Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 537: Saint, Saint King, Great Saint [8400 monthly tickets plus more]

In front of a group of traitors, Ji Changsheng, a good son-in-law who is loyal and filial, stands out like a firefly in the dark night.

However, Detective Ji remained skeptical about the touching and praise of his cheap father-in-law.

After all, his cheap father-in-law had experienced high-intensity surfing on Blue Star.

His IQ has evolved.

It cannot be ruled out that he is deliberately performing to eliminate his vigilance.

So Detective Ji took the initiative to say: "Father-in-law, this matter is only my one-sided statement at present. You should check it yourself, so as not to say that I misled you. I know that Dou Mu Yuanjun should have contacted you before. Who should I believe? I believe you will have your own clear judgment in the end."

Pangu was moved again.

Compared with Dou Mu Yuanjun, who hid his head and showed his tail and tried to frame his daughter, Queen Mother of the West, the performance of Emperor Xiaotian was simply a clear judgment.

However, he did decide to check it again.

Pangu has really evolved now.

If it were in the past, Pangu would have gone out with an axe to chop Dou Mu when he heard this.

"Father-in-law, this is my second gift to you, even though you stole my God-killing Spear."

"The second gift?"

Pangu naturally heard the point that Ji Changsheng wanted him to grasp.

"Yes, the second one. The first gift was to help Xixi and help you leave Lion Camel Ridge. Although you wanted to harm me in Lion Camel Ridge, I repaid you with kindness. Not only did I help Xixi get the Chaos Bell, I also encouraged her to save you, and even blocked Hongjun's blame for Xixi. Father-in-law, I have done my best to you, right?"

Pangu could not refute, and even felt a little touched in his heart.

He was still half-believing and half-doubting about the Holy Mother Yuanjun, but he had personally experienced the Queen Mother of the West taking control of the Chaos Bell to save him.

This matter was indeed something that only Ji Changsheng could do. As long as Ji Changsheng did not tell the Queen Mother of the West how to summon and use the Chaos Bell, the Queen Mother of the West would definitely not be able to get the Chaos Bell, let alone save him.

Pangu is not like those idiots who whitewash Tan and cannot ignore the facts.

"You... did what you said to Xixi." Pangu said in a gentle voice: "For Xixi's sake, I will tell you the whereabouts of the God-killing Spear. But if you get the God-killing Spear, you will definitely be feared by Hongjun, which may not be a good thing."

Ji Changsheng smiled: "Father-in-law, I have always supported you. When have I ever been afraid of Hongjun's fear? Have you forgotten what I did in the Daluo Heart Demon Tribulation Illusion?"

Pangu: "..."


Ji Changsheng only did one thing in the Daluo Heart Demon Tribulation Illusion, especially in the third level:

Take Hongjun's path and leave Hongjun with no way to go.

If he were Hongjun, he would definitely not tolerate such a wolfish ambition.

Although it was just an illusion.

But Ji Changsheng's performance... didn't seem to be acting.

"Son-in-law, I have prepared a third gift for you - the friendship of the Six Saints. As long as you are willing to sit down and talk, I can be the middleman and convince the Six Saints to stand on your side and support you."

Pangu's eyes flickered.

Of course, he has now realized the power of the Six Saints.

"Do you have this ability?" Pangu expressed doubt.

Ji Changsheng said confidently: "Father-in-law, don't worry, I definitely have it, otherwise I would not come to you to humiliate myself."

"That's the truth, then what do you want?" Pangu asked.

He would not think that the Six Saints saw him showing his power and then bowed down.

His debut in Lion Camel Ridge was not a success.

And Tongtian Jiaozhu's attitude towards him was so bad that it could be said that everyone could see it.

He wanted to kill him just one foot, and then he wanted to cooperate with him the next foot.

Do all the evil obstacles like to play tricks now?

Ji Changsheng told the truth: "I want to be filial, as for the six saints, they want to improve."

Pangu thought: "Improve? Then their target is Hongjun. That's right, Hongjun suddenly released six balls of Hongmeng purple air, just to provoke internal fighting among the saints."

After the voice fell, a ball of Hongmeng purple air appeared in Pangu's hand.

This surprised Ji Changsheng.

It also made the six saints in the Wahuang Palace alert.

