Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 60 The two fires of Xuandu Shengguo, the heroes of the world, you and me

The viewer understands everything.

Xuandu Temple is also ranked high in the ancient immortal world. After all, Xuandu Temple's founder, Master Xuandu, is the only direct disciple of Saint Taiqing.

This kind of origin is enough to make Xuandu Guan walk sideways wherever he goes.

But walking sideways doesn't mean that you don't need to give face to other bosses.

The four spiritual beasts all bear the authority of heaven and earth and possess immeasurable merit.

Unless necessary, even a saint would not offend the four spiritual beasts without reason.

Since Mrs. White Bones has received the protection of the White Tiger God, it naturally means that she has a foothold in the ancient fairy world.

In addition, Fairy Linglong had received the inheritance of skills from Madam White Bone before, which meant there was cause and effect.

In this situation, if it were him, he would protect the Bai family and befriend Madam Bones.

"I see, it all makes sense."

The viewer clarified all the clues.

"Sister, why didn't you tell me these things before?"

Yu Linglong asked, "Have you ever asked me?"

Viewer: "..."

Not once.

Don't dare to ask.

There is no way to ask.

He was a direct descendant of Fairy Linglong and had been following Fairy Linglong step by step. After his senior sister got married, he suddenly asked his senior sister why you wanted to marry another man.

The viewer doesn’t have the courage.

She was afraid that Fairy Linglong would think that she had other thoughts about her.

"Don't ask, why should I explain this to you?"

The viewer was speechless.

Nothing wrong.

"In fact, there are other causes and effects behind Mrs. Bones. The things behind this are very complicated. Otherwise, how could I care about the Bai family." Yu Linglong sighed softly: "The Bai family is the bloodline left by Mrs. Bones during her lifetime. Ji This guy Changsheng is really weird, he did it too quickly."

After appreciating the whole thing, the spectator began to smile bitterly: "So, because of Ji Changsheng, senior sister, have you offended Madam White Bones?"

"Yes, if I really ascend and meet the Bone Lady in the ancient immortal world, I might even do it again."

The viewer asked tentatively: "I haven't launched a full-scale attack on the Bai family yet. How about I order you to go down and help the Bai family up again?"

Yu Linglong shook her head and said: "Bai Shi, Bai Guanlin and theirs are the direct bloodline of Madam Bai Gu."

Viewer: "..."

Then there is no cure.

Li Changxi killed two of them.

Ji Changsheng killed one.

The direct bloodline of Madam Bones is theoretically completely extinct.

"The hatred between children and grandchildren must be fought to the death."

The viewer realizes the reality.

Then a moment of silence began for Ji Changsheng.

"So Ji Changsheng first killed Yu Laomo's illegitimate son, and then exterminated Madam Baigu's family, offending the Huangquan Sect. He is really the nemesis of the devil... Senior sister, if you don't protect him, Ji Changsheng will definitely be hunted down by the devil. Even if he dies, even Xuandu Guan can’t save him.”

The Heavenly Demon Sect and the Huangquan Sect join forces, unless Ji Changsheng never leaves Xuandu Temple for the rest of his life.

Otherwise, the viewer expresses that he really cannot cover it.

Yu Linglong complained: "Otherwise, why do you think I brought him back to Xuandu Temple?"

"Senior sister, you are really kind-hearted." The viewer immediately sent a rainbow fart: "I will go see Ji Changsheng later and make sure he understands the kindness of senior sister to protect him."

"It's not important." Yu Linglong said calmly: "I can only protect him for a while, but I can't protect him for the rest of his life. His behavior is so radical that I even suspect that he was really infected with mental illness by Chang Xi... Later he He has to decide how he will go. But if you really want to help him, use the shortest possible time to annihilate the Bai family."

Yu Linglong is certainly not a soft-hearted woman.

"Since he is still a disciple of Xuandu Temple, let the temple share some of the pressure on him. In this way, even if Madam Bai Gu issues orders to Huangquan Sect through magical means, Huangquan Sect will be slightly afraid of Xuandu Temple."

The viewer also realized the danger Ji Changsheng faced.

If Mrs. Bones can entrust a dream to Fairy Linglong, she can also entrust a dream to Emperor Huangquan.

The Huangquan Sect's strength, coupled with its weird and unpredictable techniques, makes it even more difficult to deal with than the Demon Sect in a sense.

