Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 90 Gods fight and benefit all living beings

Naturally, Li Changxi would not refuse Ji Changsheng's request.

"No problem, let's help him advance to Nascent Soul, and he will have to thank us."

Ji Changsheng smiled: "Indeed, my senior sister and I are kind-hearted and are recognized as the two of us in Xuandu. We are the most willing to help others. Du Zongsheng was unable to make progress at the peak of the Golden Core for so long. We, the righteous people, should reach out. A helping hand.”

Li Changxi was very satisfied: "Junior brother, you speak so nicely. If you can speak, speak more."

"Witch, I am the Zongzheng of the Qi State. If you dare to touch me, you are violating the Immortal Sect's convention, and you will definitely not do well..."


The sound of heads falling to the ground came from the opposite side.

The "righteous people" were simply trembling.

I can't imagine what Li Changxi is doing there.

Qi slightly larger than Sheng State in terms of land area.

And if they heard it right, it seemed that the person who died was Qi Guo Zongzheng.

Zongzheng is an official in charge of matters related to the emperor's relatives or relatives.

Zongzheng of Qi State can basically be understood as the patriarch of the royal family of Qi State.

Hearing this, he was killed by Li Changxi.

The "righteous people" looked at Ji Changsheng and listened to Li Changxi, and felt that they were indeed from the same origin.

No one believed that they were not a family.

Neither of them takes the "Xianmen Convention" seriously.

Ji Changsheng asked out of curiosity: "Senior sister, who are you going to kill?"

Li Changxi said: "I saw a scumbag from the Qi royal family and his men were stealing children from ordinary people. Later I investigated and found that these guys have a special fetish for children. I discovered it too late. Many girls and boys were murdered by him, and if he didn’t kill a few of them, I would be uneasy.”

Ji Changsheng nodded: "It is true that he should be killed. This kind of thing must have accomplices. Senior sister, if you kill a few more, you can put the blame on me. Anyway, I am in Shengguo, and I have the Linglong Sword Order. I violate the Immortal Sect's convention. No one with power above Nascent Soul can do anything to me."

Li Changxi said seriously: "When did I violate the Immortal Sect's covenant? What does killing a few demons have to do with violating the Immortal Sect's covenant?"

"Everyone is right" is speechless.

Ji Changsheng: "Senior sister, we are indeed a family. I also killed many demons from the Demon Cult in the Sheng Kingdom. The Dog Emperor of the Sheng Kingdom also colluded with the Demon Cult, but I did not kill him. He committed suicide in shame after I exposed him. Yes, will there be any trouble later?"

Li Changxi reminded: "Junior brother, you'd better restrain yourself. There are more connections in Shengguo. I slaughtered the royal family here in Qiguo and there are not many people to support them, but behind the royal family in Shengguo are Tongtian Chamber of Commerce and Yi Sword Immortal, other sects are also intertwined. I understand, you asked Du Zongsheng because the Du family also has property in Shengguo? "

Ji Changsheng: "Well, the Du family has a lot of properties, which are basically ill-gotten gains. I suspect that Du Zongsheng is the real leader behind these black industries, so I should be on guard against him in advance."

"Junior brother, be careful. Many people in Shengguo are watching. If you go too far, the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce will definitely organize an investigation team to station in Shengguo."

The "all the right people" nodded in their hearts.

This is what they are afraid of.

Once the investigation team arrives, there will be no way to hide what Ji Changsheng did.

But Li Changxi's words soon made them dumbfounded.

"But it's not a big problem. Junior brother, just fix the evidence. If the major immortal sects want to send investigation teams to Sheng Kingdom, they must get the consent of our Xuandu Temple. If my mother or the temple leader doesn't nod, the investigation team will not be able to enter Sheng Kingdom. .After they nod, they will definitely be our people in the investigation team."

Ji Changsheng smiled: "Senior sister, you know me. I always pay attention to iron-clad evidence when killing people, and I will never kill them without being taught. All those who die by my hands are deserving of death, even if Fairy Linglong comes. Can’t fault it.”

Li Changxi: "Indeed, junior brother, I can trust your methods. Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I saw another old bastard."

Li Changxi ended the call.

The "right people" were collectively silent.

Ji Changsheng proved with actual actions that he was not bragging, and as the elder of the Xuandu Temple's outer sect, he was really awesome.

The number one Jin Dan was very powerful, and the Danqing Pavilion was also a top immortal sect, but they couldn't scare Ji Changsheng.

