Don't call me evil god

Chapter 191 It’s better to be killed by the monster directly

When he could finally vaguely see the lingering gray fog through the occasional gaps in the branches of the forest, Ya'an could no longer hold on. His physical strength was exhausted, his eyes turned black, and he fell down on his feet.

After running for nearly 9 hours continuously, in a place with complex terrain and dangerous environment like a dark forest, this is not just something that can stimulate the human body's potential!

Requires extremely good luck!

With Ya'an's fragile body as a level 2 mage, a level 1 monster that randomly appeared on the roadside and attacked him might knock him down.

It just so happened that the process he ran all the way was...a near miss!

There are sneak attack monsters.

But without exception, they all missed him by narrow margins. There were even times when Ya'an failed to react. As a result, the monster's attack trajectory failed to be predicted, resulting in the attack being dodged.

Before Ya'an passed out, he vaguely heard something coming.

It wasn't the sound of "salad" that was being chased by monsters like gangrenous gangrene along the way. Instead, it sounded like a human voice.

"...Huh? Someone fainted here!!"


Severe pain.

Everywhere in my body hurts.

I don't know how long it took, but when Ya'an woke up and turned around, his first reaction was pain.

It feels like all the muscles in the body have been torn apart, and all the bones have been torn apart and put back together again.


I tried to open my eyes to check the surrounding situation, but my eyelids seemed to have a huge weight and I couldn't open them no matter how hard I tried.

His voice was also extremely hoarse.

Just making an indistinct sound made my throat feel like it was being cut by a blade, it was burning and painful.

Yan heard a sound coming near him.

"Don't be afraid, you are safe now!"

"You're so tired and need a good rest."

It was a female voice that sounded very gentle.

Then, another female voice came.

"Miranda, I brought you something!"

Female voice from before: "Thank you, please, Miss Reina!"

I don't know what material it was made of, but something cool was applied to Ya'an's head. A cool feeling made Ya'an feel a lot more relaxed.

Immediately afterwards, sacred chanting sounded.

"The bright light in the sky..."

Hearing the familiar magical prayer, Ya'an breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the beginning of the chanting of the Glow Divine Technique. The person who helped him must be a member of the Glow Divine Sect.

"Thank God!" Ya'an thought to herself.

His bad luck is finally over!

Maybe he was lucky enough to be rescued by a kind-hearted adventurer or mercenary, send him back to the border defense line, and help him find a priest from the Glow God Cult!

The magical effect appeared on his body, and a warm feeling moistened his painful body. After regaining some energy, Ya'an finally had the ability to open his eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is the wooden roof, which looks like a simple wooden house.

Ya'an was a little surprised.

The situation seemed to be different from what he expected.

The Glow God Cult on the border defense line doesn't live in a wooden house.

Ya'an tried his best to tilt his head slightly to look in the direction of the female voice who spoke before, and saw a young woman wearing a white cloth robe.

The other party held this Glow Book in his hand.

If nothing else, it should be the healing provided by the glow magic she used.

There was another person next to the young woman, a girl wearing a light leather jacket. The two were about the same age and had pretty faces.

"Where is this..." Ya'an said hoarsely, trying to understand the situation.

It took a while to regain some strength, and Ya'an, who finally understood the situation, was shocked.

"Inside the Misty Valley?!"

"The gray mist has opened the channel?"

"The God of Knowledge? The Church of Knowledge?!"

Each message is more exciting than the other.

Ya'an even wondered if he had been sleeping for a century. Why did the world change so much when he closed and opened his eyes?

Before entering the dark forest with his fellow adventurers, he heard the name of the Church of Knowledge in the Church of Glow God.

Because of the expulsion order for heresy.

The church will post the notice in a conspicuous notice position, and will also arrange for priests to explain it over and over again to ordinary believers who are mostly illiterate.

At that time, Ya'an heard that the Glow Divine Cult decided that the teachings of the Seeking Church were in conflict with Glow, so they issued an expulsion.

But Ya'an didn't take it seriously at all.

Because he has never heard of the Qiuzhi Church!

"We want to drive out the heresy, which is the emerging church called the Seeking of Knowledge."

“Who is the Church of Seeking Knowledge?”

Ya'an almost had this mentality at the time.

At that time, he thought that it might be a church organization that had arisen in other noble territories of the Kingdom of Reyak.

In short, he had never heard of this thing in Ceylon.

The results are good now!

Somehow, he was brought directly into the church territory!

Ya'an wished he could faint again on the spot.

Fortunately, he thought his bad luck was over!

Looking at it now, it’s clear that we’ve run into something even bigger!

Over the years, it can be said that all those who have been expelled by the Glow Divine Religion as heretics have special skills and no one is good at it.

Not to mention joy, illusion, and the like.

What teachings encourage epidemics and infections, believe in the god of plague, and preach that suffering from diseases is a test from gods to mortals, and that we should actively embrace evil epidemics and walk the earth with a sick body?

There are also those who believe in the God of Murder, whose doctrine requires believers to use murder as a pastime.

The effect of the divine magic cast by the gods will allow believers to attack with devastating effects when carrying out a carefully planned murder, almost ignoring all the "protection" means of the other party and completing the forced death.

These churches of gods that seriously conflict with the doctrine of Radiance were all driven out of the Kingdom of Reyak by the heresy expulsion order without exception.

Yaan did not expect that he was not killed by the monsters that were chasing him, but ended up in a situation that was likely to be more dangerous!

If he died from a monster, there would be no pain. Like his previous companions, they were drowned without even a scream.

But if he fell into the hands of those "heretical churches", it would be hard to say!

Yaan has heard of it!

The heretical churches sometimes act in the same way as cultists for mortals who are not of the same kind.

They will use victims to perform rituals.

The believers of the Church of Joy will let the victims die when they "climb to bliss", which they think is a kind of offering to the gods.

Popular saying: rush to death.

And in this process, in order to pursue the ultimate pleasure, they will also use various tools and drugs to stimulate.

Other heretical churches are similar, each with its own unique skills!

He now seems to have fallen into the hands of the heretic called the Church of Seeking Knowledge.

Yaan was desperate.

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