Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 516: First Kill of Daozu

Regarding the issue of the Taiqing saint, Hongjun didn't know whether to say something or not.

He finally spoke out: "My request to Ji Changsheng is to walk the path Luo Hu took when he came. He does not need to use his subjective initiative in the first two levels, especially this level. He only needs to survive."

With Luo Hu's strength back then, it was not difficult at all to survive before the opening of the sky.

Pangu couldn't even catch up with Luo Hu at that time.

Pangu, who pursues the ultimate in power, must not be very fast.

And Rahu's body is directly a ball of black mist.

Unless Luo Hu went crazy and insisted on confronting Pangu to the end, Pangu really couldn't kill Luo Hu.

To be fair, Daozu did not embarrass Ji Changsheng at this level.

What really made it difficult for Ji Changsheng was the third round of assessment.

It's a pity that Ji Laomo's own subjective initiative is too strong.

Taiqing Sage tasted it, and felt that Hongjun was a little unfair, and almost laughed out loud.

Empress Nuwa argued for her eldest son: "Teacher, are you saying that you didn't survive the long life?"

Hongjun: "..."


"Also, can you tell me whether Changsheng's job is better than Luohu's?"

Hongjun continued to be speechless.

What Ji Lao Mo did was not even a bit better than Luo Hu's.

Luo Hu survived purely on Gou.

In contrast, Ji Laomo was not only unsatisfied, but also took the initiative to attack Pangu.

And don’t even say it...

Although I didn't defeat Pangu, I certainly didn't let Pangu penetrate him.

In the midst of inner demons.

Ji Changsheng was holding a black spear. Although the spear was constantly shaking, Luo Hu's unruly laughter could be heard in the black mist.

Pangu on the opposite side had complicated eyes.

The crowd of innate gods and demons behind him also had very different moods.

Only "Rahu" looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Pangu, from now on, the days of being invincible across the sea of ​​chaos are gone forever, cough cough cough cough..."

Smiling, Ji Laomo began to cough up black blood.

But the demonic flames are still monstrous and arrogant.

No one laughs at the weakness of "Rahu".

Because just now, "Rahu" held a spear and caught Pangu's three axes with all his strength head on.

Just because Luo Hu created an excellent fighting opportunity for them, dozens of innate gods and demons swarmed forward.

Pangu was repulsed by the innate gods and demons for the first time.

Although Pangu seemed unscathed.

The anti-Pangu alliance camp, including the alliance leader "Luo Hu", has already lost their fortune.

But there is no doubt that this time they blocked Pangu's hunting.

And they haven't started fighting yet.

Of course, Pangu didn't start working hard.

But this is already a huge improvement compared to the previous situation where they had no choice but to run for their lives in front of Pangu.

What's more, all the innate gods and demons believe that Luo Hu must have a trump card.

Pangu also believed it.

"Luo Hu, why did your strength suddenly jump up?"

Pangu didn’t understand.

The last time he fought against "Rahu", he wounded Luohu with a single blow of his axe.

This time he tried his best to strike three axes, but was blocked by Luo Hu.

The speed of this strength improvement has surpassed him.

This made Pangu feel incredible.

Ji Changsheng said to himself that of course I used your name to hunt down many weaker innate gods and demons, which enriched my killing avenue.

The sea of ​​chaos is too big.

Moreover, there are only three thousand innate gods and demons in total, and there is no network cable.

Communication is very inconvenient.

Ji Laomo killed more than a dozen innate gods and demons in the name of "Pangu", but Pangu didn't know anything about it.

This is the disadvantage of unenlightened civilization.

No matter how powerful Pangu was, chaos was not a place he could stay for long.

Creating a new world is definitely a wise move.

Of course, Ji Changsheng would not tell Pangu Ming the real reason for his improved strength.

He just said proudly: "Pangu, it's not that my strength has improved quickly, but that you have progressed too slowly. Hunting other innate gods and demons will be less and less helpful to you, right?"

"How do you know?" Pangu was moved again.

He really felt recently that hunting other innate gods and demons would not be of much help to him.

But Luo Hu shouldn't know about this kind of thing.

"Luo Hu" waved his hand and directly created a chaotic space where only he and Pangu could talk.

Pangu was startled and looked at "Luo Hu" with an increasingly weird look.

In a small space, Luo Hu was no match for him.

Pangu couldn't figure out why Luo Hu wanted to die on his own?

Now Pangu is 50% sure that he can kill Luo Hu with his axe.

However, Pangu was not in a hurry to take action.

The first words he spoke almost made Ji Lao Mo stunned.

"Luo Hu, please give Hongjun to me, I won't kill you."

The Pangu who spoke was full of murderous intent, even worse than Luo Hu.

Ji Laomo: "..."

