Don't call me evil god

Chapter 327 War Correspondent Gale

As the "night" fell, the situation deteriorated faster than Gale had imagined.

Screams suddenly came from the originally safe and peaceful town.

"Ah - help!"

Gale looked in the direction of the sound, and his eyes suddenly froze.

A somewhat unfamiliar "monster" came into view.

"What the hell is this!"

From the appearance, it did not look like any monster Gale had ever seen or heard of.

The appearance was almost black, and it was very difficult to be found under the cover of the eternal night.

It had tentacles like an octopus and a smooth and round "head".

The tentacles had ugly and dense suction cups and sharp barbs that could be ejected and retracted at any time.

The combination of the two allowed it to quickly attach and crawl on various surfaces.

The speed of movement was almost as fast as that of a human walking!

The head had no eyes, but had sharp fangs full of mouthparts.

From time to time, saliva would drip from the open mouthparts.

The victim who screamed was looking up to observe the dramatic change in the sky. Without any preparation, he was attacked by the tentacle monster with an intimate "face hug"!

The tentacles had excellent explosive power, and the monster that appeared on the wall at some point pounced directly on the opponent's face.

The barbs on the tentacles pierced deeply into the victim's skin, tightly attached to the face, and completely blocked the line of sight. At the same time, the tentacle monster suddenly opened its mouth and bit down!

[The Secret of All Things] quickly sent the corresponding information to Gale.

[Deformed Monster: Face Hugger]

[Rank: 0th Rank]

[Life: 98%]

Gale's heart was raised to his throat.

This is clearly Ceylon Territory, inside the Kingdom of Reyak, and it is protected by [Past Glory]!

In this environment that should be safe, a monster transformed by the contamination of the evil god's breath appeared!

Although it is only 0th rank, it is an existence that ordinary people can have a chance to eliminate, but the prerequisite is to deal with it properly!

This kind of sneak attack.

Let alone ordinary people.

If any other professional came here, they might be caught off guard and killed on the spot!


The victim's screams quickly became weaker and weaker, because the monster opened a huge irregular "brain hole" in his head.

Red, white, yellow, and brown gushed out of the brain hole and sprinkled all over the surrounding ground.

The body lost balance and fell heavily to the ground with a muffled "bang".

The limbs twitched a few times at the end, and then completely lost their vitality.

Of course, Gale was not the only one who witnessed this scene.

Other Raven Town residents who were attracted outside by the Eternal Night phenomenon also saw the sudden appearance of the face hugger and the death of the victim.

The scene suddenly fell into great panic and chaos.


"Mom, help me!"

"God of Glory, please bless us!"

"Help, who can come and save us!"


Screams came one after another.

With the first one who fled in panic, there were more to follow.

They had no direction to escape, they were just trying to get away from here.

A scene that made Gale's scalp tingle appeared:

It seemed that the collective panic of the townspeople had caused a chain reaction. In the dark corners with extremely poor lighting, one after another face hugger monsters that came out of nowhere began to cling to the ground, walls, and eaves and crawl quickly, looking for their targets to hunt!

Relying on the experience gained from fighting monsters many times in the dark forest, Gale decisively raised his hand and chanted his most proficient attack magic.

"Arcane Missiles!"

Three arcane missiles burst out!

The good news is that the information given by [The Secret of All Things] is correct, and these face hugger monsters are still at the level of 0 defense.

Under the bombardment of powerful magic, the monsters hit were knocked back on the spot.

Life instantly returned to zero.

Gale completed a one-shot kill!

The familiar kill reminder came, and the rewards of destiny points and legendary experience were credited.

Although he got the reward, Gale was not happy at all!

The news that Pete sent him was that although he didn't know how the Countess of Ceylon Territory did it, her attempt to use illusions to construct her deceased husband would cause the goddess of illusions to be polluted by the void and degenerate into an evil god.

I didn't know what the precursor to the coming of the evil god was before.

That time in Green Harbor was just a beginning, and the evil god himself did not come;

But this time Gail saw it!

During the transformation process of the evil god, at least the entire Ceylon Territory will become his chaotic kingdom, and all kinds of monsters will be born, destroyed, and destroyed under his fallen power.

In other words.

This place will become like the Dark Forest, with monsters everywhere, and mortals will be harassed by pollution all the time!

[Gail Franklin: The situation in Ceylon Territory is getting out of control. I don't know what the situation is in other places, but monsters are being born out of thin air in Raven Town, and they are attacking everywhere! ]

While sending the message to Pete, Hugo, Miranda and others at the same time, Raven Town has begun to become chaotic.

Some of the panicked townspeople tried to leave the town and ran all the way out of the town; some tried to find a building to hide; and some were simply scared silly, crying and running around aimlessly.

Gale temporarily acted as a war correspondent, and sent everything he saw and heard in Ceylon Territory to his acquaintances in the Church of Knowledge Territory!

For Gale, these 0-level face hugger monsters were not enough to threaten him. If he wanted, he could just cast a [Self-Invisibility Spell] on himself and slowly slip out of Raven Town.

He could even die directly.

The legendary level would be reset to zero, and he could return to the Creation Altar to revive.

The problem is - his family is in Ceylon Territory, in Raven Town!

Just because Gale can stay out of trouble doesn't mean his family can!

At the moment, it's just a 0-level monster. If his grandfather, Baron Franklin, sticks to the manor, it shouldn't be too stressful to deal with it.

But what if the situation gets worse and higher-level monsters start to appear?

The good news is:

The God of Knowledge gave him guidance at this critical moment.

[Raven Town, current stability: moderate chaos (deteriorating)]

[Side quest has been released! ]

[Quest requirements: establish a temporary defense line, improve regional stability, and wait for reinforcements to arrive! ]

[Warning: The deterioration of regional stability will lead to the birth of more high-level monsters! Please take action immediately! ]

With the guidance from the gods, Gale's hanging heart was immediately put down.

"Praise the God of Knowledge!"

It's good to have a solution!

What he was afraid of was that he would be helpless in the face of the evil god's pollution and could only wait to die.

Now the God of Knowledge told him how to change all this.

All that was left was to work hard!


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