Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 504 A bloody shuffle, a long day

"Arch mage, here it is."

Ji Changsheng airlifted two bottles of holy blood directly from Heaven to Archmage Xuandu.

One bottle belongs to Tongtian Cult Leader, and one bottle belongs to Haotian.

"You can use Master Tongtian's blood as you like, but use Haotian's blood with caution." Ji Changsheng reminded: "If you use Haotian's blood, you will easily become a pervert like him."

Master Xuandu was startled.

He didn't expect Ji Changsheng to give him such a good thing.

"It's normal for you to get Haotian's blood. When did you get the blood of Master Tongtian?"

"When he was beaten by King Yuanshi before."

Archmage Xuandu: " are awesome."

He reflected.

After joining the disciples of Saint Taiqing, the treasure was at his fingertips. He was indeed not as good as the Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, most of his good things were given to him by Saint Taiqing.

The good things of Emperor Changsheng were all fought for or picked up by himself.

Although the results may be the same, the abilities displayed are definitely not on the same level.

"This thing is too expensive, you should keep it for yourself."

Master Xuandu didn't want it.

He still has moral integrity.

If such a precious thing was given by Saint Taiqing, he could accept it.

Ji Changsheng gave him a junior, but he was too embarrassed to accept it.

Ji Changsheng said casually: "Just keep it, I don't know how to use it."


"I find it dirty."

Archmage Xuandu: "..."


"I'm not lying to you, I'm really dirty."

Archmage Xuandu: "...Do you know this thing is priceless?"

"I know, I originally used this bottle of holy blood from Master Tongtian to be used by Ji Dang's own people." Ji Changsheng said.

"Then you give it back to me?"

"You need it even more now."

Ji Changsheng said it was natural.

Archmage Xuandu suddenly fell silent.

"Arch mage, you won't be flirting with me, right?" Ji Changsheng guessed the mentality of Xuandu Archmage.

Archmage Xuandu switched out from the impassioned state just now, returned to normal mode, and explained to Ji Changsheng: "Changsheng, you misunderstood, I don't want to become a saint."

Ji Changsheng complained: "I'm not stupid, I didn't misunderstand you at all. Of course you don't want to become a saint, your strength is far inferior to Haotian."

Archmage Xuandu: "..."

"What you are fighting for is the opportunity to become a saint, so you have to fight for it. There are so many quasi-sages, and only one of them is qualified to fight for this opportunity. You are right, one step is slow, and the other is slow. Archmage, you must Seize this opportunity. Now that Haotian is in retreat and Tathagata is about to reincarnate, this is your best chance to overtake in a corner."

Ji Changsheng helped Master Xuandu analyze: "The Taoist ancestor promised seven saints. We don't know what the ultimate limit of the saints the universe can bear, but there must be seven, and the Taoist ancestor can accept seven saints. This is very important. Haotian and I signed an agreement in front of Taozu. We will not leave the customs within ten thousand years, so we have the opportunity to kill him directly within ten thousand years or ten thousand years later. I have convinced Tongtian on Tathagata that Tathagata will be reincarnated soon. As for the human race, I will also try my best to torment him and try to prolong his recovery time."

Ji Changsheng was not absolutely sure of killing Tathagata completely.

And Tongtian will definitely keep an eye on Tathagata, and Ji Changsheng doesn't want to really cut off the road to Tongtian.

It's not that I'm afraid, it's really not necessary.

Tongtian's IQ is too easy to fool. There is no need to force a sword to the other side unless there is no other choice.

There are still choices now, so Ji Changsheng doesn't want to go to extremes.

"Calculating it this way, Archmage, you have at most ten thousand years to overtake. At the least, it depends on when Tathagata takes that step. In any case, you have a chance to fight. If you give in now, you may make another move in the future. I can't catch up. Archmage, I have been convinced by you. You should fight and fight with all your strength. The human race needs a saint. As long as you occupy the leading position in the first echelon under the saint, you can build on this foundation later. If you plan ahead, things will be much easier.”

Master Xuandu was full of determination when he went to fight for his life.

Now that Ji Changsheng has begun to plan for him, he feels embarrassed.

Many people are like this.

When you are alone, you can risk everything.

Once you have friends and relatives, you will lose your will to fight.

"Changsheng, don't get ahead. I'll say it again, I'm fighting for a chance to become a saint, and I won't gain much if I win."