On the contrary, what should be feared is the person standing opposite Ji Changsheng.

The "righteous people" also realized that Ji Changsheng had called Li Changxi on purpose.

This kind of muscle-showing behavior proves one thing:

Ji Changsheng can really do whatever he wants!

Li Changxi, one of the Eight Meridian Masters of Xuandu Temple, responded to Ji Changsheng's every request.

The Danqing Pavilion's almost pre-appointed Young Pavilion Master was like a pig to be slaughtered in the conversation between Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi.

They said they would kill, and they could immediately think of a way to kill Du Zongsheng.

This was not rehearsed in advance. Ji Changsheng had no idea about Du Zongsheng's existence before.

But Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi directly dared to discuss how to kill Du Zongsheng.

What is Xuandu Guan?

What is number one in the world?

The "Public Righteous" people have completely refreshed their understanding.

Let alone them, even Cao Ziming almost knelt down in front of Ji Changsheng.

He had also heard that Li Changxi was not mentally normal before.

Today, after hearing the conversation between Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi at close range, he realized that Li Changxi was not just mentally disturbed.

This head is spinning too fast.

Junior Brother Ji dared to kill Fairy Linglong’s husband.

Master Li Mai dared to kill the son of Fairy Linglong.

Junior Brother Ji and Master Li join forces...

Cao Ziming suddenly discovered that the Du Zongsheng of Dashan in his heart seemed to be nothing.

Facing the impressive achievements of Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi, Du Zongsheng simply couldn't take action.

"Junior Brother Ji, is this the Xuandu Temple?"

Cao Ziming was just sent by Danqing Pavilion to Xuandu Temple for a few days to communicate, and he followed Ji Changsheng down the mountain.

Obviously, he did not have a deep understanding of Xuandu Temple.

Ji Changsheng gave him an affirmative answer: "This is Xuandu Temple!"

Fairy Linglong is the best in the world.

The viewer directly cooperates with Ji Changsheng to deal with the Bai family.

Li Changxi practiced her lies in front of the Master of Eight Meridians.

Not to mention Ji Changsheng.

They are all the mainstays of Xuandu Temple, generation after generation.

This is the gold content of the largest force in the world.

Ji Changsheng looked at "Zhong Zheng".

"Was what I said to senior sister clear enough?"

"All the righteous people" knelt on the ground with a roar.

Too clear.

It was so clear that it almost scared the shit out of them.

Ji Changsheng waved his hand and brushed all the people up.

"I said, don't kneel down, learn to be a human being. I'm not here to exploit you, I'm here to lead you and kill the people who exploited you in the past. Just go ahead and do it. Now Sheng Guo , there is no one I can't afford to offend. Xuandu Temple wants to rectify the atmosphere of the whole world, and Shengguo is the first stop. You all should behave well to this elder, and whoever dares to violate the law, I will send him to see the Dog Emperor."

"Wei Zhongxian, I will keep an eye on you, don't let me down, and set an example for others."

Wei Zhongxian took a deep breath, bowed to Ji Changsheng, and then left the Baohe Hall resolutely.

"People from the inner guard, follow Wei Zhongxian. Senior Brother Cao, protect Wei Zhongxian. If the Du family dares to resist, they will be killed. If no one in the Du family resists... you can also kill the person in charge of Danqing Blessed Land to establish your authority. Believe me, for It will be very helpful for you to practice Haoran Zhengqi.”

Cao Ziming: "..."

He really wanted Junior Brother Ji to teach more slowly.

Within two days of going down the mountain, he learned a lot.

I even feel like I can’t learn it anymore.

But based on the observations over the past two days, Junior Brother Ji is always right.

He also successfully promoted his cultivation to the peak of Jindan.

You are right to listen to what Junior Brother Ji said.

"Junior Brother Ji, I listen to you."

"Go ahead."

Looking at Cao Ziming's retreating figure, Ji Changsheng was thinking, he didn't know who Du Zongsheng was, and he was about to become enemies with him with a high probability.

But Senior Brother Cao is such a good person, he deserves to be the master of Danqing Pavilion.

When the time comes, I will hand over Xuandu Temple in my left hand, Tianmo Sect and Hehuan Sect in my right hand, and hand over Danqing Pavilion to Senior Brother Cao.

I'd love to ask who else?

It's a pity that Senior Brother Cao is too naive.

It is estimated that the elders of Danqing Pavilion would find it difficult to agree to him being the boss.

