Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 545: Gathering of the Lovers, the True Lords Conference [17400 monthly tickets plus more]

Emperor Tang was not a fool, of course he understood Ji Changsheng's meaning at the first time.

After taking a serious look at Ying Hongye, Emperor Tang fell into deep thought.

From his heart, he certainly hoped to pass on the foundation of the Tang Dynasty to his descendants.

But Ji Changsheng had spoken, and it would be bad not to give him face.

The most important thing is that Emperor Tang has to consider - if he doesn't give it, will Ji Changsheng snatch it?

After all, he is leaving.

As soon as he leaves, Ji Changsheng may snatch it directly.

Asking him is giving him face.

But if he doesn't accept this face... it may be very undignified in the end.

After thinking about this, Emperor Tang found that he had no other choice, so he could only nod: "I think Miss Ying also has the appearance of a human emperor. If Miss Ying doesn't give up, after I leave, Miss Ying can continue to guard the foundation of the Tang Dynasty for me."

Facts have proved that big guys can have high emotional intelligence.

It just depends on whether they want to use their emotional intelligence.

Ying Hongye now fully felt the high emotional intelligence of the Emperor of Tang.

Everyone carried the sedan chair.

The Emperor of Tang gave her face, so of course she had to give him face.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, I am only practicing. After completing my merits, I will naturally return the foundation of the Tang Dynasty to the descendants of the Li family...if the destiny of the Tang Dynasty still exists at that time." Ying Hongye promised.

What she really values ​​is not power.

It's strength.

In her view, the foundation of the Tang Dynasty is just a tool to achieve her goals.

After receiving such a promise from Ying Hongye, the Emperor of Tang felt at ease.

But Ji Changsheng said the ugly words in advance: "Your Majesty, you must understand the law of dynasty cycles. There is no immortal dynasty. Even without Hongye, the Tang Dynasty cannot last for thousands of years. The human race needs innovation and change. If the foundation of the Tang Dynasty cannot last too long, remember that this is the natural law of history. Don't blame Hongye or me for your resentment."

"I understand." The Emperor of Tang nodded.

The feudal emperor may not understand Ji Changsheng's words, and even if he did, he would not be willing to accept them.

But the Great Tang of the prehistoric fairyland has a territory covering thousands of worlds.

The Tang emperor is well-informed and can naturally look at the rise and fall of the Great Tang from a more macro perspective.

"If the descendants are capable, the Great Tang will naturally be able to maintain its foundation. If the descendants are not capable, then let it be, and I will not force it."

"Your Majesty is indeed a dragon among men."

Ji Changsheng raised his hand, but did not really take it seriously.

Ying Hongye did not take it seriously either.

They all knew that the reason why the Tang emperor was so generous now was entirely for Ji Changsheng's sake.

If those words were said by someone else, the Tang emperor would have slapped him long ago.

But Ji Changsheng could not slap him.

He could only force himself to be considerate.

Fortunately, Ji Changsheng did not bully people easily. Most of the time, Ji Changsheng was very reasonable.

"Of course I can't take advantage of your majesty. After your majesty goes to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, you can contact me at any time."

Ji Changsheng made it clear: "Instead of pinning your hopes on future generations, it is better to take the future into your own hands. Your majesty, you are still young and have a lot to do in the future. A new world, a new beginning, and the emperor of mankind may not be unable to live forever."

The Tang emperor finally had a sincere smile on his face. This was what he really wanted to hear.

"Thank you for your kind words, Lord of Robbery."

Ji Changsheng called him "Your Majesty", so he called Ji Changsheng "Lord of Robbery".

And this was conducive to his opening the following topic.

"I have one thing I don't understand. With the current authority of the Lord of Robbery, it shouldn't be difficult to help Miss Ying improve her strength? Why do you have to go far away?"

The fact that the Changsheng Emperor replaced the Demon Ancestor Luohou was no secret at the Daluo level.

As the ruler of the strongest country of the human race today, the Tang emperor also belongs to the Daluo circle.

He naturally also has this information.

With Ji Changsheng's style of doing things, it was not an exaggeration for Emperor Tang to directly help Ying Hongye to ascend to Daluo.

But things were not as easy as he thought.

Ying Hongye smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, I am sorry for making fun of you. My foundation is too poor. Even if Changsheng wants to help me, he has to go through so much trouble."

"Miss Ying is not weak, and her cultivation speed is not slow." Emperor Tang thought Ying Hongye was being modest.

Ying Hongye looked up to the sky and sighed, "To be honest, Changsheng has helped me to cheat."

Despite this, the progress was still very slow.