"Father-in-law, did you also get a ball of Hongmeng purple air?"

"It's not me, it's the little Houtu."

Pangu has completely understood, with a smile in his tone: "The rules of the Heavenly Dao only allow seven saints to appear. It doesn't look fake, so the six saints are a little anxious. Changsheng, your room for advancement has also been completely locked."

Ji Changsheng shook his head and said: "Father-in-law, this is wrong. With you, I will definitely become the Taoist ancestor in the future. This is your promise. You are such a person, you must keep your word."

Pangu: "..."

"Father-in-law, Xixi told me that if you don't keep your word, she will not recognize you."

Pangu was speechless again.

Ji Changsheng will be a general.

If Shengmu Yuanjun is replaced by Doumu Yuanjun, and Dongwanggong becomes Hongjun's son, then Queen Mother is the only relative Pangu is willing to recognize now.

Those relatives he doesn't want to recognize - don't want to recognize him now.

Pangu's descendants were all on guard against him like a thief, and they were thinking about how to beat him to death.

Although there is nothing wrong with being a loner, Hongjun is like this.

But the Saint Zhunti said that all the innate saints who have chosen their gender have their own love and stories behind them.

No regrets after making a move, Pangu can't go back to the past.

Now it seems that this is indeed not a wise choice.

If it weren't for the Holy Mother Yuanjun and the Queen Mother, Ji Changsheng would not dare to face Pangu at all.

But now he dares.

"Father-in-law, you should know how to help the Six Saints improve, right?" Ji Changsheng asked.

Pangu said with a slightly sarcastic tone: "Since the creation of the world, countless years have passed. The realms below Daluo are classified and very clear. The realms above Daluo are collectively called Daluo, and even the saints are just stronger Daluo strongmen. Don't you think it's strange?"

Ji Changsheng said in his heart that he didn't think so.

Aren't saints just stronger Daluo?

What's so strange about this?

But since his father-in-law said so, Ji Changsheng certainly knew how to answer.

"It's really strange, this should be intentional by Hongjun."

"Remove the word "should", it means Hongjun intentional." Pangu sneered: "Only He can define Daluo, but obviously, He doesn't want to do it."

"Why?" Ji Changsheng didn't quite understand the mystery.

But Pangu's words made Ji Changsheng realize:

"The punishment is unknown, the power is unpredictable, and the people will fear the superiors."

If the law is not announced, its power is endless.

If the standard is not formulated, the final right of interpretation will always be in the hands of the superiors.

The room for maneuver is not ordinary.

"Father-in-law's words are profound, and I have learned from them."

At this time, Ji Changsheng felt that listening to your words was better than reading ten years of books.

Before, he really didn't consider the fact that Hongjun didn't classify the Daluo realm.

Although the gap between the saint and the ordinary Daluo is already greater than the gap between him and Mu Xian.

But it is not a bad idea to regard the saints as stronger Daluo in Ji Changsheng's opinion.

After all, the Saint Zhunti did not take down the Lord of the Styx.

When the Lord of Tongtian was in the great calamity of the Conferred God, he was directly knocked down from the sky to the ground by Randeng, who had just entered the Daluo realm.

The upper and lower limits of the saints are also exaggerated to the point of being frightening.

However, in front of Pangu, this matter has another interpretation:

"Blurring the definition of Daluo, so that the Daluo strongmen give up their efforts to a certain extent, they will think they have reached the end.

"Blurring the definition of saints, so that saints do not know how to evolve.

"Blurring His own strength, so that the outside world has no idea what level He is at.

"When all the unknowns are in Hongjun's hands, His authority as the Taoist Ancestor is supreme. Only when He occasionally takes action will it trigger a tsunami and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

"If He concretizes His own strength and lets all the Daluo strongmen see the specific gap between them and Him, can His authority still be maintained?"

Ji Changsheng shook his head.

No matter how big the gap between Hongjun and ordinary Daluo is, this gap cannot be exposed.

Because once it is exposed, the specific gap can be calculated.

Once there is a specific value, it can be compensated by quantity, and it can also let those behind see the direction of progress.

Only by maintaining this sense of mystery can the high authority be maintained.

Things like altars are difficult to build, but easy to destroy.

Daozu is qualified as the leader of the lawful camp in Ji Changsheng's view.