Ji Changsheng frowned: "Your goal is to make 10 billion, but you don't care about 100 million? Without the original capital of 100 million, how can you make 10 billion by taking the lead?"

"I think so, I mean you don't need to help..."

"Just talking nonsense, if you become a saint, I will have a saint father-in-law. If I don't help you, who will I help?"

Archmage Xuandu didn't know whether to be angry or surprised.

He could only say: "I am sure of it."

"You can be more confident. You are so pretentious, so accept it quickly. I still have to show my merit to my wife."

The Immortal Emperor is determined to do one thing, and his achievements must be demonstrated.

He has a mouth.

Absolutely don't play the trick of licking the dog and paying silently.

"If Linglong knew that I had sacrificed so much for her, wouldn't she be so moved that she would give me my life?"

Master Xuandu knew that this was a real joke.

That's not to say that Yu Linglong wouldn't be moved to commit herself.

Laughing to death, there is no need for this to happen, and it will not delay Yu Linglong's commitment to her.

Master Xuandu was surprised that Ji Changsheng would give him so many good things.

He still wanted to teach Ji Changsheng a lesson.

Such a comparison can tell whether a person's character is superior or inferior.

I'm sorry to give him a hard time.

"Changsheng, if you keep this holy blood, you can get greater benefits in the future."

"What I want is not a benefit, but for you to go one step further. Besides, since you are a saint, if you give me a hundred pounds of blood, won't I make a hundred times the net profit?"

Master Xuandu was speechless.

He began to change his view of Yu Linglong.

Linglong may not be blind.

Although Ji Laomo often doesn't do human affairs, he is really generous in taking action against his own people.

"Chang Sheng, if you give me these things, do you want to ask other people's opinions?"

Ji Changsheng was confused: "Why should I ask other people's opinions on the things I picked up?"

Master Xuandu explained: "Over the years, many people think that as the first generation of ancestors, I actually have little contribution to the human race. If you give me these opportunities to become a saint, those people may have objections to you. .”

Ji Changsheng smiled: "Your existence itself is of great significance to the human race, how come there is so much nonsense."

Archmage Xuandu felt warm in his heart.

In fact, he didn't want to talk so much nonsense.

But there are still too many humans.

When there are more people, there will be more voices.

Even though his achievements are as high as those of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, there are always people below him who find fault with him.

There are also many people who privately slander Nuwa, the Taiqing saint.

There are also people like King Zhou who do it directly.

In comparison, he Xuandu is just a little guy.

There are so many people who don't like him, so it's not surprising at all to have objections to him.

The evaluation of outsiders will not affect his work, but it will still affect his mentality to some extent.

"It would be great if everyone in this world could think like you." Master Xuandu said with a bitter smile.

Ji Changsheng frowned: "Arch Mage, the war is about to begin, and your coy posture is really awkward. If you continue like this, I really won't help you. If the human race wants to rise, it needs heroes like the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to bow their heads and be willing to be cowards. You need me like this To charge into battle, a peerless hero also needs a sharp sword hanging in the sky to frighten the gods and Buddhas. This sword can be used without it, but it must not be without it."

Money lasts through the ages and is a wise saying.

Without a sword, you are not even qualified to stand on the same platform and compete fairly with others. I will hit you if I ask you to.

Only with the sword can you be qualified to compete at the table.

Nowadays, among the people who are qualified to be human divine swordsmen, Archmage Xuandu is ranked first.

Therefore, Ji Changsheng must support Master Xuandu.

This is something that doesn't need to be considered.

As long as Ji Changsheng regards himself as a human being, he will do this.

Archmage Xuandu became even more moved, and then said: "Chang Sheng, what you said is very good, but don't bring in private goods. How did you become an unparalleled hero?"

Ji Changsheng rolled his eyes: "Xiao Xuanzi, don't be ignorant of your blessings. If I weren't even a powerful Da Luo person now, these resources wouldn't be available to you. I would have grabbed them for you."

Archmage Xuandu smiled happily, put away the two bottles of holy blood, and stopped being pretentious.

Then he struck the golden cymbal three times with his hand.

"This is my understanding of how one qi transforms into three pure things. You should try to absorb as much as possible. If you can succeed in it, the teacher will definitely change his view on you, although there is a high probability that you still won't be able to learn it."

Then Master Xuandu walked aside and began to close his eyes and rest.

The breath is like a dragon, roaring in all directions, straight into the sky. Arrogant and domineering, arrogant and arrogant.