Otherwise, Ji Changsheng really wanted to try to push Cao Ziming up.

"Changsheng, how's it going?"

Ji Changsheng received Ying Hongye's message at this time.

Ji Changsheng had already reported to Ying Hongye that he was safe, so that Ying Hongye would not blow up the Shengguo Palace directly because he was worried about him and Cao Ziming.

However, Ji Changsheng had been staying in the Shengguo Palace and had not returned to the Xuanduguan office yet, so Ying Hongye was still unavoidably worried.

Ji Changsheng once again reported to Ying Hongye that he was safe.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Ying Hongye: "I have something going on here."

"What's up?"

"A lot of people came."


"The first batch of guests of Taiping Blessed Land, they got their Blessed Land certificate back. They all know that it was you who helped, so we came together to thank you. There are a lot of people, so you'd better come back to see them."

Ji Changsheng glanced at the Queen Mother.

It seems that the Queen Mother is still efficient at work.

The reaction of the Shengguo court was similar to what he expected.

Ji Changsheng had killed the crown prince and the eldest princess of the East Palace before, and this was the result.

It turns out that killing people actually solves problems.

It's just that he hasn't killed enough people, so now he can only solve the problem of Taiping Blessed Land, but not other blessed lands.

What he has to do next is to promote his successful experience and make persistent efforts to create greater glories.

"Hongye, just watch and greet them."

Ying Hongye chuckled and said: "It's your credit. I don't want to take the credit of God for myself. Okay, come back as soon as possible if you have nothing to do. Do you still want to sleep on the dragon bed and mess with the harem?"

Ji Changsheng glanced at the Queen Mother again and said in his heart that she must want me to do this.

But Ji Changsheng is a good man.

He wants to protect his senior sister like a jade.

The main reason is that he just sought Li Changxi's help. If the back foot messes up the harem, what if the senior sister doesn't give him a hug?

Although this possibility was not very high, Ji Changsheng decided to play it safe.

"Okay, that's almost it for today. You can go away if you have nothing to do."

Ji Changsheng ended the banquet.

As expected, the Queen Mother made a suggestion in private: "Master, it's getting late. Do you want to leave tonight?"

Ji Changsheng said calmly: "If you want to leave, pay attention to the impact. The investigation team will definitely come."

He himself was mentally prepared for this.

Li Changxi also said the same, and the matter would definitely not be covered up.

Ji Changsheng is not afraid of the investigation team, but he still has to make superficial remarks.

"There are people waiting for me at the Xuanduguan office. You have done a good job. The first batch of guests of the Taiping Paradise have already received their blessed land certificates." Ji Changsheng praised.

His requirements are not high, as long as you follow his instructions and do your best.

Unfortunately, on this point, only the former queen in the entire Sheng Kingdom has cooperated with him.

So the queen became the queen mother.

Ji Changsheng could only say that some people died unjustly.

The Queen Mother said humbly: "Of course I will obey your orders. Master, I did not perform very well today. No matter what your request is, I will not raise any objections again."

"Don't worry, next time you dare to raise objections, Sheng Guo will replace you with a new Queen Mother."

Ji Changsheng patted the Queen Mother's pale pretty face with a half-smile, and said comfortingly: "I need a Queen Mother to help me with things. As for who this Queen Mother is, it doesn't matter at all. I'm leaving, and the Queen Mother has a good rest tonight."

Looking at Ji Changsheng's retreating figure, the Queen Mother leaned against the pillar weakly, her whole body soaked in cold sweat.

"Yes, Master!"

All the guards and maids bowed their heads.

They swore they didn't see or hear anything!

The Demon Sect, the Soul-Destroying Palace.

The Saint of Albizia closed her eyes and fell asleep. The sweet music of the piano surrounded the palace, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of the lips of the Saint of Albizia.

Finally, she no longer heard the murderous intent.

very good.

At this moment, the talisman on the Saint of Acacia flashed a bright light.

Picking up the transmission talisman and looking at it, the Holy Maiden of Joy really burst out laughing.

"Fanghua, come here and talk."

The sound of the piano suddenly stopped.

A maid knelt in front of the Saint of Acacia.


"How long have you been with me?"

"Two years."

"It's been two years and it's not easy to finally hear the hatred and killing from your music."

"Young and talented, stupid, let the madam down."

"Your talent is not dull. You are born with a heart for music and a courage for swords. You are a genius in Taoism." The Saint of Hehuan chuckled and said: "Unfortunately, this is both your talent and your bondage. In the past two years, if you can If you learn to hide your heart and keep your sword's edge hidden, then it will be considered a great success. You are good and you did not disappoint me."