He didn't catch up with Xiao Yu.

With the advantage of gender and the support of Ji Changsheng, Ying Hongye's progress didn't catch up with Yu Lao Mo - it can only be said that in terms of talent, Ying Hongye is really a lot worse.

"Seriously speaking, my talent is not even comparable to that of the master of the temple." Ying Hongye said self-deprecatingly.

She knew that the master of the temple was almost a unit of measurement for talent.

But in fact, the master of the temple's talent is still the top talent under the ascension.

Ying Hongye is one level lower than the temple master.

Her talent is only at the level of an excellent disciple of Xuandu Temple.

The limit is probably to be a vein master.

So even though he got Ji Changsheng's full help, and Ji Changsheng even gave Ying Hongye the black card, Ying Hongye couldn't even catch up with Xiao Yu now.

Cultivation and evolution are like this, and hard work is often not worth mentioning in front of talent.

So in terms of helping Hongye improve her strength, Ji Changsheng has to work harder than he did on Li Changxi, Yu Linglong, and Li Huanyan.

Despite this, Ji Changsheng didn't forget Hongye.

Friendships are made when they are insignificant.

The old friends who made friends with him in the Changsheng Realm and the new friends he made after he became the Changsheng Emperor are of course different.

Ying Hongye is naturally even more different.

So he is willing to spend more time on these old friends.

And on Ying Hongye, Ji Changsheng spent more than just time.

There is also heart.

"Hongye's talent is indeed not outstanding. It is very difficult to improve to the Daluo level, so we must find another way." Ji Changsheng nodded and said, "With the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, I am confident that I can improve Hongye to the level of Zhenjun."

In fact, the Tang Dynasty foundation alone is not enough.

There is also the investment from the Heart Demon Clan.

In addition, there is the cause and effect from Guanyin Bodhisattva.

With the three-in-one, Ji Changsheng is confident that he can help Ying Hongye cheat and improve to the peak level of the Zhenjun realm.

Then continue to help Hongye cheat.

Even so, whether Ying Hongye can pass the minimum Heart Demon Tribulation test of the Daluo threshold is still a question.

If these resources were used to cultivate Yu Lao Mo, Xiao Yu would probably have reached Daluo a long time ago.

But Ji Changsheng really values ​​girls over boys!

Tightening Ying Hongye's hand, Ji Changsheng smiled and comforted her: "Hongye, don't be sad. Everything depends on human efforts, and man can conquer nature. Emperor Tang was just an ordinary second-generation ancestor back then, and later he was not the legitimate heir of the Tang Dynasty, but in the end he was the king of the world. Take Emperor Tang as an example, what he can do, you may not be unable to do."

Ying Hongye was not sad.

She was very sober.

"There are not many heroes like Emperor Tang in the history of the human race, and I am far from qualified to be compared with him."

"But you can stand on the shoulders of giants."

"That's right, I'm lucky, I fell in love with you at first sight."

Ying Hongye now believes in fate.

First love can be a future saint.

She felt that her ancestral tomb was smoking.

Although Emperor Ying's lineage was indeed about to enter the ancestral tomb.

But that was not important.

The important thing was that she was not buried with them, but went to heaven with them.

When Ji Changsheng and Ying Hongye were talking, a beam of auspicious light fell from the sky.

Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared at the foot of Lingshan Mountain and took the initiative to greet him.

He greeted Ji Changsheng and Emperor Tang first, and then Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded to Ying Hongye: "Miss Ying, we meet again."

Ying Hongye returned the greeting.

When Emperor Tang saw Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly appear, his eyes flickered.

"What is the Bodhisattva doing here?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva put his hands together and chanted a Buddhist name.

"Miss Hongye and I have a cause and effect, and I want to make a deal with your majesty."

Emperor Tang glanced at Ji Changsheng.

Ji Changsheng said: "Bodhisattva is indeed the protector I set for Hongye a long time ago."

"The robbery master is really in love with Miss Ying."

Emperor Tang was convinced.

I didn't expect that the Changsheng Emperor was still a romantic.

For a woman, he invited Guanyin Bodhisattva out.

"Bodhisattva, I have just talked with the Changsheng robbery master." Emperor Tang said.

Guanyin Bodhisattva had just received Ying Hongye's message.

She did not speak to the Emperor of Tang first, but nodded to Ji Changsheng: "Emperor, I will visit you and Xingjun later. I will talk to you in detail about Lingshan and Yuxu."

Ji Changsheng nodded as a greeting: "My senior sister and I will wait for the Bodhisattva in the Great Hall."

