Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 522: Kill Daozu again and finally become Daluo [End of this volume]

Daozu takes turns to sit and come to my house this year.

Ji Changsheng's ambition made Queen Mother Xi's face start to flush and her breathing began to quicken.

She likes this hypothesis and even more likes this future.

Moreover, it is really possible for her and Ji Changsheng to join forces to create such a future.

Their current strength is not weak, and with the background and Chaos Beads, everything is promising.

"Changsheng, I support you."

Queen Mother Xi decisively voted in favor.

"This prehistoric fairyland should belong to our family and must never be given to Hongjun. Since Father God created the world, we have kept a low profile for too long. It has been so long that many living beings have forgotten who the prehistoric fairyland should belong to."

It is indeed easy for Pangu's daughter to regard the prehistoric immortal world as her own private property.

From Queen Mother Xi's point of view, it's okay for her to think so.

Ji Changsheng felt that Queen Mother Xi was right.

The prehistoric immortal world originally belonged to him.

How can you give it to others?

"Let's figure out what to do first."

Queen Mother Xi went straight to work.

Ji Changsheng waved his hand: "Don't think about it, just do it. The nights will be long and the dreams will be many. As long as we are ahead of Hongjun, we will be orthodox."

Queen Mother Xi was a little confused: "Are you so anxious? The more prepared we are, the greater the possibility of success."

Ji Changsheng said calmly: "You don't need to be so fully prepared. According to my experience, plans never change as fast as they do. The more fully prepared you are, the more tragic the failure will be. We can just take advantage of it as we see it."


Of course, Queen Mother Xi has not experienced the later version updates, and she does not know that Ji Laomo has created many thousands-year-old plans.

Here at Ji Changsheng's place, there really wasn't anything prepared. Those who were well prepared were eventually sent.

On the contrary, he was able to speed through the whole sky without any preparation.

"Sissi, you have to know that no one has done what we are going to do before, so we can just do it casually without absorbing any experience." Ji Changsheng explained: "Crossing the river by feeling for the stones, whatever is done is done. Well, if I don’t pass the blame to Hongjun, it’s him who is sabotaging everything.”

Hongjun's urge to beat people in Zixiao Palace became stronger and stronger.

Queen Mother Xi of the Notre Dame Dojo also twitched at the corners of her eyes.

But she was convinced by Ji Changsheng.

Because she thought about it carefully just now, and indeed she didn't know how to prepare.

There is no precedent.

Queen Mother Xi just said: "Then let's follow Hongjun's successful experience. Anyway, Changsheng, you know how Hongjun succeeded."

Ji Changsheng nodded: "I think so too."

Zixiao Palace.

Empress Nuwa advised: "Teacher, calm down, the illusion of inner demons will not affect you."

Saint Taiqing also said: "Even if you die again, it will not have any impact on you in reality, so you don't need to take it to heart."

Hongjun: "..."

Listen, do you hear what others say?

Well, these two are indeed not human.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm going to retreat."

Hongjun began to catch up with the guests.

Saint Taiqing was a little surprised: "Teacher, are you going to stop paying attention?"

Hongjun complained: "What else is there to see later?"

Sage Taiqing said: "Immortal life may not be successful."

Hongjun didn't want to say a word.

Judging from Ji Changsheng's ability and performance, it would be a fool if this didn't succeed.

Moreover, He asked Ji Changsheng to perform better than Luo Hu.

The difficulty of this didn't seem easy at the time, but now it seems like it was just a pass.

Is there anything else to assess? The results are clear at a glance.

Hongjun is not Haotian, and he has no interest in abusing himself.

Empress Nuwa smiled: "Teacher, are you so unsure of yourself? Maybe in the illusion of inner demon calamity, you will beat Chang Sheng violently?"

Hongjun was too lazy to pay attention to Nuwa Empress, and her figure disappeared from the place in an instant.

Empress Nuwa shrugged: "Teacher really doesn't have confidence in himself."

Sage Taiqing said: "Maybe it's because I have too much confidence in immortality."

Empress Nuwa sighed: "It's a pity, the teacher should struggle a little more. Even if Changsheng has reached this point, it will not be easy to defeat the teacher in the inner demon tribulation, and the chance of failure is very high."

Saint Taiqing nodded.

It's not easy.

Under any circumstances, it will not be easy to win against Hongjun.

But the problem now is that Hongjun is not capable of winning.

It was very embarrassing to lose.

This was a mistake from the start.

Hongjun already regretted it.

Therefore, Saint Taiqing understood Hongjun's reaction very well.

Anyway, in the real world, everything is still under Hongjun's control.

