Don't call me evil god

Chapter 105 A big business that is sure to make money

They found Bishop Skate shortly after sneaking into the manor, which was of course good news for Pat and Gale, but they couldn't act rashly.

There are so many people in the auditorium, and in full view of everyone, taking rash actions will only alert the enemy.

As long as he can keep an eye on Bishop Skate, there will always be a suitable opportunity to strike.

Therefore, Peter and Gale tacitly pretended to participate in the party like other guests, only paying attention to Bishop Skeet's movements from the corner of their eyes.

On the auditorium stage, the middle-aged man cleared his throat, spread out a magic scroll, and concentrated on activating it.

Complex arcane trajectory patterns gathered out of thin air above the scroll, and finally turned into a ray of silver light, flying towards the middle-aged man's mouth.

"Everyone, everyone!"

The man's speaking voice seemed to be amplified by a loudspeaker. The loud voice echoed in the auditorium, and every word he said could be clearly heard even from the farthest distance.

Peter responded.

What was engraved on that magic scroll should be a level 2 life magic [Amplification Technique].

The effect is just like the current state of this middle-aged man. After using amplification, his voice can be amplified. It is very suitable for use in various speeches and can ensure that his voice is heard by all audiences to the greatest extent.

"Please allow me, on behalf of His Excellency Monger, to thank you all for coming here and participating in this grand event."

With a warm smile on his face, the middle-aged man put his right hand on his chest and bowed at a standard ninety degrees.

"Everyone must be curious about what kind of big business Mr. Monger mentioned in the invitation letter to invite you to participate."

"Don't worry, I will introduce it to you here."

As he spoke, the assistant who was ready on the side of the stage concentrated on activating the second magic scroll.

A "picture" outlined by silver and purple light appeared in the auditorium, suspended in the air above the stage.

The content presented on the screen is a line of purple bold characters:

"The Gilded Club!"

The following is added in small silver letters:

"Lord Rune Monger personally invested in the establishment!"

The middle-aged man began the introduction passionately:

"I believe you have all considered similar issues or had similar troubles!"

“I have idle property, but I don’t know how to use it to create more wealth!”

“If you choose incorrectly, you may even suffer losses on your property. If you don’t make any money, you still have to bear the loss!”

Pat noticed that many people in the auditorium were nodding silently, seeming to agree with the middle-aged man's statement.

"Now, everyone no longer has to worry about such problems!"

"Your Excellency Rune Monger, everyone must have heard of his investment legend."

"Back then, with only 200 gold coins as a starting capital, he selected a suitable project to invest in. In one year, his assets increased tenfold!"

"Now, His Excellency Rune Monger is willing to share the opportunity to create wealth with everyone present!"

"The Gilded Club is a place where everyone can enjoy the happiness of growing wealth!"

The middle-aged man waved his right hand violently, and the words in the "picture" changed accordingly.

A giant number "8" appears, followed by a small "%" symbol.

"Eight percent!"

"Temporarily hand over your property to the Gilded Club established by Mr. Monger. He will use this wealth to choose valuable investment targets and let the gold coins generate new gold coins on their own!"

"Your Excellency Monger promises you that you will receive at least 8% of your income in return every quarter!"

"100 gold coins will turn into 108 gold coins in one quarter!"

“You don’t need to do anything during this period, as long as you wait patiently, your wealth will become more and more!”

A goblin in the audience who was wearing a slightly exaggerated golden dress and looked a little funny let out a short scream: "What if I throw in 1,000 gold coins?"

The middle-aged man immediately replied enthusiastically: "Dear Mr. Ruishi, your reward will also be 80 gold coins!"

Hearing this title, Peter's heart moved.

There are indeed many duplicate surnames among the goblins, but the one who appears here and has the surname Ruishi is probably their target.

The short goblin has pointed green ears, slender arms, almost no hair, and a circular pattern tattooed on the right side of his face.

Peter calmly activated the instant messenger, chanted the magical prayer in a low voice, edited the message and sent it to Reina:

"What does Cunning Shadow Gravel look like? Is there a circular tattoo on his right face?"

Got a quick reply:

"Yes! And he likes to wear exaggerated clothes!"


Another target that I needed to look for during this trip was also found!

While Peter was communicating with Reina using magic in his mind, the conversation between the middle-aged man and Shadow Rubble continued.

Cunning Shadow Gravel raised his hands excitedly: "I want to invest 1,500 gold coins, where to sign the contract, and now I can provide a check from Caron's joint savings!"

The middle-aged man had a friendly smile on his face: "Dear Mr. Gravel, thank you for your support and trust in the Gilt Club. However, the Gilt Club is also Mr. Meng's first attempt, so we do not plan to open it for the time being. The amount of investment is too high.”

"If you are a guest with an invitation letter, Lord Meng can accept an investment commission of up to 1,000 gold coins per quarter."

"If you don't have an invitation letter, the Gilded Club also welcomes you to join, but the investment amount per quarter will only be open to you up to 100 gold coins."

"In addition, this quarter, the Gilded Club only plans to open 20 invitation letter places and 50 ordinary places. Friends who intend to join, please provide your relevant information."

"First come, first served. If the quota is full, you can only wait until next quarter to participate."

The middle-aged man has not finished speaking, and the atmosphere on the scene is already hot!

Whether humans, goblins, dwarves, or half-elves, Pete even saw a half-orc crowding to the stage enthusiastically, shouting loudly that they want to sign up to join the club, fearing that they will sign up one step slower than others and cause the quota to run out.

Even Pete was a little moved by the middle-aged man's words. The successful deeds of the big businessman Monger in investment are known to everyone in the Kingdom of Reyak. It is not an exaggeration to call him the "God of Wealth" among mortals.

Just when Pete was thinking about whether to go over and try to grab a regular spot, he suddenly felt Gale's elbow gently hitting his waist twice.

"Look over there, Pete!"

Looking in the direction Gale pointed, Pete's eyes suddenly focused:

The Cunning Shadow·Stone, who just looked eager to pay, now looked like a goblin.

He did not follow the crowd to squeeze towards the middle-aged man to grab a spot, but walked quickly and low-key towards the direction of leaving the auditorium!

Following him... there was another person.

Bishop Skate!


Today's five updates are presented, Guozi will try his best to maintain the five updates.

It is expected that the first volume will be completed in 2 days, or it may be 3 days.

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