After patting Ying Hongye's jade hand, Ji Changsheng disappeared quietly.

With a wave of her hand, Guanyin Bodhisattva moved Emperor Tang and Ying Hongye to her "office" in Lingshan.

With the power of Guanyin Bodhisattva in Lingshan, she naturally has her own "independent office".

Ji Changsheng came forward to talk to Emperor Tang, and he could only talk about the general direction.

But Ji Changsheng didn't have the time to keep grinding on the specific details.

There is a lot of room for maneuver.

If Ji Changsheng didn't keep an eye on it, even if Emperor Tang didn't want to be hostile to Ji Changsheng, with the arrogant soldiers and generals of the Tang Dynasty today, they might not be so willing to change a female emperor - it might not be necessary to remove her, they would definitely not be happy.

It would still be troublesome at that time.

Whether to kill or not, Ji Changsheng and Emperor Tang may end up turning against each other, and this is not even up to their will.

Unless they are willing to sit down in person and finalize all the details.

But this is also impossible.

Although Ji Changsheng cares about Ying Hongye very much, he can't waste so much time at this critical moment.

So this matter needs to find a middleman to buffer.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is the best choice.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is a big name, powerful enough, and willing to wade into this muddy water.

Even if the final result is contrary to expectations and the Tang Dynasty ends up with a river of blood, it is the middleman Guanyin Bodhisattva who failed to handle it well.

If the Tang Emperor wants to blame someone, it cannot be Ji Changsheng.

With Guanyin Bodhisattva as a buffer, there is a bridge of peace between Ji Changsheng and the Tang Emperor.

The Tang Emperor can certainly understand this matter.

But he did not expect that Guanyin Bodhisattva would be willing to take the initiative to take the blame and be Ji Changsheng's buffer.

"It seems that the Bodhisattva owes a favor to the robber." The Tang Emperor tried.

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled slightly without explaining.

Her cooperation with Ji Changsheng is more than just a favor.

There is also the foundation of Yuxu Palace.

Just based on Ji Changsheng's attitude towards Guangchengzi, she has to help Ji Changsheng with this matter.

Such a good ally must be won over for her brother.

Fortunately, this matter is not difficult.

"Your Majesty, Hongye and I hit it off right away, and her business is my business. The Tang Dynasty is now in full swing, with many arrogant and powerful generals. If you want to transfer power, you will inevitably face a bloody battle. Even if Your Majesty takes away most of the arrogant and powerful generals, the process of power transfer is still prone to conflict. You don't have to bother the emperor with these things, what do you think?"

Facing the young master of the world of "Classic of Mountains and Seas", the Emperor of Tang would bow his head, because Ji Changsheng could really control his future.

But facing Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Emperor of Tang was not inferior in momentum, and even had a psychological advantage.

Previously, in order to avoid his name, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva removed the word "Shi" and changed his name to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

This means that the status of the human emperor is lower than that of Lingshan Bodhisattva.

The Emperor of Tang was naturally full of confidence at this time.

"Bodhisattva wants to interfere in the internal affairs of the Tang Dynasty?"

"Your Majesty, you are overthinking. At most, I still have some ideas about faith, but I have no interest in the internal affairs of the Tang Dynasty." Guanyin Bodhisattva shook his head and said, "I came out this time, all for Hongye."

The Emperor of Tang pondered, thinking about how far he should retreat.

For the sake of Ji Changsheng, he must retreat.

But Ji Changsheng did not say how far to retreat.

So he has to grasp the measure himself.

There is a lot of room for maneuver.

The most ideal situation in the heart of the Emperor of Tang is to retreat not too much and get Ji Changsheng's favor.

While the Emperor of Tang was still pondering, Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled and said, "I heard that Empress Changsun's health is not very good."

The Emperor of Tang suddenly stiffened.

Then he looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva with surprise.

His voice was trembling a little: "I asked Yan Jun, her time is coming."

The life span of the human race is limited. This is agreed by the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and it is also the rule of heaven that the Six Saints nodded.

Even if Emperor Tang unified the world, he couldn't change this matter.

Don't think that Ji Changsheng can arbitrarily tamper with the name on the "Book of Life and Death", that's because Ji Changsheng is not in the sequence of human emperors, he is on the route of the emperor of heaven.

And Ji Changsheng used the demon clan vest of "Sheng Pingzhang Dasheng" at that time.

The longer the life span of the human royal family, the more sensitive it is.

Except for the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the rest of the human royal families of all generations can't intervene in this regard.

Once they intervene, it is easy to cause a collective attack from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors or even the Six Saints of Heaven.