Ji Changsheng kicked another iron plate this time.

"still have a chance."

The viewer forces himself to think about the good things as much as possible.

"Maybe he is really the reincarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor?"

Yu Linglong: "...Are you also infected by Chang Xi?"

"Senior Sister, why don't you go to the Underworld Sect?" The visitor suggested: "As long as you have a good talk with Emperor Underworld about the 'reason', I believe that the words of Mrs. Bones, who has successfully ascended, actually have little weight."

The county magistrate is not as good as taking charge now.

The once number one in the world is no longer there.

The number one in the world right now is Xuandu Guan.

Which one is less important and which one is more serious? The viewer believes that Emperor Huangquan knows it clearly.

Yu Linglong took a deep look at the viewer and asked, "Are you teaching me how to do something?"

The viewer coughed loudly.

"Senior sister, I'm just thinking about the future of Xuandu Temple. Ji Changsheng is so brave and brave, he will definitely become a god general of our Xuandu Temple in the future."

Yu Linglong commented: "He is too brave... I can go to Huangquan Sect, but I have to leave sooner or later. So the better I treat him now, the worse his situation will be after I leave. .”

She will soon become the best in the world.

If she does something too drastic now, after she leaves, the backlash will be on the people she is protecting now.

The viewer realized that what the senior sister said was right, his face became serious, and he began to seriously think about how to ensure that Ji Chang could continue to live.

Leaving aside the fact that Ji Changsheng may have obtained Daluo's inheritance, the viewer does not want Ji Changsheng to die just because of the things he did and the respect he showed for him.

This kind of divine general can defeat thousands of troops with one man.

"It seems that we have to start with the Demon Sect." The temple owner thought in a low voice: "If Senior Sister ascends, Yu Laomo will be number one in the world. The safest place will be the Demon Sect."

The beautiful jade eyes flashed.

An idea suddenly flashed through my mind.

"Do you know what inheritance I received from Madam Bones?"

The spectator shook his head.

""The Book of Painted Skin of the Underworld Corpse"!"

Discipline Hall.

Ji Changsheng woke up leisurely.

What caught his eye was a familiar figure.

"Junior brother, you finally woke up."

Seeing Li Changxi appear, Ji Changsheng's first reaction was to curse.

When the words came to his lips, Ji Changsheng swallowed them back.

Although Li Changxi tricked him miserably.

But the Saint of Acacia is still her aunt.

Fairy Linglong is still her mother-in-law.

Li Changxi is still his dear senior sister.

not angry.

Don’t compete with mentally ill people.

Ji Changsheng organized his speech, and then said in a deep voice: "Senior sister, I will kill Bai Shizhi for you!"

I killed it just for you.

I don’t even know who the Saint of Acacia is.

Li Changxi was very moved.

"Junior brother, before you went down the mountain, I told you that I would destroy the Bai family, and I also said that I would make you the vanguard. But you were really too fast. You killed Bai Shizhi in just one day after going down the mountain. I couldn't keep up at all. Your speed can't even match yours."

Having said this, Li Changxi was sincerely convinced: "We are both Da Luo, junior brother, your mobility is really much stronger than mine."

For a day, she felt like she could only open and close her eyes.

Ji Changsheng has already killed Fairy Linglong's husband.

Even a mentally ill person like Li Changxi was stunned when she first received the news.


"Junior brother, now your feat has been praised all over the world. Everyone praises you, saying that you are the best warrior in the world in a hundred years!" Li Changxi praised Ji Changsheng.

Ji Changsheng was speechless.

After learning the truth, he felt that he was so brave that he didn't even look like a human being.

Li Changxi continued: "But people in the world still underestimate my junior brother. Junior brother is not only the best warrior in the world, but even in the sky, there are very few people who can compare with my junior brother. After I attained enlightenment, even the saints did not look down upon me." However, I am sincerely convinced by my junior brother’s courage.”

What can Ji Changsheng say?

He could only accept Li Changxi's praise calmly and said calmly: "It's just a scumbag in Huanjing. If you kill him, you'll just kill him. It's not a big deal."

"Well said, junior brother, you are indeed someone who has experienced strong winds and waves."

Li Changxi praised: "Junior brother, don't worry, I will go to Mom's place to help you explain, there will be no problem. She will be angry for a moment at most, but for my sake, she will not care too much."

Ji Changsheng: "..."