In the past... let Ji Changsheng do the trouble.

Out of sight is pure.

This is the Zixiao Palace after all. Saint Taiqing doesn’t want to test Hongjun’s bottom line now. He is not a happy saint like Empress Nuwa, so he quickly changed the subject: “The teacher has gone to retreat, do you want to continue watching? ?”

Empress Nuwa thought for a while and decided to retreat.

"Forget it, I mainly want to have fun watching the teacher. Now that the teacher has gone to retreat, I have no fun watching it. I can already think of the operation of Changsheng, so there is no need to continue watching."

Fuxi is still in Wa Palace.

Empress Nuwa was suddenly called to Zixiao Palace by Saint Taiqing, and she was chatting with Fuxi at the time.

The two brothers and sisters have not seen each other for a long time. The last time they met was a thousand years ago, before the Great Tribulation of the Gods had begun.

Rather than watching Ji Changsheng's operations, Empress Nuwa preferred to go back and talk more with her brother.

But before leaving, Empress Nuwa said to Saint Taiqing: "Where are you?"

"I will continue to watch." Taiqing Sage said.

He felt that Nuwa’s judgment was wrong.

Empress Nuwa could think of 80% to 90% of Ji Changsheng's operations, but there must be 10% that Empress Nuwa couldn't think of.

If Ji Changsheng was so easy to predict, he wouldn't be able to reach this stage.

Even the teacher can't control a man, and Nuwa Empress can't control him either.

He wanted to see if there were any other surprises.

Empress Nuwa didn't think so much. She was a saint of fun and didn't care about this.

She was just worried: "You are not in danger in Zixiao Palace, are you?"

According to previous deductions in Wa Palace, even if she joins forces with Taiqing Saint, she may not be Hongjun's opponent.

If she really left Saint Taiqing alone in Zixiao Palace, she was a little worried that Taiqing would never come out.

This is also the reason why Saint Taiqing brought Nuwa to the Zixiao Palace.

If He comes alone, he may not be able to stop Hongjun from regretting his move.

However, Saint Taiqing was very calm at this time.

"I was indeed worried just now, but I don't have to worry now." Saint Taiqing said.

Empress Nuwa responded: "Yes, Pangu's will has awakened, and the conflict between you and the teacher has been buffered."

Hongjun's biggest threat before came from the Sanqing, especially the Taiqing saints.

But after Pangu's will awakened, Pangu replaced Sanqing and became Hongjun's biggest threat.

Hongjun and Sanqing still have a more or less master-disciple relationship.

There is only sworn hatred with Pangu.

He Xi became his father's hat - Hongjun should be able to explain this matter clearly, but he may not be able to explain it.

Because even if the explanation is clear, he and Pangu are still at odds with each other.

The conflict between the founders and the foreign capital that occupies the magpie's nest cannot be resolved, and a win-win situation is impossible.

In contrast, there is a slight possibility for Sanqing and Hongjun to shake hands and make peace, but this chance is also very small.

Although the Pangu universe is large, it cannot accommodate the three strongest people.

Saint Taiqing nodded to Nuwa: "If there is a change in Zixiao Palace, I will come in time."

The implication is that he is sure not to be killed instantly by Hongjun and is sure to pass the news to Nuwa.

It is certain that Taiqing Saint cannot defeat Hongjun.

But it is definitely not without the power to fight back.

If he was really killed instantly by Hongjun, there would be no need for him to fight, and that's not how he was looking for death.

Empress Nuwa felt relieved and said, "I will be back soon. Fellow Taoist, if anything happens, please inform me in time."

In fact, her relationship with Saint Taiqing is not necessarily better than that with Hongjun. Hongjun didn't offend Nuwa Empress very much, and he also taught her a lot of things, which made her strength improve a lot.

On the contrary, Taiqing Sage did not give Nuwa Empress any benefit in this regard, and their daily interactions were not close.

But Empress Nuwa still wants to help Saint Taiqing.

Because she wants to maintain the current strategic balance.

Triangles are the most stable structures.

No matter Taiqing Sage or Hongjun, if any one is missing, she may become the next target, so Nuwa Empress does not want to change the status quo.

Of course, Empress Nuwa also knew that neutrality would be disliked by both parties - but so what?

As strong as Empress Nuwa, she is said to be a neutral party, but in fact she is a third party.

Unless one of Sanqing and Hongjun is completely crushed, Nuwa can change the strategic balance at any time.

Such a neutral party is entitled to have its own ideas.

Of course, now that Pangu's will has revived, the structure of the triangle may also change.

