Don't call me evil god

Chapter 232 How did you do it?

Sam's doubts were soon answered.

The owner of the shop, the unlucky wizard Yaan, explained somewhat embarrassedly:

"The [Blink] scroll in our shop, ahem, sorry, is not for sale for the time being, and is considered half a non-sale item."

"Because... I can't completely guarantee that the effect of the Blink will be released after tearing the scroll open."

Sam: "Ah?"

"But didn't you write it here? Blink?"

Yaan sighed.

After the strategy team obtained more [Perfect Permits] and increased the upper limit of the number of believers in Norwen, Yaan now also successfully offered his faith and finally became a member of the Church of Knowledge.

Although he can revive his body at the Creation Altar and does not have to fear the threat of death, after experiencing the great escape from the dark cave, Yaan was a little psychologically traumatized.

When he thought of fighting monsters, he would think of the scene when he was chased by hundreds of monsters.

It would be better to stay in the territory safely and copy some magic scrolls to sell for money.

However, when Yaan finished copying a new [Blink] scroll, he found a strange problem.

The [Blink] scroll drawn by his hand seemed... not necessarily to be the effect of Blink.

The reason why Yaan was sure of this was simple.

After drawing it, he tried to use it himself.

Then he was torn in half with the scroll...

That's right.

At the moment of tearing the scroll, the surging and violent arcane energy gathered into a magic that Yaan didn't know what effect it had.

In short, the final result was: "He was torn apart".

Returning to the warm embrace of the Creation Altar at the speed of light, the destiny points decreased by 100.

Yaan was not feeling well at that time.

Combined with the [Blink] scroll that strangely turned into [Astral Transfer] when he sold it to the magic scroll shop in Ceylon City, Yaan had a rough guess.

The scroll he drew by copying the Blink method, the final effect may only be known by God.

Even if the magic model circuit looks like a flash spell on the surface, once it is torn open, the arcane energy resonates with the magic network, what will happen is completely unknown.

Yaan naturally dare not sell this kind of "cheating" scroll to outsiders casually.

Otherwise, if someone wants to tear off a flash spell when escaping, and finally hits himself with a fireball spell, that would be a lot of fun!

These adventurers who have just arrived in Xiwei Territory are not "immortal" like the members of the Church of Seeking Knowledge, and Yaan doesn't want to cause any trouble.

His personality is originally inclined to be stable. He went to the Dark Forest before to repay his debts. It's better to stay in the safe Xiwei Territory and open a magic supplies store!

However, these [Flash Spell] magic scrolls were not directly abandoned by Yaan and put on the shelf.

No other reason.

The magic he is best at is actually [Flash Spell], and the success rate of scroll copying is also the highest.

Even for other magic like the 1st level [Frost Arrow], the success rate is only about 1 in 20, and the output in a day is only 1 or 2.

He can increase the success rate of the [Blink] scroll to 5 or 6 to get a "finished product".

Although the consumption of magic power when drawing is correspondingly higher, the final output is only at the level of 1 or 2.

But at least the cost of raw materials is low.

Yaan dare not sell this thing to outsiders, but he dares to sell it to the members of the Church of Seeking Knowledge!

Anyway, the worst case is to tear the scroll and tear himself up!

At worst, he can go to the Creation Altar to soak and resurrect.

Yaan took a different approach.

He marked an extremely favorable price for the [Blink] scroll he drew for himself, only 15 life points.

If the conversion is based on the current believers' generally accepted "1 life point ≈ 1 silver coin", the price of this thing is cheaper than the [Frost Arrow] scroll.

Those who can buy it are naturally all believers of the Church of Seeking Knowledge.

If you are lucky, when you tear it open, the [Blink] effect will work normally and solve the problem;

If you are unlucky, then you will die!

After all, this thing only costs 15 life points in total, what else can you expect?

The price is here.

Sam didn't quite understand Yaan's explanation.

But soon a cursing customer pushed open the door and gave Sam a personal testimony:

"Fuck! Yaan, bad review, give me back my points, bastard!"

The other party also looked like a warrior, and the sword and shield on his back and the light armor on his body proved this.

"I was planning to tear up the scroll to avoid the monster's attack, but with your crappy flash spell, the monster didn't attack me because I don't know where it was teleported to!"

"I spent so much effort and was about to kill it and extract the distorted material, but it was gone! Gone!"

Ya An spread his hands calmly and said calmly:

"Please, friend!"

"I said when I sold it, the scrolls in our store are not refundable or exchangeable."

"Once sold, we are not responsible for any problems."

"Besides, just say whether your requirements have been met. Did the scroll help you avoid the monster's attack?"

"And I have reminded you a long time ago that my [Flash Spell] scroll should not be used casually. It is best to tear it up when you are at your wits' end and have no other choice."

"You didn't even remember the precautions for use, why are you blaming me!"

"Yesterday, a customer came to thank me. He said that he accidentally ran into a level 3 monster in the forest while exploring. My [Blink] scroll saved his life and he didn't have to die again."

"This thing is for saving lives. Who told you to use it as a normal [Blink]!"

Ya'an explained.

The previously angry believer of the Church of Knowledge became skeptical.

"... Am I using it wrong?"

"The answer is correct! So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and buy another one to keep in reserve. It may save your life at a critical moment!"

The believer hesitated for a while.

He was a little convinced by Ya'an.

"Then I... buy another one and try it out when the time comes?"

"... Here, the points are transferred to you!"

Ya'an's expression was vague for a moment, and then returned to normal.

A bright smile appeared on his face:

"Got it. Good luck to you, friend!"

Sam, who witnessed the entire transaction between the two, was stunned.

Saving gold coins in Xiwei's savings account and then using the so-called ID card to quickly complete the payment was already incredible to Sam, who didn't understand the principle at all.

This time, what he saw was even more magical.

No ID card was even needed!

It seemed that the two of them completed the transaction of the thing called destiny points in the air.

", how did you do it?"


There will be 3 more chapters later. Please rest assured that if the plot quality is not watered down, it will definitely guarantee 10,000 a day.

The plot of the second volume is about to end. If nothing unexpected happens, the third volume will start next week.

PS: My head hurts, and it seems that I have a cold again. What's going on! So annoying! I was sweating all over and felt dizzy when I was typing.

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