Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 82 What, are you not convinced?

When Cao Ziming heard what Ji Changsheng said, he almost knelt down to Ji Changsheng on the spot.

Is this still possible?

Even Cao Ziming couldn't think of it, and the royal ministers were even more helpless to complain.

A female worshipper couldn't stand it anymore. She pointed at the separated body of Emperor Sheng and asked Ji Changsheng: "Elder Ji, does your majesty look like he committed suicide with his body separated and still staring in silence?"

Ji Changsheng nodded: "Like!"

People around: "..."

I have never seen such a shameless person.

Ji Changsheng explained patiently: "This sister is inexperienced at first glance. For practitioners, there are many ways to commit suicide. The way His Majesty died, it seems that he used magic power to cut his own head with a knife before he died. Cut it off."

The female priest looked at Ji Changsheng's sincere face and fell into a long silence.

She thought of what her mother had taught her: the better-looking a boy is, the more likely he is to lie.

But this female priest felt that her mother's words were not necessarily correct.

Although Ji Changsheng was very good-looking, his deception skills were obviously not very high.

He is shameless.

And... I am blatantly telling her that I am lying to you. Do you have the ability to expose me?

The female priest asked herself, she did not have this ability.

She couldn't help but ask a question just now, which was her limit.

Although none of the other worshipers believed that the emperor committed suicide out of shame, no one was willing to stand up and be the honest child.

So Ji Changsheng was very pleased.

"Your Majesty, you see, the worshipers all agree with me. We all agree that the Dog Emperor committed suicide out of shame. Your Majesty can announce this news to the public."

Ji Changsheng knew that not many people believed that the emperor committed suicide in shame.


He just needed to give Xuanduguan a reason to excuse him.

Whether it is true or false, whether the outside world believes it or not, it doesn't matter to him.

It’s even better if the outside world doesn’t believe it.

In this way, fewer people in Shengguo would dare to oppose him.

As for the truth…

Before Fairy Linglong ascends, Xuanduguan has the final right to explain the truth.

So Ji Changsheng didn't panic at all.

The queen was also convinced by Ji Changsheng's sincerity.

"Fortunately, Elder Ji is aware of everything and has all of you as witnesses. Otherwise, I would have thought that Your Majesty was killed."

The worshipers would love to say that we don't want to be witnesses at all.

But Ji Changsheng blew his breath at the "Xuan Du Guan Standard Magic Sword" in his hand.

Seeing this, Cao Ziming drew out his sword again and looked at it, as if there was some unique treasure on the sword.

Choose the good ones and follow them!

Cao Ziming felt that his realm was getting better and better.

So the royal ministers collectively remained silent.

Even the queen didn't want to uphold justice for the emperor.

Why do these wage earners work so hard for their boss?

And it's not their turn.

The queen was completely relieved.

Things went more smoothly than she expected.

Of course, her attitude also played a very important role.

Sometimes what breaks the opponent's will to fight is not only that the enemy is too strong, but also that one's own side surrenders before fighting is also a very important reason.

As the apparent person in charge of the royal family camp, the Queen kneeled down to Ji Changsheng first.

The worshipers naturally no longer had the will to fight.

"Your Majesty passed away. This matter cannot be concealed. I will announce the news to the public later." The Queen looked at Ji Changsheng again: "Elder Ji, you said that Your Majesty is a demon cult man, and you must provide evidence, otherwise It is very likely that people in the world will misunderstand you."

Ji Changsheng smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, Madam, if others don't know, you have to do it yourself. Although the emperor has hidden it very well, the aura of the demon sect cannot be hidden from me. Later, Ji will conduct a simple search, and he will definitely find proof that your majesty is The evidence of demon cultists will never be questioned by anyone in the world."

The most difficult thing is killing demons and teaching demons.

Now that the demon sect demon has been killed, we only need to prove that the demon sect demon is the demon sect demon.

This one is very simple.

Ji Changsheng didn't have much else here, so he only had enough to deal with things related to the Demon Cult.

The queen nodded: "I have to thank Elder Ji. If not for Elder Ji's presence, the Sheng Kingdom's court would be in danger."

Ji Changsheng said modestly: "It's not just me who deserves the credit. Senior Brother Cao also fought bloody hard and killed a Demon Cult monster."

Ji Changsheng pointed at Yan Yougen whose body was also separated.