Empress Nuwa wanted to go back to the Wa Palace to find Fuxi, and she also wanted to discuss with Fuxi her next position and camp.

The one whom Empress Nuwa trusts the most is Fuxi. Even if Fuxi is now reincarnated as the human emperor of the human race, Empress Nuwa still believes that Fuxi will not harm her and will do her best to plan for her.

The two most powerful figures in Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun and Taiqing Sage, did not dare to harm her.

A moment later, Wa Palace.

Fuxi, who had been waiting a little anxiously, finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Nuwa coming back.

"Sister, what happened? Why did Taiqing suddenly ask you to go to Zixiao Palace?"

Although he believed in his sister's strength, he was still a little worried when he suddenly received the message from Saint Taiqing.

In the Pangu universe, the only two people who can bring danger to the Nuwa Empress are Taoist Hongjun and Taiqing Sage.

Therefore, Fuxi only worried about Nuwa when Empress Nuwa went to Zixiao Palace.

This is the deepest friendship between brother and sister and has nothing to do with anything else. The outside world only cares about the strength of Empress Nuwa, and only Fuxi cares about the safety of Empress Nuwa.

Seeing Fuxi's anxious expression, Empress Nuwa felt warm in her heart.

Then his face turned serious.

"Something happened, and Pangu's will is recovering."


Fuxi immediately lost his composure.

This big news caught him completely off guard.

"Brother, we need to discuss what to do next. The current situation is so chaotic that no one can control it, including the teacher and Taiqing." Empress Nuwa said seriously.

When she was in Zixiao Palace, she was laughing and joking and happy.

But back at the Wa Palace, in front of Fuxi, Empress Nuwa revealed her true attitude.

The increasingly chaotic and difficult-to-control situation made her very worried.

"Sister, tell me everything, don't skip any details."

Fuxi's expression also became completely serious.

The innate gods and demons understood Pangu’s terror even more.

Fuxi and Nuwa both faced Pangu's ax head-on.

Therefore, the resurgence of Pangu's will shocked them far more than the outside world.

The words are divided into two parts.

After Ji Changsheng and the Queen Mother of the West decided on their plan, their first move was to move out.

In the words of Ji Changsheng:

"Sissi, we have grown up. It is not appropriate to live with our parents. It is easy to create a generation gap."

The most important thing was that Pangu was watching, and Ji Changsheng did not dare to do anything too extreme to the Holy Mother Yuanjun.

But Ji Changsheng couldn't guarantee whether the Holy Mother Yuanjun would do anything extreme to him.

The self-control of the Holy Mother Yuanjun and the influence of a Pangu widow cannot be overestimated.

Ever since she found out that Prince Dong was Hongjun's son, Queen Mother Xi's attitude towards the Holy Mother Yuanjun also became complicated.

She also doesn't know how to face the Holy Mother Yuanjun now.

When Ji Changsheng proposed moving out, Queen Mother Xi immediately agreed.

"My mother is overly sad right now. She should really be allowed to calm down first. Besides, when we start preaching, we will encounter danger after all, so we should not let my mother participate."

Queen Mother Xi went further: "Let mother stay in the dojo, and we will lock this world from the outside world."

Ji Changsheng naturally had no objection.

However, Pangu System expressed its opinion:

[Knock the Holy Mother unconscious and let her fall asleep to prevent her from doing anything drastic. 】

Ji Changsheng was shocked: "Father-in-law, is it necessary to be so serious?"

He and Queen Mother Xi just wanted to lock up the Holy Mother Yuanjun.

Pangu actually wanted to directly knock out the Holy Mother Yuanjun and control him.

The explanation of the Pangu system is very convincing:

[Based on what I learned at Blue Star, you can never expect a mother to remain sane after losing her son. 】

[I know Yuanjun, so I don’t want her to take risks. 】

[Don’t give her a chance to mess around. The more she does it, the more it will affect our relationship as a couple. 】

Ji Changsheng was determined to get divorced if it didn't work out.

But it can be seen that my father-in-law is really a good man.

No, my father-in-law is not a human being.

It can only be said that my father-in-law has a broad mind.

Haotian also has it.

As soon as Ji Changsheng's thoughts jumped to Haotian, he saw a line of subtitles appeared in front of him again:

[By the way, tell me the technique of the "Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra". 】

Ji Changsheng's expression did not change.

There was a turmoil in my heart.

Regardless of whether they are Taoist ancestors or saints, they generally do not have a high evaluation of the "Yinshi Painted Skin Sutra" and believe that the upper limit of this skill is not high.

Ji Changsheng had always agreed with this point of view before.

