Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 74 You are a beautiful woman, how can you be a thief?

Ji Changsheng felt that the undercover agent named Guo Shuqin had poor ability to withstand pressure.

I remember that when I killed Fairy Linglong’s son and husband, I didn’t even frown. I just argued with Fairy Linglong.

Where did you go?

As long as you resist a little bit, we are all on our own, and I might be able to help you clear your suspicions.

As a result, you actually ran away.

He is really an Adou who cannot stand up to the wall.

It almost hurt me.

Ji Changsheng was very tired.

But for others, Ji Changsheng caught an undercover Tianmo Cult agent on the spot, and their acumen was simply astounding.

"Elder Ji is wise."

"Thanks to Elder Ji, otherwise we wouldn't even know when we fell into the poisonous hands of this demon sect witch."

"No one knows how to catch undercover agents of the Demon Cult better than Elder Ji. I feel ashamed."

"Now it seems incredible, but the evidence is conclusive. The eldest princess is really a disciple of the Demon Cult."

"I remembered that when the eldest princess goes out, she usually names Guo Shuqin to accompany her for protection. I originally thought that the eldest princess likes to have Guo Shuqin accompany her because it is more convenient for her to be a woman, but now it seems that it is terrifying to think about it."

The royal ministers could no longer help the eldest princess wash the floor.

They are just tributes to the royal family, not the royal dog's legs. They still have relative independence.

As the most basic foundation-building offering, it is unrealistic to expect these practitioners to be as loyal to the royal family as the eunuchs.

When they discovered that there was such a huge crisis hidden in the royal family, almost everyone became in danger.

After chatting with each other, they quickly discovered many details that they usually ignored.

Put these details together and you have the ironclad truth.

Listening to the discussion of these offerings, Ji Changsheng was speechless.

He wanted to ask these royal family members whether it was possible that the eldest princess liked to have Guo Shuqin accompany her on weekdays. Is it really just because they were both women and it was easier to get along with them?

But as a professional undercover agent of the Demon Sect, Ji Changsheng's professionalism is much better than Guo Shuqin.

When the words came to his lips, he forcefully swallowed them back.

"Everyone, the eldest princess is a demon from the Heavenly Demon Cult. The evidence for this is conclusive. You have all seen it with your own eyes, and there is no doubt whatsoever. Senior Brother Cao Ziming of Danqing Pavilion is upright and innocent. Please bear witness and do not affect Senior Brother Cao. reputation."

Ji Changsheng turned everyone's attention back to the topic.

Others naturally nodded in agreement.


"Don't worry, Elder Ji, we are all witnesses."

"The truth is so shocking. Fortunately, we have such righteous men as Elder Ji and Mr. Cao, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Your Royal Highness, the eldest princess...Oh, you are such a beautiful woman, how can you become a thief?"

Now that the witnesses and physical evidence are all there, no one can defend the eldest princess anymore.

What's more, the last person who defended the eldest princess has now escaped, and is confirmed to be an undercover agent of the Demon Sect.

Even if there are still people who want to speak for the eldest princess, they can only keep silent now for fear of implicating themselves again.

The overall situation is decided!

Therefore, when the eldest princess learned the "truth", she felt like she was struck by lightning.

"No, that's impossible."

"It must be Cao Ziming who framed me."

"I have nothing to do with the Demon Sect."

Seeing the eldest princess struggling to her death, the leading royal ministers couldn't bear to listen, and couldn't help but interrupt the eldest princess's nonsense:

"Your Highness, Mr. Cao stayed in Xuandu Temple just like you. There are so many masters and people watching around him. How could he frame you? Could it be that he had arranged the stolen goods in your princess's mansion in advance?"

No one believed that Cao Ziming could do such a thing.

As for Cao Ziming, he smiled disdainfully and didn't even bother to argue.

Those who are clean will be clean by themselves.

Junior Brother Ji did not disappoint me, he keenly discovered the evidence of this witch.

As for the witch... she's just a trapped beast still fighting.

Even when he was about to die, he still wanted to drag him with him to support him.

What a wishful thinking.

The eldest princess was also confused.

She thinks the royal offering makes sense.

"But I really have nothing to do with the Demon Sect." The eldest princess said unwillingly.

The royal minister shook his head helplessly.

It’s really hard not to shed tears until I see the coffin.

He directly put the evidence he just found from the princess's mansion in front of the eldest princess.