So even as strong as Emperor Tang, he can't change the life span of his most beloved woman.

He had never made such extravagant hopes before.

Until now.

He saw the dawn.

Guanyin Bodhisattva promised: "The Queen of the Tang Dynasty naturally cannot live long. Let Empress Changsun practice by my side for a while. According to the Book of Life and Death, Empress Changsun's life span is thirty-six. When she is thirty-seven, I will send her back to the Emperor of Tang."

The implication is that she will naturally protect Empress Changsun and prevent her from reincarnation.

The Emperor of Tang was overjoyed and even cried with joy.

Although some people may not believe it, the Emperor of Tang has a large number of concubines, but in his mind, he really loves Empress Changsun.

Having other women does not conflict with true love.

The most popular thing now is inequality.

"If the Bodhisattva can help her break the limit of life and death, I will not hesitate at any price." The Emperor of Tang also solemnly promised.

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw the Emperor of Tang who was trapped in the true love mode and immediately felt the same.

"It seems that your majesty is in love with me, just like me."

Tang Emperor: "?"

"It's all for love, so everything is easy. The love between the emperor and Hongye, the love between your majesty and Empress Changsun, are all protected by this poor monk."

A Buddha's light flashed behind Guanyin Bodhisattva's head.

She is different from Hen Ge.

Although she has also been caught in the rain, she is now living a happy life and having a happy family. What she wants is to help all lovers in the world hold up an umbrella.

This is the pattern of the Bodhisattva.

"Your majesty, do you have a token to summon Empress Changsun? Let's settle the matter today. The emperor should focus on efficiency when doing things." Guanyin Bodhisattva began to promote the process.

In order to help her brother get the foundation of Yuxu Palace as soon as possible, she did a lot of research on Ji Changsheng - these two things seem to be unrelated, but Guanyin Bodhisattva will soon prove that Ji Changsheng can really help her become the young lady of Yuxu Palace.

When it comes to his most beloved woman, the Tang Emperor certainly wants to finalize it as soon as possible.

The Tang Emperor took out a portrait of Empress Changsun. After a moment, Empress Changsun in the portrait blinked.

Then, Empress Changsun stepped out of the portrait.

Today's Tang Dynasty is about to take half of the prehistoric fairyland, and the Tang Dynasty royal family naturally has a lot of rare treasures.

When Empress Changsun saw Guanyin Bodhisattva and Ying Hongye, she was obviously a little surprised.

She bowed to Guanyin Bodhisattva first.

"Meet the Bodhisattva."

Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded as a greeting.

"I've met Miss Ying. Miss Ying is so beautiful that I am dwarfed by her."

Ying Hongye certainly would not feel proud because of Empress Changsun's praise. Instead, she was a little shocked.

"The Empress actually knows my name... Shengtang is indeed Shengtang."

She was convinced.

Even if ordinary organizations collect information about the Ji Party, it is difficult to collect information about her.

But the Tang Dynasty, as the strongest dynasty of the human race today, would not make such a low-level mistake.

Not to mention Ying Hongye, even the information about Mu Xian was collected by the Tang Dynasty royal family.

Who can be offended and who cannot be offended - the more powerful you are, the more you must understand this.

Of course, there are always idiots who make such low-level mistakes.

People like that deserve to be beaten.

Empress Changsun chatted with Ying Hongye briefly before talking to Emperor Tang.

It can be seen that they really have a good relationship.

Emperor Tang did not mind being ignored in front of others.

"Your Majesty, what did you call me to do this time?" Empress Changsun asked.

The Emperor of Tang informed Empress Changsun of the agreement he had made with Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Empress Changsun was stunned for three seconds, and then burst into tears.

Who in the world is not afraid of death?

Even Ji Changsheng is afraid.

Moreover, the Tang Dynasty is now in its heyday, and Empress Changsun is the mother of the country. As the most beloved woman of the Emperor of Tang, her position is unshakable.

With her life already fulfilled, Empress Changsun did not want to die even more.

Her life was ten thousand times better than those imagined by those Qing Dynasty dream girls.

Who would not want to enjoy happiness?

"If the Bodhisattva can help me survive the death, I am willing to be a slave and serve the Bodhisattva."

Empress Changsun bowed to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva did not refuse, but said to Emperor Tang and Empress Changsun: "If you want to avoid the catastrophe of life and death, you really need to hide it from the world. The life span of the human royal family is very sensitive, and the six saints will pay attention to it. Therefore, you have to let your majesty fake your death and escape from the position of queen, and practice by my side. After the catastrophe of death, I will send your majesty to the new world to reunite with your majesty."

