Don't call me evil god

Chapter 240 I ordered, what about you?

After reading the contents of the letter, Bearded Man almost fainted from anger.

His original plan was to collude with the unknown troublemaker, and everyone joined hands to harvest the rich market near Ceylon Territory.

In that case, the relationship between the two sides can be regarded as cooperation.

They provide abundant and convenient channels, and the other party provides sufficient and high-quality sources of goods.

After all, Ceylon Territory is quite far from the dwarf city of Stone Fort, and Bearded Man and his men cannot get a large number of weapons and armor produced by dwarf forgers. Usually, they mainly sell ordinary equipment produced by human forgers.

But the other party proposed a plan that Bearded Man could not accept.


Bearded Man and other equipment merchants in the business alliance were packaged and merged into the other party at a symbolic price of 1 copper coin, becoming a subordinate agency merchant of a place called Xiwei Territory.

After the merger, they can still sell their own goods from Stone Fort, but they must give priority to selling weapons and equipment produced by Xiwei Territory.

And they do not have the pricing power of these equipment!

They have to sell at whatever price the Xiwei Territory sets for them.

If there is any breach of contract, once discovered, the qualification will be revoked.

They are equivalent to just becoming the other party's consignment merchants, and the channels throughout the Ceylon Territory are directly taken away by the other party for free!

What the bearded man can't accept the most is a requirement in this acquisition agreement:

"The commissioned assassin will be permanently blacklisted by the New Business Alliance."

"Too much bullying! Absolutely impossible!" The bearded man said angrily.

If he is blacklisted, what's the point?

His peers can purchase cheap and high-quality weapons and armor from the so-called Xiwei Territory. Although they can only do consignment sales, the bearded man has to admit that those equipment are indeed of the quality of dwarf blacksmiths and the price of human blacksmiths.

He will be abandoned by the entire market!

The bearded man glanced around the room nervously.

"Everyone, I think you all remember the agreement we signed when we established the business alliance?"

"Attack and defense alliance, advance and retreat in the same order."

"The evil outsiders are trying to disrupt the market in the surrounding areas of Ceylon."

"He even wants to acquire us?"

"How long have we been working in this area to achieve the current results? How could the other party just pick the fruits like this?"

"I believe everyone should know what to do!"

The room was quiet for a while.

"Huh? What do you mean, have you forgotten how our business alliance was established?" The bearded man's eyes were fierce.

He also used some improper means at the beginning, such as entrusting a stalker to send a letter to the other party's pillow while they were sleeping in the middle of the night, "inviting" them to join the business alliance he led.

He began to call out names.

"Darwei, what do you think?"

The man who was called looked at the bearded man hesitantly and said carefully: "I... I support the offensive and defensive alliance. I will pretend that I didn't see the acquisition..."

"Locke, what about you?"

"I... I... I won't agree to it either."


"... I... I'm the same as them."

After a series of roll calls, the bearded businessman breathed a sigh of relief.


The other party's low-priced equipment has no stable sales channels at all. Their current sales are only affected by the border camp, and it is near Ceylon Camp No. 3.

As long as the colleagues continue to maintain a united front with themselves, it will take time for the other party to open up sales channels in Ceylon Territory!

Moreover, real shops are different from hawking stalls. The former can have more means of destruction!

Sending some gangsters to harass them from time to time can make them restless!

"Don't worry, I will write to the Countess of Ceylon to report that someone is trying to disrupt the market in Ceylon with a super low price war!"

"We are all honest businessmen who earn a few hard-earned dollars throughout the year and pay a lot of taxes to the king every year."

"Disrupting the market means going against the Countess and the king!"

The bearded man emphasized in a timid manner and left the party in a hurry.

He wanted to inform the Countess of the matter through the municipal officials he knew as soon as possible.

The other party is still selling on the street at this stage, and it is impossible for them to pay taxes.

Using this as a fulcrum, exaggerate as much as possible, and directly slander the other party as a dangerous element that disrupts the market. Maybe you can get the support of the Countess and directly prevent the other party from entering Ceylon from a legal perspective!


After the bearded man left.

The party room fell into silence again.

The people in the business alliance looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Until someone reached out and took the opened letter carefully "as if nothing had happened".

In the process of taking the letter, a small translucent crystal fell out with a "pop".

Everyone was stunned.

"Crystal of recording images?"

This thing can be used even by non-professionals. Just twist it clockwise to record the picture, and twist it counterclockwise to play it.

Judging from the size, this should be a disposable version. It is estimated that it can only store a few seconds of information at most, and the crystal will lose its magic after playing it once.

When the bearded man opened the envelope, he was busy taking out the letter inside and didn't notice that there was an "attachment".

He twisted it subconsciously.

An illusory light screen appeared in the air.

Neat shelves, with sets of light armor, swords, and shields on them.

There are at least a hundred sets.

And they all look brand new, just made.

The person who took the letter earlier glanced at the contents of the letter hesitantly.

As if he didn't care, he spoke softly:

"Join Xiwei Territory, each set of light armor will be offered a 70 silver coin increase, weapons will be offered 40 silver coins, and other special equipment will be negotiated separately."

"On the premise of meeting the local needs of Xiwei Territory, the franchisee will have the priority to purchase the remaining weapons and armor."

"If you are willing to join, Xiwei Territory promises that it will not enter Ceylon Territory within 3 years, and the franchisee will become the only merchant with sales rights in Ceylon Territory."

"If you are interested in joining, please go to Ceylon Line 3 and find a contact person to discuss in detail. The first to join will enjoy additional benefits."

"Contact code: Seek the way."

Everyone...looked different.

It sounds like the conditions are not as harsh as described by the bearded man.

Although they can't double the price as recklessly as in the past and don't have the right to set their own prices, considering that the equipment is so popular that there is no need to worry about selling it and there is no need to worry about the backlog of goods, a profit of dozens of silver coins is not a small amount!

At worst, we can change to the route of small profits but quick turnover!

Soon, someone hesitated and said:

"Well, everyone, I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered that I seem to have something to deal with in my store!"

"How about I go first?"

"You guys continue to chat?"


The fifth update is here, Chapter 237 has been modified, and Guozi will make modifications if there are any inappropriate places! !

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