But if the "Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra", a technique that can kill Tao Zong, fell into Pangu's hands...

The upper limit of this skill is beginning to be unfathomable.

The prehistoric fairy world created by Pangu.

There are countless Pangu survivors.

You never know which creature the Creator God can replace.

Prior to this, it was Doumu Yuanjun who played the "Painted Skin Sutra of the Underworld Corpse" to great effect.

But in front of Pangu, Adou's record was not worth mentioning.

Ji Changsheng felt that Pangu Society was staging a great terror.

But he couldn't refuse Pangu.

Even if this cheap father-in-law doesn't get the "Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra" from him, he will get it from other places. This technique is not considered confidential.

In this case, it is better to satisfy Pangu.

You can also get more benefits from Pangu.

As for what consequences this will cause...

Ji Changsheng could no longer judge or grasp it. He could only hope that the powerful people in Pangu Universe would be blessed, especially those who were left behind by Pangu.

They are simply natural Pangu vessels.

With the help of the "Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra", Pangu would replace them quietly and probably not even Hongjun would be able to find out.

It's scary to think about it.

Fortunately, if the sky falls, Daozu Hongjun will hold it up first.

Pangu was very satisfied with the contents of "The Book of Painted Skin of the Yin Corpse" provided by Ji Changsheng.

[I’m going to practice first, and you and Sissy have a good time. 】

[Get used to the feeling of being a Taoist in advance. 】

[When you and I return to the real world together, you will still be the Dao Ancestor. 】

The cake from the cheap father-in-law did not bring any psychological fluctuations to Ji Changsheng.

After the subtitles in front of him disappeared, Ji Changsheng looked at Queen Mother Xi again.

"Sissi, just to be on the safe side, let's knock out my mother-in-law and hide the dojo. Once we have a firm foothold, we can release her."

The Queen Mother of the West found it difficult to accept this.

However, after Ji Changsheng's persuasion, she finally agreed.

Anyway, it's just to knock him out, not to kill him.

"Changsheng, after leaving the dojo, where will we move?"

In the original history of time and space, it seems that the first stop for the East Prince and the Queen Mother of the West was Penglai Fairy Mountain.

However, Ji Changsheng had no intention of going to Penglai Fairy Mountain.

He looked towards the sky, deep into the chaos.

"We are children of God the Father."

Queen Mother Xi corrected her: "I am, but you are not."

"You are, which means I am." Ji Changsheng didn't take it seriously: "Father God is the overlord of the Chaos Sea. We have to rebuild the dojo, and of course it must be in the depths of Chaos."

"That's fine."

The Sea of ​​Chaos can indeed remind other strong men who Pangu really is.

Then he reminded them that Pangu still had heirs.

"Let's go to the Sea of ​​Chaos and build the Zixiao Palace."

Completely cut off Hongjun's path.

In the Zixiao Palace, Saint Taiqing, who was still watching the live broadcast, almost lost his temper.

He said in his heart that luckily the teacher went to retreat.

Otherwise, seeing this, Dao Xin will break through his defenses.

Changsheng is really not worthy of being a son of man.

The Queen Mother of the West didn't know the meaning of Zixiao Palace at this time, so she curiously asked: "Does the word Zixiao mean anything?"

Ji Changsheng said: "That's not true. It's just that in the original time and space, Zixiao Palace was Hongjun's dojo."

Western Queen:"……"

After a moment of silence, Queen Mother Xi smiled: "Excellent."

Hongjun dominates the world created by God Father.

They took over Hongjun's business in advance.

This made Queen Mother Xi feel a happy sense of revenge.

It also gave Saint Taiqing a rare feeling of feeling sorry for his teacher.

For many years, the teacher has not suffered this kind of injustice.

What's even more aggrieved is that Hongjun actually wants Changsheng as his son.

Otherwise, he would have to recognize Duke Dong as his son.


Saint Taiqing could only say that Ji Changsheng did too much.

Step by step, I spelled out my bloodline.

"You don't have to rely on reincarnation to become a prince."

"There are so many heroes in the world."

"But the position of the prince is more dangerous than the emperor, especially the prince of the human race."

Saint Taiqing thought silently in his heart.

One of the most difficult professions in the world is that of emperor.

But the profession recognized as more difficult than the emperor is that of the prince.

Not even half of the princes can securely succeed to the throne.

Especially being a prince to a powerful person.

"Maitreya would be crazy to be the prince of Tathagata."

"Changsheng wants to be the prince to the teacher and Father God."

"The universe is in trouble from now on."

Maitreya has done a lot of things, and Taiqing Sage believes that Ji Changsheng will only do more things.