"Everything is as the Bodhisattva said." Empress Changsun immediately said: "From now on, I will be Guanyin's maid."

"This is naturally the safest. Hongye, you should also say hello to the emperor." Guanyin Bodhisattva said: "The emperor has a good relationship with the Ten Kings of Hell. In this matter, as long as he speaks, the Ten Kings of Hell will give him face."

The "friendship" between the Great Sage of Balance and the Ten Kings of Hell is no secret in the circle of powerful people.

Ying Hongye naturally agreed.

But Ying Hongye was a little worried in her heart.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Emperor Tang did not know about the changes in the underworld, but she did.

If Pangu intervenes in this matter, there may be more changes.

After all, the underworld can be said to be Pangu's territory now.

However, she certainly cannot tell Emperor Tang about this worry.

If something really happens, it is the cause and effect of Pangu and Emperor Tang.

It has nothing to do with her and Ji Changsheng.

They must fulfill all their promises.

Then, do your best and leave it to fate.

"Then let this matter be settled. I wish your majesty to continue to triumph in the new world." Guanyin Bodhisattva said.

"I borrow the Bodhisattva's good words."

The three parties have reached an agreement, so there is no need to waste time.

Ying Hongye must be prepared to take over the Tang Dynasty.

Emperor Tang must take over the territory of Xiniu Hezhou, complete the great cause of unifying the two continents, leave his name in history, and then move on to the new world.

As for Guanyin Bodhisattva, she is going to talk to Ji Changsheng about her betrothal gift and dowry.


Main Hall.

Guanyin Bodhisattva first glanced at Li Changxi who was sitting on the lotus platform in the center position, and asked curiously: "It seems that the Star Lord is going to take over Lingshan?"

She had previously thought that the "Luo Hou" who was wreaking havoc in Lingshan was Ji Changsheng.

Now it seems that she misunderstood Ji Changsheng.

Li Changxi nodded.

"The Bodhisattva should not make it difficult for me, right?" Li Changxi's tone was very casual.

She was not embarrassed at all.

If Guanyin Bodhisattva was embarrassed, she could replace another Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But Guanyin Bodhisattva has no interest in Lingshan at all now.

She then chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Xingjun, I will gradually withdraw from Lingshan, and the influence will naturally dissipate."

Li Changxi was stunned when she heard this, and then guessed what Guanyin Bodhisattva was thinking.

Then it was hard to say: "Bodhisattva wants to... return to Yuxu Palace?"

"Wrong, it means to regain control of Yuxu Palace." Guanyin Bodhisattva corrected.

Going back is just a prerequisite.

Taking control is her goal.

Li Changxi said a lot of words, and finally summed them up in one sentence: "Lovers will eventually get married!"

Blessings, locked!

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled and nodded: "Thank you, Xingjun."

Li Changxi subconsciously wanted to shudder.

She couldn't accept this kind of thing.

But she controlled her body's reaction.

"Bodhisattva will always be the Bodhisattva of Lingshan. Even if Tathagata returns in the future, it will not shake the Bodhisattva's position. Please rest assured, Bodhisattva."

Since Guanyin Bodhisattva is determined to have Yuxu Palace, she is of course happy to help.

Just worship Guanyin Bodhisattva but don't give her real power.

Guanyin Bodhisattva gets face, she gets the inside, everyone wins.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is also very satisfied with this arrangement.

"Just do as the Star Lord says."

"Very good, it's a complicated matter for me to take charge of Lingshan for the first time, I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I'll leave first."

Facing a special boss like Guanyin Bodhisattva, Li Changxi is a little overwhelmed.

She gave Ji Changsheng a look of wishing for the best, and she left first.

Ji Changsheng was very calm.

He has seen people without gender.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is just a step ahead.

It can only be said that because the strong are too strong in the prehistoric fairyland, some ideas that cannot be put on the stage have not sprouted, but have been suppressed by the big guys above.

It's not as good as the chaos of demons on Blue Star.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's situation is not a big deal on Blue Star.

On the contrary, Li Changxi's attitude of keeping a distance from Guanyin Bodhisattva would be subjected to various cyberbullies in the free Western world of Blue Star.

Ji Changsheng is very smart.

He only wishes.

"Bodhisattva, how are your two children with the True King?"

Ji Changsheng immediately grasped the thing that women care about most after marriage - children.

Sure enough, Ji Changsheng immediately seized the initiative of the conversation between Guanyin Bodhisattva and Bodhisattva.

"This time I came to see the Emperor, it is related to them."

"Bodhisattva and I are old friends, Bodhisattva can speak frankly." Ji Changsheng said.