Just as Empress Nuwa said, Master Xuandu is modest on the outside but full of arrogance in his heart.

A known:

The core disciples of the Taiqing lineage will be able to "transform the three pure states with one energy".

Then Master Xuandu also has three clones.

But no one has ever seen the other three incarnations of Master Xuandu.

Even when he fought against Saint Zhunti in Lingshan, he only used his true body.

Haotian became a saint in one battle.

The Tathagata is like the sun in the sky.

They have all shown their ability to move the saints.

But in the past, in the eyes of all the saints, Master Xuandu, who could stand on a foothold with Tathagata Haotian, had never really used his full strength!

Eight Views Palace.

Yu Linglong found that Saint Taiqing's smile turned into relief.

"Grandmaster, what's wrong with you?"

She felt that Taiqing Sage's recent mood swings were somewhat unlike Taiqing Sage.

Saint Taiqing praised: "Linglong, you have a good taste in men."

Yu Linglong was a little surprised: "Have you cultivated immortality into one qi and transformed into three pure states?"

"That's not true..." Saint Taiqing said: "Except for his cultivation talent, he is good in other aspects, much better than Chunyang."

The Taiqing Sage was not only resentful about Ji Changsheng's failure to achieve "One Qi Transformation into Three Purities".

He was also very worried about Master Xuandu taking Taoist Chunyang into his sect.

It completely lowered the level of Taiqing's lineage.

Fortunately, Taoist Chunyang is dead.

"What did Changsheng do?" Yu Linglong still didn't know what happened.

Saint Taiqing did not hide it from Yu Linglong this time and explained: "He gave Xuandu the holy blood of his third brother that he picked up before."

Yu Linglong blinked and was not surprised by this. She said: "I think she dislikes the longevity and doesn't want to absorb other people's blood in her body."

"Having said that, it is also a great gift and favor." Taiqing Sage said: "This kid Changsheng's cultivation is not very good, but he is really grand in his work, worthy of his current status and achievements."

Yu Linglong: "... Patriarch, he is also very good at immortality cultivation. How long has he been practicing?"

Saint Taiqing shook his head and said: "His cultivation talent, which means he has just reached the Daluo level, is about the same as Guangchengzi."

Yu Linglong was shocked: "It's so low?"

Taiqing Sage was aggrieved for Guangchengzi: "Guangchengzi's cultivation talent is not low, at least there is a 50% chance of attacking the Great Luo... The teacher worshiped the wrong one, and the difficulty of the Great Luo Tribulation was also set too high."

At this point, even if King Yuanshi wants to regain his respect, Saint Taiqing is too lazy to help King Yuanshi find compensation. Facts have proved that it is indeed not possible for Yuanshi Tianwang to teach his disciples.

If there is a specialization in the art industry, it must be recognized.

"If you want to attack Da Luo with immortality, you have to use some tricks. If he is as talented as Xuandu, he succeeded last time with Yang Jian Guanyin and others. His talent is at the level of Guangchengzi Jiao Demon King. It is not low at all, But it’s still a little worse than the top batch. Linglong, if Changsheng has difficulty in being promoted to Da Luo in the future, let him come to me and I will help him make up for it.”

Yu Linglong's face was moved: "Grandmaster, can you create Da Luo?"

No saint has yet shown this kind of strength.

Saint Taiqing shook his head and said: "It is impossible to create a creature, but for a creature that is only half a step away from being promoted to Da Luo, I should be able to help."

Yu Linglong was still shocked: "The ancestor is mighty."

Really mighty.

The number of powerful Da Luo people never swells, even because saints cannot create Da Luo - the typical representative is the Yuanshi Heavenly King.

Although Taiqing Sage cannot be created, the meaning behind Pingpin's words is that at least he can help the Jiao Demon King Guangchengzi to be promoted to this level.

This is still a scary thing.

The outside world recognizes Taiqing Sage as the first among the Six Sages, and there is a reason for this.

Saint Taiqing added: "I can only help him to be promoted to Daluo. According to the latest standards set by Xuandu, quasi-sages still have to work hard on their own."

He still has limits.

Yu Linglong said: "This is already very powerful, Patriarch, I have an unsolvable mystery."


"Based on the relationship between you and the teacher, if the flesh and blood of the saint is really useful to the quasi-sage, you won't be stingy, right?"