Fortunately, Hongjun is the defender of order, and Pangu is the creator of the universe.

And He needs change and embraces change.

So Saint Taiqing didn't mind if the situation became more chaotic.

He even quietly added fuel to the flames.

"With Changsheng's current strength, even if he wants to preach, he doesn't have the strength."

"Even with Father God's help."

"It's better for me to help him."

Taiqing Saint did not have the strength to tamper with the history of the prehistoric immortal world.

But in the long river of time and space, Sage Taiqing has the ability to smuggle people.

After a while.

Ji Changsheng, who had just reached the depths of chaos, suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Queen Mother Xi keenly noticed that something seemed wrong with Ji Changsheng.

Ji Changsheng smiled at Queen Mother Xi: "It's okay, I just had some insights."

In fact, there is no realization at all.

But a Taoist rhyme naturally emerged from the depths of his pupils.

His piercing eyes and even his strong body were all created by Taishang Laojun himself.

Therefore, Saint Taiqing has all the control over his aura.

Ji Changsheng clearly realized at this moment that he had many more insights about the avenue in his mind.

Regarding these insights, he only knew what they were, but didn't know why.

Obviously this was not accomplished by him.

But it was a gift given to him by a strong man.

It was definitely not given to him by the Pangu system.

There are no prompts from the Pangu system at all.

It couldn't have been given to him by Hongjun.

Ji Changsheng is self-aware. Regarding what he did to Hongjun in his second and third rounds of inner demon calamity, as long as Hongjun didn't get angry out of humiliation, he could already prove his moral integrity.

It would really be a bit difficult for Hongjun to continue assisting him.

Analyzing it based on the familiar feeling and the strong person who is most likely to do this, Taiqing Sage is the most likely.

"Uncle is secretly doing transportation to support me."

"It's not surprising that he went to Zixiao Palace to watch the live broadcast."

"Since my uncle has gone, my mother should also go, and my safety can be guaranteed."

Ji Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

After Hongjun intervened in his Daluo Heart Demon Tribulation, he judged that Empress Nuwa and Saint Taiqing might take action.

Therefore, the secret help received from Saint Taiqing was not beyond Ji Changsheng's expectations.

It's just that Ji Changsheng didn't know that the Nuwa Empress had left the Zixiao Palace, and that the Taoist ancestor had also broken his guard and gone into seclusion. Now only the Taiqing saint himself was watching the live broadcast.

It doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the help provided to him by Saint Taiqing is exactly what he lacks now and solves his urgent need.

"With my uncle's help, I can really start preaching."

"My uncle didn't communicate with me directly, so he probably can't do it yet."

"The uncle's strength is still a little worse than the adoptive father's. The adoptive father can directly reverse the cause and effect from the source. The uncle can only smuggle it secretly. Of course, this is also very awesome."

"It's not as normal as a foster father."

The adoptive father is of course Hongjun.

Ji Changsheng created a cheap son for Hongjun and then killed his cheap son. This was not good.

So Ji Changsheng planned to compensate himself to Daozu.

I believe that Daozu will accept it happily, and may even be happy.

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng felt sincerely happy for Daozu.


"Call me Changsheng."

Ji Changsheng interrupted Queen Mother Xi's words.

Although Queen Mother Xi had just learned through soul sharing that they had done more intimate things, after all, today was the first time she and Ji Changsheng had met, and she was still a little unfamiliar.

Ji Changsheng is not unfamiliar.

The Queen Mother of the West could only force herself to marry a chicken and follow the chicken and marry a dog and follow the dog.

"Changsheng, we create the Zixiao Palace and open the forum to preach. What if no living beings come to listen to the sermon?" Queen Mother Xi asked worriedly.

Opening a store is easy.

No customers would be a big problem.

Ji Changsheng smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I am sure that the guests will come like clouds."

Queen Mother Xi soon found out how Ji Changsheng advertised her family.

It didn't take long.

Deep in the chaos, there was an aura that shocked the entire prehistoric immortal world.

It was as if there were two peak innate gods and demons engaged in an earth-shattering battle. The battle reached the depths of chaos, the galaxy collapsed, and even the great avenue was almost wiped out.

But it was quickly suppressed by a more powerful aura, and everything returned to calm.

The next moment, a ethereal but extremely thick voice from the depths of chaos spread throughout the entire prehistoric fairy world:

"Lying high on nine layers of clouds, the truth lies on the futon.

Outside of the dark and yellow world, I am the leader of the teachings.

Pan Gu gave birth to Tai Chi, and the two rituals and four phenomena followed.