"Your Highness, the witnesses and material evidence are all there, the evidence is conclusive, let's take it." The minister advised: "Save some dignity for yourself, and leave some dignity for the royal family. Faced with so much evidence, even Fairy Linglong cannot say You are innocent."

Ji Changsheng took one look at this offering and thought, "You are too small."

Even if there is irrefutable evidence, Fairy Linglong can definitely turn the truth around.

Besides, there is no need for Fairy Linglong to take action in such a trivial matter.

The master of the temple, Li Changxi, and even the lowly Ji Ji can handle this kind of thing with ease.

It can only be said that Xuandu Temple is Xuandu Temple after all, and it is the most powerful sect in the world.

But Shengguo is just Shengguo, a small country in the mortal world.

The difference in means is too great.

Ji Changsheng had always killed everyone in Xuandu Temple, so when he came to a small country like Shengguo, of course he would kill everyone.

The eldest princess looked at the bones, skeletons, magic weapons, and sinister magic skills in front of her, and her whole body was in a mess.

"How can this be?"

Where did this horse riding come from?

The worshiper lamented: "Your Highness, maybe you think you are hiding well, maybe... you have arranged the person to take care of you in advance, and even prepared to bribe Elder Ji. Unfortunately, Elder Ji is so bright and upright that he can see through it at a glance. Your plan exposed your accomplices on the spot."

The eldest princess was in a daze: "Do I have any accomplices?"

How come I don't know anything?

"Who is my accomplice?"

The worshiper's brows furrowed: "Your Highness, are you still pretending to be stupid now? Of course your associate is Guo Shuqin. Whenever you travel, you usually name Guo Shuqin to accompany you for protection. The collusion between you two It’s not the same day.”

The eldest princess was beaten until her hair was disheveled, and her brain could no longer function properly. She blurted out: "You not only wronged me, but also wronged Guo Chong. It is simply unreasonable."

Ji Changsheng snorted coldly: "You are stubborn and stubborn. Even if you are about to die, you will still be stubborn. Today Ji will convince you to die."

As someone who has worked at the end of the universe, Ji Changsheng knows the importance of law enforcement recorders and the importance of protecting oneself.

So he carried a "law enforcement recorder" with him the entire time he went to the Princess Mansion.

I specially asked the royal family to perform the water mirror technique throughout the whole process.

The eldest princess wanted to accuse him of framing him and creating an unjust and false case. I'm sorry, but I found the wrong person.

Ji Mou never does that kind of thing.

So in front of the eldest princess, Ji Changsheng played the scene where Guo Shuqin pleads for her, and Ji Changsheng exposes Guo Shuqin on the spot, and Guo Shuqin then uses the "blood escape technique" to escape.

After watching the "Law Enforcement Records" video showing the truth, the eldest princess's eyes lost focus.

"It's actually true..."

Ji Changsheng said coldly: "Of course it is true. If the evidence was not conclusive, could Ji still have wronged you?"

"Guo Shuqin turns out to be an undercover agent of the Demon Sect."

The eldest princess felt that she might not even be able to wash herself off if she jumped into the Milky Way.

She held Ji Changsheng's hand and burst into tears: "Elder Ji Mingjian, I have nothing to do with Guo Shuqin."

Ji Changsheng faced the eclipsed eldest princess with an expressionless face and cold eyes, unmoved at all.

The eldest princess is mainly pitiful. What about those people who spent huge sums of money to buy a blessed land and are now homeless?

If he pities this kind of woman, Ji Changsheng will feel sorry for the education he has organized for so many years.

"Elder Ji, I usually like to let Guo Shuqin accompany me for protection, just because she and I are both women, so it is more convenient to travel together. I have absolutely no collusion with the Demon Sect. I would like to swear in the name of my ancestors."

Ji Changsheng hasn't spoken yet, but everyone else who heard what the eldest princess said had disgust on their faces.

In this spiritual world where gods are at the top of their heads, anyone who casually swears by their ancestors will be condemned by others.

Especially if you use the reputation of your ancestors to endorse yourself, or if you endorse your own sins that have been proven, you will be despised by others.

The royal minister couldn't stand listening anymore, and directly interrupted the eldest princess: "Your Highness, please be careful, how could our ancestors be so blameworthy that you should ruin them like this?"

The eldest princess: "..."

There must be some unscrupulous people who want to harm me.

Who is it?

Guo Shuqin?


She didn't jump out sooner or later, but she jumped out when she was in trouble, stepped on her head hard, and stepped her into the bottomless abyss.

This woman did it on purpose.

Otherwise, why could she have been hiding peacefully for so many years, only to be exposed now?

