Don't call me evil god

Chapter 18 Have you heard of the God of Knowledge?

"It's all because of that damn Dursley! Oh yeah, and the damned Shadow Crumble, two bastards!" Reina cursed in distress, "They really should be sent to hell by the God of Light! Scum!"

Pet heard the name of Dursley for the second time, and this time there was another one called Shadow Crumble.

The latter didn't sound like a human, but more like a common name for the goblins in Green Harbor.

"What happened?"

Reina explained angrily: "It's a long story, but this is how it all started."

"My father was once a member of the Stonemason Association of the Kingdom of Reyak. There have been no major construction plans in the capital in recent years. In order to find a job that can make money, he came to Greenport with his friends in the association to look for any projects that can be taken on."

"When we first arrived in Greenport, we didn't have any foundation, so we naturally huddled together for warmth and helped each other when we encountered any difficulties."

"In order to facilitate communication, my father took the lead in organizing a small stonemason brotherhood here."

"A few years ago, a gentleman in the upper city planned to renovate his manor. My father took on this commission on behalf of the Stonemason Brotherhood. As a result, he accidentally had an accident while working and was hit on his left hand by a stone."

"Because his hand was injured, he could no longer continue to work as a stonemason, and he spent a lot of money to hire a therapist to treat his injury. Later, it was my father's friends who pooled money together to buy a house here and opened a tavern to entertain the sailors who came and went."

Pet understood "So the sign of the tavern is called Moni Brothers Tavern, which means that this tavern is jointly opened by Mr. Moni and his good brothers."

"Yes, my father has always said that he would give dividends to other stonemason friends, but no one has ever received it." Reina introduced very seriously: "My father's friends are really good people."

"When the tavern was just opened and there were not many customers, they also came to the tavern specifically after work to drink two glasses of wine, and then slowly gathered popularity."

"Half a year ago, the Brotherhood was very lucky and received a big order-Monger, a big businessman from the Kingdom of Reyak, planned to build a large-scale holiday estate in Green Port."

"Monger commissioned a goblin broker named Cunning Shadow·Small Stone to bid in Green Port. In the end, the Stonemason Brotherhood successfully got the order. Cunning Shadow·Small Stone entrusted all the tasks from design to construction to us."

"At that time, everyone calculated that after the project was completed, on average, each person would be paid more than 2 gold coins!"

2 gold coins are definitely not a small amount for ordinary people.

Even for a baron like Pete, who lives in a small place on the border of the Kingdom of Reyak, the food expenses for half a year are barely 2 Reyak gold coins.

If an ordinary family saves money, 1 gold coin is enough for the whole family to have food for a whole year.

"In order to complete this big order, everyone in the Brotherhood worked very hard. Even my father helped to plan the drawings. He didn't rest for many days. Finally, he successfully completed the project before the promised deadline."

"As a result..." At this point, Reina became obviously angry, "That abominable goblin, he is the same as Dursley, two bad guys who are pus-filled, and they should be purified directly by the God of Light!"

"The Brotherhood of Stonemasons has always followed the old tradition and only collects a small deposit before completion. Everyone has been busy for so long, and it's hard to find a cunning guy. When Shadow Crushed Stone asked for the final payment, he actually started to cheat!"

"First, he said that the quality was not up to standard and the finished product did not meet the employer's expectations, and he shouted that he would deduct half of the remuneration. Later, he said that he was short of money recently and gave him some time to raise money. "

"Father went to this goblin several times, but he couldn't get the money. The Greenport Police Department was too lazy to deal with these business disputes. The last time he asked the goblin for money, he actually hired that bastard Dursley to beat up everyone in the Brotherhood and drove them out! "

"Dersley Dursley used to be a gangster in the downtown area, but somehow, one day, he suddenly mastered the way to control his anger and became a first-level professional warrior from an apprentice warrior. "

"Depending on his courage to fight, he quickly became a leader in the gang called the Bloodfang Gang by collecting debts, beating people, demolishing houses, and pimping. "

"Then the leader of the Bloodfang Gang disappeared, and Dursley took over as the new leader of the Bloodfang Gang. "

"Over the years, he has opened several casinos and clubs in the downtown area, and I don't know how much he has earned. money, and his strength was promoted from a first-level warrior to a second-level warrior. "

"That goblin rogue, he asked Dursley to support him, and it was clear that he was going to swallow up the reward!"

"During this period, Dursley kept sending people to harass us, and he also specifically warned the people of the Stonemason Brotherhood not to think about asking for the money, otherwise it would be more than just harassing by smashing the door."

"Two bastards, these two guys are maggots in the same stinking ditch, their hearts are so bad!" Rena became more and more angry, and drank a big sip of beer with hatred.

After understanding the cause and effect, Pete felt a little sympathetic to Rena's family. After coming to Green Port, they encountered various bad things one after another. This bad luck is also unmatched.

"Goblins, these little green skins who are greedy for money are really not good things. When doing business with goblins, never expect them to abide by the so-called fair trade. Goblins are the race in the world that takes contract terms the least seriously."

Reina took another sip of wine, her face flushed slightly, and she agreed angrily: "Mr. Pete, you are absolutely right."

"In fact, when I received the commission this time, I wanted to remind my father that he must make the goblin pay the bill before starting work, and at least he should go to the Green Harbor Bank for a notarization, but my father is too kind, and he still follows the old tradition of the Stonemason Association. As a result, he suffered a great loss this time!"

As she said this, Reina sighed again with a lingering worry between her brows:

"Now the damn Dursleys send people to harass us every day, and the tavern can hardly operate normally. ”

“Everyone in the Brotherhood of Stonemasons is an ordinary person, but there are five Level 1 professionals in the Bloodfang Gang, not to mention Dursley, a Level 2 warrior.”

“If this continues, the tavern will have no income, and other members of the Brotherhood will not dare to go out to find new jobs. Everyone may have to give up the foundation they have worked so hard to build here and find another way out elsewhere.”

“Alas…it would be great if I could become a powerful wizard like you, Mr. Pete. In that case, maybe I could find a way to beat those bastards in the Bloodfang Gang away.”

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

A light sound suddenly rang in Pete’s ears.


[The mission has been released.]

[Mission: The truth of our Lord shines on the earth (repeatable)]

[Goal: Recruit a new believer to believe in the God of Knowledge]

[Reward: 5 knowledge points]

Pet pondered for a moment.

"That... Reina..."

"What's wrong, Mr. Pete?"

"...Have you heard of the God of Knowledge?"


The believers are about to spread from person to person, please give me a recommendation and monthly ticket, thank you~~~

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