Saint Taiqing's expression was a little subtle, and he asked: "Linglong, do you know why Changsheng doesn't fuse the holy blood of Third Brother and Haotian?"

Yu Linglong said: "He thinks it's dirty."

"There is another reason. He is afraid that there is a backhand in the holy blood, so he doesn't dare to fuse it at all."

Yu Linglong was shocked: "Grandmaster, do you really have a back-up plan?"

Sage Taiqing said in a tone that sounded like a smile but not a smile: "All laws are empty, and cause and effect are not empty. Sage's cause and effect, Yuan Tu's sword can't cut it off."

"But so many strong men have absorbed the flesh and blood essence of Saint Zhunti..."

Saint Taiqing glanced at Yu Linglong.

Yu Linglong's pupils dilated instantly.

"Ancestor, do they know about this... immortality?"

"Of course I don't know, and I may not necessarily have a back-up plan - but if you owe something to a saint, you will always have to pay it back unless the saint dies. Moreover, there is a high probability that it will be paid with interest! Also, with the help of his saint's power, you can achieve success. Holy, it will be difficult to surpass each other in the future.”

"Isn't the teacher dangerous?" Yu Linglong thought of Master Xuandu.

Saint Taiqing said calmly: "Xuan Du is full of energy. He only regards the two bottles of holy blood given to him by Chang Sheng as a back-up and will not fuse them. Most of the quasi-sages in the sky have been disabled by Haotian. Facing this, Why do these remnant soldiers need to expend all their efforts? But he still accepts the favor of immortality. And with me here, even if he really fuses, nothing will happen to him."

The massive amount of information was difficult for Yu Linglong to digest for a while.

What shocked Yu Linglong the most was the price paid for taking the blood and flesh of the saint.

She doesn't know yet what those costs will be.

But she knew that once Saint Zhunti began to take revenge, it would definitely be very tragic.

There are already many powerful people who covet and even steal the flesh and blood of Saint Zhunti.

Unknowingly, these big guys were already in danger without even knowing it.

"Practice is so difficult." Yu Linglong said sincerely.

Saint Taiqing said calmly: "Of course it's difficult, it's always been difficult. No matter how strong you want to become, you have to face as much danger as you want. It's fair."

His current opponent is Daozu.

Facing the greatest danger in the universe.

Therefore, for other dangers, Taiqing Saint can completely ignore them and take them as a matter of course.

Yu Linglong doesn't have this level yet.

But she tried to understand.

"What the ancestor said makes sense. This is the price of being strong. I still choose to become stronger."

Even if a strong man may lose his head at any time, the scenery from a high place is a magnificence and happiness that ordinary people cannot imagine in their lifetime.

Besides, who can guarantee that being an ant will ensure safety?

When an elephant steps down, it doesn't care how many ants it kills.

When times change, the most dangerous ones are not the strong players in the game.

But ordinary people who have no power to resist.

It's just that no one records the lives and deaths of ordinary people.

"Grandmaster, do other saints know these things?" Yu Linglong asked.


After a pause, Saint Taiqing added with some uncertainty: "It's hard to say, at least for the third brother."

If Master Tongtian knew, Tathagata Buddha would not be so interested in Saint Zhunti.

Of course, there is another possibility.

Yu Linglong guessed: "Perhaps Tongtian Cult Master thinks that he can cut off Zhunti's backhand for Tathagata."

"It's possible. Third brother has always been very confident."

Saint Taiqing could not grasp the thoughts of Tongtian Cult Master.

If he could grasp it, the Great Tribulation of the Gods would not be so tragic.

The bravery of Jie Jiao's disciples was beyond the comprehension of the Taiqing sage who advocated the path of inaction.

It’s also something He can’t appreciate.

He still admires a restrained and proud disciple like Xuan Du, or a troubled disciple with full emotional intelligence like Ji Changsheng.

"As long as a saint is powerful enough to kill or replace a big Luo with a drop of blood, he will naturally understand this clearly." Taiqing Saint said: "No saint has ever helped his disciples like this before, so I thought, The Six Saints are all clear about it."

Yu Linglong's mood suddenly became subtle: "Grandmaster, do you still think that one person can cultivate 'one Qi into three pure things'."

Now it seems that Sage Taiqing may have misjudged this matter.

After Jordan became a coach and manager, he never understood why it was so difficult for his top picks to throw basketballs into the basket when they were both players. Isn’t it enough to have hands?