"I understand." The eldest princess's eyes lit up and she quickly analyzed: "Elder Ji, Guo Shuqin deliberately framed me. She must have colluded with Cao Ziming."


Ji Changsheng was really angry now.

This woman is simply unreasonable.

Why did Guo Shuqin frame you?

They are very innocent, okay?

People are obviously speaking for you, but you actually repay kindness with hatred.

This woman is really not a human being.

Although Ji Changsheng also despises Guo Shuqin's ability to withstand pressure as an undercover agent, as the future young leader of the Demon Sect, Ji Changsheng is still protective of his shortcomings.

My future subordinate can be scolded by me, but not framed by you.

"Cao Ziming" was also angry.

At this time, you are still framing me.

Just as Ji Changsheng fell into rage.

The voice of "Cao Ziming" came to the ears of the eldest princess again:

"I didn't expect you to see through this."

The eldest princess felt a chill in her heart and stared at Cao Ziming like a poisonous snake.

This man still had such an innocent expression at this time.

Simply disgusting.

"Cao Ziming's" message continues:

"Now, I still give you a way to survive. It is still the original condition. Return the Taiping Paradise to the first batch of customers who purchased it, and cooperate with me and Junior Brother Ji to rectify the business of the Paradise in Shengguo. I want to secure thousands of houses in Guangxia, This great protection will bring joy to all the poor people in the world. You help me accomplish this goal, and I will keep you safe and sound."

"Cao Ziming" has never forgotten his true purpose.

The ultimate goal of killing the prince of the East Palace and framing the eldest princess is to do good and accumulate virtue.

As long as he is willing to cooperate with him, Ji Changsheng doesn't mind cooperating with him, even if he is really a demon from the Demon Cult.

All he wanted was the result, to allow ordinary people to live a better life, and he took this a step further.

The people of the prosperous country live and work in peace and contentment, Ji Changsheng takes away the merit and luck, and all parties win. This is what he hopes to see.

As for the righteous path and the demonic path, Ji Changsheng doesn't care.

Ji Changsheng didn't care about the life or death of the eldest princess.

To Ji Changsheng's disappointment, the eldest princess stared at Cao Ziming with resentful eyes and said angrily: "In your dreams, I will never succumb to a shameless person like you."

Ji Changsheng's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Really stubborn.

"You are a high-ranking eldest princess. Even if you reorganize the business of Blessed Land, your glory and wealth will not be affected. Your current status and wealth are enough to ensure that you have food and clothing for your whole life. Do good deeds and accumulate virtue, and help ordinary people and casual practitioners. Be better, is it that difficult?”

As a disciple of Danqing Pavilion, "Cao Ziming" was still willing to give the other party enough opportunities to save himself even though he was filled with murderous intent.

It's a pity that the eldest princess just doesn't want to catch it.

"Everything I do is within the protection of the laws of the Sheng Kingdom. The glory and wealth I have today is also the result of my own efforts. If they are not living well, what does it have to do with me? It's because they don't work hard enough. As long as they If they are willing to endure hardships and stand hard work, can Shengguo still have less to eat for them? Do they think pie will fall from the sky? Should the court give them money? "

The eldest princess's mentality has exploded.

Being framed and repeatedly teased by "Cao Ziming" completely aroused the eldest princess's violent and depressed emotions.

Of course, a certain "Demon Desire Sutra" technique that did not want to be named must have also contributed to the situation.

As a result, the eldest princess began to speak eloquently: "The purchase of blessed land is a voluntary matter between both parties. It is written in black and white and the spirit of the contract. No one forces them to buy it with a knife. Now that something has happened and they regret it, you have started to seek justice for them. This What does it have to do with this palace and the imperial court? They are just stupid."

Ji Changsheng was silent as he felt the acceleration and growth of "The Sutra of Demonic Desires".

He swore that he never deliberately provoked the eldest princess's negative emotions.

It was this woman's own explosion of negative emotions that triggered the demonic practice of "The Demonic Desire Sutra".

Then the activation of "The Demonic Desire Sutra" fueled the eldest princess's negative emotions.

So the two phases are superimposed...

"Let me uphold justice for them, dream. The court will not accept their threats, nor will they accept the threats of shameless people like you. Cao Ziming, do you really dare to kill me? The Shengguo court is behind me, and you are framed by frame-up , do you dare to really take my life?"

The eldest princess laughed, her laughter full of ridicule.

Of course she's not that afraid of things she hasn't done before.

