Don't call me evil god

Chapter 173 New Believer Mission

Gale responded without hesitation.

"I believe in the God of Knowledge!"

His faith is very strong.

Even if he gives up his faith in the goddess of magic, he will not give up his faith in the god of knowledge.

The goddess of magic ignored him, and all the hard work he had done in the past three years was of no use. If he could not get the magic given by the goddess, he would not get it.

The god of knowledge must be reliable, and as long as he wants to learn, he will definitely gain something.

Breaking a promise has a price.

For a period of time, other gods will not accept the faith of the renegade. Even if they accept it, it will be more difficult to grant blessings.

Gale had thought about it. Perhaps it was because of the former identity of the God of Knowledge that the Church of Knowledge caused some misunderstandings from the Glow God Cult.

Being there, he could personally experience the guidance and blessings of the God of Knowledge.

How could such a great god conflict with the Glow Doctrine?

He chose to believe in the God of Knowledge and not abandon his faith.

Reina's thoughts are very similar to Gale's, and her family is not in the Kingdom of Reyak, but in Greenport.

The heretic expulsion order only prohibits entry into the Realak Kingdom, but in a free and neutral city like Greenport, belief is also free.

Pat's ideas are more radical than these two.

Regardless of whether there is a misunderstanding or not, to put it bluntly, this is just a legal notice.

Legal principles are based on strength.

The Glorious Cult's words work because their holy army is powerful. There are many powerful professionals above level 3, and there are also many powerful people at level 5 and 6, not to mention the great pope. A legendary professional above level 6.

There are not many people in the Qiuzhi Church now, and its strength is not strong enough, but the members can become stronger and stronger through their own efforts!

When they can have a group of level 6 professionals in the future, why should they care about expulsion or not?

In the face of the threat of evil gods, the Glow God Cult alone is not enough. Every year before the monster red tide breaks out, they also work with the King's Army to temporarily recruit powerful professionals to jointly maintain the border defense line.

In this world, strong strength is the guarantee of status.

That's what Pate thinks.

Rather than worrying about whether there is a misunderstanding.

It would be better to build up the church territory guided by the God of Knowledge as soon as possible and train more manpower of our own.

With their own territory and their own strength, they can speak forcefully and straighten their backs.

As for this group of refugees who are about to be taken to the Misty Valley.

Just as Novin did with the believers, Pet also decided to leave the choice to the refugees themselves.

Near the 3rd Ceylon Defense Line, Pate gathered the team and preached clearly:

“The new home we are about to go to was developed and established under the guidance of a great god called the God of Knowledge. He will selflessly help believers so that everyone can get what they deserve through their own efforts. Give back!”

"Now, for some unknown reason, the Glow Divine Religion has issued an edict to expel heretics."

"Members of the church who believe in the God of Knowledge will be banned from entering the Kingdom of Reyak."

"Leave the Kingdom of Reyak and come with us to the Misty Valley to build a new territory together, or stay here."

"Everyone, it's your choice."

Peter was not at all afraid that the refugees would not dare to believe in the God of Knowledge because of the heretical expulsion order issued by the Glow God Religion.

For nobles like him and Gale from the Realak Kingdom, the price of being expelled may be high. They will lose their manor, their status, their comfortable life and so on.

Refugees are different.

The refugees are almost starving to death in the Kingdom of Reyak and cannot survive. Is this any different from being expelled?

Their lives couldn't get any worse.

We have already reached the bottom, and no matter how we go from here, we will always go up.

Sure enough.

No one quits.

Everyone, including Ray Wayne and Hugo Seavey, chose to continue to the Misty Valley with Pet.

Of course, the situation of these two people is somewhat different from that of the refugees.

Wayne believed in the God of Craftsman, and his goal was to prove his architectural design back then. He had no intention of converting or also believing in the God of Knowledge.

Hugo is a goblin, and goblins are all pragmatists. They have no mainstream beliefs at all. The one who believes the most is Proust, the god of wealth. A small number of people who like goblin engineering will also believe in Fabian, the god of craftsmen.

These green-skinned little guys have always had a flexible belief. They will believe whoever can give them more benefits.

If the benefits given to them are not enough, they will break the promise at any time.

For this reason, some goblins may even become faithless after breaking their faith too many times.

And most of the time they make money based on their brains, not the blessings of gods.

Peter wasn't too worried about these two people.

He believed that when he got to the Misty Valley and saw the miracles of the Creation Altar and the benefits that various faith-seeking gods could gain, no one would be able to refuse this temptation!

The teachings and prayers of the God of Knowledge were preached to the refugees.

This time, Peter and the others no longer worry about the prohibition on private preaching within the Ceylon Territory. They will be expelled by the Glow God Religion anyway. Next time they come, they will probably sneak into the country through [Past Glory], which is against the law. There are many things, so this is not enough.

However, the results of his mission surprised Pat.

After reciting the prayers, this group of refugees indeed received an oracle response from the God of Knowledge.

But it was not the oracle prompt that said he would become a new believer and get 10 knowledge points.

Pete did not get the task reward of [The Lord's Truth Shines on the Earth].

Instead, it was——

[New Believer Task Released! ]

[Current Contribution Value: 0]

[Complete related tasks to get contribution points. ]

[When the contribution value reaches 50, you will get the blessing of the God of Knowledge and become a believer! ]

After learning the situation from the refugees, Pete was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized something.

"Oh! I understand!"

"This must be the Lord's response to the heresy expulsion order of the Glorious God Cult."

"Faith in the God of Knowledge and joining the Church of Knowledge means being expelled from the Kingdom of Reyak. There is always a price to pay."

"The Lord is using this method to remind those who intend to offer their faith to Him whether they have thought it through."

"If you really have an unswerving determination, you will definitely follow the Lord's guidance and strive to make contributions. This is also in line with the doctrines and beliefs that my Lord has always guided believers!"

"If you haven't thought it through, hesitated, regretted it in the process, you can give up at any time. If you don't become a believer of the Lord, you will not be affected by the expulsion order, nor will you be dragged down by the price of abandoning your faith."

"It must be like this!"

"My Lord is great, no need to say more!"


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