But Ji Changsheng has always firmly believed that Daozu has selfishness.

Now, after Pangu's guidance, Ji Changsheng has clearly seen some of Daozu's selfishness.

"Father-in-law's analysis is correct. Hongjun should have planned this way. Father-in-law is still a bird's-eye view. Since father-in-law can see Hongjun's plan clearly, I think there must be a way to help the Six Saints go further."

"Of course there is a way. Why should I help them? Although I don't like Hongjun, I have to admit that his ruling method is effective."

From the current situation of Pangu Universe, Pangu actually doesn't think Hongjun did anything wrong.

If he were to take over, he might do the same - but he couldn't do it before. He didn't have the IQ to think so much before.

"The universe has a limit to its capacity. The current situation is actually not bad." Pangu told the truth.

Ji Changsheng sighed lightly: "Father-in-law, you have to understand that if the current situation does not change, you will never have a hope of restoration."

Only those who are ahead do not need to change.

Those who are behind need to gamble.

Now Hongjun is ahead and Pangu is behind.

But Pangu is very confident.

"Hongjun is not progressing as fast as I am." Pangu said proudly, "And I don't need Hongjun's consent to make progress, let alone your consent."

If other creatures want to evolve, they can't avoid the Great Tribulation, and the Great Emperor Changsheng will always be a mountain pressing on their heads.

Pangu doesn't need it.

He is still too special.

The Great Emperor Changsheng controls the heavens and the earth, but he can't control Pangu, Daozu, or the Six Saints.

This is beyond his authority.

Ji Changsheng had to say something hurtful: "Father-in-law, you don't know that although I proposed to cooperate with you, the Six Saints have different attitudes towards you. I tried hard to convince them, but they also have certain reservations. Especially the Saint Jie Yin, he proposed to train you to be a tool for the creation of heaven, let you be responsible for the creation of heaven and earth, and then help them transcend."

Pangu sneered: "It's just a broken lotus, which was chopped into pieces by me in the chaos, but now it's shaking up. It's really a time when there are no heroes, so the young man becomes famous."

In the Wa Palace, the "young man" Jie Yin put his hands together and chanted a Buddhist name: "Amitabha, good, good."

He didn't take it seriously.

As long as Pangu is willing to sit down and help the Six Saints evolve, these offenses are nothing.

If Pangu has always maintained such an arrogant attitude, Jie Yin will naturally settle his words with Pangu.

Pangu has indeed become smarter now. He suddenly changed the subject: "It's not impossible for me to help the Six Saints transcend. It's not impossible to open up another prehistoric fairyland."

Ji Changsheng was stunned.

Then he heard Pangu continue: "But my current strength is not enough. I need the Six Saints to help me improve my strength to the level of the past before I can start the world."

Ji Changsheng laughed directly.

Xiao Pan, you are quite smart.

In the Wa Palace, the six saints also laughed.

Except for the Saint Taiqing and the Goddess Nuwa, the other saints did not know that Pangu's IQ had evolved.

Seeing Pangu so smart, Zhunti was surprised: "Why did Pangu suddenly become smart?"

She also dealt with Pangu in the Chaos Sea.

It's completely a super plus version of Tongtian Jiaozhu.

In terms of IQ, they are the same, even a little lower than Tongtian Jiaozhu.

Now Pangu makes the Saint Zhunti a little uncomfortable.

The Great Purity Saint explained: "Father God has now lost his absolutely invincible power, so he began to learn how to use wisdom."

"I didn't expect Pangu to have this day."

Zunti and Jie Yin both had a strange tone.

The big guys who were born as innate gods and demons all had an inherent understanding of Pangu.

The style of this Pangu was very different from what they remembered.

"What do you think of Pangu's proposal?" Jie Yin asked.

Nuwa Niangniang complained: "It's very simple to help Pangu improve to the strength of the creation of the world. Just let him swallow the three Taoist friends of the Three Purities and it will be done immediately, as long as the three Taoist friends of the Three Purities agree."

The current Three Purities are stronger than Pangu back then.

But of course the Three Purities will not be willing to become the nourishment for Pangu's revival.

Yuanshi Tianwang said in a deep voice: "Brother, according to our plan, we may be able to overtake others. It is still too dangerous to cooperate with Father God."

