's eyes instantly enlarged: "Impossible, this is... Tears of Guanyin? Damn Guanyin."

The Bull Demon King instantly realized what happened.

With his physical strength, he was able to take a sword from the Emperor of Immortality without risking his life.

Ji Changsheng did not have his defense, but Ji Changsheng brought the resurrection armor Guanyin Bodhisattva gave him - Guanyin Tears.

As long as he is not killed on the spot, as long as he is not a powerful Daluo, he can be resurrected on the spot no matter how serious the injury is.

Of course, Ji Changsheng's injury was not light.

It was an injury-for-injury experience.

Now, neither side appears to be in danger.

At least that's what the Bull Demon King thought.

"Ji Changsheng, come and fight again."

A ball of ghost fire appeared in Ji Changsheng's hand, and he laughed out loud for the first time in the battle, his laughter was wild and unruly.

"Old Niu, it's over."

The nemesis of the Bull Demon King is fire.

Honghai'er's Samadhi True Fire is very effective against him.

But what defeats the Bull Demon King even more is the ghostly fire of the Ancient Buddha.

The Bull Demon King himself may not know this, because this is the back-up left by Ran Deng a long time ago. Of course, he will not support a black glove that he cannot deal with.

Previously, Ji Changsheng obtained a ball of ghostly fire from the belly of Princess Iron Fan.

Ji Changsheng raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The Bull Demon King felt cramps in his stomach and instantly knelt down in front of Ji Changsheng, sweating profusely.

"what did you do to me?"

The Bull Demon King indeed does not know that his nemesis is the ghost fire of the underworld.

Ji Changsheng did not answer the question of a dead cow.

The genuine demon mirror hangs high in the sky and shines on the Bull Demon King, leaving him with nowhere to hide and can only wait for death on the spot.

Raging fire burned from the body of the Bull Demon King.

Ji Changsheng removed the illusion.

The newly promoted Great Luo Bull Demon King, with a body of thousands of feet, knelt in front of the Immortal Emperor and gradually turned into a roasted cow in the blazing fire.

This scene has become a lingering nightmare for countless demon clans.

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