The leader of Xuanmen City, one Qi turns into immortality.

I am Pangu's son, Prince Dong, who has attained the status of a saint in the midst of chaos by attaining the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo. I have established Zixiao Palace in the midst of chaos. Those who are destined can come and listen to the sermon. "

The rumbling saint's voice spread throughout the Great Desolate Immortal World at the same time, causing the entire Immortal World to boil.

It almost made Zixiao Palace boil.

Saint Taiqing subconsciously cast a "muffler" on the projection, for fear of being heard by Hongjun, although he knew that Hongjun could certainly hear it if he wanted to.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his heart: "What Changsheng said are all the words said by the teacher. Isn't this the way to play? Good, good, good."

Taiqing Saint, I started talking about being a teenager and added fuel to Ji Changsheng's anger.

at the same time.

Ji Changsheng blinked again.

A video recording began to emerge from his eyes, and then was digested by his memory bit by bit.

Ji Changsheng's mood became strange.

"This... seems to be the video of Daozu's first sermon in Zixiao Palace?"

"Good guy, my uncle sent this to me directly and asked me to copy it from my adoptive father."

"Is this how you play? Okay, okay, okay, uncle is really not a man."

Ji Changsheng threw all the blame on Saint Taiqing.

Then I decided to listen to my uncle.

I can't resist my uncle's strength.

If he goes out and his adoptive father really wants to be held accountable, Ji Changsheng will tell the truth. It was his uncle who forced him to do it. If you can, adoptive father, you can go find trouble with your uncle.

As for now, in this prehistoric period, let's teach Hongjun a lesson and let him know what a true opening sermon is.

In an instant, auras rose into the sky from all directions in the prehistoric immortal world, heading towards the chaos at extremely fast speeds.

The headed group of black energy and three groups of clear energy are very eye-catching.

The Queen Mother of the West stared at her future husband in stunned silence throughout the whole process, with only one thought in her heart:

"Changsheng, is this how I will be deceived by you in the future?"

Luo Hu came to listen to the sermon of Duke Dong.

The gold content is instantly filled.

Ji Changsheng said seriously: "Sissi, how can you miss me so much? I have always been sincere to you."

Speaking of which, Ji Changsheng really did not lie to the Queen Mother in his later generations.

It was given to him by Haotian on his own initiative.

The Queen Mother of the West would never have thought of this plot now.

She was shocked by Ji Changsheng's operation and wondered how Sanqing could be so cooperative.

"Could it be that Changsheng, you said hello to Sanqing beforehand?"

"That's really not the case." Ji Changsheng narrowed his eyes.

He suspected that his uncle's consciousness had secretly smuggled over, but he had no evidence.

The adoptive father is able to directly change the facts in the past, turning the effects into causes.

The uncle does not have the ability to change the past, but he may not have the ability to sneak in and watch the fun.

And if Ji Changsheng can stir up troubles based on the platform provided by his adoptive father, it is not impossible for his uncle to give him a ride and make trouble together... it is not impossible at all.

Ji Changsheng wonders if Hongjun will let this matter go. Maybe because of Pangu's appearance, Hongjun and Taiqing are forming an implicit alliance?

He didn't know the whole picture at this time, and he didn't have time to understand it. He just planned to wait and see.

After Sanqing arrived, Ji Changsheng and the leader Taiqing looked at each other and immediately realized that something was wrong with Taiqing.

It should indeed be the consciousness of future uncles.

Because Taiqing's gaze was so clear, with a kind of admiration and appreciation.

This is definitely not the first look.

But Taiqing didn't talk to him, not even a sound transmission.

Ji Changsheng guessed that he might be afraid of Pangu.

The uncle already knew that Pangu's will was recovering.

Ji Changsheng received the news.

Naturally, there was no additional communication with Saint Taiqing, and he just acted like it was the first time he met.

With Sanqing and Luohu taking the lead, other great masters also arrived one after another.

Ji Changsheng met many well-known powerful figures in later generations, including his mother Nuwa and his uncle Fuxi.

At this time, Nuwa and Fuxi are not little shrimps, but they are not strong in the T0 echelon either.

They came together and were at the mid-to-upper level among the powerful ones, so they were not conspicuous.

Ji Changsheng thought that his mother would be watching the live broadcast outside at this time, so he gave Nuwa and Fuxi a grand welcome, which caught these two innate gods and demons off guard.

Even started to be wary.

Fuxi said in a deep voice: "Prince Dong, my sister-in-law and I both have grudges against your God Father. Why do you repay grudges with kindness?"

Ji Changsheng explained: "That's wrong. God the Father is chasing you. How can you say that I have a grudge against you?"

