Don't call me evil god

Chapter 266 Nicole Ceylon

No. 2 Ceylon

The short black-robed man’s voice was a female voice, sounding young, with a bit of a girl’s crispness.

The taller of the three, the black-robed man who had bumped into Petwin before, asked, “What does he do?”

This man’s voice was much deeper, and he sounded listless, like a middle-aged man who had just finished a hard day’s work and returned home tired and exhausted.

“Nothing, Ceylon is just the son of a viscount.”

“I guess he feels that he has grown up and become powerful. Now he is a level 1 professional, and he plans to take advantage of this year’s opportunity to hunt monsters in the Dark Forest?”

“If it weren’t for the sudden appearance of the territory of the Church of Knowledge, he would probably still be hiding in the border camp.”

The black-robed man asked again, “How is Viscount Tostin’s relationship with…the church recently?”

Although he did not specify which church it was, the people who heard the question could understand what he meant.

The young female black-robed person replied:

"I think he should be considered neutral."

"Viscount Tostin is old, and when there is a red tide of monsters, he will try to bribe the warlord to minimize his fighting time."

"The church should have tried to win him over, but it didn't work."

"In the past two years, he has basically stayed in his own manor, and the place he goes most often is the river in Ceylon City to fish."

"The few times he went out were to the neighboring Fenton County to attend parties held by other nobles."

While walking, he listened to the other party's introduction.

The male black-robed person hummed, with a hint of emotion in his voice.

"From what you said, Ceylon City has changed a lot in such a long time."

"Viscount Tostin is old now. I remember that when he was young, the monster red tide would be in the spotlight every year."

The female voice was puzzled: "Strange, you have been to Ceylon City before, do you still need me to introduce these things to you?"

"I have been there a few times, but that was for important matters, so I don't have time to pay attention to these gossips."

The male voice said helplessly.

The female black robe changed the topic: "How is the situation recently?"

"It's just like that, just like before, not much better, not much worse." When the male black robe spoke, the feeling of fatigue almost condensed into substance, and the air around him seemed to become heavy and tired.

"However, the news that a real civilized territory can appear in the dark forest really surprised everyone! It's also a surprise!"

At this point, the male voice was much more excited, and his voice became stronger.

"We have observed it!"

"Miss, you may not know that these territories were built from scratch at a very fast speed!"

"Did you see the solid wall outside?"

"That is not something that only has a good appearance. It is really built with solid stones piece by piece, and there are special architects who use divine magic to bless it!"

"Ordinary monster attacks, as long as there are not hundreds of level 3 monsters rushing in at once, this place must be indestructible!"

"And - the members of this knowledge-seeking church are not afraid of death!"

"The monsters nearby have been killed by them, and there are many people patrolling around every day. "They are on the lookout for those wandering monsters, and they don't even let go of the dark caves!"

"From time to time, a team of people fully armed walk into the caves."

"Their morale is incredibly high."

"Even if their companions die in front of them, they can complete the battle without being affected at all."

"They are extremely united."

"After the battle, as long as the team is not wiped out, the survivors will definitely find a way to bring back the bodies of their companions."

"We will never let anyone be exposed in the wilderness."


When the Church of Seeking Knowledge was mentioned, the man in black robe seemed to be interested and talked non-stop.

He stopped until the three of them walked to a neatly shaped residential house.

Took out a key from his arms and opened the lock hanging on the door.

Pushing open the door of the residential house, after his companions went in, the man in black robe flashed into the house and carefully closed the door tightly.

The layout of the house is the most basic furniture conditions required by the Church of Seeking Knowledge according to the oracle of Norman.

There were wooden tables, chairs and benches, and a wardrobe for storing sundries on the wall;

In the bedroom, there were beds, low cabinets, and a clothes hanger that had been knocked to the ground.

The man in black robe took off his black robe so that he would not be seen again.

He looked like a middle-aged man with a high hairline, and his hair did not look well groomed. There were many rough wrinkles on his face from the sun and wind.

The middle-aged man rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly and explained to the petite woman in black robe:

"I'm sorry, Miss Nicole."

"The conditions are limited, and the environment here is definitely not as good as your life in the castle, but it is much better than where we are hiding."

"Please rest for a night. Tomorrow I will try to find the lord here to see if there is room for negotiation on our ideas..."

The girl called Nicole also slowly took off her black robe.

She revealed a beautiful light yellow soft hair tip.

He whispered: "It's okay, Uncle Yang, you know."

"The environment is not important to us."


At the same time.

At the other end of Xiwei Territory.

The front desk on the first floor of the Shade Inn.

After asking about the price, although Petwin really wanted to stay in the "luxury suite" with a rent of 10 silver per night, considering his empty wallet, he finally took out 1 silver coin and opened the most ordinary room.

He almost spent all the gold coins he brought with him because of the enhanced weapons.

Next, he had to find a way to go home to get money, or he had to live frugally, save money, or even find a way to make money himself.

"Why am I so poor..." Petwin was about to wail with the key handed over by the front desk clerk of the hotel, but his eyes were attracted by the young figure who walked into the lobby lightly.

The petite girl, who was only 1.5 meters tall, had conspicuous and beautiful brown curly hair, a white and smooth face, bright eyes and white teeth, and skin that was as soft as a baby's. She had a kind smile on her face.

Although she was petite, her chest was not stingy at all, and the short dress with soft fabric and exquisite workmanship was bulging.

Petun wiped his eyes, almost unable to believe what he saw.

He hurriedly stopped the second half of his sentence from complaining!

He put on what he thought was the most friendly expression, tried to tidy up his hair that was slightly wet with sweat, put on a noble demeanor, smiled and saluted the girl who walked into the hotel:

"Ah! Miss Nicole Ceylon!"

"Bless the God of Radiance, what a coincidence!"

"I didn't expect to meet you here!"


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