Saint Taiqing probably couldn't understand it. How could a saint not kill a quasi-saint with a drop of his blood?

But things you don’t understand still exist.

Yu Linglong became more and more sure of her thoughts.

After all, Ji Changsheng had never cultivated "One Qi into Three Purities".

"Lingbao Tianzun may really not be clear, and Saint Zhunti may not be clear at the beginning." Yu Linglong said firmly.

Taiqing Sage is hard to describe in one word.

You are already a saint, but you are not at this level yet?

Is that worthy of being a saint?

But the matter involves the Tongtian Cult Leader.

Judging from Tathagata's interest in Zhunti, there is a high probability that Tongtian Cult Leader really doesn't know.

Saint Taiqing decided to save some face for his third brother.

"Stop talking about this, Linglong, go and call the people you are looking for and go to the second brother's world."

Yu Linglong was shocked: "Master, it's not even three days yet."

"The plan is ahead of schedule." Saint Taiqing said quietly: "The situation in the prehistoric fairy world is developing too fast. I'm afraid that in three days, you will not have time to catch up with this great era."

There is a very scary thing:

This day is not over yet!

Saint Taiqing lowered his head and glanced at the majestic heaven - yes, lowered his head.

The saint's ashram is still in the sky.

Of course, this is also normal.

"Ji Changsheng adjusted the speed of time in heaven to be too ridiculous before, and now it is too slow. Too many things did happen in this long day."

The receptive power of Saint Etai Qing feels so terrifying.

Only then did Yu Linglong react: "Yes, today is actually so long. Yes, Changsheng adjusted the time flow rate in heaven before."

Previously, the mortal world had developed from Ji Han to the Tang Dynasty.

At that time, not even a day passed in heaven.

The speed of time in heaven was almost ruined by Ji Changsheng.

Now Ji Changsheng began to pull back again.

It turned out to be too fast.

Too slow now.

Of course, time in the mortal world, which occupies the largest space, cannot be adjusted. It is the remains of Pangu.

So based on the time in the mortal world - this day is not over yet.

But luckily, the sun has set.

The moon has appeared.

This long day is coming to an end.

This is good news for many strong people.

Finally able to have a good sleep.

Digest the overwhelming amount of information happening today.

Night is the home court of Taiyin Star Lord.

The moonlight covers all the heavens and all realms.

Li Changxi's strength is also growing rapidly, and she is infinitely close to the powerful Da Luo.

Even on the Taiyin Star, she is already comparable to the powerful Da Luo.

Just like the Jade Emperor's home field advantage in Heaven.

At this time, Li Changxi had returned to Heaven.

After discovering that two Rahus appeared in Xiaoleiyin Temple, Li Changxi was already relieved.

He pushed the Third Burial Mage up.

Now returning to the Taiyin Star, Li Changxi uses the Taiyin authority to begin to master more and more information.

The Taiyin Star hangs high in the sky, covering all realms, and at the same time it is also observing all realms. The innate advantage it occupies is really too great.

Of course, Li Changxi could not observe the powerful Daluo under normal circumstances.

But this moment is not normal.

"Rahu" is blooming everywhere.

Many Da Luo are fighting in the name of "Rahu".

Once he takes action, his breath will inevitably leak out.

Not all powerful people in Da Luo can hide themselves as tightly as Tathagata Buddha and Master Xuandu.

Most Da Luo strong men don't have that level.

Li Changxi not only has innate advantages, but also has intelligence support from all parties.

Especially the intelligence support from Huoyun Cave.

"Xuanyuan, were you responsible for the attack on Guanyin?"

Li Changxi sat in the Taiyin Star and began to analyze the identities of various Rahus.

Xuanyuan quickly replied: "It is true, but Guanyin's injury is watery. She was already seriously injured before we killed her."

Li Changxi: "?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi analyzed: "She should have been injured to King Yuqing and King Yuanshi. If the injury was too minor, King Yuanshi would easily turn her away."

Li Changxi: "..."

Thinking of the constant turmoil between Guanyin Bodhisattva and King Yuqing, as well as the two children "Biyou" and "White Lotus" just born by King Yuqing, Li Changxi gave up the analysis.

Blessings, lock up.

I wish King Jade Qingzhen good luck.

Having said that, maybe King Yu Qingzhen would also enjoy it.

With such a simple method, Huangdi Xuanyuan can see clearly, she, Li Changxi, can see clearly, King Yuanshi can see clearly, but King Yuqing cannot see clearly?

