Don't call me evil god

Chapter 11 The Limits of Divine Power

When Pete finally left the interrogation room and saw the long-lost blue sky, he was still confused.

After asking Pete again for information, the fat police officer drove him out impatiently.

During this period, no matter how Pete asked, the fat police officer always insisted that he had never heard of Bahamut, and there was no such person in the police station. The gentleman who just left the room was obviously his boss, Sheriff Tren.

If Pete could not still vaguely feel the discomfort left by the [Spell Counter] before, he might really think that he was hit by some illusion magic and imagined a person named Bahamut out of thin air.

But the previous memory was so clear, unlike the illusion magic, it was not like the sense of separation from the reality after the spell effect ended.

Pete, who did not believe in evil, tried to pray to Nowen again.

"Great God of Knowledge, Nowen, I offer you my sincere faith. Please tell me how to find Bahamut Conkdonts Grazchardon!"

This time, Pete did not use the [True Name Knowing] blessing to pronounce this extremely difficult surname, but just tried to recite it in his mind.

As a result, the oracle he received not only did not solve Pete's problem, but also made him more confused:

[Quest: Go to Frostfire Plateau, progress 0/1]

"Why do I want to find someone I met in Green Harbor, but the God of Knowledge guides me to go to a place as far as Frostfire Plateau?"

Pet was confused.

He had heard of Frostfire Plateau.

I learned in the geography general education class at Carron College that the Plantis continent is generally a spindle-shaped structure running from north to south. Green Harbor is a small promontory protruding at the southernmost end. Its special geographical location makes it an excellent sheltered port.

To the north of Green Harbor is Pete's hometown, the Kingdom of Reyak. As the most powerful country on the Plantis continent, the Kingdom of Reyak has a very vast territory, bordering Green Harbor in the south, the Dwarf Forge Town in the north, the Misty Sea in the west, and the Dark Forest in the east, occupying more than one-third of the continent's area.

As for the Frostfire Plateau, that place is further north than the dwarf's territory. It is covered with snow all year round, but there is hot magma erupting from nowhere, and a strange scenery of ice, snow and fire intertwined.

Don't even think about going there. For people like Pete who grew up in the Kingdom of Reyak, the Frostfire Plateau belongs to a place that only exists in various legends.


What Pete didn't know was that Norwen, who was far away in the Kingdom of God, was also surprised.

When Norwen saw the [Know True Name] spell, he had guessed that Bahamut might have disguised his identity, so he was not particularly surprised.

What really surprised him was that when Pete prayed to him this time, Norwen "felt" the upper limit of his current priesthood authority for the first time since he crossed over.

The only feedback Norwen received this time was "Go to Frostfire Plateau".

With such a rough goal alone, it is obviously not a solution to Pete's request. Norwen is sure that the information he received is incomplete.

To describe it, it is probably that all the information has multiple steps, and Norwen can only receive the goal of the first link at this time.

The reason for not being able to obtain all the information is that when Norwen responded to Pete's request this time, he clearly felt the consumption of divine power.

Norwen noticed that using priesthood authority also consumes his divine power to obtain the corresponding information.

It's just that the consumption of divine power in the previous few times when he used priesthood authority to respond to believers was very small.

Compared with the direct granting of power or the transmission of oracles, if Norman does not deliberately perceive it, the consumption is so small that it is difficult to detect.

As a result, the information corresponding to Pete's prayer this time, just obtaining the first step of the goal, caused Norman's remaining little divine power to be greatly reduced rapidly. He would be drained of divine power and die before he could get all the relevant information, which frightened Norman and forced him to stop decisively.

As for why the difference in divine power consumption is so huge when using the same priesthood authority, Norman has not yet found the specific reason.

"The sample size is too small, and it is difficult to summarize the rules."

"If there is only one believer, my source of divine power is too small. Even if the consumption is less than that of other gods, the accumulation efficiency is not good enough."

"Therefore, the most important task at this stage is to find a way to spread the word and recruit as many believers as possible."

For preaching, either mortals take the initiative to call Norman's name in the corresponding format when praying and he receives it, and the two sides establish direct contact;

Or the believers of this sect must try to introduce and recommend it to others.

For Nowen, the first method can not be said to have a bright future, and it can be said that it is basically hopeless.

The reason is very simple.

Nowen has not forgotten that his current identity as the so-called "God of Knowledge" is just a vest, a fake identity!

Non-believers want to establish contact by calling his god's name, and they should use the ones that the black-robed people in the cave said, such as "Father of All-Knowing, Lord of Enlightenment"!

The casual words of mortals such as "Whoever it is, come and help me" are not particularly directed. Not to mention Nowen, no god can directly establish contact through such words.

This way is blocked, leaving Nowen with only another way:

Let those who already believe in him preach to others.

Commonly known as, recruiting people to join!

Pet Qinar pondered for a long time but still couldn't figure out the connection between finding Bahamut and going to the Frostfire Plateau, and no new oracle descended.

"Forget it, never mind!" Pet shook his head vigorously and decided to put these things he couldn't figure out behind him.

Too much debt is not a worry, too many lice are not itchy.

As long as he doesn't think about it, he can pretend that this thing doesn't exist!

He has encountered too many outrageous things in the past two days, not just this one!

First, because of the desire for the so-called "quickly become a level 3 spellcaster", he trusted the black-robed man and was involved in an unknown sacrificial ceremony. Then something went wrong and he almost lost his life there. Fortunately, he was not destined to die. At the critical moment, an outer god who claimed to have just awakened from sleep helped him, and by accident, he really mastered level 3 magic.

As for the interrogation as an accomplice of the black-robed man after waking up in the police station, Pete was exhausted. Now that the matter has finally come to an end, he just wants to go back to the dormitory he rented in Carron College to rest for a few days and comfort his injured heart!

Just a few steps out of the police station, Pete suddenly heard a crisp and hurried footsteps behind him, followed by a smart and pleasant voice:

"Sir! Sir! Please wait a moment!"


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