Fuxi: "..."

Ji Changsheng did not deliberately make friends with Fuxi Nuwa. When he saw the people who came, Ji Changsheng coughed slightly, attracted all the attention, and then said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I know that God Father used to have many purple friends. Everyone in Xiao Palace has grievances and great favors to many Pangu descendants. Everything has moved on. God the Father created the world from now on. As the son of God the Father, I will preach to everyone!"

"A child with a yellow mouth is worthy of preaching?"

With a cold snort, the atmosphere in Zixiao Palace instantly became chilly.

Hongjun is here.

Evil guests come to your door.

Queen Mother Xi became nervous.

She had thought before that if they "opened a store" like this, they would definitely be attacked by Hongjun.

Now the guess comes true.

Hongjun's strength rushed towards her, making Queen Mother Xi instantly realize that she was no match.

Fortunately, at this time, Ji Changsheng took a firm step forward and stood in front of her.

Facing Hongjun's provocation, "Dong Wanggong" calmly said: "Hongjun, you are the defeated general of Father God. Although you have temporarily stolen the ancient way of heaven, you are not orthodox after all. If you question my level, why not listen to me first?" Preaching. I am the son of God the Father, and I have an origin and fate that are beyond your reach.”

"That's right, fellow Taoist Hongjun, please be patient and don't be impatient."

"Prince Dong is the son of God the Father and the leader of the Pangu clan. He is not qualified to preach. Who is qualified?"

"Hongjun, if you want to listen, just listen honestly. Otherwise, get out. Don't delay us from hearing the sermon."

At this time, the first-generation overlords of the ancient world, the Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin tribes, had just withdrawn from the stage of history. The heroes of the ancient world were vying for the throne, but the new overlord of the era had not yet been decided.

Compared with other powerful men of this era, Hongjun does not have any special status - of course, he will have it soon, but his gorgeous way of debut directly caused Ji Changsheng to have his beard cut off in advance.

What he wanted to do was done in advance by "Dong Wanggong", and Hongjun was very angry.

But public outrage is hard to come by.

He didn't think that a mere descendant of Pangu could really tell the truth.

So he sneered, found a futon and made it.

But we want to see how long the "Dong Wang Gong" can be arrogant.

At this time, Hongjun had already made up his mind. If he later discovered that Ji "Dong Wanggong" had made mistakes in his sermons, he would point it out in public, causing "Dong Wanggong" to completely lose his face. He would also use this to step on "Dong Wanggong" and directly ascend to the throne. .

The ideal is very full.

The reality is very skinny.

There is no way to keep track of years in chaos.

I don’t know how long it took, but in short, Hongjun’s scalp was numb as he looked at the “Dong Wang Gong” who was chatting on the futon, and his Taoist heart was shaking.

"How can this be?"

“Why are the sermons He preached so similar to my thoughts?”

"No, it's not similar, it's exactly the same."

"I was chased by Pangu in the past, but now I can't even compare to Pangu's son?"

Hongjun cannot accept this reality.

But another five minutes passed.

Hongjun opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He understood everything Ji Changsheng said, so he didn't make any progress at all.

The only gain was a blow to His Taoist heart.

"I feel like I'm living in the shadow of the Eastern Prince."

"Is this the strength of Pangu's son?"

Ji Changsheng glanced at Hongjun who had broken his guard, and felt a little pity for Xiao Hong in his heart.

Xiaohong, if you want to blame it, it’s Taiqing.

It’s really not my brother who bullied you.

They were all knives handed to me by Taiqing.

But if I want to convince you, I can’t just copy you.

After Ji Changsheng recited the content of Hongjun's first sermon, he "randomly" selected a "disciple".

"The Tao I just talked about is the foundation of the world's Tao created by Father God. Tao can be Tao, but it is very Tao, and it is mysterious and mysterious. You may not be able to understand it particularly well. Moreover, all living beings are different, and they are not good at all Tao, nor do they need to If you practice a Tao that is not suitable for you, you must know that you are biting off more than you can chew. Taiyin, for example, you don’t need to spend energy on cultivating other Taoisms. The Tao of Taiyin and illusion are suitable for you.”

Lord Taiyin's eyes lit up: "Illusion?"

She understands the way of Taiyin.

I really don’t know about illusions.

"Please dong...please ask the teacher for advice."

After listening to the sermon of "Dong Wang Gong", it is normal to call "teacher" since the master is the teacher.

Ji Changsheng nodded with satisfaction.

"I have a technique here that is very suitable for you. I named it "Yao Guang Luo Huan"!"