Xiu Haoran, a disciple of Danqing Pavilion, was so upright that it was an eye-opener for her to be able to frame him up to this point. She didn't believe that as a disciple of Danqing Pavilion, Cao Ziming really dared to kill people and silence them.

If this is the case, Cao Ziming's Taoist heart will collapse, and Haoran's righteousness will backfire.

Unfortunately, she ignored one person.


Ji Changsheng completely sentenced the eldest princess to death in his heart.

Originally, he thought that as long as the eldest princess was willing to return from her lost ways and cooperate with him to rectify the blessed land of Sheng Kingdom, he would naturally help the eldest princess change her mind, and even help her become the queen of Sheng Kingdom.

These are all within his capabilities.

But the eldest princess walked all the way to the dark side.

He can only kill one more chicken and hopes the next person in charge will be smarter.

"Killing without teaching is not the style of Danqing Pavilion, but Xuandu Guan doesn't care." Ji Changsheng said calmly: "Senior Brother Cao may not dare to kill you, so I will do it. Princess, I declare that you deserve to die!" "

After pronouncing the verdict, Ji Changsheng raised his magic sword.

"Keep someone under the sword!"

Ji Changsheng heard these words, and then he waved the Sad Magic Sword instantly.

All cats and dogs dare to shout "Keep one under the sword" in front of me.

The most important thing is that he can't even see through the fact that I'm holding the Sad Magic Knife, which shows that the person's strength is just that.

Not worthy of his face.

So Ji Changsheng took action without hesitation, and even became more decisive.

However, although the visitor did not see through Ji Changsheng's illusion, he saw Ji Changsheng take action.


A silver compass arrived first and appeared in front of the eldest princess. It instantly enlarged and took Ji Changsheng's knife for the eldest princess.


The sad magic knife struck the compass, and the aftermath of the energy emitted made many people around him subconsciously take three steps back.

This is the reason why Cao Ziming took action in time to protect him.

Ji Changsheng's sword used 70% of his strength, and he didn't have much to spare during the actual attack at the Golden Core stage.

But no one was killed.

Ji Changsheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the person.

A young monk with nine palaces and eight trigrams embroidered on his robe.

Of course, it is also very possible that he is no longer young.

A person who practices spiritual practice cannot determine his or her age based on appearance alone.

"Are you going to protect the demon girl from the Heavenly Demon Sect who Xuanduguan and Danqing Pavilion want to kill?"

Ji Changsheng looks like a big hat.

Chao Yuntian's eyes twitched.

Although he has a background, he really doesn't dare to take on such a big hat.

People will die.

"I have met Junior Brother Ji. I am Chao Yuntian of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce, and my master is Tianjizi."

Chao Yuntian quickly reported his family name.

Also highlight your background.

Ji Changsheng snorted coldly: "I've never heard of it. I'm just asking you, do you want to protect the demon girl from the Demon Sect who Xuanduguan and Danqing Pavilion want to kill?"

Chao Yuntian: "...Junior Brother Ji, I guarantee in the name of my master that the eldest princess is definitely not an undercover agent of the Demon Sect."

Ji Changsheng sneered: "Who is your master? You dare to vouch for the demon girl from the Demon Sect?"


Many people coughed loudly.

Cao Ziming walked to Ji Changsheng and reminded him in a low voice: "Junior Brother Ji, Tianjizi is the most powerful person in the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce and the Yi Sword Immortal among the five great sword immortals."

Ji Changsheng's heart trembled.

He knew that his future mother-in-law was among the five great sword immortals, and the cheap adoptive father he had just recognized was also one of them.

He has also heard of the name Yi Jianxian.

But Yi Jianxian is Tianjizi, and Tianjizi and the eldest princess are actually related again, so he really knows nothing about it.

But even though he knew it now, Ji Changsheng remained unmoved.

My father, Yu Laomo.

Mother-in-law Linglong Fairy.

My wife is Taiyin Xingjun.

Yi Jianxian?

Do I need to give him face?

Shouldn't it be that he needs to give me face?

So Ji Changsheng changed his statement: "Tianjizi wants to protect the witch from the Demon Cult that Xuanduguan and Danqing Pavilion want to kill?"

Chao Yuntian smiled bitterly.

He didn't dare to wear this big hat, and he confirmed that his master didn't dare to wear it either.

Chao Yuntian tried his best to explain: "Junior Brother Ji Mingjian, the eldest princess is my fiancée."

Ji Changsheng said "Oh": "It seems that you are also suspected of colluding with the Demon Sect."