Guanyin Bodhisattva sighed: "The Heavenly King... doesn't like his granddaughter very much."

Ji Changsheng thought that was too normal.

And it should not be just the granddaughter that Yuanshi Tianwang dislikes.

He also dislikes his daughter-in-law.

Guanyin Bodhisattva naturally didn't know Ji Changsheng's criticism, she continued: "Parents love their children and plan for them in the long run. Since I gave birth to them, I can't let them really fend for themselves."

Ji Changsheng corrected: "Bodhisattva, to be precise, it was Yuqing Zhenwang who gave birth to them, not you."

Guanyin Bodhisattva: "...This is not important. Even if I am not their mother, I am their father."

Even though Ji Changsheng is knowledgeable, he almost didn't catch Guanyin Bodhisattva's words.

In the prehistoric fairy world where the concept is still relatively traditional, Guanyin Bodhisattva is definitely a rare progressive person, and he has made too much progress and is several steps ahead of the times.

"Emperor, I have something to ask for."

"Let me help you raise your child?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva coughed twice: "Emperor, did Tathagata Buddha really reincarnate into the belly of Sanzang Master?"

"Of course."

"The reincarnated body has Yuan Yang, right?"

Ji Changsheng: "... Bodhisattva, do you want to betray the True King?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was embarrassed: "Of course I don't like Tathagata, it's my two daughters Bai Lianhua and Biyou, I hope they can get the Yuan Yang of Tathagata Buddha's reincarnation."

This is the inspiration Guanyin Bodhisattva got from the Journey to the West project.

As the director of the Journey to the West project, Guanyin Bodhisattva witnessed many famous scenes throughout the whole process.

Those goblins who directly killed Sanzang Master were not smart in Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes.

But those female goblins who tried to save the country in a roundabout way and tried to get the saint's Yuan Yang made Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes light up.

Ordinary people care about Yuan Yang and Yuan Yin, maybe because of their ideas.

But for these strong people, Yuan Yang and Yuan Yin are both good things for tonic.

The stronger the person, the more tonic it is.

Yu Linglong may not believe it.

She relied on the help of the Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth and the Tai Chi Diagram to stabilize the Daluo realm.

Li Huanyan relied on Ji Changsheng's Yuan Yang to stabilize the Daluo realm.

Although Li Huanyan certainly cannot beat Yu Linglong.

But you can tell me whether the Daluo realm has been stabilized?

Guanyin Bodhisattva did not dare to covet Ji Changsheng's Yuan Yang for her daughter.

She set her sights on the reincarnation of Tathagata Buddha.

But this requirement is more or less beyond Ji Changsheng's ability.

"Bodhisattva, the fate of Daluo is uncontrollable. Even if I find Yue Lao for you, it will be useless. Daluo can break free from all arrangements."

It is not a big problem for the superior to arrange the fate of the inferior under normal circumstances.

As the god of marriage, Yue Lao has no problem if he wants to decide the marriage of two ordinary people.

But the fate of a Daluo strongman is difficult to arrange even for a saint.

Unless the saint says to let this Daluo die, it can be arranged - but there are also mistakes in this regard, such as Zhunti Saint did not kill Minghe, and Tongtian Jiaozhu did not kill Lu Ya before.

Even if Tathagata Buddha is a reincarnation, he still has the characteristics of Daluo. After all, Tathagata is not really dead, he just reincarnated again.

Letting Yue Lao arrange Tathagata is like Pangu asking Ji Changsheng to kill Hongjun.

This is unreasonable.

Of course, Guanyin Bodhisattva would not make such an unreasonable request.

"Of course Yue Lao can't do it, but the Emperor can."

"The Bodhisattva has confidence in me."

"The Emperor underestimates himself." Guanyin Bodhisattva shook her head and said, "Since the Tathagata Buddha was reincarnated into the belly of the Three Burials Master, the Saint Zhunti can definitely do it behind the scenes."

It's just that she doesn't have much friendship with the Saint Zhunti.

Ji Changsheng has to be the middleman.

"Even if there is no Saint Zhunti, with the Emperor's means, it shouldn't be difficult to make the Tathagata reincarnate into a peach blossom debt." Guanyin Bodhisattva added.

Ji Changsheng was very emotional: "Bodhisattva, you arranged the marriages of your two daughters like this, have you asked them?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva answered as a matter of course: "The Tathagata is a hero in the world. Looking at the heavens and the worlds, he is a hero second only to the Emperor. Did he humiliate them?"

Ji Changsheng: "..."

It's hard to judge.