"On the surface, this person is the Jindan Keqing of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce, but in fact he has taken refuge in the Demon Sect. Not only him, but also Yi Jianxian, the top master of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce, has also taken refuge in the wife of the leader of the Demon Sect. The reason why the Shengguo royal family was The demon sect has invaded so deeply, and the source probably lies with the Dog Emperor and this demon named Yan."

This inference was sound and well-founded, and the Queen was very convinced.

"In addition, all the worshipers also understand the righteousness. After I explained the truth, they immediately saw clearly the true face of the Dog Emperor Demon Cult monster, and stood decisively on the side of justice and truth. The Queen must also be gracious to them. Reward. Although the worshippers are all practicing people and do not care about the gold and silver treasures in the world, it is not the fault of the Ming Master to not reward them for their merits."


win over.



After Ji Changsheng's combo of attacks, the already silent royal servants had no intention of resisting.

The queen followed her good deeds, and the salary paid to the worshipers was the money of the royal family of the Sheng Kingdom.

The queen felt no psychological pressure from spending her dead husband's money.

"Elder Ji said that I would like to thank all of you for your support." The Queen listened to the advice: "His Majesty is dead, the royal family of the Sheng Kingdom is in turmoil, and I am a daughter-in-law who is in great need of your support. From now on, all of you will support me." All the benefits have been increased by 20%. This is the limit that I can achieve now. If you want to continue to improve the benefits of your worshippers, I will need to have a greater say. Please don’t be offended."

Ji Changsheng glanced at the queen appreciatively.

Being able to fight her way out of the palace fighting environment, the queen is indeed capable.

What you said just now is very good.

Binding her own interests to those of the royal family.

In this way, opposing the queen is opposing one's own future income.

"The empress humbly accepts advice, and she is a wise master." Ji Changsheng said directly: "A country cannot be without a king for a day. Now the emperor has committed suicide in shame, and the prince has been confirmed to be a demon from the Huangquan Sect and was killed by Ji. The power of the Sheng Kingdom appears. It is not a blessing for the people to leave a vacuum. I think your Majesty is gentle and elegant, and knows people well. I would like to ask Your Majesty to take over the power of the court temporarily. For the sake of the prosperity of the country and the people, I also ask Your Majesty not to refuse."


The empress was a little surprised: "Elder Ji, you don't know something. The imperial court has ancestral precepts and the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics."

Ji Changsheng waved his hand: "This ancestral precept was abolished just two days ago by the emperor and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty. Your Majesty, don't worry."


From the emperor to the ministers of the Sheng Kingdom, no one was willing to cooperate with Ji Changsheng in rectifying the business of the blessed land.

So the queen who came from a poor family was pushed out to be a puppet.

They were the ones who violated the ancestral precepts first, and Ji Changsheng is really not talking nonsense now.

"Your Majesty, the emperor and the first minister of the Sheng Kingdom are demons of the Demonic Cult. It is hard to imagine to what extent the royal family of the Shengguo was infiltrated by the demonic demons of the Demonic Cult. Now I only believe in you, and all the royal ministers also only believe in you, so I would like to ask your Majesty to Don't refuse. On behalf of all of you, I offer my services and ask the empress to preside over the affairs of the court."

Ji Changsheng is a reasonable person.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that he could not forcefully represent others, so he immediately corrected him: "Of course, if any of the worshipers have different opinions and don't want to be represented by Ji, they can also stand up and refute. I am the most reasonable person, As long as what you say is right, Ji will definitely listen to your advice and will never force anything."

Cao Ziming was very impressed: "Junior Brother Ji, you are so kind."

The worshippers once again expressed collective silence.

Ji Changsheng said happily: "My Lady, have you seen it? It is the common voice of the worshipers to let you preside over the government. For the sake of all the worshipers, you should not refuse, otherwise wouldn't it chill the hearts of loyal ministers and righteous men?"

The queen was also moved.

"Thank you all for your support, and also thank you for your respect, Elder Ji. Although I have little experience, since I am so valued by everyone, I can only take on the important role at this juncture and temporarily act as the agent of the next new king."

Queen Ji Changsheng still couldn't help but praise her.

You shouldn't have agreed so quickly.

Three requests and three concessions are the default rules for everyone.

But he also understands.

The more cumbersome the process, the more likely it is that accidents will occur.

The queen is in place in one step, and avoids any complications.

"The empress is righteous..."


Just when Ji Changsheng and the Queen had reached a consensus, and the Queen reluctantly decided to act as an agent in the government, a man in his thirties broke into the Yangxin Hall.

The four-clawed python embroidered on his clothes revealed his identity.

