Don't call me evil god

Chapter 206: Duality of Roughness and Stability

The believers in Green Harbor completed a large-scale mobilization. Because Norwen provided compensation for travel expenses, most people finally chose the goblin airship.

No other reason, it's fast.

It takes at least a month to take a boat to the capital and then go by land;

The airship can fly directly to Ceylon in less than 2 days.

Reina also sent a message to Old Moni.

"Don't take the Golden Tide Windbreaker!"

The captain of the Golden Tide Windbreaker didn't take the inspection seriously and was willing to overload. Sooner or later, it would be over!

After coming to the Misty Valley, especially after meeting the goblin Hugo, Reina and the others learned a lot of "cold knowledge" about the goblins.

For example, there are actually 3 types of goblin airships.

Transporting passengers;

Transporting goods;

Passenger and cargo.

The probability of accidents in the first two types of airships is actually quite low.

The most deceptive is the kind that transports both goods and people.

Because it is based on the safety standards of freight, but charges the ticket price of passengers!

It would be strange if nothing happened.

Reina and the others didn't understand the situation at that time, and boarded a "black airship"!

This time, with experience, she would never let her father make the same mistake again.

Reina didn't want her father to go through the crash course of airship repairmen like her.


After the first batch of believers from Green Port arrived in Ceylon Territory, Norwen also arranged for people to pick them up on their way to the Misty Valley.

Goblin Hugo.

He casually gave him a small task and set a certain number of destiny points as a reward.

Hugo happily began to pack up and prepare to recruit companions. When the time came, he could go to Ceylon City to pick them up.

Now Hugo is already familiar with how to smuggle across the border, especially with a large amount of goods or a team smuggling together.

Normally, smuggling across the border, especially entering the country, is a risky thing.

This risk mainly comes from the Glorious God Church.

"If you have nothing to hide, why don't you just go through the border defense line?"

"Do you have something to hide?"

"A heretic? A cultist? Or did you bring contraband!"

But Hugo has gained experience in smuggling now.

He has completely figured out the nodes and routes of the daily patrols of the Crusaders stationed at the Ceylon No. 3 Defense Line.

Practice makes perfect!

Hugo has brought so many refugees to the Misty Valley one after another, and nothing has gone wrong during this period.

He is absolutely professional in smuggling.


Of course, the believers who are already in the Misty Valley are not idle either.

To be precise, they are busier than the believers who are preparing to immigrate to Green Port!

The trouble caused by Yaan temporarily increased the strength of the monsters near the Misty Valley.

Several level 3 monsters, as well as a certain number of level 1 and level 2 monsters are wandering around the valley.

The periphery of the valley, which was already relatively safe, has now become full of dangers again.

The existence of these monsters is equivalent to blocking the gate of the Church of Knowledge!

If they are not eliminated, the weaker believers may be sent back to the Creation Altar as soon as they step out of the valley, and then lose 100 life points in vain.

Although the [Resurrection] magic gives everyone the confidence to not fear death.

But resurrection is not free!

Rebuilding a body consumes 100 points!

For those believers who are only level 1, 100 points means that they have to eliminate more than a dozen level 1 monsters, or hundreds of level 0 monsters to earn.

This is quite painful for newcomers who have just become believers of the God of Knowledge!

And those old believers who are about to come here from Green Port, they have not even completed the feature record at the Creation Altar.

If they die on the way to the Misty Valley, who can they go to for justice.

So Norwen directly issued tasks to guide the believers' actions.

Norwen used the [Regional Stability] numerical mechanism he designed when the Creation Altar was activated.

When the number of monsters near the Misty Valley is large, the regional stability will decrease.

At this time, believers can get extra destiny points and legendary experience when they kill monsters in this area.

After the monsters near the valley are cleared and the [Regional Stability] degree returns to the safe value, Norman will no longer provide additional rewards to believers.


As soon as the mission is issued, the monsters outside the Misty Valley are in trouble!

Although level 2 and level 3 monsters are more dangerous, correspondingly, the rewards you can get after killing them are also greater!

A team of 5 people can get about 25 destiny points per person for killing a level 2 monster.

This does not include the destiny points that Norman rewards extra!

Killing 4 monsters is enough to make a profit!

All the monsters killed next are pure profits!

After figuring out this account, the believers who fought against the monsters showed obvious "rash and steady duality".

At the beginning of the action, the 5 believers were extremely stable when they formed a team.

Communicate in a low voice and act in secret.

The main strategy is to wait patiently for the monster to show its weakness, and never take action without absolute certainty!

When moving in the forest, they were so cautious, for fear of attracting the attention of those level 3 monsters.

With their combat power after cooperation.

Level 1 monsters can be easily killed quickly;

Level 2 monsters can be taken down with steady and cautious fighting;

Level 3 monsters are a watershed, and they are also killed quickly when they are fought.

It's just that they are killed quickly by monsters...

There is no need to think about this extremely stable team, it must not have "recovered" yet!

They will lose a lot if they die!

But once the destiny points earn enough to return to life, their style will change dramatically.

Defend for a wave? Go all out!

Go straight to the front!

Stability and the like were thrown out of their minds, and the main focus became the bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish.

Although cautious action is safe, it is inefficient.

Some monsters that may be risky, they dare not provoke them when they are stable to ensure that they will not fall.

Now, as long as it is not a level 3 monster that can press them to the ground.

Other monsters have only one word when they see it:


Killing is pure profit, and death is not a loss!

Less than a day after the mission was released, more than a dozen believers reshaped their bodies naked in the creation altar.

Five unlucky guys were wiped out by encountering a Level 3 monster;

The rest were basically hit in the vitals during the battle, and died before they could use the Glow Divine Art to heal them.

There was also a ruthless person whose injuries were between those who could be saved in time and those who could not be saved in time.

The ruthless person gritted his teeth and simply slit his throat to commit suicide.

Experiencing the feeling of "resurrection" for the first time, the believers who stayed in the Misty Valley to watch were even more curious than the dead parties.

"What does it feel like when you come back to life?"

"Does it hurt when you die?"

"Have you seen the guides from the underworld?"

"Can you feel your new body when you come back to life!"

"If you don't use the Divine Art when you die, will you really die?"

Questions one after another.

Everyone now knows that you can return to the world after recording your characteristics in the Creation Altar, but you can only know what this process feels like and what it is like after you die once.

Everyone is curious!


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