Don't call me evil god

Chapter 161 Talent! Urgent need for talent!

There are a lot of tasks and types in the territory construction series.

There are so many tasks that after unlocking them, the dazzling array of tasks made Pete and his team unsure of which one to start with.

It involves all aspects.

For example, the task about [Population Growth] requires Misty Valley to have 100 permanent residents before the task can be completed, and the reward is something called "Regional Reputation".

The task progress shows that the current number of permanent residents in Misty Valley is a big zero.

Pete and his team didn't react at first.

These 30 living people are not considered human beings?

Later, they carefully checked the task description and understood.

The God of Knowledge, Nowen, has specific requirements for the determination of "permanent population" in the territory.

It is not that one population growth can be counted as one by bringing people here.

The minimum requirement is "owning a house for living in Misty Valley" to meet the conditions.

In the few days after arriving in Misty Valley, they set up some tents as a place to rest.

The refugees were in even worse conditions, without even a tent. They picked up some branches and leaves outside the valley and barely built a leaf bed, almost sleeping on the ground.

This certainly doesn't count as a permanent population.

There is a corresponding task called [Building Houses].

This task requires building a sufficient number of houses of the right size in the Misty Valley to complete it.

In addition, there are a lot of tasks such as [Building Taverns], [Building Markets], and [Building Training Grounds].

When he learned that the lord election would be unlocked after completing a series of tasks, Pete was ready to complete it as soon as possible and then strive to take on the lord's duties.

As a result, after seeing this series of task requirements, he deeply felt that human power has limits.

Even if you work hard from day to night without rest, you may not be able to complete some of the tasks.

These tasks related to territory construction are all big projects!

And there are so many areas involved, and many things are even blind spots for him.

For example, about building houses.

How could he know how to build a house!

When he was a kid, he played around all day and got into trouble everywhere.

Later, he went to Green Harbor and learned all the knowledge related to mages. If you ask him how to mobilize the magic net and how to build a magic model, he can explain it clearly.

Ask him how to saw a piece of wood that meets the requirements of the support beam?

He was at a loss on the spot.

Pete tried to pray to Nowen, and after spending 10 knowledge points, he did exchange for a knowledge called [Ordinary Residential Building].

The problem is.

This is knowledge!

Knowledge must be learned!

He learned magic quickly because he already had the knowledge base in this area.

On the Golden Tide Windbreaker, they were able to quickly repair the airship mainly because they were lucky.

Many things in goblin engineering are fool-proof in the manual. As long as the problem can be found, it doesn’t matter whether it is repaired by professional engineers or amateurs.

Captain Ronald simply had a fluke mentality and dragged a small problem to a worse state. It is not difficult to repair it in reality.

Building a house is different.

This thing is also a systematic and specialized knowledge. In a sense, like the practice of a mage, it takes time and energy to learn and practice.

It is true that Pete can slowly master it with the knowledge and learning progress guide provided by Norman.

But it is not cost-effective!

His energy is limited.

Pete tried to figure out the content related to the [Ordinary Residential Buildings] he exchanged. After studying for a long time, the learning progress bar only increased a little bit, not even 1%!

What is this learning!

He exchanged the knowledge of third-level magic, and learning magic is much faster than learning this shit!

Pete also figured it out.

"We should do what we are good at."

"Let's leave things like building houses to those experienced architects and stonemasons and carpenters."

Pete thought about it carefully.

What is he good at?

In the past, he was good at making trouble, such as chasing chickens and dogs, climbing up the roof and removing tiles.

Now he is good at bombing monsters with magic.

It cannot be said that it has nothing to do with the task of building a territory. For example, there are two relatively unpopular level 3 magics called [Fossil to Mud] and [Mud to Stone]. If you need to build a house, these two magics can theoretically provide help. Craftsmen do not need to pile up the mud and wait for it to dry. Instead, magic can be used to speed up the process.

But now the problem faced by Pete and his team is:

"Does anyone know how to build a house?"

The 25 refugees, as well as Gale, Miranda and Brandon next to them, remained silent.

Pete was silent too.

None of them can!

Let's not talk about them. These people were farmers in the village before they became refugees. Their main survival skill was farming. The limit of their understanding of building a house was to find some broken wooden boards to build a shed.

If they want to follow the task requirements given by the God of Knowledge, the minimum specifications must be 1 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 bathroom, and the minimum area of ​​20 square meters of "ordinary houses", no one dares to guarantee that they can do it.

Only Reina raised her hand hesitantly. "I can... draw a rough drawing of the construction requirements according to the requirements, but I have never tried to actually start construction..."

Her father was an experienced stonemason. Lena had learned a little from him, but only to the extent that she could read the construction drawings.

Pete sighed deeply.

Territory construction encountered huge problems at the beginning.

He had to admit that he had taken the development of a new territory too lightly.

This situation of a lot of things to be rebuilt could not be solved by just a few professionals and 25 refugee farmers.

They were in urgent need of talents.

All kinds of professional talents!

Not only stonemasons and carpenters, but also tailors and other craftsmen.

Apart from other things, the refugees had no change of clothes. When they were looking for monsters in the forest a few days ago, everyone's clothes were inevitably damaged, and now they could only make do with it.

Otherwise, they could only tear leaves as clothes like the savages.

According to the series of tasks issued by Norman, the territory construction series of tasks is still divided into stages. Unlocking the lord election is only the reward for completing the first stage. Pete has checked the tasks later and also requires practitioners such as winemakers in the territory, etc. He even saw the requirements for recruiting circuses in the back!

Although these highly professional personnel can slowly learn the corresponding skills by exchanging knowledge with the God of Knowledge, it takes a longer time to accumulate and cultivate.

Pete prefers another option:

Just find ready-made ones and bring them here!

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