If people don’t want to expose it, outsiders don’t need to say more.

Love transcends gender.

Still the same sentence, blessing and locking up.

"Where is the Phoenix Divine Lord?" Li Changxi asked, "Were you the ones who did it?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi's voice became strange: "No...we were about to take action, but we were beaten first."

Li Changxi raised her eyebrows.

"Who did it?"

"You can't tell. The other party deliberately concealed his identity, and the magic weapon in his hand is very powerful."

The information provided by Xuanyuan Huangdi was too little, and Li Changxi could not analyze it for a while.

But she quickly replied: "While she is sick, kill her and continue to kill the Phoenix God Lord. If support is needed, my junior brother and I will take action at any time."

Phoenix Divine Lord has been won over by Tathagata, and Phoenix's son Dapeng Golden-winged Eagle also participated in the battle of Banana Cave in Cuiyun Mountain, siding with the Bull Demon King.

Then no mercy is needed.

Ji Dang will not hesitate at all when he can kill his opponent.

Emperor Xuanyuan Huang would not hesitate.

He immediately put forward his request: "We don't need the support of you and Emperor Changsheng, but we need Mr. Xing to help us disguise ourselves. The human race is not strong enough now, and we can't let the outside world know whether we are attacking the Four Spirits God Lord, or we have to pretend to be Rahu’s look.”

"I understand...wait, I won't pretend to be Rahu this time."

Li Changxi suddenly saw little Suzaku.

And a golden bird appeared next to Suzaku.

Li Changxi immediately felt blessed and had new ideas.

"Wait for me three minutes."

Li Changxi asked Xuanyuan Huangdi to stand still, and then quickly zoomed in on the Suzaku scene.

She and Suzaku had reached an agreement before, so she was not afraid that Suzaku would discover her surveillance of her.

Moreover, Suzaku is not as powerful as Da Luo now, so he cannot refuse Li Changxi.

After a moment, Li Changxi's eyes flashed.

She confirmed the identity of the golden bird next to Suzaku - the clone of Mr. Suzaku.

He separated an avatar or a trumpet and came to the ancient fairy world, found the little Suzaku, and the information revealed made Li Changxi a little surprised.

"Suzaku, have you heard about the attack on Phoenix God Lord?"

Suzaku nodded: "Luo Hu did it, Demon Ancestor is really powerful."

She was impressed.

The golden bird chuckled and said: "Of course the Demon Ancestor is powerful, but it was not the Demon Ancestor who ambushed the Phoenix Divine Lord, but the Master."

Suzaku's eyes widened and he looked at the golden bird in shock.

The golden bird continued: "Suzaku, I know that you want to replace Phoenix Divine Lord, but Phoenix is ​​one of the four spirits after all, and the eldest son Kong Xuan is a powerful Da Luo, and has also formed an alliance with Tathagata. In a short time, we still need her. But I promise you that within ten thousand years, I will kill the phoenix and support you to become a new four spirits. You should be patient for a while, the future is yours, don’t worry."

Suzaku blinked.

"Teacher, are you lying to me? The Phoenix God clearly said that Luo Hu assassinated her."

Although Suzaku is not in the Daluo group, there are many demon saints among the remaining demon clan, and her teacher is also a demon saint, so their news channels are still very open.

The golden bird laughed dumbly: "Silly disciple, how can there be so many Rahus? They are just using the name of Rahu to make things convenient for themselves. My teacher is also Rahu, and if I put on a mask, all the strong people of Daluo can be Rahu. In this battle of Luzhou in Beiju, we demon clan did not participate too much, and half of the current Luo Hu is pretended to be us."

Just like the human race wants to kill other Da Luo.

The remnants of the demon clan also feel that there are too many powerful Daluo people.

Hearing this, Li Changxi was shocked, and a strange smile flashed in her eyes.

very good.

After Luo Hu, the scapegoat, the second scapegoat jumped out.

No, the remnants of the demon clan are not even the scapegoats.

They really did it.

Although the human race and monster race did not cooperate, when the opportunity came, they all accurately grasped the opportunity and attacked decisively.

"Suzaku, the future belongs to our demon clan and to you young demons. Time is on your side, and I will definitely support you as a master."

The golden bird came here to give Suzaku reassurance.

After giving Suzaku a reassuring pill, the golden bird disappeared from where it was.