He simply went straight to the point: "I will help, but as I said, the fate of Daluo is difficult to control. I can't make any guarantees about what will happen in the end."

"In this case, I am very grateful to the emperor for his help." Guanyin Bodhisattva bowed and said: "In return, I will let all the brothers and sisters of Yuxu Palace go to Wahuang Palace to participate in the Zhenjun Conference."

Guanyin Bodhisattva is really good at handling things.

She knows that cooperation is a win-win situation, which is why Ji Changsheng is willing to cooperate with Guanyin Bodhisattva all the time.

Hearing Guanyin Bodhisattva say this, Ji Changsheng smiled: "If the other twelve immortals of Yuxu leave, Yuxu Palace will naturally be the wedding room of Bodhisattva and Zhenwang."

"Emperor, I wonder what is the purpose of Madam Huanyan holding this Zhenjun Conference?" Guanyin Bodhisattva asked.

Although she was ready to sell her brothers and sisters as a favor, Guanyin Bodhisattva did not understand the specific rules of the Zhenjun Conference.

If it was something life-threatening, she would have to reconsider.

Love brain is love brain, Guanyin Bodhisattva is not so crazy as to kill her brothers and sisters.

Ji Changsheng gave her a reassurance: "The purpose of Huanyan and I holding the Zhenjun Conference is to help all Zhenjuns to be promoted to Daluo."

Guanyin Bodhisattva: "?"

While feeling relieved, Guanyin Bodhisattva had more questions in her heart.

"Emperor... want to do charity?"

"Although the Bodhisattva may not believe it, it is true." Ji Changsheng said seriously: "As the first to achieve Daluo, Huanyan and I have the obligation to help those who have not yet achieved Daluo to make progress together and eventually achieve Daluo for everyone."

Guanyin Bodhisattva: "... Then what can you get from Emperor?"

Ji Changsheng became more and more righteous: "I am for everyone, and everyone is for me. Don't ask me what I can get from doing this, I am so selfless."

What can Guanyin Bodhisattva say?

She could only express her sincere admiration: "The Emperor's realm is so high that it really makes me ashamed."

"It doesn't matter, let's encourage each other."

Ji Changsheng felt that his soul had been sublimated.


Huangji Hall.

Yang Jian rarely appeared here.

He came to apologize to his uncle.

In the battle of Beihai, Haotian killed many Daluo who were besieging him, became a saint in one fell swoop, and shocked the world. It can be said that he played with peerless style.

But the price was extremely heavy.

It could have been less heavy.

But from beginning to end, the only one who could help Haotian share the pressure in the sky above Beihai was Xuanwu Shenjun.

Yang Jian, who was originally highly expected by Haotian... did not appear in the sky above Beihai battlefield at all.

They are relatives who are connected by broken bones.

It doesn't matter if it's an outsider, but Yang Jian chose to stand by and watch, which he himself felt was wrong.

So he must apologize to his uncle and reflect on himself.

"Uncle, the situation was urgent at that time, and Chan'er fell into the trap designed by Luohou."

Haotian interrupted Yang Jian: "Are you sure it was a trap designed by 'Luohou'?"

Yang Jian blushed and lowered his head: "I reflected on it for a day, it should be the layout of the Changsheng Emperor. Since the fight against the Nine-headed Insect, the Changsheng Emperor has been using Chan'er to use me."

Haotian's eyes were full of regret: "Since you know it's a trap, you still stepped into it, are you stupid?"

Yang Jian defended himself, "Uncle, I didn't know at the time, I figured it out afterwards.

Haotian took a deep breath and ignored this question for the time being.

"After Yang Chan was surrounded, do you really think she would be in danger? You are alive, I am alive, who dares to touch Chan'er?" Haotian asked in a deep voice.

Yang Chan's background can be ranked in the top ten in the entire prehistoric fairyland.

"Even Ji Changsheng dare not really kill Chan'er."

Yang Jian knew in his heart that Haotian was right.

It's not that Ji Changsheng really didn't dare to kill Yang Chan, but because it was unnecessary and the gain would not outweigh the loss.

And Yang Chan was alive, Yang Jian had a weak spot.

If Yang Chan died, how could he control Yang Jian?

Only a fool would kill Yang Chan.

But knowing is knowing.

Yang Jian knelt in front of Haotian with a "thump".

"Uncle, I know I was wrong, I just don't dare to take risks with Chan'er."

"So you would rather I die than let Chan'er take any risks? "

Haotian felt that all his sincerity had gone to waste.

He was not as good to Yang Jian as he was to his own daughter.