Sure enough, even the God of Creation couldn't accept being a father.

"It's okay to leave Hongjun to you, but let's discuss another matter first."

Ji Changsheng took the initiative in the conversation: "Pangu, do you feel that the Sea of ​​Chaos is not our long-term residence?"

Pangu's heart moved.

The sense of mission that had been lingering in his mind suddenly became much clearer.

Ji Changsheng continued: "You asked me just now why my strength has improved so quickly. It is actually because I am hunting other innate gods and demons to enrich my killing avenue. But the more innate gods and demons I hunt, the more my strength improves. The slower. Pangu, are you the same?"

Pangu nodded and said in a deep voice: "Luohu, looking at the entire sea of ​​chaos, you are the only one qualified to discuss Taoism with me."

This is true.

In today's Chaos Sea, Pangu ranks first in strength, and Luo Hu ranks second in strength.

It is very similar to the structure of the Immortal Realm at the beginning.

Pangu, known as Xiao Linglong.

Luohu, known as Xiao Xiaoyu.


Getting back to the topic, Pangu continued: "I do feel recently that it is becoming more and more difficult to improve my strength. If nothing else, my strength has grown to the limit that the Chaos Sea can accept, and it will be difficult to go further. Unless... I break the entire Chaos Sea, Only then can this restraint be lifted.”

Ji Changsheng became increasingly enlightened.

Pangu always needs a reason to create the world.

Progress is the most reasonable reason.

Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

When there is no way forward, most people will choose to lie down and wait to die.

But there are always some talented people who choose to take a new path on their own.

Pangu was certainly such a strong person.

And he is the first pioneer.

He is already invincible in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

If you want to go further, you need to break the Chaos Sea, or lead the entire Chaos Sea to evolve.

But at this time, Pangu did not yet have the concept of leading the entire Chaos Sea to a dimension.

Breaking the Sea of ​​Chaos was his first choice and his only choice at this time.

Of course Ji Laomo doesn't want to change this future.

He chose to add fuel to the flames: "I have often felt recently that although there are three thousand gods and demons born in the chaos, they barely communicate with each other. The place you look at is chaos. There is no civilization, no collision, and no competition between the avenues. Such an environment It is not conducive to our development and will also limit our upper limit.”

Pangu nodded with deep understanding, and looked at "Luohu" with a look that showed a bit of recognition from a fellow believer.

Ji Changsheng continued: "Pangu, have you ever thought about it, you have hunted many innate gods and demons, and integrated many great ways in your body. If you break the sea of ​​chaos, open up the world, and create a new species besides gods and demons, Will there be a civilization and evolutionary path that is completely different from that of gods and demons?”

Pangu's heart was pounding.

Ji Changsheng finally dismissed Wang Zha: "Maybe this is the way to really make progress for you, instead of continuing to hunt other innate gods and demons. You have killed more than two thousand gods and demons, and you can kill dozens more. What impact can it have?”

"What you say makes sense, but breaking the Sea of ​​Chaos and creating a new world requires a huge amount of my mana. You want to take the opportunity to sneak attack on me."

What Pangu said was an affirmative sentence, not a question.

Ji Changsheng didn't deny it either.

If Rahu didn't do this, he wouldn't be Rahu, and there's no point in denying it.

Ji Laomo just smiled and said: "If I can kill you, of course it will take my killing path to a higher level. Pangu, are you not afraid anymore?"

"Am I afraid of you?"

Pangu's tone was full of disdain.

Of course, He does have pride.

No one would have known how awesome Pangu was until he visited Kaitian.

"As long as you agree to hand over Hongjun to me, this matter can be discussed."

Ji Changsheng really didn't hold back this time: "Pfft... Do you want to kill Hongjun so much?"

"Of course, you want to protect him?"

Pangu's body was filled with murderous intent overwhelmingly.

Ji Lao Mo was not afraid.

It's just that the mood is a little subtle.

After all, Daozu can watch the live broadcast in Zixiao Palace this time.

If the Dao Ancestor was sacrificed during the Heart Demon Tribulation...

It's not easy to explain when you go out.

Having said that, freedom is freedom if there is no prohibition by law.

Daozu didn't say you couldn't do this.

The only criterion for passing these three rounds of assessments is to do better than Luo Hu.

Killing Daozu to death would definitely be better than Luo Hu.

Although Daozu himself was the examiner.

But in most cases, Daozu does things fairly.

And... even if he wanted to engage in behind-the-scenes operations, his mother and uncle would probably not allow it.

Ji Changsheng actually didn't have much confidence in other saints, but his mother and uncle were still very capable.

The uncle is strong enough.

My mother also loves me enough.

It is unlikely that Hongjun would completely fall out with his mother because of this trivial matter.

At most, he would lose a little of Daozu's favor.

