Don't call me evil god

Chapter 27 Lowering the threshold

At first, Pete thought that the God of Knowledge treated him differently, and he and Reina were treated differently.

He thought about it and realized it.

"Oh, that's not right."

Among his several spells, [Hada's Thirst] was because his life was in danger at the time. With the help of his survival potential, he didn't think too much and succeeded in one go.

Later, in the interrogation room of the police station, the spell [True Name Knowing] was not complicated, and he also learned this non-aggressive spell in one go.

Later, whether it was [Arcane Missiles] or the divine spell of the God of Justice, he also did not fail, and they were all successful in one go.

The so-called practice progress is to let people know where they failed this time and how far they are from success.

If there is no failure experience and you succeed in one go, of course you don't need to see any progress bar!

That's fine!

Now Pete even feels a little uncomfortable with this feeling of learning it all at once.

When he believed in the goddess of magic before, his practice path was so bumpy!

Because the goddess of magic is not as generous as the god of knowledge, willing to break a spell apart and show all the mysteries and details clearly.

At that time, if Pete wanted to master a spell, he often had to spend a lot of time and experienced many failures for which he could not find the reason.

Now he has the god of knowledge, Nowen, as his faith.


That thing is not something that can be learned in one go!

Just have hands!

Because he had really been caught in the rain before, Pete could really feel how important this help provided by the god of knowledge to believers is.

In one night, Pete witnessed Rena's practice process with his own eyes.

At first, Rena could only barely make her figure become illusory for a moment, and could not achieve the effect of [Stealth] at all;

Later, the effect of the figure becoming illusory became better and better. If you did not observe carefully, you could hardly find the other party's position.

Finally, when a ray of dawn appeared on the horizon, Rena was able to rely on the power of gathering shadows to make her body completely transparent and illusory, completely blending into the surrounding environment, to the extent that it could not be distinguished by the naked eye.

After a night of practice, Reina, who had made great progress, was in high spirits and happily shared her experience with Pete:

"Mr. Pete, the God of Knowledge told me that 70% of the progress has been completed."

"When I can keep the stealth effect while moving, I will consider the practice successful!"

Pete smacked his lips.

This efficiency, even though he had expected it, was still a bit amazing.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to take the first step into the profession.

This difficulty is not only the difficulty of practice, but also includes various external conditions and channels.

If you want to become a professional, you can't just pray to the corresponding gods and then "I think this will work" to learn the relevant spells, combat skills or divine arts.

If there is no correct way, the truth is that it is difficult to succeed even if you work hard for a lifetime.

The formal method requires going to the corresponding church or college, training ground, and then paying a considerable fee as "tuition", and there is also a limit on the number of places for a period of time.

There are church deacons responsible for leading the way to arrange special places and provide various precious items to assist practice.

The most important point is that high-level professionals will regularly use divine arts to ask the gods to cast their gaze and help newcomers become professionals, so as to reduce the difficulty of taking the "first step" as much as possible.

However, the "high cost" that needs to be paid before the first step will block a large number of ordinary people.

The Baron Manor of the Pete family is in a small town near the Eastern Dark Forest in the Kingdom of Reyak. An ordinary family in that town can only have a surplus of more than ten silver coins after working hard for a month and deducting various living expenses.

After working hard for a year, the savings are barely more than 1 gold coin of the Kingdom of Reyak.

The economy of Green Port is more developed, and ordinary people in the lower city are better off, but the savings that can be saved each year are basically within 2 gold coins.

The entry fee for professionals, even the most affordable and cheapest warrior profession, requires 5 gold coins.

This does not include the expenses of warriors exercising, purchasing weapons, protective gear and other necessities.

You know, it only costs a dozen gold coins to buy a small house with a yard in Pete's town!

If an ordinary family wants to support a professional, they have to buy half a house at the beginning, and there is no guarantee of success.

This threshold is enough to discourage most ordinary people.

But here with the God of Knowledge, the situation has changed dramatically.

The first step of the stealth career route requires complete mastery of the [Stealth] combat skill.

"While moving, the stealth figure can still remain invisible 5 meters away, and can be stable for at least 1 minute."

If these standards are met, it is considered that this combat skill has been mastered.

According to Lena's progress, Pete estimates that she may be able to meet the standard after practicing a few more times!

Did she pay any other costs during this period besides hard practice?

Absolutely not!

No gold coins!

No guide is needed!

The God of Knowledge, Nowen, has already taken on the responsibility of guiding the way, and the effect is better than those deacons in charge of guiding newcomers in the church!

The reason why the nobles of the Kingdom of Reyak are superior to the common people, apart from the so-called "bloodline", is that they often have enough property to learn to become a professional.

Commoners can only work day after day and earn little to make a living.

The descendants of nobles become professionals, and according to the noble law of the Kingdom of Reyak, they can still become nobles.

The descendants of commoners are still ordinary people, they are still commoners.

But the appearance of the god of knowledge, Nowen, seems to break this rule.

Pete is thinking.

With his identity, if he wants to maintain the status of the nobles, he should try his best to curb the spread of the cult of the god of knowledge.

Otherwise, if commoners can become professionals, then they can naturally be named new nobles by the king.

What superiority do the original nobles have?


But Pete has another voice in his heart shouting:

He is of noble birth, but there are also different levels among the nobles!

A small noble like him on the border can't actually get into the core noble circle!

Those royal nobles have better family backgrounds and stronger strength than him. When they mention the descendants of small nobles like Pete, they often say "from the border" with disdain.

The gap in all aspects was not something that Pete could make up by hard work.

That's why he thought of lying down and coming to Green Harbor to get a 3rd-level mage certification, then go back to inherit his father's title and live a life of idleness and waiting for death.

However, after believing in the God of Knowledge and gaining power from Norwen, Pete felt that his mentality was gradually changing.

Just be a 3rd-level mage and stay in the border for the rest of your life?

The channel to gain power is clearly in front of him!

As long as you work hard, it's within your reach!

An emotion called "ambition" is quietly rising in Pete's heart...

"I think I was too conservative before. Our black market money-making plan may be more radical."

Pete raised his head and said seriously to Rena, who was going upstairs to do morning prayers after finishing practice.


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