Don't call me evil god

Chapter 204 Civilization: Religious Immigration

When the oracle came down, Pete and others who had gathered at the Creation Altar for various reasons were all shocked.

"The upper limit of the number?"

"The Church of Knowledge can no longer collect more believers?"

"Does the Lord not want us to continue to preach to more people?"

Pete was at a loss at first.

After checking the specific content of the [Religious Immigration Mission] in the oracle, he understood.

"Oh... I seem to understand!"

"Praise the God of Knowledge!"


There is a common sense that everyone on the continent of Plantis knows.

The power of the gods mainly comes from the faith of mortals.

But not all mortals can get the true blessing of the gods after believing.

The truth is that the number of mortals who get the real blessing is only a part of it.

The more mortals who offer their faith to the gods, the richer the source of faith, the stronger the power of this god will be, and the number of mortals he can bless will gradually increase.

On the contrary, if the number of believers decreases, the number of people the gods can bless will also decrease, and they may even take back the blessings they once gave.

This increase or decrease is not a linear change, but a phased change.

Every time the monster red tide breaks out, the number of blessings from the gods will change according to the number of his believers.

In addition, some extremely rare distorted materials or some special items found on monsters can increase the number of blessings after being offered to the gods through divine rituals.

Mortals who offer items often receive a large number of blessings as rewards.

Therefore, even for those foreign gods with few believers and very weak priesthood and divine power, the churches formed by believers have never said that they limit the number of believers who join the church.

The corresponding missionaries of the church have always been as many as they can get to offer their faith to the gods.

After all, the more believers there are, the more people can be blessed after the monster red tide in the second year.

As for gods like the God of Craftsmen, who are popular and powerful for ordinary people, it goes without saying.

The priests don’t even need to explain the doctrine and preach the gospel, and mortals will also try their best to offer their faith to him.

The priests of the church will certainly not reject the requests of these people. They will hold initiation ceremonies regularly.

The materials for the divine rituals needed to lead ordinary people to chant prayers are definitely not free.

This part of the cost is borne by the people participating in the ceremony.

The church can also make some money from it.

Whether you can get the blessing of the gods after chanting the prayers is another matter.

Anyway, the priests only hold ceremonies and charge fees.

As for why you have not received blessings after believing?

That is because you are not pious enough;

You are not qualified enough to be recognized by the gods!

Anyway, it has nothing to do with the church.

Why did other people who participated in the ceremony receive the blessings of the gods, but you did not, even though they all offered their faith?

Have you ever reflected on yourself and wondered if you have not worked hard enough?


Petelius sighed: "Other churches don't consider whether the believers they recruit can be blessed. Their priests only preach that as long as the faith is pious enough, they can be blessed after meeting the qualifications."

"As for how to meet the qualifications, they don't know."

"After all, they are already qualified to have blessings and are separated from ordinary people."

"They recruit new church members because they are worried that the gods may take back their blessings after their power decreases. They just use more believers to ensure the stability of their blessings."

"The God of Knowledge is different. He is an existence in the old days. He must have a unique way to obtain power!"

"Otherwise, how can He bless all believers, and so fair and selfless that believers can get His rewards as long as they pray devoutly."

"He clearly told us that only 1,000 believers can get His gifts now!"

"【Perfect Permission】 should be a way for the Lord to gain more divine power so that He can give us more blessings!"

The goal is clear.

If you want to expand the church, spread the doctrine to more people, and most importantly, let more people get the power blessed by the God of Knowledge.

Then you have to follow the guidance of the God of Knowledge to explore the dangerous and mysterious dark caves.

For the current believers of the Church of Knowledge, the word "danger" can be ignored to a certain extent.

With the divine art of [Resurrection], isn't it just a life!

If you die, you will be a hero again after resurrecting in the Creation Altar. At most, you can practice the legendary level again!


The only problem at present is:

The number of believers in the Misty Valley is still too small!

Because at the beginning, Norwen recruited believers in Green Port. At that time, he didn't know the upper limit of the number of believers, so more than 80% of the believers were there, and most of them were ordinary people who didn't intend to become professionals to fight.

After the Glowing God Cult issued the heresy expulsion order, the speed of missionary work in Green Port slowed down significantly, and even some ordinary believers abandoned their faith.

The key point is that there are still a large number of believers in Green Port.

After considering it, they decided not to take risks and did not follow Norwen's instructions to the Misty Valley.

In the past, Norwen could understand why these people were unwilling to take risks and fight.

Now, that's different!

The [Resurrection] spell needs to be registered at the Creation Altar, and the development of Misty Valley is almost on the right track!

The conditions for religious immigration have been met!

Why stay in Green Harbor!

You don’t have to worry about death, so what else do you need to worry about?

The scale of the Dark Crypt is extremely large, and the more than 100 believers in the valley may not even make a splash if they enter it.

Norwen needs more manpower.

He plans to call a large number of believers in Green Harbor!

The [Religious Immigration] task was issued by him for this purpose.

This is the first task with punishment issued by Norwen.

The task requires believers who have not yet gone to Misty Valley to arrive at Misty Valley within 60 days and explore the Dark Crypt at least once within 180 days.

The penalty for failure is simple and severe.

The blessing is withdrawn and the believer qualification is lost!

With the [Resurrection] spell, these task requirements are not difficult to meet.

Even though the name of the task issued by Norwen is [Religious Immigration], he did not actually force believers to immigrate and settle in Misty Valley.

After exploring the Dark Crypt once and completing the task, if they don't mind the trouble, they can also choose to return to Green Harbor.

This is a general mobilization of all believers by Norwen!

The great god of knowledge, Norwen, has provided believers with equal blessings and guidance, allowing them to change their own destiny.

Now is the time for believers to repay this blessing.

And for those believers who are willing to immigrate from Green Harbor, Norwen also gave quite generous rewards.


There will be another update later! Something delayed me!

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