Yang Jian was ashamed: "Uncle, I am sorry for you, I am willing to accept any punishment. ”

He knew that he had risked Haotian’s life by standing aside last time.

This was a conscienceless thing.

It was not in line with Yang Jian’s principles of life and work.

He had not yet repaid Haotian’s kindness to him.

But there was no way.

No matter how great the kindness was, it was not greater than love.

Looking at this nephew whom he had always placed high hopes on and had invested a lot of effort in, although Haotian felt very distressed, he finally sighed.

What if he could really kill Yang Jian?

This was his own nephew, a person who was born to stand on the same boat with him.

And now he was a Daluo.

Where could he find such a reliable confidant?

Be angry, but you have to use it when you need it.

Even though Haotian was the Great Heavenly Venerable and now he was a saint, he didn’t have many Daluo-level confidants.

Haotian could only helplessly say: “Don’t do it again.”

Yang Jian was overjoyed: “Don’t worry, uncle, it will never happen again. If you have a conflict with Ji Changsheng in the future, I will definitely stand on your side. "


Haotian has no doubt about this.

If it was just him and Ji Changsheng fighting, Yang Jian would not have any other choice.

He was too grateful to Yang Jian.

He was still worried about Yang Chan.

"Chan'er, this can't happen again. Jian'er, if something like this happens again, I will be very disappointed in you."

Yang Jian promised: "There will definitely not be a next time. I have strictly ordered Chan'er to contact the people of Changsheng Emperor again. Uncle, this lesson is very painful. I will definitely learn from it and will never embarrass you again."

Haotian's face completely eased: "I am still at ease when you do things. Jian'er, even though I have become a saint now, I am restricted everywhere. It is better to be free before I became a saint. During the time I am away, you have to support me outside. Uncle has no one else to rely on now. All hopes are placed on you. Do you understand? "

"I understand." Yang Jian said solemnly.

He really understood, because Haotian had just revealed first-hand information to him - first-hand information about the Queen Mother and Ji Changsheng.

Haotian really treated Yang Jian as his own.

Yang Jian also completely understood why Haotian was so brave in the battle of Beihai.

There was such a tragic story behind it.

He began to feel sorry for his uncle.

As Haotian's nephew, Yang Jian was absolutely unwilling to let his uncle continue to endure humiliation like this, even if it was a good thing for his uncle to improve his strength.

"Ji Changsheng and I are mortal enemies. He has really gone too far."

Feeling Yang Jian's heartfelt concern, Haotian nodded with relief.

This nephew was not raised in vain after all.

"Go ahead. "

With a strong sense of guilt towards his uncle, Yang Jian returned to the Palace of the God of Justice.

Then he saw the fairy Chang'e who came to visit.

Yang Jian: "..."

He had just told Yang Chan not to get too close to the people of the Changsheng Emperor.

Now every god in the heaven knows that Chang'e must be the Changsheng Emperor's people.

But looking at Yang Chan with a smile like a flower, what can he do?

He can only forgive her.

When Chang'e saw Yang Jian coming back, she immediately stood up and said goodbye.

She felt that Yang Jian had a problem with his eyes and didn't want to have much contact with Yang Jian.

After Chang'e left, Yang Jian frowned and said, "Third sister, didn't I tell you not to associate with Chang'e?"

Yang Chan said dissatisfiedly, "Second brother, are you restricting my freedom to make friends? "

"Of course I don't mean that, I mean..."

Yang Chan interrupted Yang Jian and said excitedly: "Second brother, Sister Chang'e came to me this time and invited me to go to the Wa Palace to participate in the Zhenjun Conference."

"Wa Palace? Zhenjun Conference? Organized by the Changsheng Emperor? You are not allowed to go. "

Yang Jian definitely didn't want his sister to have more contact with Ji Changsheng.

He couldn't let his uncle down again.

"But Sister Chang'e said that as long as you participate in this Zhenjun Conference, the Lord of Changsheng will show mercy when you cross the Daluo Tribulation." Yang Chan said: "Second brother, such a good opportunity, should I give up?"

Yang Jian: "..."

On the one hand, I feel guilty about my uncle.

On the other hand, it's Yang Chan's future.

Yang Jian hesitated for a second.

Gritted his teeth and said: "Go!"


Inside the Huangji Palace.

Haotian inexplicably felt that his injuries had been alleviated for another fifty years.

The monthly ticket for the 10,000-word chapter has been delivered, and I will try to continue tomorrow. Thanks to Xifeng Shuyu for the 500 starting coins reward, and thanks to book friends 20210301104134526546 and book friends 20191003112314278 for the reward

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