Suzaku's eyes were left flickering, thoughtfully.

The next moment, Li Changxi's voice came to Zhuque's ears:

"Your teacher lied to you."

Suzaku was startled.

"Xingjun, what did you say?"

Li Changxi directly took credit for the remnants of the demon clan: "Your teacher said that he assassinated the Phoenix Divine Lord. It was so funny that he died of laughter. It was obviously us who did this."


Suzaku caught the point.

"My junior brother and I, you should know that both Luo Hu and Ji were introduced to Heavenly Court by my junior brother, and now they both serve as Jiuyao Star Lords."

Suzaku did know.

"You should also know that Phoenix Divine Lord formed an alliance with Tathagata Buddha, and Phoenix's second son Dapeng Golden Winged Eagle supported Bull Demon King, which offended my junior brother."

Coincidentally, Suzaku also knew about this.

"My junior brother is a man who is determined to retaliate. The Phoenix God Lord offended my junior brother, and my junior brother couldn't bear it for a day. After the battle of Luzhou in Beiju, he arranged for Jidu Xingjun to assassinate the Phoenix God Lord. The Phoenix God Lord himself confirmed the assassination. Hers is Rahu, your teacher really knows how to take advantage of God for himself."

Li Changxi's voice was full of disdain, as if this matter was really done by her and Ji Changsheng.

Suzaku, who was new to the world, believed half of it in an instant.

Don't blame her, compared to the remnants of the demon race, the reasons for the Emperor Changsheng to take action against the Phoenix Divine Lord are too good.

Her teacher lacked a motive for committing the crime, but the Immortal Emperor's motive was full of them.

However, Suzaku still asked based on his trust in the teacher: "Xingjun, do you have any evidence?"

Li Changxi directly forwarded the battlefield scenes that Emperor Xuanyuan sent to her to Suzaku.

"I don't need evidence. Our people have not withdrawn from the battlefield. In this battle, the Phoenix God Lord must die. Suzaku, I am willing to support you to replace the Phoenix God Lord as the new Four Spirits, but you must also show the corresponding value, so that I have reasons to convince other people in our camp to support you. You have not made any contribution to my junior brother, so it is impossible for him to support you. But as long as you show enough value and contribution, I can convince him to confer you the title of The new four spirits.”

Suzaku was instantly moved.

There is a video that contains the truth, and she can't help but believe it - in fact, it doesn't matter whether she believes it or not, because she really wants the Phoenix God Lord to die, and the Taiyin Star Lord really wants to kill the Phoenix God Lord now.

That being the case, does the truth matter?

It doesn't matter whether Suzaku is stupid or not. What's most important to her is that she can get the maximum benefit.

Facts have proved that Suzaku is not just silly and sweet. She may be new to the world, but she is definitely not without brains.

She clearly grasped the key point: "Canonize me as a new Four Spirits. The Immortal Emperor cannot do it, only the Jade Emperor can do it."

Li Changxi pondered for a moment and then decisively dropped a bombshell: "The authority of the Great Heavenly Lord is in the hands of my junior brother."

This bombshell stunned Suzaku.

"Xingjun, what did you say?"

"The authority of the Great Heavenly Lord is now in the hands of my junior brother. You can taste the specific details yourself. Suzaku, do you see my sincerity in cooperating with you now? If you don't cooperate, I will have to kill you to silence you."

Li Changxi did not conceal her murderous intentions and threats.

But Zhuque thought Li Changxi's reaction was normal.

Because this news is really big.

At this time, Zhuque didn't know that the news that Ji Changsheng was the Jade Emperor actually didn't have much value now.

Moreover, after the battle in Luzhou, Beiju, the smart Da Luo should be able to react afterwards - not many Da Luo have reacted yet, not because they are stupid, but because today is not over yet.

Before they had time to review the details of this battle, the "Luohu Killing" incident occurred again, causing many Daluo strong men to have no time to think carefully.

But they always have time to think.

At that time, Tathagata Buddha and Demon Ancestor Rahu will fully escort the Changsheng Emperor from the Luzhou battlefield in Beiju. After the Changsheng Emperor returns to the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor deprives the Xuanwu God King of his four-spirit position in the name of the Great Heavenly Lord. This matter will become a major issue. The focus of Luo's suspicion.

The world used to think that the Jade Emperor was Haotian.

Then how could Haotian hit himself?

