Report to those who are still supporting the book, the main text is finished, those who are supporting the book can start killing.

The book was published on July 3 last year and was completed on June 1 this year. Basically, it took 11 months, 3.05 million words, this update speed is okay, I will try to keep up with the next book.

The ending was decided long ago, and the reason for this ending is actually written in the main text. If you want to make progress from the bottom, you must pull down the top. There is no one above, what to do? The progress of mankind can only be technological explosion, the stars and the sea, not comparing the worst.

This is not idealism, but a necessary choice. Everyone knows whether the world has been blue or progressing in the past few years. Changsheng has always been a realist in nature, and he finally chose to maximize his interests.

In fact, I can continue to write. The development of the new universe is a continuation of the previous article, but developing the new universe is farming, and the rhythm will definitely slow down, which will be very different from the style of speed running. If I continue to write, you will definitely scold me for water writing and cheating money. I am thin-skinned. Although I can earn more money by writing one more chapter, I still have to finish the book. It is better to be unsatisfied than to finish the book amid criticism. Regarding the new universe, I will read everyone's feedback and consider writing more in the epilogue or extra chapter. If everyone thinks that this is the best, then I will finish the book directly, which is also good.

I sincerely thank everyone for their support. I set a target of 3 million words before I started the book, but if the performance is particularly bad, I will definitely not be able to write so long. Positive feedback from readers is very important to every author. This is a fact, not an exaggeration. Thank you all.

I also thank the editor for his help. Old book friends know that this book was often reported before Ascension, so I overhauled it once. The core selling point changed from killing to speed running, and the performance was even better... Thank you editor for not taking the trouble to put me in the black room directly. I will definitely write more steadily in the next book.

Speaking of which, the performance of speed running improved after 2 million words, which is actually not very related to the previous... I have carefully read the subscription increase and everyone's feedback. The turning point of the performance was killing Lao Niu. After killing Lao Niu, I beat Tongtian, and after Tongtian, I beat Haotian, and then it was Wanjun. Before that, it was just over 8,000.

I will review that section carefully after I finish the book. In the next book, I will try to write the plot that most readers like the most and avoid sensitive topics.

The most important experience I got from this book is that detailed outlines are really useful. In the past, I relied on inspiration to write books, and I didn’t know what to write the next day the night before. This time, I learned from my mistakes and made detailed outlines, character settings, and foreshadowing in advance, which really helped. From Changsheng’s name to his surname, I have specially designed them, and they also echoed the plot. Including the setting of Li Changxi and the origin of the golden finger, all book friends who read it as a whole will definitely feel that kind of echo. I will try to make persistent efforts in the next book and make these preparations before opening the book.

These tasks are very time-consuming, and it is estimated that it will take a month to prepare. I have to stay for another month to exercise. You should also be able to see that more and more online writers have physical problems. It’s normal. It’s strange to be healthy if you sit for a long time without exercise. For someone like me who has an average daily income of 80,000 or 10,000 yuan, my health is already good, but I also have occupational diseases. I have to continue to strengthen my exercise so that the next book can continue to explode.

I will reserve another month for reading. With my update speed, I have almost no time to read when I am writing. I need to understand the current trend and the tastes of readers before I can start preparing for the new book.

So the new book should be published in September or October. See you all by chance.

I bow to you all again.

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