Cao Ziming sent a message to Ji Changsheng: "It's the third prince."

Ji Changsheng immediately remembered what Cao Ziming had said to him before.

Ji Changsheng came up with plans to rectify Shengguo's blessed land business, but none of the powerful people in Shengguo wanted to cooperate.

The emperor claimed that he could not recover from his illness.

The third prince broke his leg while riding a horse.

The fourth prince was also diagnosed with a serious illness by the imperial doctor and was unable to take charge.

Ji Changsheng believed in the principle of pursuing sincerity for sincerity.

But seeing the third prince's flying legs, Ji Changsheng was very angry.

I believe you, you actually played tricks on me.

This is simply unreasonable.

Before Ji Changsheng could get angry, the third prince burst into tears: "Father, you died so miserably."

Ji Changsheng glanced at the royal offerings from the corner of his eye.

He made a move against the emperor in the Yangxin Hall, which made a lot of noise. It was certain that he couldn't hide it from others.

But for the third prince to come over so quickly, there must be someone in the royal family who could inform him.

Now that the third prince can come, the seriously ill fourth prince will probably have a medical miracle soon.

Ji Changsheng, who never lied, sneered inwardly.

A group of liars, deceiving his feelings.

"Father, who killed you? I must avenge you!"

The third prince burst into tears, but his voice was loud.

If Ji Changsheng had not set up a soundproof barrier, the third prince's mourning would have spread throughout the palace immediately.

It can be seen that the third prince is still a bit advanced.

It's close to foundation building.

So Ji Changsheng became even more angry.

With such a level of cultivation, he actually deceived him into saying that his leg was broken while riding a horse.

Not a son of man.

"Stop crying." Ji Changsheng said coldly: "Your Highness, no matter how loud you cry, it won't be heard. I've put up a soundproof barrier."

The third prince's crying stopped for a second.

Then he continued to cry.

It was not until five seconds later that the third prince gradually regained his excitement and asked: "Elder Ji, may I ask what happened to my father? Why did he die suddenly? Is someone harming my father?"

Obviously, the third prince already knew who killed his father.

But he didn't dare to point the finger at Ji Changsheng.

Instead, he looked sharply at the Queen.

If I can't bully Ji Changsheng, why can't I bully you?

The queen is the successor and is not as old as the third prince. In fact, after the queen entered the palace, she did not give birth to a single child.

Whenever a queen has offspring, she may not be the queen yet.

Previously, it was precisely because the queen had no heirs and was from a humble background that she posed no threat to all forces. In addition, the queen herself knew how to advance and retreat, so after weighing all parties, she became the queen of Shengguo.

The third prince must have never expected that a woman he had never seen as a threat before would now jump out to compete with him for the throne.

The queen seemed frightened by the third prince's aggressive questioning and looked at Ji Changsheng for help.

Ji Changsheng did not disappoint the queen.

He didn't even answer the third prince's question.

He was immersed in the fact that he had been deceived and was very angry: "Your Highness, if I remember correctly, didn't you break your leg while riding a horse?"

The third prince: "..."

How long has it been since this happened, and you still cling to this kind of thing?

But when he asked Ji Changsheng what to say, Ji Changsheng was too lazy to answer him. Ji Changsheng asked him something, but he didn't dare to ignore it.

The third prince could only say: "I did fall from a horse and broke my thigh before, but after careful diagnosis and treatment by the imperial doctor, I have recovered now."

"Is the imperial doctor's medical skills so good?" Ji Changsheng sneered: "How could I remember that you said you would stay in bed within three months?"

The third prince was speechless.

He originally thought that Ji Changsheng would have to struggle in Shengguo for at least a year, so of course he did not dare to show up and get involved with Ji Changsheng.

But he didn't dare to offend Ji Changsheng.

I can only claim to be sick.

Now the situation has changed dramatically. The emperor died and he had a son.

If he was bedridden again, the third prince would despise himself for giving up such a good opportunity.

But lies can never come back true.

When Ji Changsheng saw that the third prince was speechless, he suddenly became furious: "You bastard, you broke your leg when you were praying for the people, and your leg suddenly improved after your father died. Are you still not a human being? You are simply violating human ethics. You are a beast. If you jump out now, do you still want to inherit the throne of Shengguo?"

The third prince: "..."

Of course he did.

"Elder Ji, the prince's brother was killed by you, and I am now the eldest son. If something happens to my father, I should inherit the throne."