But after Da Luo, to be honest, Daozu could help him much less than before.

Moreover, Ji Changsheng did not want to do a similar assessment again.

You can give me what I want.

If you suddenly give me what I don't want, Ji Laomo won't be happy either.

When he didn't become Da Luo, he didn't dare to lose his temper with Dao Ancestor.

If you become a Daluo and don't dare to lose your temper, wouldn't you become a Daluo in vain?

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng made a decision:

"Why should I protect him? It's settled then. I'll give Hongjun to you, and you can break the Sea of ​​Chaos and open up a new world."

"It's a deal."


Ji Changsheng suddenly thought of another thing and looked at the sky-opening ax in Pangu's hand.

In later generations, Pangu died of exhaustion after the creation of the world - now it seems that there may be another reason behind "exhaustion and death".

Maybe it was caused by a sneak attack by the surviving innate gods and demons led by Luo Hu and Hongjun.

But that doesn't matter. Ji Changsheng doesn't care how Pangu died.

He was more concerned about Pangu's legacy.

After Pangu's death, all the essence of flesh and blood turned into those Pangu survivors, and the first generation of Pangu survivors basically became powerful Daluo people in the end. Ji Changsheng couldn't touch them.

Ji Changsheng was attracted by the Axe of Creation that Pangu was holding now.

After Pangu fell, the Axe of Creation was divided into three parts, which became the Taiji Diagram, Pangu Banner and Chaos Bell.

There was no need to think too much about the Taiji Diagram and Pangu Banner, which were in the hands of the Taiqing Saint and Yuanshi Tianwang respectively. Ji Changsheng definitely could not get them, nor would he.

Ji Changsheng knew clearly which was more important, the magic weapon or the saint. It was an idiot to offend the two saints for two magic weapons.

But the Chaos Bell had no owner.

Donghuang Taiyi was already dead.

If nothing unexpected happened, the Chaos Bell was in Hongjun's hands in the present timeline.

And there was no idea of ​​giving it to outsiders.

But this thing was what Ji Lao Mo wanted.

If Hongjun didn't give it to him, he would rob it himself.

The living Daluo could not change it, but the magic weapon was something that only the virtuous could own.

Changsheng Emperor - great virtue!

"Pangu, I want to exchange something with you."

"What is it?"

"I killed the Time Demon, and through the Avenue of Time, I glimpsed a little bit of the future."

The latter part is made up, the former is true.

Luohou really killed the Time Demon.

Pangu's eyes condensed.

He also wanted to kill the Time Demon, but was beaten by Luohou.

Although mastering time is not invincible, otherwise the Time Demon would not die, but mastering time is ultimately a supernatural skill.

"What did you spy on?"

"You and the Holy Mother Yuanjun gave birth to a daughter."

Pangu believed it in his heart.

He had the intention to give birth to a new life with the Holy Mother Yuanjun, and the outside world did not know.

Luohou could predict the future, which shows that the Avenue of Time should be real.

"But your daughter's future is full of misfortunes, and Hongjun will gain power in the future. You died after opening the sky, and I was killed by Hongjun. The daughter you gave birth to with the Holy Mother Yuanjun was forced to marry Hongjun's servant."

Pangu was instantly furious: "How dare a mere Hongjun insult my daughter like this?"

Ji Lao Mo said calmly: "I also saw your Kaitian Axe split into three parts, which turned into a picture, a banner and a bell. The picture and the banner fell into the hands of your Yuanshen incarnation, and only the bell fell into Hongjun's hands. Pangu, I will give you the understanding of the Avenue of Time in exchange for the method of using the bell."

Pangu's eyes flashed, and after a moment he said: "Luo Hou, thank you for your reminder. From now on, only the Pangu clan can use the Pangu Axe."

The color of chaos flashed on the Pangu Axe, and the core settings have changed.

"I'll tell you how to summon and use the bell, but you can only use it with the help of my daughter. And only my daughter can summon the bell back, and only in my daughter's hands can the bell exert its greatest power."

"Deal." Ji Lao Mo said decisively.

After returning, Xixi must serve him well this time, at least ten or eight sets of uniforms, otherwise he will never be satisfied.

He really helped the Queen Mother of the West to get a super king bomb.

"Hongjun is yours."

After a moment.


In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun smashed the table with one punch.

Daozu's first blood - Ji Changsheng's first kill!

A surprise chapter in the early morning, taking Daozu's first blood, this chapter ends here just right, it will not be a big chapter, there will be another update at 12 noon, continue to ask for subscriptions, and ask for monthly tickets. Thanks to Lithium Molecule for the 10100 starting coins reward, thanks to Guo Ge's father for the 500 starting coins reward, thanks to book friend 20220316093120187 for the reward

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