Why are you so good at calling "Mom"?

Do mentally ill people bully the weak and fear the strong?

I’ve never seen you show such respect to the Guanzhu in front of the Guanzhu.

Ji Changsheng complained ten thousand words to Li Changxi in his heart.

It's still calm on the surface.

"Except for Senior Sister, the attitudes of other people in this world are nothing worthy of my concern. Whether Fairy Linglong is angry or not, it doesn't matter to me. As long as Senior Sister is happy, Bai Shizhi's death will not be unjust."

Li Changxi smiled broadly.


Ji Changsheng's heart suddenly trembled.

Next to Li Changxi, a new figure suddenly appeared - Yu Linglong.

"Ji Changsheng, you are very brave."

Yu Linglong's expression seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"It doesn't matter if I'm angry or not?"

Ji Changsheng was cursing his mother in his heart.

Call Bai Guanlin his mother.

Do you still talk about martial ethics?

Didn’t I just kill your son and husband?

Facts aside, aren't you wrong?

If you protect them better, can I succeed so easily?

Ji Changsheng was very angry.

But he is a well-educated and good man, so he did not show it. He just said: "Of course it doesn't matter. Except for the senior sister, the rest of the mediocre people are not worth mentioning. Fairy Linglong may be able to dominate in this illusion." , but in the eyes of us, Da Luo, he is just a poor fool, sinking into an illusion without knowing it."

At the end of the sentence, Ji Changsheng shook his head, feeling very regretful.

"As long as you can see through the illusion, you will know that I killed your husband for your own good. Unfortunately, it is difficult for you to understand my good intentions."

Yu Linglong's eyes were blank again.

Although she was already familiar with Li Changxi's crazy words, it was just Li Changxi.

No man has ever dared to act so stupid in front of her.

He was as strong as the Guanzhu, and he didn't dare to tell any lies when facing her.

Yu Laomo has never done anything like Ji Changsheng's strong words and confusing right and wrong.

Yu Linglong opened her eyes.


"I'm just expressing my feelings directly, but you probably can't understand me. It's ironic to say that my senior sister and I have never lied to anyone, and have always been sincere to the people of the world. However, our sincerity is exchanged for the world's sincerity. They ridiculed and abused me, and even thought that my senior sister and I had mental problems. Alas, those who know me say that I am worried, but those who do not know me say that I want nothing more."

Ji Changsheng risked his life.

What if Fairy Linglong decides that he has a mental problem and there is no need for him to kill someone to pay for it.

Of course, this is just Ji Changsheng's extravagant hope.

But Li Changxi was moved.

"The two fires of Xuandu Shengguo, the heroes of the world, you and me. Come on, junior brother, you and I are so confused!"

Li Changxi directly conjured a pot of wine and two glasses, and clinked glasses with Ji Changsheng.

Yu Linglong had a black line on her forehead.

She is a normal person and cannot understand the brain circuits of two mentally ill people.

"Ji Changsheng, you don't look like a disciple of the righteous way. Your behavior is more like a member of the devil's path. And the average disciple of the devil's path doesn't have the murderous nature you have. You are like Yu Laomo's son."

Ji Changsheng looked up to the sky and laughed: "Who is Yu Laomo? Is he worthy of being my father?"

I'm wearing it.

There are no relatives in this world.

When Ji Changsheng laughed, he didn't realize what was happening.

Instead, Li Changxi glanced at Yu Linglong in surprise.

Her mother's attainments in illusion are actually higher than hers.

The mist in Yu Linglong's beautiful eyes flickered, and her voice became more and more illusory and ethereal: "Your appearance and personality are very similar to Yu Laomo. I have reason to believe that you are Yu Laomo's illegitimate son, who was sent by the Demon Sect to undercover Xuan. All views.”

"What do you believe..."

Ji Changsheng's words stopped abruptly.

Because memories from not long ago came to his mind:

"I believe this image is fake."

"What use do you believe?"

And, the things he discovered before he fell into coma finally came to life in his mind.

Fairy Linglong is actually a young lady.

Ji Changsheng's mood became subtle.

Demon Sect.

Yu Laomo sat on the blood-red throne and listened to the report from his subordinates:

"Master, back then you lost control of your martial arts and harvested ten women from the Li family. My subordinates found out that Ji Changsheng was from there. Moreover, his appearance is very similar to yours!"

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