"The danger of Father God will not disappear if we ignore it." Taiqing Saint said in a deep voice: "We still have to negotiate with Father God first. We can't be attacked from all sides."

Tongtian Jiaozhu clearly stood on the side of Taiqing Saint: "Second brother, you think too simply, it's really a diode thinking. The teacher doesn't like us, and Father God wants to eat us. If we don't deal with one of them, we will definitely lose. Big brother's worry is right, I support big brother."

Yuanshi Tianwang said unhappily: "...Then let Father God eat you as a bargaining chip for cooperation with us."

Tongtian Jiaozhu shook his head and said: "Father God and I have completely different ways, so it's more appropriate to eat you, second brother."

This really makes sense.

Tongtian Jiaozhu mainly cultivates destruction, while Yuanshi Tianwang is trying to fully reproduce Pangu.

Among the Three Pure Ones, Pangu devoured the Great Pure Saint, but none of them gained more than he did by devouring Yuanshi Tianwang.

Yuanshi Tianwang is now equivalent to a medium-sized Pangu.

But Yuanshi Tianwang's dream is to become a super Pangu. He wants to realize his dream himself, not let Pangu realize his dream for him.

"You two Taoist friends don't have to argue." Jieyin Saint brought the topic back on track: "Let's see Changsheng's response first and be prepared to take action."

They couldn't agree to Pangu's request.

If it doesn't work, then use force.

Although it may not be useful, if Pangu is scared, the possibility of success will be higher if we continue to discuss cooperation.

Ji Changsheng certainly won't agree to Pangu's outrageous request on behalf of the Six Saints. He pretended to be helpless and said: "Father-in-law, if you want to recover to your peak, one way is to rely on time, and the other way is to rely on the contribution of Pangu's descendants. But with your strength, it's useless to brush time in the small world. Only the prehistoric fairyland can help you recover. The speed of time in the prehistoric fairyland... do you have the authority to promote it?"

The corner of "Hou Tu Niangniang"'s eye twitched, and her tone was helpless: "It was OK when it was just opened, but not now."

After the opening of the Honghuang Immortal Realm, Pangu was indeed 100% controlled, and he could do whatever he wanted.

But now the Honghuang Immortal Realm has gone through countless years of development and growth, and has introduced various investments, and the founder's shares have been diluted to almost zero.

At this time, the founder jumped out and wanted to make a call, and once again control the "company" at will, how could this be possible?

All the "directors" who have made outstanding contributions to the development and growth of the "company" in this process and are now in high positions will never agree.

This is Pangu's current dilemma.

He naturally thinks that the Honghuang Immortal Realm belongs to him.

But he fell after opening up the Honghuang Immortal Realm.

The living creatures believe that the development and growth of the Honghuang Immortal Realm is their credit.

Therefore, the contradiction between Pangu and these latecomers is basically irreconcilable.

Unless one party is willing to give in.

Obviously, no one wants to retreat. After all, the benefits are so great that they can feed seven saints and a Taoist ancestor. It's not a child's play.

"Then you, father-in-law, will have to rely on the contribution of Pangu's descendants. If you want to help you recover to your peak strength, you need to sacrifice the Three Pure Ones. Father-in-law, you know that this is unrealistic."

"You may not need the Three Pure Ones." Pangu said: "Gather all the other Pangu descendants, or find a few more innate gods and demons, and it will not affect my recovery. Although the improvement effect of other Daluo is not as good as that of Pangu's descendants, as long as the number is large enough, it can be greater than the quality."

Pangu can achieve a 100% improvement effect by devouring Pangu's descendants.

But he may only devour 50% of other Daluo masters who are not Pangu's descendants, or even less.

However, if there are more, quantitative changes can also lead to qualitative changes.

Ji Changsheng's expression was slightly stern: "Father-in-law, you want to start a massacre."

"I have been killing people all the time." Pangu didn't care: "Compared to me, Luohou's killing is not that much."

Ji Changsheng couldn't refute.

Of the three thousand gods and demons in the chaos, Pangu killed at least two thousand nine hundred.

Luohou killed less than a hundred.

As a result, Luohou was revered as the ancestor of demons and practiced the way of killing.

It was really too much praise for Luohou.

Pangu is the real killing demon god.

