Don't call me evil god

Chapter 208 Real name envy

The regional stability of [Outskirts of Misty Valley] has returned to the "low danger level" state, and the exploration of the dark cave is naturally on the agenda.

It will take some time for the believers of Green Port to arrive here, especially those who plan to follow the oracle to immigrate. It will always take some time to deal with various things.

The believers of Misty Valley can't wait!

Although fighting monsters is dangerous.

But the pleasure of becoming stronger after winning is real.

After eliminating the worry of death, many people like this feeling of gradually becoming stronger with the naked eye:

Killing 20 more level 1 monsters can make you level up again!

Killing 3 more level 2 monsters can exchange and learn a new magic!

All improvements can be calculated intuitively!

The monsters near Misty Valley were basically eliminated in the big cleanup, leaving only some 0-level monsters, and there is a dynamic adjustment provided by the [Regional Stability] mechanism. As long as there is no sudden change, the danger level will basically remain at this level with slight fluctuations.

In a team, killing a level 0 monster can only get less than 0.3 destiny points and less than 2 legendary experience points.

Even if you find a small-scale level 0 monster nest and kill dozens of them, you can only get a dozen points of reward.


Medium-to-large-scale monster nests?

That thing is impossible to exist around the Misty Valley!

Every large-scale monster nest gradually develops from a small scale and eventually takes shape.

When it was still a small-scale nest, it had been cleaned up by hungry believers, and there was no chance of it becoming a large-scale one!

The environment cannot meet the believers' growing points and experience needs.

In short, for believers whose average level is beginning to approach level 2, the strength of the monsters outside the Misty Valley is no longer enough!


Compared to letting believers run around in the dark forest like headless flies, clear goals are more likely to motivate believers.

The dark crypt is the goal designed by Norman for believers.

Because the evil god pollution in the dark crypt was too serious, many of the contents returned after Norwen used his authority were in chaos.

From Norwen's perspective, the reading experience was like reading a bunch of garbled code, and only fragmentary information could be barely read out from it.

The consumption of divine power was huge, which gave God a headache, and there were not many things that could be understood in the end.

So Norwen decided to leave this headache to the believers.

It's not that the priesthood authority is unaffordable, but it's more cost-effective to drive the believers.

Moreover, there is another advantage of the clear goal of the mobilization in the dark crypt.

That is, the location where the believers died will be relatively fixed.

Otherwise, if they died everywhere in the dark forest, it would be difficult to pick up the bodies.

It would delay his own rhythm of becoming stronger and affect the development of the overall strength of the Church of Seeking Knowledge.

Considering the scale and danger of the crypt, Norwen did not expand to directly issue the believers with tasks that could not be completed at all, such as cleaning up the dark crypt.

According to the information of the Dark Crypt, there might even be cracks connected to the void world in the deepest part. Not to mention the 6th level monsters, if you are lucky, you may even be able to see the evil god himself.

The task that Norwen issued to the believers was just to explore the Dark Crypt.

According to the situation they explored in the crypt, the spoils they harvested and other unexpected gains, the exploration rating will be calculated!

The higher the rating, the better the reward.

According to the route provided by Yaan's memory, and praying to the God of Seeking Knowledge to correct the route, the believers pushed forward all the way to the entrance of the crypt where Yaan mistakenly entered at that time.

It is worth mentioning that Yaan had a very "bad" life in the past two days.

Because he witnessed the life of the believers of the Church of Seeking Knowledge with his own eyes!

What he found most incredible was definitely the resurrection magic.

The situation was really as Pete said. In the Church of Seeking Knowledge, resurrection is not something particularly precious, but a basic welfare that everyone can enjoy.

Moreover, all believers can become professionals.

Yaan watched the old farmer who was still bending over to farm yesterday, and the next day he launched a set of skillful [Charge] + [Broken Hamstring] + [Heroic Strike] combat skills combo against a monster outside the valley.

Each person has a special skill!

There are also delicious food, all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables that he may not be able to eat in Ceylon City. For the believers of the Church of Seeking Knowledge, there is no need to worry about these, as long as they fight or work, they can get them!

Even with the emergence of the [Resurrection] magic, the destiny points are linked to the lives of believers.

In order to save destiny points, some people simply don’t eat the toast bread that can be exchanged for 0.5 destiny points in the Creation Altar.

Plant some wheat and other grains near their residence, rely on the harvest magic to catalyze the growth and harvest, use magic to dry and dehydrate, and then grind it into coarse flour in the mill recently built in the valley, and then go to the public oven to process it into black bread with a worse taste.

They used to eat even porridge, and the taste of black bread was already very good, and this thing can also fill their stomachs.

The key is to save points!

Although the few points saved every day are not much, but a little bit adds up to a lot, which is equivalent to an extra chance of resurrection by the divine art of [Resurrection] every three months or so!

Yaan looked at the believers of the Church of Knowledge, and his saliva flowed with envy.

Now he also wanted to offer his faith to the God of Knowledge!

Let alone the debt of nearly 500 gold coins he owed, if he really wanted to become a believer of the God of Knowledge, that would be nothing!

Even if he didn't go to fight, just reselling equipment from Maren's blacksmith shop and shipping it back to the Kingdom of Reyak to sell to adventurers and mercenaries would be a sure win!

The monsters on this journey were almost slaughtered by the believers who participated in the reselling.

As long as you are familiar with the route, the road is so safe that you don't have to worry about encountering danger.

Besides, even if you encounter danger, it doesn't matter, you can be resurrected anyway!

However, as if his bad luck constitution had recurred, Yaan later learned that the oracle sent by the God of Knowledge clearly conveyed the message:

The 1,000 believers that the Church of Knowledge now has are the upper limit.

When you find the [Perfect Permission], you can expand the number of believers.

Yaan was so upset at that time!

How come it's full when he gets there!

If it weren't for the fact that he heard that [Perfect Permit] was located in a dangerous dark cave, Yaan would have wanted to go find it himself!

Now he just stays in the misty valley every day, looking forward to it, hoping that the people of the Church of Knowledge can quickly find [Perfect Permit], so that he can also have a chance to prove his piety!

The good news is that Yaan should not have to wait too long.

Because with the location of the cave entrance that he mistakenly entered, the strongest team of the Church of Knowledge is about to launch the first exploration of the dark cave!

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