Don't call me evil god

Chapter 168: Being honest leads to big losses

Seeing Ray Wayne, who had packed up his things, walk out of the shed behind Rena, looking impatient to leave, the goblin Hugo almost popped his eyes out.

"No, he, he, you, you, how could he..."

Hugo had been struggling in this refugee slum for so long, and he also knew Ray Wayne's eccentric personality.

Because before this, occasionally people outside the refugee slum would come to Wayne and want to entrust him to help design and build something, but Wayne refused them without hesitation.

Hugo himself tried it.

He once had a business plan to cooperate with Wayne, but the other party didn't even pay attention to him.

He seemed to prefer to rot in the refugee slum like this, rather than return to the identity of the young and high-spirited architect before.

Hugo felt that Pete and the others would definitely return empty-handed like those who tried in the past.

So how did Ray Wayne get persuaded? !

For the first time, Hugo doubted his own "business" ability.

He tried so hard but failed to recruit Wayne.

These people have only been here for a quarter of an hour.

Why is Wayne so enthusiastic about them now, as if he was bewitched by an evil god!


After Wayne joined the team, he thought about Rena's "recruitment" process, and Pete gradually came to his senses.

Ray Wayne is like this.

To put it bluntly.

You can't treat him the same way as a "normal person".

He doesn't value money and material enjoyment, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed in the refugee slum for so long;

Appealing to emotions and reasoning is not of much use to him.

What he really cares about is the skills he is good at, or in other words, his profession.

Rena understands this very well.

She directly mocked Wayne's skills and said that he was not good at it!

This trick is 100% effective against people like Wayne, guaranteed to break his defense!

First use provocation to raise Wayne's fighting spirit again, and then take the opportunity to propose that you can give him a chance to prove his level.

Pete estimated.

Given Wayne's current state, let alone preparing the corresponding compensation for recruiting him, even if he was asked to "pay" to help build the territory in the Misty Valley, this guy would most likely agree without hesitation!

This is not about money.

This is giving him a chance to prove himself again!


Successfully finding the architect talent that is most urgently needed for territory construction, giving Pete and his team a good start in this refugee camp recruitment operation.

Of course, the goal of this trip is not just to recruit an architect.

The requirements in the series of tasks are clear.

The minimum condition of the "ordinary town"-sized territory must have a population of 100 people.

This means that Pete and his team must recruit at least 70 more people.

Of course, Pete did not intend to really recruit all the people at once.

The Misty Valley is outside the border, and it takes nearly 3 days to get there from the Ceylon No. 3 defense line through the forest.

The size of the first batch of 25 refugees was still manageable. With the escort of two third-level mages, Pete and Gale, and Miranda providing treatment for the wounded at any time, all the members arrived at the destination.

If a large team of 70 people is really to be assembled, casualties are likely to occur on the road.

It is better to continue to use the strategy of breaking up the whole into parts, and at most come a few more times.

In Pete's impression, when he left the Misty Valley, except for the magnificent Creation Altar, other places were completely desolate.

Bringing people over cannot immediately convert them into permanent residents of the territory. They have plenty of time left, so they are not in a hurry to complete the task of having 100 people in the territory at once.

This time, Pete and his team recruited, in addition to skilled craftsmen like Wayne, another group of people are naturally the families of the 25 refugees!

Before leaving, Old Bill and his friends specifically asked Pete to help pass on a message to their families, asking them not to continue to suffer in the refugee camps and live a hard life of hunger.

Hurry up and cross the border to enjoy a new life of bread freedom in Misty Valley!

Pete also approved of such a candidate for recruitment.

The reason is simple.

He went to find those people he didn't know at all, and he had to find a way to persuade them to risk stepping into the wilderness and not knowing whether they could come back.

Not only was it difficult to recruit, but he didn't know what these people were thinking, and he might even recruit some potential risks.

The families of the first batch of refugees were different.

Spread a message.

Your fathers and grandfathers have found a suitable new home, come quickly!

That's it!

Knowing the roots and the ins and outs of them, it's not difficult to recruit.


"Can you find the families of those who signed the contract with you?"

Hearing Pete's question, Hugo nodded confidently: "Of course, honorable sir, please rest assured that the 70 silver coins they should be given will not be less!"

"Would you like to come with me and watch me hand over the money to them in person?"

Pete groaned.

He was a little helpless.

On the way here, he tried to explain to Hugo several times that the 25 refugees did not die in the Dark Forest, they really went to open up and build the ownerless territory, and now they are still alive and well, and can eat toast every meal.

According to Hugo's employment remuneration mechanism, if the refugee "stand-ins" are not dead, the commission of 1 gold and 20 silver coins can be taken by the stand-in, which is 50%, that is, 60 silver coins.

The remaining 60 silver coins are Hugo's commission.

The problem is that Hugo doesn't believe it at all!

He insisted on providing the 70 silver coins of compensation to the families of the stand-ins, that is, the beneficiaries, and only kept 50 silver coins for himself.

Pete tried one last time and persuaded Hugo earnestly:

"Mr. Xiwei, I really didn't lie to you."

"They are all still alive, you really don't have to pay them pensions!"

"When you see them next time, according to your contract, just give them the 60 silver that should be given to them."

Hugo shook his head like a rattle and told him seriously:

"Your Excellency, you don't have to test me again!"

"Please rest assured, I am different from those treacherous and cunning goblins in Green Harbor. I am an honest goblin doing serious business!"

"I will not earn less money that I should earn, and I will not be greedy for money that I should not earn!"

"Besides, this is the money they... earned with their lives."

Pete gave up.

Hugo is definitely a freak among goblins.

The goblin race has always been famous for its "changeability" on the mainland;

Well, this changeability is also an abbreviation for "good at adaptability".

They often exploit loopholes in contract terms and find various ways to evade the requirements of the regulations.

How could such an honest goblin appear?

Pete was curious about what kind of education Hugo Xiwei received to make him what he is today!

In short, he really couldn't persuade him.

"I hope you won't regret it later."


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