"Go back and discuss with the six of them. If they agree, I can guarantee that after becoming a saint, I will kill Haotian first. Or, swallowing Haotian is a great supplement to me." Pangu said: "In many ways, the interests of the six of them and I do overlap."

Ji Changsheng's eyes flickered.

It is impossible to go back.

The six saints can contact him at any time.

He has not received any news so far, which means that the six saints do not want to agree to this condition.

This is normal.

Who is willing to create a guy who is a threat to themselves?

Ji Changsheng skipped this topic and asked again to the point: "Father-in-law, you haven't said how to help the six saints transcend."

"Simple, didn't you just say it? If I open up another prehistoric fairyland, I can help one of them transcend. If I open up six prehistoric fairylands, I can help six of them transcend."

"It takes too long."

The time management emperor can't accept such a long process.

Pangu looked at Ji Changsheng strangely: "Want to transcend, and fantasize about success in a short time? Why don't you dream? Hongjun has gone through a long time to get to this point. If I am not wrong, Hongjun only touched the threshold of transcendence after the end of the witch and lich catastrophe. You calculate, how long is this in total?"

Ji Changsheng knew that Pangu's words made sense.

But he decided to put aside the reason.

"Is there no shortcut?"

"This is the biggest and fastest shortcut. Other methods take longer or are more troublesome than this."

"What is the more troublesome shortcut?"

"Eat Hongjun, replace Hongjun, and become Hongjun."

Ji Changsheng: "..."

It is indeed unrealistic.

Even if Pangu uses the "Yin Shi Hua Pi Jing", he can't do this.

"Father-in-law, if you say so, then there is no room for negotiation. The six saints will not believe that you are willing to open up six new universes."

Pangu is not a congenital working saint.

He works for the six saints because he is sick.

At this time, Pangu revealed another not-so-good information.

"It's not enough to just open up a new universe. The new world needs enough strong people to fight and stir up the most brilliant sparks of civilization. If it is a stagnant universe, it is still impossible to help them transcend. Hongjun's transcendence is inseparable from his own efforts and talents, the prehistoric fairyland I opened up, and the enough opponents that Hongjun met along the way."

Ji Changsheng's mood suddenly became heavy.

He knew that what Pangu said made sense.

The higher you go, the harder it is.

Of course, there is no foolproof way.

But according to Pangu's description, the difficulty of transcendence is already unimaginable.

"That is to say, even if you, father-in-law, open up a new universe, you can't help the Six Saints to successfully transcend?"

"There is only a chance, of course it can't be confirmed."

"What is the chance?"

"One in ten thousand."

Ji Changsheng: "..."

There was silence in the Wa Palace.

Finally, it was the Great Purity Saint who broke the silence.

The Great Purity Saint said in a deep voice: "Father God is right. There must be a sufficient civilization foundation, many opponents of sufficient weight, and a collision of various wisdoms, and finally the real transcendence can be born. Daluo is difficult, saints are difficult, and transcendence is naturally more difficult. If it is really a sure thing, it would be incredible."

Nuwa frowned and said: "That is to say, our greatest hope is to transcend in the Pangu universe. The chance of opening up a new universe is really too small."

"It should be small. The chance of existence like us appearing is itself very small."

In fact, the Six Saints have psychological expectations for the difficulty of transcendence.

But after Pangu confirmed this, they still had some ripples in their hearts.

Everyone wants to make progress.

It’s just that the road ahead is too narrow and too dangerous.

Even as strong as they are, they have to tread on thin ice.

Pangu also said: "One in ten thousand is already very good, don't be ungrateful. Ask the six of them, how many strong people did they defeat to get to this point from the myriad spirits in the universe? If Hongjun can succeed so easily, is Hongjun still Hongjun?"

Ji Changsheng had to admit: "Father-in-law, what you said makes sense, but let's put aside the reason, you are sentencing the Six Saints to life imprisonment. If they can't make progress, I, the son-in-law, can't make progress, and Xixi can't make progress either. In this way, they will fall into Hongjun's trap, and you don't want to see this scene happen, right?"

"Of course I don't want to, so there is a simplest way."

"You say."