"Thank you Madam for your advice!"

The Holy Maiden of Acacia raised her hand and popped up a water mirror.

A moment later, in the Broken Soul Palace, the scene where Ji Changsheng was talking about the blessed land of Danqing in the Baohe Hall emerged.

The name "Zhuo Fanghua" was mentioned.

The maid's body trembled slightly, and the murderous aura reappeared uncontrollably in her body.

After looking at the water mirror, the Saint of Hehuan asked: "It's been two years, how do you feel when you hear someone talking about your name again? Zhuo Fanghua!"

The maid looked up.

If he were the deputy prime minister of Shengguo, or someone who knew Zhuo Fanghua was here, he would definitely recognize that this was the extremely young and talented girl from Shengguo two years ago.

Zhuo Fanghua kowtowed: "Please, Madam, send me back to Sheng Kingdom. I am willing to come forward to correct Du Zongjiang personally and help Elder Ji to bring the Du family to justice."

The Holy Maiden of Hehuan laughed dumbly: "It's okay to send you back to Shengguo. In two years, your temper has been almost worn out. But it's not necessary for you to help Ji Changsheng. Without your help, he can still do it The Du family will be brought to justice."

Zhuo Fanghua: "..."

"I'm not sending you back to Shengguo to die as a witness. I'm asking you to take a close look at Ji Changsheng and see how he dealt with the Du family. Watch more, learn more, and imitate more. If you can learn When it comes to Ji Changsheng's behavior, with your heart and courage, your achievements in the future will be limitless."

The Holy Maiden of Hehuan looked at Zhuo Fanghua and said: "I saved your life, sharpened your heart, forged your courage, cut off the mortal world for you, and helped you to understand the art, so that you can live well. Two years ago. Doing that kind of stupid thing once is enough. There are many ways to take revenge. Don't involve yourself in it again. I can save you once, but I can't save you a second time."

Zhuo Fanghua took a deep breath: "Thank you madam, Fanghua understands!"

"I hope you can really understand that Du Zongjiang was greedy for you that day. Firstly, he was greedy for your beauty. Secondly, he saw your heart and courage. He didn't want you to shake Du Zongsheng's position. Du Zongsheng probably didn't know before. Love, but two years have passed, do you think he knew about it?" asked the Saint of Hehuan.

Zhuo Fanghua said coldly: "Elder Ji will try it out for me."

"Yes, Ji Changsheng will answer this question for you. If he brings down the Du family this time, remember, you also owe him half your life."

Zhuo Fanghua nodded seriously.

"It's over now. I will arrange for you to join the Danqing Pavilion again. The world of spiritual practice has its own rules. I can't bully the small. What's more, my identity is so special, I can't avenge you. I wanted to take care of the Du family. I'll leave it to you to level up, but Ji Changsheng is not a stickler for rules. Now that he has taken action, it is very likely that he will uproot the Du family and even kill Du Zongsheng. By then, with your talent, you will have great potential in Danqing Pavilion. "

When the Saint of Hehuan said this, she smiled silently: "But now you don't have the same sense of belonging to Danqing Pavilion as you did two years ago."

Zhuo Fanghua said in a deep voice: "Madam's words and deeds, Fanghua's personal experience, will never be forgotten. Those who speak eloquently have done nothing wrong in their lives? Those who call evil people have no good intentions?"

"There is no need to be so extreme. The style of the Danqing Pavilion is still worthy of praise, and most of the Danqing Pavilion disciples are worthy of trust. There is no need to feel grudge against the entire Danqing Pavilion because of the Du family. You can regard yourself as a pure Danqing Pavilion disciple. , I hope that I will never have to use your dark chess."

That means that the Holy Maiden of Hehuan will never encounter a life-or-death crisis that requires Zhuo Fanghua's help.

Zhuo Fanghua kowtowed again!

The words are divided into two parts.

A quarter of an hour later.

Xuanduguan Office.

Ji Changsheng saw the first guests of Taiping Paradise.

But he did not accept their gratitude.

"Everyone, it's getting late. Let's go back to our homes. From now on, you can live a good life and enjoy the spiritual environment of the blessed land. There is no need to thank me. I have already gotten what I deserve."

Ji Changsheng released his merit energy.

It is already stronger than when it was in Baohe Hall.

And it continues to grow.

