Don't call me evil god

Chapter 141 Monster Red Tide

The closer you get to the border dividing line where [Past Glory] falls, the more you can feel the greatness of this super-level divine miracle.

The eastern border of the Kingdom of Reyak is thousands of kilometers long. If you have to face the impact of a large number of monsters, you can't defend such an exaggerated territory.

The light curtain itself has no concept of "entity", but it does have the effect of blocking and isolating.

The monsters will become confused when they approach this light wall, and no longer rush into the kingdom where mortals gather.

Even if they happen to hit the light curtain, they will be blocked and bounced by an invisible force and cannot cross.

The monsters who can't find the "direction" later gradually gathered and entrenched in the dark forest.

Apart from anything else, the area of ​​arable land required to feed such a large population in the kingdom is a huge number.

If the wild is occupied by monsters, you can only retreat to the city, which means that you can't farm.

Let alone persist for more than 500 years after the evil god comes.

It only takes a few years or even months for a famine disaster to sweep across Reyak.

With [Past Glory] blocking the impact of various monsters, the kingdom has restored the safe and stable environment of the first five centuries of the New Huili era without the pollution and interference of evil gods.

Moreover, compared with the Kingdom of Reyak, the situation of other mortal races with a small population is even worse.

The dwarves had to abandon most of the Lingyi Wetland where their ancestors once lived, hollowed out the nearby mountains, and built a huge castle in it - Stone Castle.

The goblins roamed all over the world, and finally after Carron Lagan established Green Port in the south of the continent, there was a goblin city in a rough sense.

The climate in the Northern Kingdom is cold, and the activity and aggressiveness of monsters will be reduced. The humans there joined forces with the ants in the Great Snow Mountain, relying on the extensive underground transportation network and shelters, and barely maintained a defensive position.

There are also races such as gray dwarves and dark elves, who simply fled deep underground.

To this day, the Kingdom of Reyak is still the largest and most important grain producer in the entire Prantis continent.

Nothing else.

Other places are not suitable for farming at all!

King Reyak produced grain domestically, and then transported it to various parts of the continent through four transportation channels, including land, sea, air and underground, to alleviate the problem of food shortages of other mortal races and maintain the balance of the situation against monsters.

However, the effect of [Past Glory] does not last forever.

According to the scriptures, when the Pope of the Glowing God Cult launched this super-level divine art bestowed by the gods, he reminded King Reyak at that time.

Every other year, the light wall will temporarily weaken for a few days, and it needs to wait for it to replenish more glow power to maintain the best effect of the divine art.

Just as the Pope described.

On the day one year after this super-level divine art descended, some irregular "gaps" appeared on the miraculous light wall.

The size of these gaps varies.

The large ones are tens or hundreds of meters wide and the height is between ten and thirty meters.

The small ones may only be a few meters in size.

Each time a gap appears in the light wall, it will take at least 3 or 5 days, and at most half a month, before it closes again.

Before the light wall repairs itself, there will be an obvious sign.

The rising sun no longer emits a golden glow, but will turn into a dangerous red color, and during this period it will always hang high above the sky that is reflected in red, and will no longer set.

With the brief appearance of the gap, the monsters who had lost their direction and were confused will rediscover the civilization and order of the Kingdom of Reyak and launch a fierce attack again.

This is the disaster cycle called "Monster Red Tide".

The larger "gap" has a fixed position and is also the main attack direction of the monsters. The kingdom has built a defense line at the border under the light curtain.

During the red tide, the King's Army and the Holy Army will take turns to block the monsters' attack.

However, there is no regularity when a smaller gap appears, and it is difficult to organize defense in advance.

Therefore, every time the red tide breaks out, there will be sporadic monsters taking the opportunity to rush into the kingdom through these small holes.

Attack towns and villages, bringing pollution to the land.

Most of the refugees outside Ceylon City left their homes and became refugees because the monsters that flooded into the kingdom during the red tide destroyed their fields and homes. In order to save their lives, they left their homes and became refugees.

There are three large gaps in the [Past Glory] magic that will appear regularly on the border of Ceylon Territory. Therefore, these three places have built strict defense facilities.

Three walls of defense that rise from the ground relying on the light curtain.

When a gap appears on the light wall, this place will take over the blocking task of the magic and intercept the endless monsters.

The daily stationing site of the Kingdom Army is set up behind the city wall. Similarly, the Crusaders have also set up a fairly large training camp here.

Those new Crusaders who are still receiving intensive training, such as Miranda in the past few years, will be brought to the back of such a defense line. They practice in peacetime and become temporary logistics personnel and reserve teams when the monster red tide breaks out.

The stationed troops need to eat, drink, defecate and urinate, and there are also adventurers and mercenaries who take the initiative to cross [Past Glory] to the outskirts of the wilderness to hunt monsters. Over time, a lot of popularity has gathered near these defense lines, and there are even small-scale markets, hotels and other facilities.

Compared to finding a random location to pass through the light curtain, the density of monsters near the defense line will be much lower, and it is not easy to encounter the unlucky situation of running into a group of monsters just after entering the wilderness.

Therefore, most of the defense lines open to adventurers and mercenaries have gradually become the "entrances and exits" between the kingdom and the wilderness.

Pete and his team set out from Chim Town, intending to pass through the nearest defense line to enter the outer periphery of the Dark Forest.

The name of this defense line is very simple, it is called "Ceylon No. 3 Defense Line".

This name is for the convenience of overall coordination.

After all, during the monster red tide, all locations in the kingdom are facing the impact of monsters. If you let it name it arbitrarily, it is easy to confuse and cause problems.

It takes a lot of time to travel in the wild. When Pete and his team arrived, it was almost evening.

"Let's take a rest here tonight. The visibility at night is too poor. I'm afraid it's not suitable for us to continue traveling." Pete suggested.

Although they had a map in hand and the mission instructions from the God of Knowledge, the five of them had never set foot in the truly dangerous wilderness before. They were inexperienced and naturally had to play it safe.

The others naturally had no objections.

There were some simple buildings behind the defense line, and a rough wooden sign was erected outside the gate of one of them:

"Inn, providing clean hot water, food, beds, blankets, rooms are 4 silver coins a night!"


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