"Let the Three Pure Ones take the initiative to merge into me, and I will be sure to kill Hongjun. In this way, I will regain control of the Pangu Universe, and you and Xixi will also have the opportunity to become saints. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

In the Wahuang Palace, Tongtian Patriarch slammed the table and stood up: "Pangu, this old thief, should be killed."

Father God when there is trouble, old thief when there is nothing to do.

Tongtian Patriarch knows how to address.

The faces of the Saint Taiqing and the Heavenly King Yuanshi were also a little ugly.

Because the suggestion made by Pangu was really feasible.

At least for Ji Changsheng, it was feasible.

But Ji Changsheng would not make such a stupid mistake.

"Father-in-law, you can't assume that the Three Pure Ones are fools."

"Then there is no safer way." Pangu said: "Having come to this step, it is difficult to take a small step forward. You think too simply. Think carefully about my previous proposal. Contact me at any time when you have considered it. I am not in a hurry."

Time is on his side.

Ji Changsheng did not get the answer he wanted.

He knew that the Six Saints did not get the answer they wanted.

"Father-in-law, is there really no other way?"

"Are you asking about your way to become a saint, or the way for the Six Saints to transcend?"

"The way for the Six Saints to transcend."

As long as the saint position is vacant, Ji Changsheng dares to lend money.

The two saints in the West have set an example. If they can do it, Ji Changsheng can certainly do it.

This matter does not require Pangu's help.

Pangu said, "No more."

"If you don't accept my toast, you'll have to drink the wine."

A pure and extremely killing sword energy flashed from Ji Changsheng's body, slashing directly at "Hou Tu Niangniang".

Hou Tu Niangniang's body did not move at all, and the phantom of the wheel of reincarnation appeared in front of her out of thin air, crushing the sword energy to pieces.

But at this moment, the eyes of "Hou Tu Niangniang" struggled again.

The six saints were all experienced masters in combat, so they naturally seized the opportunity at the first time.

A phantom of the Tai Chi diagram instantly fixed the wheel of reincarnation.

And a jade ruyi flew out from Ji Changsheng's body and hit directly at the top of "Hou Tu Niangniang's" head.

"Hou Tu Niangniang" was knocked all over.

Pangu's will was a little confused.


As soon as Pangu's roar sounded, a rosary was pressed on the right hand of "Hou Tu Niangniang".

The voice of the Jieying Saint also sounded: "Fellow Daoist Hou Tu, you can temporarily rest in your right hand. Pangu is temporarily unable to control your right hand."

The voice of the Queen Mother Hou Tu followed closely, and she breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, fellow Daoist Jieying, the karma you owe me is written off."

Earlier, when Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was in the underworld, Jieying Saint owed Queen Mother Hou Tu a karma.

Speaking of which, that matter was also handled by Ji Changsheng.

Now Queen Mother Hou Tu is possessed by Pangu. Although she has preserved her consciousness, she has lost her freedom.

Jieying Saint can't help Queen Mother Hou Tu regain her freedom completely, or even if he can do it, he may not do it.

That karma was not worth Jieying and Pangu fighting for.

But being able to give Hou Tu a relatively free space to move around has already made Hou Tu overjoyed.

Neither Nuwa nor Zhunti Saint made a move.

It was not worth the six saints to fight a Pangu who had just revived and possessed Hou Tu.

It was no surprise that Pangu was killed in seconds.

After all, Hou Tu was not the only one Pangu possessed, and now was not Pangu's true strength.

"Pangu, now we can have a good talk."

Zunti Saint opened his mouth, and Pangu had not responded yet. Ji Xianxu spoke for his father-in-law first: "Teacher, you were not there during the fight, and you were the first to jump out after the fight to enjoy the fruits of victory. You know how to pick peaches."

Before Zhunti Saint became angry, Ji Changsheng immediately said to Pangu: "Don't worry, father-in-law, I'm here, and I will never let the six saints really hurt you."

Pangu snorted: "They couldn't hurt me anyway."

It's nothing more than giving up another body like the previous Lion Camel Ridge.

It's not that easy to kill Pangu.

Ji Changsheng persuaded, "Father-in-law, there is no conflict between you and the six saints that cannot be resolved. Now Hongjun is high above and invincible in the universe. You have a common enemy. If you fight first, it will only benefit Hongjun in the end, making the relatives sad and the enemies happy. You should think twice."