This matter is difficult to explain. Of course, there can be reasons of one kind or another, but for the powerful Da Luo, as long as they plant a seed of doubt, they actually don't need too much evidence.

Moreover, it is actually very simple to verify the relationship between the Immortal Emperor and the Jade Emperor - Luo Hu has already proved this. It is difficult to break through without mentioning Dafa, but it is not difficult to verify. It is just that once verified, it cannot be announced to the public.

Li Changxi actually told him such inside information, and Suzaku clearly felt Li Changxi's sincerity.

I even felt the strength of Li Changxi and Ji Changsheng.

The Jade the Immortal Emperor?

The vaguely guessed truth made Suzaku's scalp tingle.

In contrast, Li Changxi's threat is not a problem at all.

If it were her, she would be even more threatening.

"Xingjun, I need to get the Jade Emperor's personal promise."

Suzaku was already moved.

But she still kept a steady hand.

She knew that the decision she was about to make was related to her fate, and even to the fate of part of the Monster Clan.

Li Changxi complied with her request and called Ji Changsheng over.

After Ji Changsheng learned the inside story, he decisively cooperated with Li Changxi and directly promised to Suzaku: "As long as the Phoenix God Lord dies, I swear to heaven that I will canonize you, Suzaku, as the new Four Spirit God Lord. If you violate this oath, I will never be promoted. Daluo."

Suzaku felt calm.

The Jade Emperor's attitude was extremely sincere.

And it's not like her teacher asked her to wait for ten thousand years.

Ten thousand years is too long.

As an old antique, the teacher doesn't understand the mentality of the young demon at all.

A young seductress like her just wants to make progress as quickly as possible.

"Of course, I will tell you the ugly things up front. Suzaku, once I canonize you, you will no longer be able to hide it, and you will inevitably be exposed to all eyes. The cause and effect of Phoenix Divine Lord's death will inevitably be borne by you, which will in turn affect Your teacher."

Even if Ji Changsheng didn't say these words, Suzaku would still be able to think of them.

But Ji Changsheng still said it, and his words were threatening.

Suzaku felt more and more relaxed.

If the Jade Emperor blindly painted cakes for her, she would suspect that it was a trap.

But the Jade Emperor also pointed out the risks she would face if she accomplished her mission, which made her even more trustworthy.

She knew that the Jade Emperor and Taiyin Star Lord were deliberately trying to create a split between her and the remnants of the demon clan, and then create discord between the teacher and other demon saints.

If she takes this step, there will be no turning back, and she may even become a traitor to the demon clan.

But the Jade Emperor and Taiyin Star Lord gave too much.

As long as the power of the Four Spirits is added to her, she will immediately be able to rival the powerful Da Luo.

This is a conspiracy.

The biggest advantage of conspiracy is that even if the other party sees through all your intentions, they will still choose to take the bait.

Suzaku finally made his choice: "Suzaku is willing to guard the Nantian Universe for the Great Heavenly Lord!"

Teacher, I'm sorry.

After I become a big brother, I will definitely compensate you and honor you.

Now, I want to progress even more.

As for the demon clan?

Damn it, the demon clan has nothing to do with me?

I am a noble Suzaku.

Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi looked at each other and smiled.

"In that case, Suzaku, let you take the lead and kill the Phoenix God Lord. I will send others to stop Kong Xuan and Dapeng. All my men and horses in Nantian Universe will also give you their full help. If you don't kill the Phoenix, you will never return. .”

"Thank you, Great Heavenly Lord, and thank you, Lord Taiyin Star."

Suzaku took a deep breath.

There is no turning back from this step.

She didn't want to look back either.

Take one step.

A prairie fire is burning in the southern sky.

All the birds in the southern sky are prostrate.

Led by Suzaku, the new generation seed player of the demon race, they launched a fierce charge against the veteran bird overlord Phoenix God.

The change of dynasty is now.

The "remnants of the demon clan" showed their bloodthirsty fangs.

This Nantian universe may not be able to be named demon!

The universe in the southern sky shook, and then all the heavens shook.

But under the protection of the "remnants of the demon clan", no matter how the Phoenix Divine Lord struggled to death, no matter how quickly the reinforcements rushed to help, they could not break through the blockade of the "remnants of the demon clan".

The royal hegemony is handed over.

Fortunately, with the invisibility of the Golden Crow and the covering of the moonlight, this long day has finally passed!

A new day began with Suzaku taking office as the Four Spirit God Lord.

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