Don't call me evil god

Chapter 307 This is a technical issue

The appearance of the dessert has not changed at all, it is still so delicate and tempting.

But the third bite that Wendil took into his mouth, the taste has changed drastically!

The original refreshing and sweet taste is gone.

Instead, there is a weird taste that Wendil can hardly describe!

The stinking sewage in the sewer, the old shit in the toilet, the mixed vomit in the swill bucket.

Stinky, salty, bitter, astringent, sour, smelly...

One bite, it is simply a collection of all the malice in the world!

Wendil's facial features wrinkled up in discomfort.

Goddess of Illusion, even the spoiled oatmeal he ate when he was the poorest was not so bad!

Not only that.


Even though Wendil vomited when he realized something was wrong, his stomach still started to cramp like someone had hit him hard.

The stomach seemed to be tightly grasped by someone, and acid water was flowing up.

The whole abdomen was churning, and a strong desire to ejaculate suddenly came.

Wendil almost jumped out on the spot!

Which bastard originally proposed to add the concept of "feeling" to the illusion of the Paradise Palace?

Oh, it seems to be him...

When constructing the illusion, in order to make the experience as real as possible, they also added cognitive illusions of various feelings.

For example, in a hot place, enjoy the pleasure brought by cold drinks;

For example, on a cold night, lean comfortably on a soft sofa recliner, stay by the warm fireplace and warm up.

Pleasure can only be experienced with contrast.


This negative experience is too bad!

No matter how much happiness it brought before, this bite, the impression is immediately filled with pain.

Wendil felt like he fed himself a pile of shit without knowing it.

Or a big mouthful of it!

His mentality collapsed on the spot.

At first, he thought it was a new dessert created by some genius.

The first two bites were indeed a new taste that Wendil had never tasted since he was born.

At that time, he was so happy, thinking that there was finally something new in the Paradise Palace, and he could enjoy it for a while.

As a result... he was obviously too happy too early!

Wendil decisively threw the remaining half plate of dessert aside.

He would rather not eat than touch this thing again!


Wendil tried to use magic to modify his cognition and eliminate the feeling that made him suffer.

"Huh? Why can't it be changed?... Ugh!"

The illusion magic that has always been invincible in the Paradise Palace has lost its effect this time.

To be precise, Wendil's magic did work, and he did erase the feeling.

But at the same time, another cognitive tampering effect was taking effect, continuing to maintain the feeling that made Wendil uncomfortable all over his body!

Wendil tried hard to find the source of the tampering.

After a long time of effort, he finally found the source:

The dessert he had thrown aside!

Somehow, the dessert was not immediately removed by the fictitious servants.

Wendil's face turned black.

He waved his hand to invoke the divine magic, erasing the illusion of the dessert, and his uncomfortable feeling gradually subsided.

"Which genius designed this thing? Thank you, this effect is also related to food!"

"The divine magic is good, but why design such a disgusting thing!"

After sitting on the sofa chair with wide armrests and thick cushions for a long time, Wendil felt that his mental damage was healed a little.

He wanted to ask others which "genius" designed this dessert!

The taste was so unique and wonderful when I ate it for the first two bites, why did it change after the third bite!

Can't it taste the same as it did at the beginning?

If the effect of the magic is modified, it will obviously be a perfect dessert.

The main reason is that Wendil can't copy it himself.

These people don't have a good grasp of the magic, they can only reproduce what they have seen in reality with illusions, and they can't reproduce illusions based on illusions.


"Everyone! Everyone!"

Wendil created a "illusion amplification magic" for himself, so that his voice can echo throughout the Paradise Palace, ensuring that everyone can hear it clearly.

"I just found a new dessert, the taste is very strange!"

"Which brother or sister created it? Come to the endless feast long table, I have something to ask!"

Soon, a familiar figure of Wendil walked quickly to his side.

"You are talking about the spire-shaped dessert, right? I made it."

Seeing the person coming, Wendil was startled and confirmed in disbelief:


Sep, who looked like a middle-aged handsome man, nodded honestly.

"It's me."

"I was treated to the two people I brought here before. I tasted this dessert and thought it was delicious, so I made it in the Paradise Palace."

Wendy reacted immediately.

"Oh! That's right!"

They all reveled day and night in the great illusion, only Patriarch Sepp could go back and forth between reality and illusion, and only he had the possibility to see new things.

Somehow, Wendil felt that the Sepp he met this time seemed a little different.

He seemed to have become more confident.

Wendil was a little afraid to blame him as before.

But this feeling soon disappeared.

The feeling that Sepp gave him became that simple and honest appearance again.

Wendil then began to vent his emotions:

"Why did the dessert taste so good when I ate the first two bites, but it became so unpalatable after the third bite, and there were all kinds of messy uncomfortable feelings!"

"I've been suffering for a long time, you know, Sep! There's something wrong with the new thing you made!"

"This is absolutely your responsibility! You should hand over 3... No, 4 [Illusion Fragments] to compensate for my mental loss!"

"Also, make that illusion for us again, so that it tastes the same as when we first ate it!"

After listening to the other party's complaints, the middle-aged handsome guy Sep showed an embarrassed expression.

"I'm sorry, I can't do the request you mentioned now."


Sepp helplessly turned his palm, and another identical dessert appeared in his hand out of thin air.

"This dessert was made in reality using special materials similar to [Illusion Fragments] and blessed with divine magic, which gave it that unique and delicious taste."

"If you don't use illusions to present the materials and the effects of divine magic, you can't reproduce its taste."

"But when I tried to present it, the effect of the illusion... showed unstable results."


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