Ji Changsheng angrily scolded: "A beast like you, who only cares about the throne but not the people, is he worthy of inheriting the throne? If the Sheng Kingdom is handed over to you, Ji will be irresponsible to the people of the world."

"What does the succession of the throne of the Sheng Kingdom have to do with Elder Ji?" The third prince argued: "The Immortal Sect Convention stipulates that practitioners are not allowed to interfere in the succession of the throne of the human dynasty. Does Elder Ji want to violate the Immortal Sect Convention?"


As soon as the third prince finished speaking, his leg was broken.

In full view of everyone, the third prince fell directly to the ground, almost fainting from the pain.

Ji Changsheng asked in confusion: "Senior Brother Cao, what did you see just now?"

Cao Ziming and Ji Changsheng looked at each other, then their ears moved, and they suddenly realized: "I saw that His Highness the Third Prince broke his leg after falling from a horse as rumored."

After saying this, Cao Ziming blushed.

But I felt a huge sense of accomplishment.

I was finally able to cooperate with Junior Brother Ji.

Although what he said was a lie,...this third prince was indeed not a human son.

When such a person becomes emperor, he is cruel to the people of the prosperous country.

I am asking for justice for the people.

So Cao Ziming continued with an awe-inspiring heart: "I think His Highness the Third Highness's injury may not be cured within a year and a half."

Ji Changsheng nodded in agreement: "In this case, the government of the Sheng Kingdom must not be represented by His Highness the Third, otherwise it will harm the country and the people."

Cao Ziming was convinced: "Junior Brother Ji is right."

"Father, you died so miserably."

"Father, who killed you? I must avenge you!"

Ji Changsheng had just finished dealing with His Highness the Third Highness, when another mourner broke into the Yangxin Hall.

The four-clawed python is still embroidered on the clothes.

Ji Changsheng knew this guy's identity without the introduction of Cao Ziming and the Queen.

It must be the fourth prince who was seriously ill not long ago, but who just had a medical miracle.

Everyone stared at the fourth prince with strange eyes.

Three seconds later.

The fourth prince also felt the strange atmosphere in Yangxin Palace.

Seeing the separated corpses of his father and Yan Yougen, and then seeing the third brother lying on the ground holding his legs and wailing, the fourth prince's cries gradually subsided.

"What happened?" the fourth prince asked tentatively.

The situation seemed to be different from what he thought.

Third brother, what's going on?

Ji Changsheng looked at the fourth prince with a half-smile.

Emperor Sheng's two sons were the only ones left.

If only one of the two people had stood up and been willing to cooperate with him in reorganizing the business of Fudi and doing something practical for the people of Shengguo, Ji Changsheng would not have chosen to cooperate with the queen.

Opportunities were given to them, but they did not seize them.

It is naturally too late to jump out now and try to seize the throne.

"Your Highness, aren't you seriously ill? The imperial doctor said that you cannot manage at all and need to rest for a long time."

The fourth prince argued: "I spent a lot of money to purchase a precious healing elixir from the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. I have just recovered from my condition. I was not deliberately deceiving Elder Ji before."

Ji Changsheng nodded in agreement: "Of course I trust His Highness the Fourth. His Highness was indeed seriously ill before and he must have never deceived me."

The fourth prince felt relieved.

"It's a pity that Fourth Highness, you are an ordinary person after all. You don't understand that in our world of cultivation, medicine cannot be taken randomly, let alone the elixir produced by Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. Tongtian Chamber of Commerce has turned to the Demon Cult and is plotting against Shengguo. Fourth Your Highness, the elixir you took was not a healing elixir, but a poison elixir, which aggravated your injuries."

"How can this be..."

Before the Fourth Prince could finish a sentence, he grabbed his throat with his right hand. His face turned purple and he tried very hard to speak, but no sound came out.

Ji Changsheng sighed softly: "Look, I said that what you took was not a healing elixir, but instead made your injury worse. Am I right?"

The fourth prince looked at Ji Changsheng with malicious eyes.

This devil actually attacked him in full view of everyone.

Ji Changsheng smiled and said: "What? Your Highness, Fourth Highness, are you not convinced?"

Then Ji Changsheng turned his eyes to the third prince: "Or are you saying that the third prince is not convinced?"

Finally, Ji Changsheng looked around at the royal offerings. Everyone lowered their heads, and no one dared to look at Ji Changsheng.

Ji Changsheng smiled with satisfaction: "Empress, it seems that you are in charge of the overall situation of the prosperous country, which is what everyone expects, and everyone is sincerely convinced!"

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