Hugo immediately became honest.


It's not like he can't afford to prepare 20 silver coins for each refugee, and in Hugo's envisioned plan, each refugee he recruits will eventually earn him more than these 20 silver coins!

Risking divine punishment from the god of knowledge, just to pursue this little profit?

He could still tell what was light and what was serious.

Hugo stood on a small temporary mound of soil and shouted at the top of his voice: "Don't worry, everyone, we have agreed on a reward of 20 silver coins, not even a copper is missing!"

"Don't worry if you haven't been recruited this time. If the operation goes well, I will come back to recruit more people in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the recruitment site became even more heated, almost boiling.

"As expected of Mr. Seavey!"

"thank you!"

"No wonder Mr. Seavey doesn't go to those hard workers in the towns. He is obviously trying to find a way to help us!"

"Whether you can recruit me this time or not, I praise Lord Xiwei!"

Goblin Hugo is relatively familiar with the refugees in the refugee camp.

To be precise, before meeting Pet and the others, Hugo was actually a goblin broker wandering around the city of Ceylon.

The main content of his business is to take over the work from the clients in the city, and then find ways to find candidates among the refugees who can complete the task, and give them the task to complete, and Hugo will get paid from it.

This is similar to what the goblin brokers in Greenport do.

The difference is that Hugo Seavey tried his best to help these poor guys.

In addition to him, similar agencies and foremen usually come to the refugee camp to recruit people and ask them to help with some chores.

There’s no other reason than it’s cheap.

Compared with the wages demanded by workers in Ceylon City or surrounding towns.

Remuneration paid to refugees is much lower.

Because the number of people needed is small and the number of people competing is large.

When the competition among refugees is at its fiercest, they will even "lower prices themselves" to the point where they can just provide food for them, even without wages!

In comparison, Hugo's approach is simply a breath of fresh air in the refugee den.

Select 20 suitable people from those on site and tell them to gather at the designated location in the refugee camp early the next morning. Hugo's next plan is to go to Ceylon City.

With many years of experience, Hugo was very familiar with the environment in Ceylon City. After entering the city, he walked forward 800 meters along the Third Avenue, turned left and continued in the direction of the Mercenary Union. Crossing Pigtail Alley, you will soon find a shop selling weapons and armor.

"Dwarf Masterwork".

Hugo's goal is here.

Walking into the store, an enthusiastic middle-aged male voice sounded along with the sound of a bell as the door opened.

"Welcome! The weapons and armors we have here are all carefully crafted by the famous forger Maren. The quality is trustworthy and we accept exclusive customization services. If our guests have any needs, we will do it... Damn it! Why is it you!"

The speaker walked out of the shop. He was a short, middle-aged human male. The moment he saw Hugo, his tone immediately changed.


Hugo's face turned dark when he heard this.

"Maren, what do you mean! I'm not welcome, are you?"

The other party angrily tried to drive Hugo out of the store.

"Nonsense, I will be unlucky every time I see you. I wish you would be captured by some evil god tomorrow and never appear in front of me again!"

Hugo strutted towards the back room of the shop.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! You're not allowed in!" Malen said anxiously.

Hugo ignored the other party at all.

After opening the curtain, there was an unpackaged long sword in the back room.

The mahogany hilt is ornately carved with beautiful lines, and a shiny, clear purple gemstone is inlaid on the blade.

Near the tip of the sword, a beautiful bow is tied with a red ribbon.

"Huh?" Hugo exclaimed with great interest: "Whose handiwork is this? It's made to order! It's a huge waste of money!"

Malen hurriedly walked into the inner room, wanting to block Hugo's mouth and lower his voice: "Asshole! Keep your voice down! What if the enemy comes early! I can't continue my business!"

Hugo smiled half-heartedly: "Are you still afraid of this?"

Mullen is the owner of "Dwarf Seiko".

It claims that the products in its store are all made by the famous blacksmith Mullen.

There is no doubt about it.

The so-called famous blacksmith is Mullen himself.

Mullen has a sophistical theory about this.

Dwarf Seiko is just the name of his shop.

Is it possible that the fact that he changed the name of his shop to "Glory Pope Seiko" means that these things are made by Glory Pope?

What's more, the word "dwarf" in his store name does not refer to his race, but to his abbreviation of "very short human being"!

Relying on this trick of secretly changing concepts, Mullen successfully deceived many enemies.

Especially the descendants of the manor nobles, whose strength is not very good, but they have strict requirements on weapons and equipment. They must be "crafted by the so-called dwarf masters" to show their noble status that is different from ordinary adventurers and mercenaries. , in fact, they couldn't tell whether the weapons they got were produced by the dwarf blacksmith.

The acquaintance of Hugo and Mullen was a coincidence.

One day he happened upon Mullen forging a weapon with his own hands.

The scene at that time... well, it was quite embarrassing for a time.

Hugo did not expose Mullen's trick of stealing concepts.

Instead, he chose to "complicit" with Mullen.

The way to cooperate is simple:

"You always have to purchase the materials used for construction. Problems may arise over time, and people will inevitably doubt what you are doing with these things."

"After all, your store sells the products of dwarf blacksmiths. There is no need for you to purchase metal minerals."

"I will find some different people for you and let them do the acquisition on your behalf, and they will also keep secrets for you."

"You just need to pay them a little, isn't it too much?"

At that time, Mullen thought about it and realized that what Hugo said did make some sense.

Most of the merchants who purchase ore in the Kingdom of Leyak use the method of purchasing in large quantities and transporting them in bulk.

The ultimate goal is to send them to the stone castle and sell them to the dwarves.

Mullen, who purchases metal minerals in small quantities and also runs a weapons and armor shop, is indeed easy to be suspected.

It would be much safer to have the people Hugo found for him to cover in the middle.

The two hit it off immediately and have been working together to this day.

Mullen reminded Hugo: "Promise beforehand that the people you find are reliable, talk strictly, and work quickly. I will do some small business now, with limited profits. I have no plans to replace people, and I have no plans to replace them." There are more people!”

"If you have nothing to do, leave quickly and don't delay my business here!"

Hugo was happy: "Who said I'm fine?"

"I have something to do and it's important."

"I have a big deal to talk to you about!"

There will be 2 more updates later, it will be updated every day, please don’t worry

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