Don't call me evil god

Chapter 301 They are only at this level

Such a thing as death.

You will be very scared when you die for the first time. This is due to human beings' fear of death.

Once you die a lot, you will gradually start to get used to death and even ignore it.

However, Pat, who had just been resurrected in the magnificent altar of creation, said:

"I can't get used to it at all!"

This is indeed not his first resurrection.

Previously, he led the believers to explore the shallow areas in the dark crypt all day long. Once, Peter made a small mistake.

During the battle, I was distracted to check the message sent by Reina using magic, and I was distracted for a moment.

He just happened to be attacked by a monster and didn't have time to dodge.

But that time, Pat died quickly and did not experience much pain.

After confirming that his injuries were too serious for the priest to revive, Peter decisively drank the comfort potion.

But dying in order to learn [Illusion Magic] is quite a torturous process!

To experience the feeling of knowledge being forced into your brain.

Even if it has been completely filled, it can't wait to flow out like a puff.

Knowledge will still flow into Pat's mind continuously.

Until the moment when he finally couldn't hold on any longer, he died with a "headshot".

But recalling his experience in the Church of Illusions, Peter couldn't swallow his breath.

If you want to infiltrate the Palace of Paradise and teach those guys a lesson, mastering the magic of illusion is a necessary condition.


"Learn even if you die!"

"You'll learn after dying a few times!"

He encouraged himself fiercely.

Of course, Pett was not so determined as to directly fight the most difficult "Control" difficulty to the end.

If calculated based on a 5% progress, it would be equivalent to him having to die 19 more times, which is equivalent to at least 1900 destiny points.

Forget about Pete.

At this stage, probably except for Goblin Hugo and a few other believers who focus on business, no one in the entire Knowledge-seeking Church can hold so many destiny points.

The main reason is that I can't save money.

Such as Peter.

150 destiny points are enough for him to learn a new level 3 magic.

The secrets of the goddess of magic are endless, and the various factions of magic are enough for him to choose from.

There are no restrictions on spell slots. As long as he can learn and remember it, Pete can master as much magic as he wants.

After mastering [Arcane Barrage], I began to think about learning [Cooking Meal], then [Arcane Affinity (Intermediate)], and also wanted to learn [Arcane Tide] and [Mirror Image]...

Especially for someone like Pet who is a fast learner, apart from keeping a few hundred destiny points on hand for emergencies, he will basically spend the rest if he earns enough.

Considering that one resurrection costs 100 points.

Trying to learn [Illusion Magic] only costs 5 points at a time.

Although the ultimate goal is to completely master the knowledge related to divine arts, he can take it a little step by step, and there is no need to go straight to the most difficult one.

Learn the easy parts and then attack the difficult parts.

"Beginner's Difficulty! Learn!"

[Illusion Magic] is the simplest entry level, and the knowledge to build the magic framework is not complicated.

The content of this part of knowledge is more like dismantling everything in the world, presenting everything in a specific frame format, and turning imaginary people or objects into illusions.

The difficulty lies in moving from stillness to movement.

To make the illusion come to life and make it act like a real person, you need to build a complex dynamic structure into the frame.

The status of these structures needs to be adjusted at any time as the illusion moves.

The amount of information this time was not very large. After the knowledge completely poured into his mind, Pet even had a feeling of "That's it?"

There is not even a tingling sensation in the brain.

This is far different from the difficulty of control!

According to the knowledge content, the learning progress was advanced all the way to 12%. The knowledge of dynamic structure gave Pete an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"The format and method of this construction...doesn't feel like a magical technique, but rather similar to the construction method of a magic model?"

When it comes to magic, Peter won't be sleepy!

He is familiar with this!

Pet once spent points to exchange for simple glow magic. After all, the first-level magic is not too difficult to learn. Some low-level glow magics are very practical in treating minor injuries and pains in daily life.

It is precisely because he has been exposed to the knowledge of magic and divine arts at the same time.

Pat could clearly feel the difference between the two.

Magic appears more organized and logical.

There are a large number of "nodes" inside the model.

The direction and shape of the circuit for arcane energy to flow between nodes is fixed.

Different loops correspond to different effects.

Peter could even find a complete circuit model of the first-level magic [Arcane Missile] in the model of the third-level magic [Arcane Barrage].

There is a nested relationship between the two.

This also corresponds to the records in the "Magic Book of All Magic" in the Magic Hermitage.

Mages believe that [Arcane Missile] should be a lower-level, weakened version of [Arcane Barrage].

Divine magic is more symbolic.

When building the framework of divine art, it is difficult to find the so-called node concept. The entire framework is considered to be a symbol of a complete divine art.

It is difficult to make changes to the framework itself.

Most of the time, the size of the frame can only be enlarged or reduced proportionally to enhance or weaken the effect of divine magic.

There are magic-like parts in [Illusion Magic].

The entire framework of the divine art can be broken down and refined into different components.

Some of these components represent the shape of the illusion; some represent the color; some represent the material...

Then aggregate or change them according to a specific format to form a complete illusion effect.

This part of knowledge belongs to Pete's comfort zone.

After discovering the rules, Pete's progress has made great progress.

The entry-level illusion magic knowledge, all formats of illusion components can be passed in one go, and the framework is easy to build.

The learning progress has soared to 30%, and now Pete can use the illusion magic to build a simple effect.

"Try the proficient difficulty again!"

Walking out of the Misty Valley, leaving the Holy Quest Passage, Warren County took a carriage to rush back to Qinar County, and Pete took the time to continue learning.

New knowledge flooded into his mind.

This part is much more complicated than the entry-level content.

In addition to the simple illusion framework, the knowledge began to involve how to cover the illusion with the surrounding scenes and environment.

Pete exclaimed unexpectedly.

"Isn't this... the principle of creating the Paradise Palace?"

Use imaginary scenes to cover reality.

Including the dark space that Pete and Brandon were thrown into when they were driven out of the Paradise Palace, it was the same method.

Soon, Pete reacted:

"Damn! I died in vain!"

"I thought those guys from the Church of Illusion were so powerful that they controlled it per capita."

"It turns out that they have worked hard for 10 years, and their illusion magic is only at a proficient level!"

"I have only learned it for more than two hours, and my progress is about to catch up with them!"


The fifth update is here~

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Thank you Xiao Nong Ta Ta for the reward of 1,500 points, thank you Kosmo for the reward of 100 starting points, I wish the two big guys rich every day and immortality!

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