"Six people are good at playing the good cop, and you are playing the bad cop. You cooperate well."

"Hou Tu Niangniang" flashed a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

Pangu certainly would not fail to see this kind of cooperation.

Tong Tian Jiaozhu's temper instantly came up: "Changsheng, get out of the way, I will kill this old thief."

Ji Changsheng thought to himself, who can you kill? In the reincarnation underworld, you still want to kill Hou Tu Niangniang?

What are you dreaming about?

Politics is the art of compromise.

Military deterrence is all for the final negotiation.

Ji Changsheng cooperated with Master Tongtian's threat of force and persuaded again: "Father-in-law, I am definitely on your side. I also know that you must have a backup plan. Even if Sister Houtu dies, you will not be in trouble. But don't forget that if the six saints join forces, there is a certain probability that they will completely uproot you. If the six saints and Hongjun join forces, you will be in greater danger."

Zunti Saint said gloomily: "Killing Pangu is difficult, but I can kill Queen Mother of the West now."

"Do you dare?"

"Teacher, shut up. If you dare to touch Xixi, I will never forgive you."

Zunti Saint did not take Ji Changsheng's threat to heart at all.

"Pangu, you should know something about me through the memory of Taoist friend Houtu. Do you think I dare?"


Pangu interrupted the singing of Zhunti and Ji Changsheng, but this time he really wronged Ji Changsheng.

The six saints and Ji Changsheng divided the work and cooperated with each other. They played the good cop and Ji Changsheng played the bad cop. This was a tacit understanding between the two parties and they had not rehearsed it in advance.

When the Saint Zhunti threatened Pangu with the Queen Mother, it was an impromptu performance.

If she had consulted Ji Changsheng in advance, Ji Changsheng would not agree.

Ji Changsheng had no objection to threatening Pangu with the Holy Mother Yuanjun.

But the old demon Ji would not threaten Pangu with the Queen Mother.

He still had a bottom line.

But Pangu didn't believe it.

"There is indeed no simpler way to transcend, but the Three Pure Ones are already on the right path."

As soon as Pangu said this, the two saints in the West and the goddess Nuwa looked at the Three Pure Ones at the same time.

The Three Pure Ones also immediately realized what Pangu was talking about.

Yuanshi Tianwang felt a huge pressure.

"If the Three Pure Ones succeed, Taiqing, Yuanshi and Tongtian all have the hope of transcendence. Taiqing has the hope of becoming Hongjun of that world, and Yuanshi is more like me after the creation of the world and not falling. They all have great potential."

"What about me?" Tongtian Patriarch asked.

Pangu said disdainfully: "You only have hope after destroying that world, and you must be ranked behind your two brothers."

Tongtian Patriarch: "..."

It's okay if you can't beat the eldest brother.

Why should the second brother be ranked ahead of me?

"Three Taoist friends, what method did Pangu talk about?" Jieyin asked.

Taiqing Saint did not hide: "It's very simple, open up a small world, and then cultivate the level of the small world to the level of the prehistoric fairyland, and then slowly develop it to the same level as the Pangu universe, and naturally create an environment that can give birth to transcendence."

"Cultivate the level of the small world to the level of the prehistoric fairyland, how is this possible?" Zhunti Saint blurted out.

Pangu became more and more disdainful: "You dare not even think about it, of course it is impossible, the Three Pure Ones are already doing it."

Zunti Saint: "..."

The Three Pure Ones were not complacent, but alert at the same time.

Why did Pangu know about this?

"Father-in-law, this method takes longer and is not a good idea." Ji Changsheng said.

The Emperor of Time Management cares more about time.

Hongjun gave him one day to think about it.

It will take a long time for the Three Pure Ones to succeed.

And the Three Pure Ones may not succeed.

"Is there any way to get immediate results?"

Pangu glanced at the six saints again.

Tongtian Sect Master's sword energy condensed again.

Nuwa Niangniang's pink fist also clenched.

After feeling that Nuwa Niangniang was also ready to take action, Pangu showed the real thing: "There is a trick."

Ji Changsheng's eyes lit up: "Explain in detail."