"Xuan Du Guan disciples, cultivate merit and do good deeds. You can live and work in peace and contentment, which is the greatest help to me."

A casual cultivator saw Ji Changsheng's attitude and was filled with admiration.

"Elder Ji, you don't know that you have helped us solve a huge problem. Take me as an example. If I can't get back this blessed land, my Taoist companions and I are already preparing to cultivate demons. It's really hard to survive. Go down."

Ji Changsheng asked patiently: "Is the situation of casual cultivators in Shengguo also so difficult?"

"Elder Ji, I don't know if you understand our casual cultivators. Our talents are not enough, so we need to spend a lot of extra spiritual stones to purchase exercises, including seeking guidance from famous teachers. Similarly, from building foundations to attacking golden elixirs, I need to spend more resources Probably ten times as much as you.”

Ji Changsheng suddenly understood.

This is the same as the cram school those children attended when they were in Blue Star.

Ji Changsheng has never been on it himself, but he knows some about the market.

A very profitable industry.

The huge profits were so huge that in the end the country couldn't help but cut them off.

"It is precisely because we are not talented enough that we hope to use the spiritual energy of the blessed land to assist in our cultivation, but Sheng Taiping is really..."

When the casual cultivator said this, he did not dare to continue. He just smiled bitterly and said: "The price he paid for buying back Taiping Paradise is not enough for the interest we pay to the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. Elder Ji, do you know where the most pitfalls of Taiping Paradise are? "


"When something goes wrong in Taiping Paradise, even if we can't live in it, we still have to pay back the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce high interest on spirit stones every month."

When the casual cultivator said this, the others nodded, with hatred evident in their expressions.

"The Night Parade of Hundreds of Ghosts appeared in Taiping Paradise. Logically speaking, this should be something that the Paradise Merchants should solve, and we are also the victims. But the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce doesn't care about our life or death at all. Once we can't pay the interest monthly, the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce will Directly stop our credit and blacklist us in the entire spiritual world."

"Given the reputation of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce in the world, including the cultivation world, once we are blacklisted by the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce, we will have no choice but to become a demon general."

"Elder Ji, I really don't understand. Isn't the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce a righteous sect? Why can they make overlord clauses so unscrupulously?"

Ji Changsheng said calmly: "The Tongtian Chamber of Commerce has been possessed by demons. I came to Shengguo to kill demons. Everyone can live their lives peacefully. If gods fight, it will only be gods fighting in the future. Even if it affects mortals, it will only be a fight between gods. It will bless all living beings.”

"Elder Ji, let's not worry about it in the future. You have already helped us a lot now."

"In the future, if Elder Ji comes to my store to make purchases, it will be free forever."

"Elder Ji's kindness and kindness will be unforgettable to Xu."

"Elder Ji, thank you, thank you for letting us get our blessed land back. Without you, I would have really planned to commit suicide."

Ji Changsheng was not used to this situation.

To be honest, I have never been thanked like this by anyone in my previous life when I worked at the end of the universe.

So he quickly sent them out of the office.

Just give them one sentence:

"You just got the blessed land that belongs to you. There is no need to be grateful to anyone for the gift!"

These were Ji Changsheng's inner thoughts.

He also said this to Ying Hongye.

"Hongye, something is wrong with this world."

"How did you get it?"

"If a group of people are just grateful because they got something that should have been theirs, then there's a big problem."



"Although you committed murders, set fires, and framed people, I discovered that you are actually a good person."

Ji Changsheng: "..."

"I still remember what you told me last time, when gods fight, the gods should fight, and mortals should not suffer."

"That's exactly what I said."

"You did it. A man can keep his word. He's very handsome!"

"Hongye, I want to marry my senior sister as my wife. Do you mind being my concubine?"

Ying Hongye: "..."

Angry from shame.jpg.

"Ji Changsheng, I will fight you to the death!"

Instead of writing Zhuo Fanghua to death, I added a plot about the return of the Taiping Blessed Land to its original owner. This was not intentional, but I didn't want to kill for the sake of killing, and deliberately provoked everyone's hostility. The reality is already very bad, so let’s try to avoid tragedy when writing a book. Moreover, the purpose of immortality is to do good deeds and accumulate virtue, not to kill people and set fires. There must be a process and there must be a result, only then can it be complete. Most of us are ordinary people, so we should let ordinary people get a good result. Another 6,000 words have been delivered. Today’s two updates are 13,000+. Please continue to ask for subscriptions and monthly votes.

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