Lord Taiyin Star has fallen.

So you can use your hands and feet.

"Come forward."

For the sake of senior sister, Lord Taiyin Xing must train vigorously.

After a while.

"Sister Houtu, you don't need to waste your energy on the path of soul. The path that is most suitable for you is the path of reincarnation."


The young Houtu's eyes were full of confusion.

Ji Changsheng said with a smile: "Reincarnation involves the replacement and reincarnation of souls, as well as the movement of time and space and the replacement of all spirits. If my sister wants to practice the way of reincarnation, it is better to practice a simple technique first. I don't think so. After some research, I created a technique called "Yin Corpse Painting Skin Sutra" that I can share with my sister."

"Daoyou Jieyin, you are suitable for practicing the Dream Dao, and it complements Taiyin Xingjun's Illusion Dao. If you can become a Taoist couple, you will definitely have few rivals."

Jieyin's eyes lit up.

After listening to the words of "Dong Wanggong", he instantly felt that the clouds had been cleared and his mind was opened.

"Daoyou Zhunti, you are suitable for practicing... Pay attention to Taiyin Xingjun, Daoyou Jieyin's eyes were not right when he looked at Taiyin just now."

Zhunti bowed to "Dong Wanggong" calmly and thanked him, then looked at Taiyin Xingjun with a vigilant look.

Is this ugly goddess seducing the eldest brother?

"Daoyou Sanqing is the incarnation of the father god's primordial spirit. Seeing it today, it is indeed well-deserved."

Ji Changsheng and Taiqing looked at each other and nodded slightly, without revealing anything unusual.

Ji Changsheng then added to Tongtian Sect Master: "Tongtian Daoyou has excellent qualifications and is very capable. I think he is suitable for practicing swordsmanship."

Tongtian Sect Master instantly praised Ji Changsheng: "As expected of the son of the Father God, you can see at a glance that I have excellent qualifications, much better than my second brother."

Yuanshi Tianwang did not want to speak.

"Daoyou Nuwa, you should practice the way of creation."

"Daoyou Fuxi, if you want to break through, you might as well use the luck of the tribe."

"Luohu... I advise you to kill less. The way of killing hurts the harmony of heaven. If you keep going like this, you will bury yourself."


If it is said that "Dong Wanggong" preached before, Hongjun was still unconvinced, because he could also preach those great ways.

But "Dong Wanggong" then "one-on-one teacher training" gave targeted suggestions to every strong person who listened to the sermon, and most of them were sharp and insightful, which made Hongjun feel completely inferior.

He really couldn't do this.

"Is he really a genius?"

Hongjun had just come up with this thought when he saw "Dong Wanggong" finish the "one-to-one teacher training" and return to the center of the stage.

"I have had enough fun with this sermon. You can leave and digest this progress. There is also a higher level of Hunyuan Daluo Sage's Way, which will be shared with you in the next sermon."

This sermon has benefited all kinds of creatures.

"Dong Wanggong" personally promised that the next sermon would be more upgraded, and the sermon about Hunyuan Daluo Sage's Way instantly aroused the desire of all the strong people present.

Including Hongjun.

Also including "Luo Hou".

"Luo Hou" asked the most concerned question of the strong men present: "When will the next sermon begin?"

"Dong Wang Gong" smiled and said: "I will preach to you, what will you give me?"

"Luo Hou" asked impatiently: "I guess you have a plan, what do you want?"

"Honghuang Immortal Realm was opened up by Father God. Hongjun plotted to usurp the throne. He was extremely treasonous and the world would punish him. Whoever kills Hongjun, I will grant him a holy position."

"Luo Hou" said nothing, and the four swords of Zhuxian whistled away in an instant, covering Hongjun.

A moment later, Sanqing, Hou Tu, Taiyin Xingjun, Nuwa, Fuxi and other guests in Zixiao Palace, almost 90% of the strong men, all took action.

As long as there is a leader, there are benefits to be gained, bullying the weak... cross it out, it is not difficult to uphold justice.

On this day, Hongjun fell in Zixiao Palace!

The third round of assessment officially ended.

At the same time.

Xiao Leiyin Temple.

In the real world, the "Great Demon" has killed so many people that the heavens are silent, and the "external calamities" are almost wiped out.

The three calamities merge into one.

The Great Emperor Changsheng officially enters the Daluo realm today!

[End of this volume]

This volume is officially over, and Changsheng finally reaches the Daluo realm. The next volume is about transcending the ordinary and entering the holy, which should be the last volume of this book. I will continue to ask for votes and subscriptions next month. Students who support the book can also kill a wave

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