Chao Yuntian tried his best to ignore Ji Changsheng's words, and said solemnly: "When I was engaged to the eldest princess, I specifically asked the family master to do a fortune telling for the eldest princess. The divination showed that the eldest princess had a pure origin, a clean background, and had nothing to do with the devil's sect. It doesn’t matter.”

Ji Changsheng said coldly: "The hexagram can be wrong."

Chao Yuntian reminded: "My master does not make divination easily, but he never misses any divination, so he is named 'Tian Ji Zi'."

Cao Ziming also reminded in a low voice: "Junior Brother Ji, Tianjizi is indeed famous in the world, and he has not made any miscalculations so far."

Ji Changsheng's heart was as solid as iron and he remained unmoved. He just said indifferently: "So are you questioning Senior Brother Cao for framing the eldest princess?"

Hearing what Ji Changsheng said, Cao Ziming reacted instantly.


He only heard the name of Tianjizi but never saw the person.

But he completely saw the truth that the eldest princess was a demon witch.

Besides, doesn’t he know whether he framed the eldest princess?

Ji Changsheng continued: "Even though Tianjizi is famous, Ji still chooses to believe in Senior Brother Cao. If he offends Tianjizi...for Senior Brother Cao, for the sake of the righteousness of heaven and earth, it will be offended. Ji is even the husband of Linglong Sword Immortal I dare to kill them all, and I don’t mind killing the fiancée of Yijianxian’s disciple again!”

Cao Ziming was moved.

"Junior Brother Ji, I will definitely live up to your trust."

Ji Changsheng nodded: "Senior Brother Cao, there is no need to be superstitious about the strong. Even if you are as strong as Fairy Linglong, your husband will still be unvirtuous and your son will be unfilial. So what if the eldest princess is really calculated by Yijian Immortal? I love my master, and I will continue to do so. Love the truth! I only believe in the truth and you!"

Cao Ziming trembled all over. After a moment, he stood in front of Ji Changsheng with his sword in hand and said sternly to Chao Yuntian: "Junior Brother Chao, I'm offended. The eldest princess is a demon girl from the Tianmo Sect. The evidence for this is conclusive. Even if you are a high disciple of Tianjizi, I can’t even think of saving this witch’s life today. If I offend Yi Jianxian because of this, Cao will bear the full responsibility!”

Chao Yuntian: "..."

This was a situation he hadn't expected.

Normally, as long as he reveals his master's name and uses the "Yi Sword Immortal" calculation with 100% accuracy, he should be able to fish out the eldest princess.

Unexpectedly, Ji Changsheng not only established himself on a moral high ground with a few words, but also persuaded Cao Ziming of Danqing Pavilion to stand on his opposite side.

It was the first time that he encountered a situation where the name "Yijianxian" didn't work, and he couldn't react.

But after all, he is a disciple of "Yi Jianxian".

After Chao Yuntian pondered for a moment, he said decisively: "Junior Brother Ji, Brother Cao, can you give me some face? I believe that the eldest princess must have a misunderstanding about this matter. Give me three days, I will definitely investigate the truth of this matter and give the two Please tell me one by one. Within these three days, the eldest princess will be temporarily detained in Xuandu Temple, how about that?"

Cao Ziming frowned and said, "Why delay..."

Ji Changsheng interrupted Cao Ziming: "For the sake of 'Yi Jianxian', I will not wait until one day is over."

"Okay." Chao Yuntian did not bargain any more, but before leaving, he still reminded him: "I guarantee with the reputation of the family teacher that there is absolutely no connection between the eldest princess and the demon sect. There must be a misunderstanding on this matter."

Ji Changsheng glanced around with his peripheral vision.

Chao Yuntian didn't say this to him and Cao Ziming.

It is said to the people around you, and even to the people in the world.

Yi Jianxian's reputation is not strong enough for him, but obviously his reputation is strong enough in the world.

Yi Jianxian said that the eldest princess has nothing to do with the Demon Sect. Many people in the world will believe that the eldest princess has nothing to do with the Demon Sect. Many people even believe that Cao Ziming is framing the eldest princess.

Ji Changsheng thought to himself, for the sake of Senior Brother Cao's reputation, I can't just sit idly by.

Yi Jianxian...heh.

Can you figure out that the eldest princess has nothing to do with the Demon Sect?

If the Demon Sect admits it, how should you respond?

Ji Changsheng lowered his eyebrows and quietly activated the transmission talisman:

"Madam, have you eaten?"

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