Don't call me evil god

Chapter 186 Abnormality

As Maren came to Misty Valley, Norwen immediately launched several new tasks.

The first one was issued to Ray Wayne, asking him to go to Maren to discuss the needs and design a blacksmith shop with suitable specifications. After completing the task, he could get points for the task reward.

Then, he added extra points to the task of [Building a Blacksmith Shop] to encourage the group of believers who were busy building houses to prioritize the allocation of manpower to build the blacksmith shop.

The advantages of modular buildings began to emerge.

After communicating with Maren, the design drawings were completed, and standard modular building materials were ready.

As long as the required standard modules are selected, spliced ​​together, and finally reinforced, the house is built.

It should be said that the output of standard modules has now exceeded the speed at which believers build houses.

There are many modular building materials that cannot be used after they are manufactured, and believers are still making them simply to get points for completing the task.

After all, the [Structural Stability] magic is indispensable when building a house. Now only two believers have mastered this magic. If they are out of business, they will not be able to build a new house.

Producing standard modules is much simpler, and most believers can do it. It is the easiest job.

Others do not have enough knowledge points or do not understand [Structural Stability].

It is that they have not had time to learn it.

The believer who mastered the divine art only took one day from exchange to mastering it.

Others also gritted their teeth and spent 100 knowledge points to exchange for divine arts, but they practiced for a whole day according to the relevant knowledge, and the progress of mastering it was less than 1%.

If you study hard, you can learn it in the end, but it will take more time and effort.

Now believers are gradually understanding it.

People have different talents and characteristics.

Old Bill exchanged the knowledge of the harvest divine art, and he advanced to 100% progress and completed the learning after trying a few times according to the requirements.

It is not because this divine art is simple enough, but because Old Bill is good at this aspect.

In short, Norwen provides believers with the opportunity to choose.

They can find the aspects they are good at to learn.

Of course, they can also be stubborn.

Choose the aspects they are not good at but interested in.

Anyway, the learning progress bar is there, and you can learn it by gritting your teeth and sticking to the end.

While the believers were exploring what they were good at, Norman also discovered an interesting detail:

He found that among all kinds of knowledge, the most universal, or in other words, almost all believers could learn and be called gifted - was actually the knowledge of several professional routes!

When he first discovered this, Norman subconsciously thought he was wrong.

Because it was very counterintuitive.

The mortals in this world are divided into distinct levels.

The first level is the mortals who do not know any divine arts, magic, or combat skills, the most numerous ordinary people;

The second level is mortals like Ray Wayne or Maren who believe in non-professional gods, who have some divine arts and magic, but are not those professional routes and have almost no combat capabilities;

The last third level is a relatively small number of professionals, corresponding to the God of Radiance, the Goddess of Magic, the God of Wildness, and the God of Shadow. By obtaining the divine arts or magic bestowed by them, they can embark on the path of professionals;

The warrior professional route is sandwiched between the second and third levels, and is tentatively counted as 2.5 levels.

The warriors who inspire anger and master combat skills do not have corresponding beliefs in gods. Anger comes from the self-exploration of mortals.

Overall, the population of these three levels shows an obvious pyramid structure.

Ordinary people are the most, and professionals are the least.

At first, Norwen thought that this was because the blessings of gods received by professionals were the most difficult to learn and master, so their number was the smallest.

As a result, with the construction of the territory in the Misty Valley, people who mastered non-combat magic appeared among the believers, such as Old Bill and Ray Wayne. Norwen found that the situation... seemed to be exactly the opposite of what he expected!

The knowledge of the professional route, whether magic or magic, as long as the basic attributes of the believers meet the standards and exchange for the corresponding knowledge, as long as they are willing to make a certain effort, they can learn it.

Although there are differences in the overall mastery efficiency, the gap is not particularly huge.

Those who learn quickly can master it within 5 times of practice.

For those who learn slowly, practicing more than ten or twenty times is enough.

On the contrary, for things like harvest magic and craftsman magic, there is an extremely huge gap between believers.

For example, Pete once tried to study the knowledge and magic related to building houses, but he spent a lot of effort and did not make much progress in learning.

According to the progress estimate, he would have to study for nearly a year and practice thousands of times to master it!

The believer who exchanged for the magic of [Structural Stability] mastered it in one day.

The gap is quite outrageous.

This made Norman confused.

"What is this?"

"Mortals are all innate professional holy bodies, with the talent to learn various professional skills?"

"Then why are there so few professionals in this world?"


What Norman couldn't understand, the believers didn't understand either.

The reason is that not many people noticed this at all.

All believers can become professionals. Under the guidance of the "God of Knowledge Doctrine" promoted by Pete, the whole trend of thought went astray.

Everyone firmly believed that this must be the effect of the blessing from the great God of Knowledge.

In the past, they could not become professionals because they did not receive the blessing from the God of Knowledge.

This is reasonable, not abnormal at all!

With the completion of Maren's blacksmith shop, the "Dwarf Seiko" Misty Valley branch was announced to open, and those believers who decided to take the professional path to fight monsters came to buy or customize the weapons and armor they needed.

Of course.

The currency used for transactions is not the traditional gold, silver and copper coins of the Kingdom of Reyak, but knowledge points.

Maren has no objection to using knowledge points as compensation.

The other casting magic he wants to learn also requires a lot of knowledge points, and the gap is still not small.

This batch of weapons and armor, sold to other believers of the Church of Knowledge, Maren actually only earned a little processing reward, and most of the knowledge points obtained went to Hugo.

Because the batch of metal minerals brought to the Misty Valley was purchased by Hugo from the mineral merchants in the Kingdom of Reyak.

Hugo actually entrusted Maren to do the processing.

Maren was a little confused.

The raw materials were bought with real gold coins.

What Hugo earned was knowledge points.

Although knowledge points are very useful and can be used to exchange for learning more powerful divine arts, this thing is only circulated among the believers of the Church of Knowledge.

Hugo can't go to those mineral merchants and tell them to use knowledge points to buy ore, right?

When Maren asked the question, Hugo smiled very cunningly.

"Hey, who said I only want knowledge points?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you!"

"Knowledge points! Gold coins! I want them all!"


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