"The way of heaven stipulates that the universe can accommodate a maximum of seven saints, so just find a way to reduce the number of saints. Your idea is right, let the saints transcend so that they don't take up positions, but transcendence is more difficult than becoming a saint. Their qualifications are too poor, and if they want to transcend, not only is the success rate low, but even if there is a chance to succeed, it must start from billions of years."

"Father-in-law, please put it simply."

Ji Changsheng felt that he had heard a lot of nonsense.

Pangu glared at Ji Changsheng and reminded him: "Reducing the number of saints does not necessarily mean helping them transcend. I reminded you before that there is no division at all in the realm above Daluo."

Ji Changsheng's eyes lit up.

In the Wahuang Palace, the eyes of the six saints all lit up.

"The Heavenly Dao only limits the number of saints. What is the standard of saints? The Heavenly Dao has not stipulated it."

"But it must be Hongjun who has the final say." Ji Changsheng said.

"In addition to Hongjun, there are also me and seven saints.

"Pangu Company held a board meeting to formulate the standard of saints. The chairman naturally has the greatest power, but the founder has votes, and the directors also have votes.

"If all the directors together oppose the chairman, there is a possibility of removing the chairman.

"So Hongjun is afraid that all the saints will join forces.

"Above the saints, there can be saint kings and great saints, and you can name them at will.

"You can play with Hongjun in the standards set by Hongjun, but you will never beat Hongjun. Set up another set of standards and reopen a battlefield, and everything is possible.

"Of course, these things are easier said than done.

"First of all, I, the pioneer of the prehistoric fairyland, must communicate with the Heavenly Dao, initiate a proposal, and revise the saint standards. Secondly, all the saints must agree before the new regulations can be passed. If there is one vote against it, Hongjun's veto will succeed.

"So Haotian's vote is very important. You six idiots really shouldn't let Haotian become a saint."

Pangu still showed his value.

After all, he opened up the Honghuang Immortal Realm, and he left a back-up to check and balance the way of heaven.

It's just that the content of this condition is very harsh.

Ji Changsheng looked at Pangu's eyes, and there was doubt and vigilance that he didn't say out loud.

Pangu seemed to bow his head under the threat of the Six Saints.

But the solution he gave couldn't get around his own hurdle at all.

The Six Saints wanted to fight against Hongjun, and Ji Changsheng wanted to become a saint. Now it seems that they both need the support of Pangu.

The solution Pangu gave is probably right.

But in this, only Pangu himself knows how much he added oil and vinegar.

Even Pangu took the initiative to promote this situation.

Now, Pangu has the initiative.

And the Six Saints are going to fight Hongjun.

The situation is actually a good thing for Pangu.

Ji Changsheng believes that the things he can think of can also be thought of by the Six Saints.

But the Six Saints will eventually take action.

Because they really need to set up a new set of standards, otherwise they really can't beat Hongjun.

That's what an open conspiracy is.

Even if you see through all the other party's calculations, you still have to do it according to the other party's ideas.

Ji Changsheng is very good at playing open conspiracy.

Now it seems that Pangu has also begun to learn open conspiracy.

The progress is really fast.

"Everyone, I am willing to help you swallow Haotian."

Pangu showed his helpful quality.

The Six Saints sneered silently.

A good calculation.

"Changsheng, you stay with Pangu. Within an hour, we will give you a final result." Nuwa said.

The Six Saints need to discuss what to do.

Killing Haotian is certainly an option.

But they have another option - to pull Haotian's vote over.

This is of course difficult.

But what the saints want to do is never easy.

And compared to the difficulty of killing Haotian, it is not necessarily more difficult to win over Haotian.

After the six saints left.

Ji Changsheng said to Pangu: "Father-in-law, your wishful thinking is too obvious."

Pangu sneered: "They have no choice, dear son-in-law, I will give you a task to test your loyalty to me and the ability of the future immortal Taoist ancestor."

"What task?"

"You go and get rid of Hongjun!"

Ji Changsheng: "Me?"

He showed the same expression as Benboerba.

It felt like Pangu was a fool.

Pangu said in a deep voice: "I have a way to make Hongjun fall!"

The monthly ticket for the 10,000-word chapter has been sent, and today's 4,000-word guaranteed update will be made up tomorrow. Continue to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets. Thanks to Lin Haiyizui for the 1,500 starting coins reward, and thanks to fengye1983 and Li Fengxing for the reward

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